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Библиография фантастики: 2013

РђРЅРіР».   Р’енг.   Р˜СЃРї.   Р˜С‚ал.   РљРёС‚.   РќРµРј.   РџРѕР».   Р СѓРј.   Р СѓСЃ.   РЈРєСЂ.   Р¤СЂ.   РҐРѕСЂРІ.   Р§РµС€.   Р­СЃРїРµСЂР°РЅС‚Рѕ   РЇРї.   
2006   2007   2008   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   

Aldiss Brian W., Asakura Hisashi, Berezhnoy Wasily, Clarke Arthur C., Fukami Tadashi, Ishikawa Takashi, Itoh Norio, Ohtomo Snoji, Parnov Eremey, Pohl Frederik, Kagarlitsky Yuly, Kohsai Tadashi, Komatsu Sakyo, Merril Judith, Saito Noriyoshi, Toyoda Aritsune, Hoshi Shin'ichi, Manabe Hiroshi, Mayumura Taku, Mori Masaru, Yano Tetsu, Zakharchenko Wasily. Communiqué at the end of the International Science Fiction Symposium, Japan, 1970 // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 583-584. – (Notes and Correspondence).

Aramaki Yoshio, Bacigalupi Paolo, Farnell David, Fujii Taiyo, Gorman Michael, Harada Kazue, Hattori Katsura, Hayashi Joji, Katagiri Shozo, Kitano Yusaku, Kotani Mari, Lewis Dana, Masuda Mamoru, Mishima Koji, Mori Natsuko, Murphy Pat, Nagasawa Tadashi, Niijima Susumu, Numano Mitsuyoshi, Shimada Yoishi, Tachikara Touya, Taillandier Denis, Takahashi Jun, Takano Fumio, Tani Koshu, Tatsumi Takayuki, Tohno Tsukasa, Ueda Sayuri, Watanabe Hideki, Yan Wu, Yasugi Masayoshi, Youchan (Ito Yuko), Yumemakura Baku. Communiqué from the Second International Science Fiction Symposium // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 581-583. – (Notes and Correspondence).

Banerjee Anindita. Slavic Science Fiction // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 584. – (Notes and Correspondence).

Bond Matthew J. Feminist Cyberpunk: Carlen Lavigne. Cyberpunk Women, Feminism and Science Fiction // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 555-559. – (Books in Review).

Booth Paul. A Celebration of Doctor Who // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 593-594. – (Notes and Correspondence).

Bould Mark. Memory Palace // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 596-598. – (Notes and Correspondence).

Butler Andrew M. The Spirit of Utopia // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 598-600. – (Notes and Correspondence).

Conway Melissa. New Acquisition at the Eaton // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 600. – (Notes and Correspondence).

Csicsery-Ronay, Jr. Istvan. The Science Fictionalization of Linguistic Invention: Michael Adams. From Elvish to Klingon: Exploring Invented Languages; Stephen D. Rogers. A Dictionary of Made-Up Languages: From Adûnaic to Elvish, Zaum to Klingon – The Anwa (Real) Origins of Invented Lexicons // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 546-549. – (Books in Review).

Csicsery-Ronay, Jr. Istvan. The Summa and the Fiction // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 451-462.

Dougherty Stephen. The Dangerous Rays of the Future: Democracy, Media, Science Fiction // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 510-528.

Dougherty Stephen. The Self Is a Reader, The Reader a Time Traveler: David Wittenberg. Time Travel: The Popular Philosophy of Narrative // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 529-533. – (Review Essays).

Evans Arthur B. Another Excellent Verne Translation: Jules Verne. The Sphinx of the Ice Realm: The First Complete English Translation, with the Full Text of The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym by Edgar Allan Poe // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 572-575. – (Books in Review).

Evans Arthur B. Good News from France: Natacha Vas-Deyres. Ces Français qui ont écrit demain: Utopie, anticipation et science-fiction au XXe siècle; Simon Bréan. La Science-Fiction en France: Théorie et histoire d'une littérature; Daniel Fondanèche. La Littérature d'imagination scientifique // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 534-539. – (Review Essays).

Evans Taylor. Seeing to Ballard: Jeanette Baxter and Rowland Wymer, eds. J.G.Ballard: Visions and Revisions // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 549-551. – (Books in Review).

Frelik Paweł. How We Think When We Think About Science Fiction: N. Katherine Hayles. How We Think: Digital Media and Contemporary Technogenesis // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 540-545. – (Review Essays).

Frelik Paweł. Stanisław Lem's Summa Technologiae as Impossible Utopia // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 439-450.

Groppo Pedro. Nuclear Paranoia: David Seed. Under the Shadow: The Atomic Bomb and Cold War Narratives // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 568-570. – (Books in Review).

Hayles N. Katherine. Stanisław Lem's Summa Technologiae: Mirror Text to The Cyberiad // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 417-427.

Higgins David M. Encyclopedia of 1970s SF: Andrew M. Butler. Solar Flares: Science Fiction in the 1970s // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 551-553. – (Books in Review).

Ho Tamara. Speculative Visions of Race, Technology, Science, & Survival // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 589-592. – (Notes and Correspondence).

Ings Simon. The Man Who Broke the Future: Rec.: Lem S. Summa Technologiae // New Scientist (London). – 2013. – Issue 2917 (18 May).

Kittredge Katharine, Bleicher Elizabeth. Imagine Local: Creating a New Kind of Science Fiction Conference // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 584-589. – (Notes and Correspondence).

Latham Rob, Vint Sherryl. Science Fiction and Technoculture Studies Program at UC Riverside // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 592-593. – (Notes and Correspondence).


Lem Stanisław. Summa technologiae / Translated by Joanna Zylinska; Jacket design by C.Davidson 4 CIVIC; Translator's Introduction «Evolution May Be Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts, but It's Not All That Great: On Lem's Summa Technologiae» (P. ix-xxi) by Joanna Zylinska. – Minneapolis; London: University of Minnesota Press, 2013. – 413 pp. – (Electronic Mediations. Volume 40). ISBN 978-0-8166-7576-0 (hc); ISBN 978-0-8166-7577-7 (pb).
[Lem Stanisław. Summa technologiae]

McGuirk Carol. A Conjectural Study: Pablo Capanna. Cordwainer Smith: Lord of the Afternoon // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 553-555. – (Books in Review).

McGinnis Eileen. Remediated Readers: Gender and Literacy in Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 480-495.

Murphy Pat. Time Travel Through Japan: The Second International Science Fiction Symposium // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 579-581. – (Notes and Correspondence).

Newell Jonathan. Abject Cyborgs: Discursive Boundaries and the Remade in China Miéville's Iron Council // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 496-509.

Pak Chris, Yost Michelle. Current Research in Speculative Fictions 2013 // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 594-596. – (Notes and Correspondence).

Rieder John. Breaking with Suvinian Formalism: Andrew Milner. Locating Science Fiction // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 564-568. – (Books in Review).

Rodríguez Mariano Martín. Longing for the Empire? Modernist Lost-Race Fictions and the Dystopian Mode in Spain // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 463-479.

Rottensteiner Franz. Boris Strugatsky. 1933-2012: Obituary // Locus (Oakland). – 2013. – # 1, January. – P. 5, 54-55.

Seed David. Edwardian Futures: Kate Macdonald, Richard J. Bleiler and Stephen Donovan, eds. Political Future Fiction: Speculative and Counter-Factual Politics in Edwardian Fiction // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 559-561. – (Books in Review).

Servitje Lorenzo. Trepanning Fin-de-ciècle Popular Fiction: Anne Stiles. Popular Fiction and Brain Science in the Late Nineteenth Century // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 570-572. – (Books in Review).

SFS editors. R.I.P. Frederik Pohl (1919-2013) // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 600. – (Notes and Correspondence).


Swirski Peter. From Literature to Biterature: Lem, Turing, Darwin, and Explorations in Computer Literature, Philosophy of Mind, and Cultural Evolution. – Montreal & Kingston; London; Ithaca: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2013. – 235 pp. ISBN 978-0-7735-4295-2 (cloth).
Lem, Stanislaw, 8, 15, 17-20, 33, 35-6, 39, 53-4, 60, 64, 71-3, 76, 117, 139, 181, 216, 230


      P. 3-13: Lemmata: Narrative Intelligence; Test of Time; Avocados or Wombats; Institute for Advanced Studies; Builtware and Bitware; Paignton Zoo

      Part One

        P. 17-34: Biterature: Toscanelli's Map; Bloomsday; Titan; Manchester Mark; Manglers and Mashers; Suits for the Dawn Patrol; Charabia; Short of Raconteur; I Cave Myself an Electric Current; Abe's Saloon!; Humming (to Itself?)
        P. 35-52: Computhors: Poetic License; Devotchka; Analytical Engine; EZ-Writer; Möbius-Like; JFK; One-Armed Bandit; Homeostat Sapiens; As It Sees Fit; Brainstorm; A1, B2, C3; Black Boxes
        P. 53-70: Bibliosophy: La Chanson de Roland; The Matherboard pf All Problems; Little Endian; Algo Trading; Father Roberto Busa; Riverside Shakespeare; Death in Holbein; Zettabyte; A Hamlet Every Eight Seconds; A Pill That Makes Me Feel Loved
        P. 71-88: Transhumana: Non Serviam; Collective Loss of Morale; Slippery Slope; Artificial Stupidity; Prometheus and Dolus; L'Homme Machine; DARPA; Nobel Prize in Biterature; Chatbots in Chatter

      Part Two

        P. 89-110: TT: Supercalifragilistic; Adroit Android; Imitation Game; Parry; Exit Human; Enter Machine; I, Object; I Always Avoid a Kangaroo; Reverse Turing Test; Ultimatest; Aramis
        P. 111-129: QED: Troubles with Functionalism; Print This!; Trompe l'Oeil; Like the Pope; A Bevy of Pigeons; No More, No Less; Dicty; Operational Definition?; Flugblogs; On Being Mental
        P. 130-148: ToM: Kismet; PaPeRo; Guilty as Charged; Eureka; Meaning; Elementary, Dear Wason; Biology in Action; Driving Range; Insula Cortex; On Being Redundant
        P. 149-168: Y2K+: Methuselah; Yes!; An Amphibian with a Stick; Ellipses in This Picture; Software for the Soul; Parallel Paradigm; Erlang and Mira; DelFlies; Eruntics; Cogito Paradox

      Part Three

        P. 171-182: How to Make War and Assassinate People: Ice-Pick and Ricin; A Small African Country; Licence to Kill; Solsects, Sunsects, Synsects; Fires at the Sun; Candy; Anyone?; Bacteriology; Safe Investiment
        P. 183-196: Biologic, or the Philosophy of Error: Axiomatic Givens; Nature's Greatest Error; Wandering Jew; Critique of Pure Reason; Manna from Heaven; What Is; Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
        P. 197-204: Mind Your Business: 100,000 Years; You're Flying Low; Mac; Neuromancer; See Further; The Making of a Fly

      P. 205-207: Note
      P. 209-223: Bibliography
      P. 225-235: Index

Vint Sherryl. Body Horrors of the Bourgeoisie: David McNally. Monsters of the Market: Zombies, Vampires and Global Capitalism // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 562-564. – (Books in Review).

Wittenberg David. Indecision and Splendid Excess: Analogies of Evolution in Stanisław Lem's Summa Technologiae // Science-Fiction Studies (Greencastle). – 2013. – Vol. 40, Part 3, # 121 (November). – P. 428-438.


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