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Библиография фантастики: 1956
Англ. Нем. Пол. Рус. Словац. Чеш.
1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961
19 Tales of Terror / Ed. by Hallie Burnett, Whit Burnett. – Bantam, 1956.
Shandeling A. Return of the Griffins.
Steinbeck J. The White Quail.
Dunsany Lord. The Two Bottles of Relish.
Norton Mary. Paul's Tale.
Maugham W. Lord Mountdrago.
Biggs Gloria. The Cat.
Dinesen Isak. The Young Man With the Carnation.
Cochran R. The Foot of the Giant.
Wexler J. I Am Edgar.
Bunin Ivan. The Calling Cards.
Burnett Whit. The Night of the Gran Baile Mascara.
Sarton May. The Screen.
Wilson Angus. Totentanz.
Seabrook W. The Salamander.
Fisher Dorothy. The Murder on Jefferson Street.
O'Brien Flann. John Duffy's Brother.
Gizycka Felicia. Forever Florida.
Stoumen L. The Blond Dog.
Metcalfe John. The Childish Thing.
5 Tales From Tomorrow / Ed. by T. E(ugene) Dikty. – Crest, 1956.
Adamski George. Inside the Space Ships. – Arco, 1956. (Non-fiction).
Anderson Poul. Planet of No Return. – Ace, 1956.
Anderson Poul. Star Ways. – Avalon, 1956.
Axelrod George. Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?. – Random, 1956.
Baker Frank. Talk of the Devil. – Angus Robertson, 1956.
Barnes Arthur. Interplanetary Hunter. – Gnome, 1956.
Barringer D. And the Waters Prevailed. – Dutton, 1956.
The Best From Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fifth Series / Ed. by Anthony Boucher. – D'day SF B.C., 1956.
The Best From Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fifth Series / Ed. by Anthony Boucher. – Doubleday, 1956.
Brown Fredric. Imagine: a Proem.
Knight Damon. You're Another.
Clarke Arthur. This Earth of Majesty.
Clingerman Mildred. Birds Can't Count.
Davidson Avram. The Golem.
Henderson Zenna. Pottage.
Beaumont Charles. The Vanishing American.
Jones Alice. Created He Them.
Brown Fredric. Too Far.
Blish James. A Matter of Energy.
Boucher Anthony. Nellthu.
Asimov Isaac. Dreamworld.
Jackson Shirley. One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts.
Banks Raymond. The Short Ones.
Clingerman Mildred. The Last Prophet.
Hubbard P. Botany Bay.
Miller, Jr. Walter. A Canticle for Leibowitz.
De Camp L. Lament by a Maker.
Matheson Richard. Pattern for Survival.
Asimov Isaac. The Singing Bell.
Beaumont Charles, Oliver Chad(wick). The Last Word.
Best Horror Stories / Ed. by John Keir Cross. – Faber, 1956.
Bradbury Ray. Skeleton.
Bierce Ambrose. A Watcher by the Dead.
Wilson Angus. Raspberry Jam.
Poe Edgar. Berenice.
Harvey W. August Heat.
Doyle Arthur. Lot No. 249.
Cross John. The Lovers.
Kipling Rudyard. The Mark of the Beast.
Greene Graham. The End of the Party.
Calisher Hortense. Heartburn.
Melville Herman. Bartleby.
MacDonald Philip. Out Feathered Friends.
Stevenson Robert. Thrawn Janet.
Bradbury Ray. Mars Is Heaven.
James M. Oh Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad.
Faulkner William. A Rose for Emily.
The Best Science Fiction Stories: Fifth Series / Ed. by E. F(ranklin) Bleiler, T. E(ugene) Dikty. – Grayson, 1956.
Best Science Fiction Stories and Novels 1956 / Ed. by T. E(ugene) Dikty. – F.Fell, 1956.
Dikty T. The S-F Year.
Young Robert. Jungle Doctor.
De Camp L. Judgement Day.
Smith Cordwainer. The Game of Rat and Dragon.
Budrys Algis. The Man Who Always Knew.
Robinson Frank. Dream Street.
Godwin Tom. You Created Us.
Miller R. Swenson, Dispatcher.
Janvier Paul. Thing.
Bloch Robert. I Do Not Love Thee, Dr. Fell.
Clifton Mark. Clerical Error.
Miller, Jr. Walter. A Canticle for Leibowitz.
Riley Frank. The Cyber and Justice Holmes.
Scortia Thomas. The Shores of Night.
Scortia Thomas. Sea Change.
Bester Alfred. The Stars My Destination. – Signet, 1956.
Biemiller Carl. Starboy. – Holt, 1956.
Blaine John. The Wailing Octopus, 1956.
Blish James. They Shall Have Stars. – Faber, 1956.
Boland John. No Refuge. – M.Joseph, 1956.
Bounds Sydney. The Robot Brains. – Digit, 1956.
Bounds Sydney. The World Wrecker. – Foulsham, 1956.
Bowen John. The Truth Will Not Help Us, 1956.
Brebner Winston. Doubting Thomas. – Rinehart, 1956.
Brooke Jocelyn. The Crisis in Bulgaria; or, Ibsen to the Rescue!, 1956.
Browne Howard. Return of Tharn. – Grandon, 1956.
Budrys Algis. The Man Who Always Knew: Short Story // Astounding. – 1956. – Apr.
Burke John. Pursuit Through Time, 1956.
Burman Ben. Seven Stars for Catfish Bend, 1956.
Butterworth Oliver. The Enormous Egg, 1956.
Caidin Martin. The Long Night, 1956.
Caldwell Taylor. Your Sins and Mine, 1956.
Capon Paul. Into the Tenth Millennium, 1956.
Carmer Carl. The Screaming Ghost & Other Stories, 1956.
Carr J. Fire, Burn!, 1956.
Chilton Charles. The Red Planet, 1956.
Christopher John. The Death of Grass, 1956.
The Circus of Dr. Lao and Other Improbable Stories / Ed. by Ray Bradbury. – Bantam, 1956.
Finney Charles. The Circus of Dr.Lao.
Kneale Nigel. The Pond.
White E. The Hour of Let-Down.
Dahl Roald. The Wish.
Jackson Shirley. The Summer People.
Hawthorne Nathaniel. Earth's Holocaust.
Eiseley L. Buzby's Petrified Woman.
La Farge O. The Resting Place.
Kuttner Henry. Threshold.
Schmitz James. Greenface.
Sharnik J. The Limits of Walter Horton.
Coates Robert. The Man Who Vanished.
Clarke Arthur. The City and the Stars, 1956.
Clarke Arthur. Reach for Tomorrow, 1956.
Coles Manning. Family Matter. – Hodder & Stoughton, 1956.
Coles Manning. The Far Traveller, 1956.
Collins Hunt. Tomorrow's World, 1956.
Creasey John. The Flood, 1956.
Crompton Richmal. William and the Space Animal, 1956.
Dallas Paul. The Lost Planet, 1956.
Dawson Basil. Dan Dare on Mars, 1956.
De La Mare Walter. Ghost Stories, 1956.
Del Rey Lester. Mission to the Moon, 1956.
Del Rey Lester. Nerves, 1956.
Dick Philip. The Man Who Japed, 1956.
Dick Philip. The World Jones Made, 1956.
Dickson Carter. Fear Is the Same, 1956.
Dickson Gordon. Alien From Arcturus, 1956.
Dickson Gordon. Mankind on the Run, 1956.
Drake Leah. This Tilting Dust, 1956.
Eager Edward. Knight's Castle. – Harcourt, Brace & World, 1956. (Fantasy).
Fagan Henry. Ninya, 1956.
Fisher Vardis. A Goat for Azazel, 1956.
Fisher Vardis. Jesus Came Again, 1956.
Fortune Dion. Moon Magic, 1956.
Frank Pat. Forbidden Area, 1956.
French Paul. Lucky Starr and the Big Sun of Mercury, 1956.
Frost Gregory. Ninya, 1956.
Gold H., De Camp L. Solomon's Stone, 1956.
Goldston Robert. The Eighth Day, 1956.
Gordon Rex. No Man Friday, 1956.
Gowland John. Beyond Mars, 1956.
Heinlein Robert. Double Star, 1956.
Heinlein Robert. Time for the Stars, 1956.
Herbert Frank. The Dragon in the Sea, 1956.
Hingley Ronald. Up Jenkins!, 1956.
Hough S. Extinction Bomber, 1956.
Huxley Aldous. Heaven and Hell, 1956.
Jameson Malcolm. Tarnished Utopia, 1956.
Jones Raymond. The Secret People, 1956.
Jones Tupper. The Building of the Alpha One, 1956.
Kelleam Joseph. Overlords From Space, 1956.
Large Ernest. Dawn in Andromeda, 1956.
Leinster Murray. Colonial Survey, 1956.
Lernet-Holenia Alexander. Count Luna, 1956.
Lewis C. The Last Battle. – Geoffrey Bles, 1956. – (Narnia. 7).
Lewis C. Till We Have Faces. – Geoffrey Bles, 1956. (Non-fiction).
Lott S. Escape to Venus, 1956.
Low A. Satellite in Space, 1956.
Ludlam Harry. The Coming of Jonathan Smith, 1956.
MacLaren Bernard. Day of Misjudgement, 1956.
Maine Charles. Escapement, 1956.
Maine Charles. High Vacuum, 1956.
Mantley John. The Twenty-Seventh Day, 1956.
Mason Gregory. The Golden Archer, 1956.
Matheson Richard. The Shrinking Man, 1956.
Miller R. The Man Who Lived Forever, 1956.
Moore Patrick. Domes of Mars, 1956.
Moore Patrick. Mission to Mars, 1956.
Moore Patrick. Wheel in Space, 1956.
Moore Patrick. World of Mists, 1956.
Morley Felix. Gumption Island, 1956.
North Andrew. Plague Ship, 1956.
Norton Andre. The Crossroads of Time, 1956.
The Other Side of the Moon / Ed. by August W. Derleth. – Grayson, 1956.
Patchett M. Send for Johnny Danger, 1956.
Pohl Frederik. Alternating Currents. – Ballantine Books, 1956.
Portals of Tomorrow / Ed. by August W. Derleth. – Cassell, 1956.
Powys John. The Brazen Head, 1956.
Rember Winthrop. Eighteen Visit to Mars, 1956.
Richards Guy. Two Rubles to Times Square, 1956.
Robinson Frank. The Power, 1956.
Rohmer Sax. Sinister Madonna, 1956.
Russell Eric. Men, Martians and Machines, 1956.
Russell Eric. Three to Conquer, 1956.
Schneider John. The Golden Kazoo, 1956.
Science Fiction Omnibus / Ed. by Groff Conklin. – Berkley, 1956.
Sellings Arthur. Time Transfer, 1956.
Shaara Michael. Man of Distinction: Short Story // Galaxy. – 1956. – Oct.
Silverberg Robert. To Be Continued: Short Story // Astounding. – 1956. – May.
Simak Clifford. Strangers in the Universe. – Simon & Schuster, 1956.
Smith Dodie. The Hundred and One Dalmatians. – London: William Heinemann, 1956.
Smith George. Highways in Hiding, 1956.
Sometime, Never / Ed. by Anonymous. – Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1956.
Wyndham John. Consider Her Ways.
Golding William. Envoy Extraordinary.
Peake Mervyn. Boy in Darkness.
St. Clair Margaret. Agent of the Unknown, 1956.
St. Clair Margaret. The Green Queen, 1956.
Stark Raymond. Crossroads to Nowhere, 1956.
Stuart W. Forbidden Planet. – Farrar Straus & Cudahy, 1956.
Young-adult novelization of the classic sf film..
Sturgeon Theodore. And Now the News... // F&SF. – 1956. – Dec.
Sturgeon Theodore. The Claustrophile // Galaxy. – 1956. – Aug.
Sturgeon Theodore. Fear Is a Business: Short Story // F&SF. – 1956. – Aug.
Sturgeon Theodore. The Other Man // Galaxy. – 1956. – Sep.
Sturgeon Theodore. The Skills of Xanadu // Galaxy. – 1956. – Jul.
Sturgeon Theodore. A Way Home / Ed. by Groff Conklin; Cover by Mel Hunter. – Pyramid, 1956. – 192 pp. (pb).
Sturgeon Theodore. «Won't You Walk...» // Astounding. – 1956. – Jan.
Sturgeon Theodore, Ward Don. The Waiting Thing Inside // EQMM. – 1956. – Sep.
The Supernatural Reader / Ed. by Lucy Conklin, Groff Conklin. – Cassell, 1956.
Temple William. Martin Magnus on Mars, 1956.
Tenn William. The Human Angle. – Ballantine, 1956. – 152 pp. (hc).
Tenn William. Of All Possible Worlds. – Michael Joseph, 1956. (hc).
Contents vary from Ballantine 1955 edition.
The Third Ghost Book / Ed. by Cynthia Asquith. – J.Barrie, 1956.
Treadgold Mary. The Telephone.
Bowen Elizabeth. The Claimant.
Fabyan Evelyn. Napoleon's Hat.
Hartfield Rachael. The Bull.
Strong L. The House That Wouldn't Keep Still.
Fitt Mary. The Doctor.
Jenkins Eliz. On No Account, My Love.
Dunsany Lord. The Ghost of My Valley.
Lane Mary. The Day of the Funeral.
Blythe R. Take Your Partners.
Hartley L. Someone in the Loft.
Aickman Robert. Ringing the Changes.
Laski Marghanita. The Tower.
Curling L. I Became Bulwinkle.
Brooks C. Mrs. Smiff.
Laver J. Somebody Calls.
Timperley Rosemary. Harry.
Codrington Ursula. The Shades of Sleep.
George D. The Woman in Black.
Leslie Shane. A Laugh of the Professor.
Taylor Eliz. Poor Girl.
Connell J. The House in the Glen.
Spain Nancy. The King of Spades.
Asquith M. The Uninvited Face.
Wilson Angus. Animals or Human Beings.
Bigland Eileen. Remembering Lee.
Asquith Cynthia. Who Is Sylvia?.
Tubb E. The Space-Born, 1956.
Van Lhin Erik. Police Your Planet, 1956.
Van Vogt A. The Pawns of Null-A, 1956.
Vance Jack. To Live Forever, 1956.
Walter W. Further Outlook, 1956.
Walton Bryce. The Chasm: Short Story // If. – 1956. – Dec.
Wilding Philip. Shadow Over the Earth, 1956.
Williams Nick. The Atom Curtain, 1956.
Wollheim Donald. One Against the Moon, 1956.
Wouk Herman. The «Lomokome» Papers, 1956.
Wyndham John. The Seeds of Time, 1956.
Wyndham John. Tales of Gooseflesh and Laughter, 1956.
Yelnick Claude. The Trembling Tower, 1956.
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