Библиография фантастики: 1957
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1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962
Adamski George, Leslie Desmond. The Flying Saucers Have Landed. – Panther, 1957. (Non-fiction).
Addams Charles. Nightcrawlers. – Simon & Schuster, 1957. (Artwork).
Adler Allen. Mach 1: A Story of Planet Ionus. – Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1957.
Aldiss Brian. Space, Time and Nathaniel. – Faber, 1957.
Anderson Andy. The Valley of the Gods, 1957. – (Guardians. 11).
Anderson Poul, Dickson Gordon. Earthman's Burden, 1957.
Armstrong Anthony. The Strange Case of Mr. Pelham, 1957.
Asimov Isaac. Earth is Room Enough. – Doubleday, 1957.
Asimov Isaac. The Naked Sun. – Doubleday, 1957.
Ayme Marcel. Across Paris and Other Stories. – The Bodley Head, 1957.
Banister Manly. Conquest of Earth. – Avalon, 1957.
Barlow James. One Half of the World. – Cassell, 1957.
Beachheads in Space / Ed. by August W. Derleth. – Berkley, 1957.
Beaumont Charles. The Hunger and Other Stories, 1957.
Beaumont Charles. Shadow Play, 1957.
Bessand-Massenet Pierre. Amorous Ghost. – Elek, 1957.
The Best From Fantasy and Science Fiction, Sixth Series / Ed. by Anthony Boucher. – D'day SF B.C., 1957.
The Best From Fantasy and Science Fiction, Sixth Series / Ed. by Anthony Boucher. – Doubleday, 1957.
Kornbluth C. The Cosmic Expense Account.
Clingerman Mildred. Mr. Sakrison's Halt.
Williams Jay. The Asa Rule.
Davidson Avram. King's Evil.
Pohl Frederik. The Census Takers.
Anderson Poul. The Man Who Came Early.
Maddux Rachel. Final Clearance.
Fontenay Charles. The Silk and the Song.
Lewis C. The Shoddy Lands.
Stanton Will. The Last Present.
Moore Ward. No Man Pursueth.
Smith Ron. I Don't Mind.
Anderson Poul. The Barbarian.
Sturgeon Theodore. «And Now the News...».
Bradbury Ray. Icarus Montgolfier Wright.
The Big Book of Science Fiction / Ed. by Groff Conklin. – Berkley, 1957.
Blackwood Algernon. In the Realm of Terror. – Pantheon, 1957.
Blaine John. The Electronic Mind Reader, 1957.
Blish James. The Frozen Year. – Ballantine, 1957.
Blish James. The Seedling Stars. – Gnome, 1957.
Bradbury Ray. Dandelion Wine. – Doubleday, 1957.
Bray John. A Voyage from Utopia, 1957.
Brown Fredric. Rogue in Space. – Dutton, 1957.
Bulmer Kenneth. City Under the Sea, 1957.
Burroughs Edgar. Beyond Thirty & The Man-Eater, 1957.
Campbell John. Islands of Space, 1957.
Carson Robin. Pawn of Time, 1957.
Castle J. Vanguard to Venus, 1957.
Clarke Arthur. The Deep Range, 1957.
Clarke Arthur. Tales From the White Hart, 1957.
Clement Hal. Cycle of Fire, 1957.
Clifton Mark, Riley Frank. They'd Rather Be Right, 1957.
Coates Robert. The Hour After Westerly and Other Stories, 1957.
Coblentz Stanton. Hidden World, 1957.
Cole Burt. Subi: The Volcano, 1957.
Creasey John. The Black Spiders, 1957.
Del Rey Lester. Robots and Changelings, 1957.
Dick Philip. The Cosmic Puppets, 1957.
Dick Philip. Eye in the Sky. – Ace, 1957.
Dick Philip. The Variable Man, 1957.
Dines Glen. The Mysterious Machine, 1957.
Dinesen Isak. Last Tales. – Putnam, 1957.
Duncan David. Occam's Razor, 1957.
Eager Edward. Magic by the Lake. – Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1957. (Fantasy).
Elam Richard. Teen-Age Super Science Stories, 1957.
Elam Richard. Young Readers Science Fiction Stories, 1957.
Emshwiller Carol. Hunting Machine: Short Story // Science Fiction Stories. – 1957. – May.
Fallaw L. The Ugglians, 1957.
Fanthorpe Robert. Resurgam, 1957.
Fanthorpe Robert. Secret of the Snows, 1957.
Farmer Philip. The Green Odyssey, 1957.
Finney Jack. The Third Level. – Rinehart, 1957.
Fisher Vardis. The Passion Within, 1957.
Fontenay Charles. The Last Brave Invader: Short Story // If. – 1957. – Aug.
Frankau Pamela. The Bridge, 1957.
French Paul. Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter, 1957.
Gallun Raymond. People Minus X, 1957.
Gardner Maurice. Bantan Valiant, 1957.
Gaskell Jane. Strange Evil, 1957.
Gayle Henry. Spawn of the Vortex, 1957.
Godwin Tom. The Harvest: Vignette // Venture. – 1957. – Jul.
Goodrich Charles. The Genesis of Nam, 1957.
Gorey Edward. The Doubtful Guest, 1957.
Grinnell David. Across Time. – Ace, 1957.
Heinlein Robert. Citizen of the Galaxy, 1957.
Heinlein Robert. The Door Into Summer, 1957.
Houghton Claude. More Lives Than One, 1957.
Hoyle Fred. The Black Cloud, 1957.
Hubbard L. Fear, 1957.
Janvier Paul. Lost Love: Short Story // Science Fiction Stories. – 1957. – Jan.
Keel John. Jadoo, 1957.
Kirst Hans. The Seventh Day, 1957.
Kornbluth C., Pohl Frederik. Wolfbane, 1957.
Lampman Evelyn. Rusty's Space Ship, 1957.
Larsen Egon. You'll See, 1957.
Leiber Fritz. Destiny Times Three, 1957.
Leiber Fritz. Two Sought Adventure, 1957.
Leinster Murray. City on the Moon, 1957.
Linklater Eric. A Sociable Plover and Other Stories and Conceits, 1957.
Long Charles. Infinite Brain, 1957.
Long Frank. Space Station No.1, 1957.
Long Manning, Coffin Lewis. The Fog Boat, 1957.
Lovecraft H., Derleth August. The Survivor and Others, 1957.
Maddux Rachel. The Green Kingdom, 1957.
Maine Charles. The Isotope Man, 1957.
Matheson Richard. The Shores of Space, 1957.
Maxwell Edward. Quest for Pajaro, 1957.
McGuire John, Piper H. Crisis in 2140, 1957.
Mead Harold. Mary's Country, 1957.
Moore C. Doomsday Morning, 1957.
Moore Patrick. Peril on Mars, 1957.
Moore Patrick. Voices of Mars, 1957.
Norton Andre. Sea Siege, 1957.
Norton Andre. Star Born, 1957.
Nourse Alan. Rocket to Limbo, 1957.
Nyberg Bjorn, De Camp L. Conan the Avenger, 1957. – (Conan).
Oliver Chad(wick). The Winds of Time. – Doubleday, 1957.
Pick J., Atkins John. A Land Fit for 'Eros. – Arco, 1957. (Fantasy).
Pohl Frederik. The Case Against Tomorrow. – Ballantine Books, 1957.
Pohl Frederik. Slave Ship. – Ballantine Books, 1957.
Powys John. Up and Out, 1957.
Rand Ayn. Atlas Shrugged, 1957.
Randall Robert. The Shrouded Planet, 1957.
Ray Rene. The Strange World of Planet X, 1957.
Rohmer Sax. Re-Enter Fu Manchu, 1957.
Russell Eric. Great World Mysteries, 1957.
Russell Eric. Into Your Tent I'll Creep: Short Story // Astounding. – 1957. – Sep.
Russell Eric. Wasp, 1957.
Science Fiction Carnival / Ed. by Fredric Brown, Mack Reynolds. – Bantam, 1957.
Science in Fiction / Ed. by Alfred Edward MacDuff Bayliss, John Clifford Bayliss. – Univ. London «Pilot Book», 1957.
A selection meant presumably to liven up high-school English. It containt one complete short story – «The Star,» H.G.Wells – and 11 episodes (titled by the compilers, but not given here) from books:.
Wells H. The Star.
Clarke Arthur. Prelude to Space.
Lucian. True Story.
Swift Jonathan. Third Voyage of Gulliver.
Doyle Arthur. The Lost World.
Mercier Louis-Sebastien. Journal of the Year 2440.
Lewis C. Out of the Silent Planet.
Wells H. The Food of the Gods.
Seamark. The Avenging Ray.
Verne Jules. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
Wyndham John. The Day of the Triffids.
Pseudoman Akkad, Northrup Edwin. Zero to Eighty.
The Second Ghost Book / Ed. by Cynthia Asquith. – Pan, 1957. (Ghost).
Sheckley Robert. Pilgrimage to Earth, 1957.
Shute Nevil. On the Beach, 1957.
Silverberg Robert. The 13th Immortal, 1957.
Silverberg Robert. The Assassin: Short Story // Imaginative Tales. – 1957. – Jul.
Silverberg Robert. Master of Life and Death, 1957.
Smith George. Troubled Star, 1957.
Sohl Jerry. The Time Dissolver, 1957.
Sometime, Never / Ed. by Anonymous. – Ballantine, 1957.
Stories for the Dead of Night / Ed. by Don Congdon. – Dell, 1957.
Hecht Ben. The Shadow.
Beaumont Charles. Miss Gentibelle.
Collier John. The Chaser.
Household Geoffrey. Taboo.
Blas Sam'l. Revenge.
Jones Gwyn. The Pit.
Dahl Roald. The Man From the South.
Saki. Sredni Vashtar.
Bowen Elizabeth. The Demon Lover.
Coppard A. Silver Circus.
Kavan Anna. Palace of Sleep.
Steele W. The Woman at Seven Brothers.
Wharton Edith. A Journey.
Jackson Shirley. The Lottery.
Dunsany Lord. Two Bottles of Relish.
Moore John. The Proof.
Forester Cecil. The Turn of the Tide.
Poe Edgar. The Tell-Tale Heart.
Bierce Ambrose. The Middle Toe of the Right Foot.
Bradbury Ray. The Illustrated Man.
Sturgeon Theodore. Thunder and Roses. – Michael Joseph, 1957. – 255 pp. (hc).
8 Stories from A Way Home.
Suddaby Donald. Prisoners of Saturn, 1957.
The Third Ghost Book / Ed. by Cynthia Asquith. – Pan, 1957. (Ghost).
Thurber James. Alarms and Diversions. – Harper & Brothers, 1957. (Fantasy).
Todd Ruthven. Space Cat Meets Mars, 1957.
A Treasury of Science Fiction / Ed. by Groff Conklin. – Berkley, 1957.
Trevor Elleston. The Pillars of Midnight, 1957.
Tucker Wilson. The Lincoln Hunters, 1957.
Upon the Midnight / Ed. by Randolph C. Bull. – MacDonald, 1957.
Hodgson William. The Voice in the Night.
Campbell, Sir Gilbert. The White Wolf of Kostopchin.
Priestley J. The Demon King.
A Lady. The Parlour Car Ghost.
Stacpoole H. The Middle Bedroom.
Gift T. Dog or Demon.
Greene Graham. A Little Place off the Edgware Road.
Bennett Alfred. The Murder of the Mandarin.
Edwards Amelia. The Four Fifteen Express.
Clark Georgina. A Life Watch.
Moore John. Decay.
Curle J. Awake, Asleep, Awake.
Edwards Norman. The Flagstone.
Chambers Robert. The Messenger.
Dane Clemence. Nightly She Sings.
Gaskell Elizabeth. The Squire's Story.
Van Vogt A. Empire of the Atom, 1957.
Van Vogt A. The Mind Cage, 1957.
Vance Jack. Big Planet. – Ace, 1957.
Vercors. The Insurgents, 1957.
Walters Hugh. Blast Off at Woomera, 1957.
Wellman Manly. Twice in Time, 1957.
White James. The Secret Visitors. – Ace, 1957.
White T. The Master. – Cape, 1957.
White T. The Master. – Putnam, 1957.
Williams Robert. Doomsday Eve, 1957.
Wilson Richard. Those Idiots From Earth, 1957.
Wright Lan. Who Speaks of Conquest?, 1957.
Wyndham John. The Midwich Cuckoos. – Michael Joseph, 1957.
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