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Библиография фантастики: 1952
Abbott Edwin. Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions. – Dover, 1952.
Anderson Poul. Vault of the Ages. – Winston, 1952.
Asimov Isaac. The Currents of Space. – Doubleday, 1952.
Asimov Isaac. Foundation and Empire. – Gnome, 1952. – (Foundation. 2).
The Astounding Science Fiction Anthology / Ed. by John W Jr. Campbell. – Simon & Schuster, 1952.
Heinlein Robert. Blowups Happen.
Williamson Jack. Hindsight.
Van Vogt A. Vault of the Beast.
De Camp L. The Exalted.
Asimov Isaac. Nightfall.
Padgett Lewis. When the Bough Breaks.
O'Donnell Lawrence. Clash by Night.
Pierce John. Invariant.
Leinster Murray. First Contact.
Edwards Dolton. Meihem in ce Klasrum.
Russell Eric. Hobbyist.
Sherred Th. E for Effort.
Tenn William. Child's Play.
Sturgeon Theodore. Thunder and Roses.
Russell Eric. Late Night Final.
Neville Kris. Cold War.
Simak Clifford. Eternity Lost.
Schmitz James. The Witches of Karres.
Del Rey Lester. Over the Top.
Powers W. Meteor.
Piper H. Last Enemy.
Leinster Murray. Historical Note.
Fyfe H. Protected Species.
Barnhouse Perl. My Journeys With Astargo. – Bell, 1952.
Beachheads in Space / Ed. by August W. Derleth. – Pellegrini & Cudahy, 1952.
Keller David. The Star.
Williamson Jack. Man From Outside.
Simak Clifford. Beachhead.
Simak Clifford. You'll Never Go Home Again!.
Del Rey Lester. The Years Draw Nigh.
Russell Eric. Metamorphosite.
De Camp L. The Ordeal of Professor Klein.
Van Vogt A. Repetition.
Asimov Isaac. Breeds There a Man.
Harris John. Meteor.
Wyndham John. And the Walls Came Tumbling Down.
Wandrei Donald. The Blinding Shadows.
Smith Clark. The Metamorphosis of Earth.
Crossen Kendell. The Ambassadors From Venus.
Bond Nancy. To People a New World.
Berry Bryan. And the Stars Remain. – Panther, 1952.
Berry Bryan. Born in Captivity. – Hamilton, 1952.
Berry Bryan. Dread Visitor, 1952.
The Best From Fantasy and Science Fiction / Ed. by J. Francis McComas, Anthony Boucher. – Little, Brown, 1952.
Cartmill Cleve. Huge Beast.
La Farge O. John the Revelator.
De Camp L., Pratt Fletcher. Gavagan's Bar.
Defoe Daniel. The Friendly Demon.
Neville Kris. Old Man Henderson.
Stephens James. The Threepenny Piece.
Gardner Martin. No-Sided Professor.
Seabright Idris. The Listening Child.
Matheson Richard. Dress of White Silk.
Nearing Homer. The Mathematical Voodoo.
MacDonald Philip. The Hub.
Schoenfeld Howard. Built Down Logically.
Dickens Charles. The Rat That Could Speak.
Nelson Alan. Narapoia.
Arthur Robert. Postpaid to Paradise.
McClintic Winona. In the Days of Our Fathers.
Stanton Will. Barney.
Heard H. The Collector.
Elliott Bruce. Fearsome Fable.
The Best Science Fiction Stories: Second Series / Ed. by E. F(ranklin) Bleiler, T. E(ugene) Dikty. – Grayson, 1952.
The Best Science-Fiction Stories 1952 / Ed. by E. F(ranklin) Bleiler, T. E(ugene) Dikty. – F.Fell, 1952.
Kubilius Walter. The Other Side.
Bester Alfred. Of Time and Third Avenue.
Kornbluth C. The Marching Morons.
Curtis Betsy. A Peculiar People.
Grinnell David. Extending the Holdings.
Tucker Wilson. The Tourist Trade.
Temple William. The Two Shadows.
Christopher John. Balance.
Seabright Idris. Brightness Falls from the Air.
Matheson Richard. Witch War.
Phillips Peter. At No Extra Cost.
Phillips Peter. The Unknown Quantity.
Boucher Anthony. Nine-Finger Jack.
Leiber Fritz. Appointment in Tomorrow.
Porges Arthur. The Rats.
Vance Jack. Men of the Ten Books.
Brown Fredric, Reynolds Mack. Dark Interlude.
Bradbury Ray. The Pedestrian.
Tenn William. Generation of Noah.
Beyond the End of Time / Ed. by Frederik Pohl. – Perma, 1952.
Blaine John. Stairway to Danger, 1952.
Blish James. Jack of Eagles. – Greenberg, 1952.
Brackett Leigh. The Starmen. – Gnome, 1952.
Bulmer Kenneth. Encounter in Space, 1952.
Bulmer Kenneth, Clarke A. Cybernetic Controller, 1952.
Bulmer Kenneth, Clarke A. Space Treason, 1952.
Burks Arthur. The Great Mirror, 1952.
Burman Ben. High Water at Catfish Bend, 1952.
Butler Joan. Deep Freeze, 1952.
Buzzati Dino. The Tartar Steppe, 1952.
Caldwell Taylor. The Devil's Advocate, 1952.
Campbell H. Beyond the Visible, 1952.
Campbell H. Chaos in Miniature, 1952.
Campbell H. Mice or Machines, 1952.
Campbell John. Cloak of Aesir, 1952.
Capon Paul. Other Half of the Planet, 1952.
Clarke Arthur. The Awakening // Future. – 1952. – Jan.
Clarke Arthur. Islands in the Sky, 1952.
Coblentz Stanton. The Planet of Youth, 1952.
Corwin Norman. Dog in the Sky, 1952.
Craigie David. Dark Atlantis, 1952.
Creasey John. The Children of Hate, 1952.
Crosby Harry. Cinderella, Inc.: Short Story // Imagination. – 1952. – Dec.
Cross John. The Flying Fortunes in an Encounter With Rubberface, 1952.
Crossen Kendell. Year of Consent, 1952.
Cummings Ray. The Man on the Meteor, 1952.
Daumal Rene. Mount Analogue, 1952.
Deegan Jon. Amateurs in Alchemy, 1952.
Deegan Jon. The Singing Spheres, 1952.
Deegan Jon. Underworld of Zello, 1952.
Del Rey Lester. Marooned on Mars, 1952.
Derleth August. Three Problems of Solar Pons, 1952.
Dinesen Thomas. Twilight on the Betzy, 1952.
Doyle Arthur. The Professor Challenger Stories, 1952.
Du Bois Theodora. Sarah Hall's Tea God, 1952.
Du Maurier Daphne. The Apple Tree, 1952.
Dunsany Lord. The Little Tales of Smethers and Other Stories, 1952.
Dye Charles. Prisoner in the Skull, 1952.
Estival Ivan. Mandragora, 1952.
Fearn John. Zagribud, 1952.
Fisher Vardis. The Island of the Innocent, 1952.
Fitz-Gibbon Ralph. The Man With Two Bodies, 1952.
French Paul. David Starr: Spaceranger, 1952.
Future Tense / Ed. by Kendell Foster Crossen. – Greenberg, 1952.
Phillips Peter. Plagiarist.
Boucher Anthony. The Ambassadors.
Kuttner Henry. Dream's End.
Moore Ward. We the People.
DeFord Miriam. Throwback.
Crossen Kendell. Things of Distinction.
Moore C. Scarlet Dream.
Heard H. Cyclops.
Elliott Bruce. The Battle of the S.S.
Gardner Martin. The Island of Five Colors.
Elliott R. Baby Killers.
Blish James. Beanstalk.
MacDonald John. Incubation.
Monig Christopher. Love Story.
Blish James. Giants in the Earth.
Blish James. Titans' Daughter.
Ghostly Tales To Be Told / Ed. by Basil Davenport. – Faber, 1952.
Ghosts, Ghosts, Ghosts / Ed. by Phyllis Reid Penner. – Watts, 1952.
Brooks Walter. Jimmy Takes Vanishing Lessons.
Jones Louis. Spooks of the Valley.
Wilson L. Not Quite Martin.
Crump I. Dead Men on Parade.
Lowndes Marion. The House of the Ocean Born Mary.
Sawyer Ruth. Fiddler, Play Fast, Play Faster.
Bangs John. The Water Ghost of Harrowby Hall.
Gunterman Bertha. The Golden Pitcher.
Gorska Halina. Prince Godfrey Frees Mountain Dwellers and Little Shepherds From a Savage Werewolf and From Witches.
Struther Jan. Cobbler, Cobbler, Mend My Shoe.
Benet Stephen. The Devil and Daniel Webster.
Holland R. The Cobra's Hood.
Gilmore Anthony. Space Hawk. – Greenberg, 1952.
Gray Curme. Murder in Millennium VI, 1952.
Gridban Volsted. Alien Universe, 1952.
Gridban Volsted. Debracy's Drug, 1952.
Gridban Volsted. Reverse Universe, 1952.
Haldane Charlotte. Shadow of a Dream, 1952.
Hamilton Edmond. City at World's End. – London: Museum Press, 1952.
Hamilton Edmond. What's It Like Out There?: Novelette // Thrilling Wonder Stories. – 1952. – Dec.
Hay George. This Planet for Sale, 1952.
Heard H. Gabriel and the Creatures, 1952.
Hedges Doris. Dumb Spirit, 1952.
Heinlein Robert. The Rolling Stones, 1952.
Hough Richard. The Perilous Descent Into a Strange Lost World, 1952.
Household Geoffrey. Tales of Adventurers, 1952.
Howard Robert. The Sword of Conan, 1952. – (Conan).
Imagination Unlimited / Ed. by E. F(ranklin) Bleiler, T. E(ugene) Dikty. – Farrar Strauss, 1952.
Sturgeon Theodore. What Dead Men Tell.
Bradbury Ray. Referent.
Jameson Malcolm. Blind Man's Buff.
Rocklynne Ross. Pressure.
Latham Philip. The Xi Effect.
Gallun Raymond. Old Faithful.
Bates H. Alas, All Thinking.
May Julian. Dune Roller.
De Camp L. Employment.
Phillips Peter. Dreams Are Sacred.
Neville Kris. Hold Back Tomorrow.
Berryman John. Berom.
Robinson Frank. The Fire and the Sword.
Bates Harry. Alas, All Thinking.
Invaders of Earth / Ed. by Groff Conklin. – Vanguard, 1952.
Leinster Murray. This Star Shall Be Free.
Williams Robert. Castaway.
Russell Eric. Impulse.
Grinnell David. Top Secret.
Lang Allen. An Eel by the Tail.
Temple William. A Date to Remember.
Wollheim Donald. Storm Warning.
St. Clair Margaret. Child of the Void.
Sturgeon Theodore. Tiny and the Monster.
Reynolds Mack. The Discord Makers.
Lesser Milton. Pen Pal.
Van Vogt A. Not Only Dead Men.
Grunert Karl. Enemies in Space.
Koch Howard. Invasion From Mars.
Clingerman Mildred. Minister Without Portfolio.
Brown Fredric. The Waveries.
Grendon Edward. Crisis.
Pangborn Edgar. Angel's Egg.
Tenn William. Will You Walk a Little Faster?.
Norton Henry. The Man in the Moon.
MacLean Katherine. Pictures Don't Lie.
Boucher Anthony. The Greatest Tertian.
Jones Raymond. Son of the Stars, 1952.
Jones Raymond. This Island Earth, 1952.
Judd Cyril. Gunner Cade, 1952.
Judd Cyril. Outpost Mars, 1952.
Judd Cyril. Takeoff. – Doubleday, 1952.
Kafka Franz. Selected Stories of Franz Kafka, 1952.
Keller David. Tales From Underwood, 1952.
Kornbluth C. Takeoff, 1952.
Latham Philip. Five Against Venus, 1952.
Le Page Rand. «A» Men, 1952.
Le Page Rand. Beyond These Suns, 1952.
Le Page Rand. Blue Asp, 1952.
Le Page Rand. Satellite B.C., 1952.
Le Page Rand. Time and Space, 1952.
Le Page Rand. War of Argos, 1952.
Le Page Rand. Zero Point, 1952.
Leahy John. Drome, 1952.
Lesser Milton. Earthbound, 1952.
Lewis C. Hero and Leander. – Oxford UP, 1952. (Non-fiction).
Lewis C. Mere Christianity. – Geoffrey Bles, 1952. (Non-fiction).
Lewis C. The Voyage of the «Dawn Treader». – Geoffrey Bles, 1952. – (Narnia. 3).
MacKenzie Compton. The Rival Monster, 1952.
Marsten Richard. Rocket to Luna, 1952.
McDonald John. Ballroom of the Skies, 1952.
Miller P. The Titan, 1952.
Moore C. Judgement Night, 1952.
Moore Patrick. Master of the Moon, 1952.
Night's Yawning Peal / Ed. by August W. Derleth. – Arkham & Pellegrini Cudahy, 1952.
Grendon Stephen. Mr. George.
Eddy Jr. C. The Loved Dead.
Dunsany Lord. The Sign.
Jacobi Carl. The La Prello Paper.
Wakefield H. The Gorge of the Churels.
Wellman Manly. Dhoh.
Le Fanu J. The Churchyard Yew.
Harris John. Technical Slip.
Bloch Robert. The Man Who Collected Poe.
West Michael. Hector.
Blackwood Algernon. Roman Remains.
Ferguson M. A Damsel With a Dulcimer.
Curle Richard. The Suppressed Edition.
Derleth August. The Lonesome Place.
Lovecraft H. The Case of Charles Dexter Ward.
No Place Like Earth / Ed. by E. J(ohn Ted) Carnell. – Boardman, 1952.
Beynon John. Time to Rest.
Beynon John. No Place Like Earth.
Clarke Arthur. Breaking Strain.
Wyndham John. Survival.
Temple William. The Two Shadows.
Phillips Peter. Unknown Quantity.
Christopher John. Balance.
Groves J. Robots Don't Bleed.
Whitley George. Castaway.
M'Intosh J. Machine Made.
Williamson I. Chemical Plant.
Norton Andre. Star Man's Son, 2250 A.D., 1952.
Norton Mary. The Borrowers, 1952.
Norwood Victor. The Island of Creeping Death, 1952.
Norwood Victor. The Skull of Kanaima, 1952.
Oliver Chad(wick). Mists of Dawn, 1952.
The Omnibus of Science Fiction / Ed. by Groff Conklin. – Crown, 1952.
Leimert John. John Thomas's Cube.
De Camp L. Hyperpilosity.
Ruby B., Pratt Fletcher. The Thing in the Woods.
MacLean Katherine. And Be Merry.
Gray Will. The Bees From Borneo.
Grinnell David. The Rag Thing.
Clifton Mark. The Conqueror.
Sturgeon Theodore. Never Understimate....
Keller David. The Doorbell.
Deutsch A. A Subway Named Moebius.
Rocklynne Ross. Backfire.
Blish James. The Box.
Griffith Ann. Zeritsky's Law.
Winterbotham Russ. The Fourth Dynasty.
Lovecraft H. The Color Out of Space.
Williams Ralph. The Head Hunters.
Boucher Anthony. The Star Dummy.
Knight Damon. Catch That Martian.
Matheson Richard. Shipshape Home.
Asimov Isaac. Homo Sol.
Tenn William. Alexander the Bait.
Bradbury Ray. Kaleidoscope.
Ernst Paul. Nothing Happens on the Moon.
Guin Wyman. Trigger Tide.
Leinster Murray. Plague.
Vance Jack. Winner Lose All.
Russell Eric. Test Piece.
Geier Chester. Environment.
Nourse Alan. High Threshold.
MacDonald John. Spectator Sport.
Van Vogt A. Recruiting Station.
Jones Raymond. A Stone and a Spear.
Padgett Lewis. What You Need.
Hilton-Young W. The Choice.
Maurois Andre. The War Against the Moon.
Robin Ralph. Pleasant Dreams.
Fyfe H. Manners of the Age.
Brown Fredric. The Weapon.
London Jack. The Scarlet Plague.
Abernathy Robert. Heritage.
Clarke Arthur. History Lesson.
Del Rey Lester. Instinct.
Phillips Peter. Counter Charm.
Padgett Lewis. Robots Have No Tails, 1952. – (Gallegher).
Palmer Raymond, Arnold Kenneth. The Coming of the Saucers. – Arnold Idaho, 1952.
The Petrified Planet / Ed. by John D. Clark. – Twayne, 1952.
Pratt Fletcher. The Long View.
Piper H. Uller Uprising.
Merril Judith. Daughters of Earth.
Phillpots Eden. The Hidden Hand, 1952.
Powys John. The Inmates, 1952.
Pratt Fletcher. Double Jeopardy, 1952.
Rohmer Sax. The Fire Goddess, 1952.
Sarban. The Sound of His Horn, 1952.
The Second Ghost Book / Ed. by Cynthia Asquith. – Barrie, 1952.
Whistler L. Captain Dalgety Returns.
Timperley Rosemary. Christmas Meeting.
Strong L. Danse Macabre.
Stonier G. The Memoirs of a Ghost.
Spain Nancy. The Bewilderment of Snake McKoy.
Pritchett V. A Story of Don Juan.
De La Mare Walter. The Guardian.
Macauley Rose. Whitewash.
Kitchin C. The Chelsea Cat.
Hartley L. W.S..
Fitt Mary. The Amethyst Cross.
Fabyan Evelyn. Bomber's Night.
Farjeon Eleanor. Spooner.
Dunsany Lord. Autumn Cricket.
Curling J. The Restless Rest-House.
Connell J. Back to the Beginning.
Brooks C. Possession on Completion.
Bowen Elizabeth. Hand in Glove.
Bigland Eileen. The Lass With the Delicate Air.
Asquith Cynthia. One Grave Too Few.
Shaw Brian. Argentis, 1952.
Simak Clifford. City. – Gnome Press, 1952.
International Fantasy Award (1953).
Slater Henry. The Smashed World, 1952.
Sohl Jerry. The Haploids, 1952.
St. John Philip. Rocket Jockey, 1952.
Statten Vargo. Across the Ages, 1952.
Statten Vargo. Decreation, 1952.
Statten Vargo. The Eclipse Express, 1952.
Statten Vargo. The G-Bomb, 1952.
Statten Vargo. The Inner Cosmos, 1952.
Statten Vargo. The Last Martian, 1952.
Statten Vargo. Laughter in Space, 1952.
Statten Vargo. The Man From Tomorrow, 1952.
Statten Vargo. Science Metropolis, 1952.
Statten Vargo. The Space Warp, 1952.
Statten Vargo. The Time Bridge, 1952.
Statten Vargo. The Time Trap, 1952.
Statten Vargo. To the Ultimate, 1952.
Statten Vargo. Worlds to Conquer, 1952.
Stern J. Eidolon, 1952.
Stevens Francis. The Heads of Cerberus. – Polaris, 1952.
Struther Jan. Ugly Syster: [Short Story] // F&SF. – 1952. – Feb.
Suddaby Donald. The Death of Metal, 1952.
Taine John. The Crystal Horde. – Fantasy Press, 1952.
Timeless Stories for Today and Tomorrow / Ed. by Ray Bradbury. – Bantam, 1952.
Coates Robert. The Hour After Westerly.
Kuttner Henry. Housing Problem.
Clark W. The Portable Phonograph.
Carroll Sidney. None Before Me.
Bemelmans L. Putzi.
Jackson Shirley. The Demon Lover.
Govan Christine. Miss Winters and the Wind.
Eustis Helen. Mr. Death and the Redheaded Woman.
Eustis Helen. The Rider on the Pale Horse.
Kneale Nigel. Jeremy in the Wind.
Cross John. The Glass Eye.
Steinbeck J. Saint Katy the Virgin.
Johnson Josephine. Night Flight.
Goodwin John. The Cocoon.
Smitter W. The Hand.
Dahl Roald. The Sound Machine.
Furnas J. The Laocoon Complex.
Isherwood C. I Am Waiting.
Sansom William. The Witnesses.
Cheever John. The Enormous Radio.
Calisher Hortense. Heartburn.
White E. The Supremacy of Uruguay.
Bradbury Ray. The Pedestrian.
Carroll Sidney. A Note for the Milkman.
Hrolda Jean. The Eight Mistresses.
Kafka Franz. In the Penal Colony.
Maloney Russell. Inflexible Logic.
Todd Ruthven. Space Cat, 1952.
Trevor Elleston. Domesday Story, 1952.
Tubb E. Atom War on Mars, 1952.
Tucker Wilson. The Long, Loud Silence, 1952.
Vale Rena. The Red Court, 1952.
Van Vogt A. Away and Beyond, 1952.
Van Vogt A. Destination Universe, 1952.
Van Vogt A. The Mixed Men, 1952.
Vercors. You Shall Know Them, 1952.
Vonnegut, Jr. Kurt. Player Piano, 1952.
Walsh J. Vanguard to Neptune, 1952.
Walton Bryce. Sons of the Ocean Deeps, 1952.
Weinbaum Stanley. The Red Peri, 1952.
Wheatley Dennis. Worlds Far from Here, 1952.
White E. Charlotte's Web. – Harper & Row, 1952. (Fantasy).
White T. The Goshawk. – Putnam, 1952. (Non-fiction).
White T. The Scandalmonger. – Cape, 1952. (Non-fiction).
White T. The Scandalmonger. – Putnam, 1952. (Non-fiction).
Williams Frank. It Happened Tomorrow, 1952.
Williams Jay, Abrashkin Raymond. Danny Dunn, Scientific Detective.
Williamson Jack. The Legion of Time. – A.C.McClurg & Co., 1952.
Williamson Jack. The Legion of Time. – Fantasy Press, 1952.
Magill, Survey of Science Fiction Literature, 1178-1182.
Wolfe Bernard. Limbo, 1952.
Year's Best Science Fiction Novels 1952 / Ed. by E. F(ranklin) Bleiler, T. E(ugene) Dikty. – F.Fell, 1952.
Miller, Jr. Walter. Izzard and the Membrane.
Russell Eric. ...And Then There Were None.
Anderson Poul. Flight to Forever.
Robinson Frank. The Hunting Season.
Clarke Arthur. Seeker of the Sphinx.
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