Библиография фантастики: 1934
Abdullah Achmed. Mysteries of Asia. – P.Allan, 1934.
Appleton Victor. Tom Swift and His Ocea Airport. – Grosset & Dunlap, 1934. – (Tom Swift).
Armstrong Martin. General Buntop's Miracle and Other Stories. – Gollancz, 1934.
Atherton Gertrude. The Foghorn. – Houghton Mifflin, 1934.
Beeding Francis. The One Sane Man, 1934.
Benson E. More Spook Stories. – Hutchinson, 1934.
Bowen Elizabeth. The Cat Jumps and Other Stories. – Gollancz, 1934.
Burroughs Edgar. Pirates of Venus, 1934.
Burroughs Edgar. Tarzan and the Lion Man, 1934. – (Tarzan. 19).
A Century of Thrillers / Ed. by Anonymous. – Daily Express, 1934.
Collins Wilkie. The Traveller's Story of a Terribly Strange Bed.
Collins Wilkie. Mad Monkton.
Collins Wilkie. The Biter Bit.
Doyle Arthur. The Adventure of the Speckled Band.
Shelley Mary. The Mortal Immortal.
Arlen Michael. The Gentleman From America.
Barham R. The Leech of Folkestone.
Barham R. Jerry Jarvis's Wig.
Barham R. The Spectre of Tappington.
Barham R. Singular Passage in the Life of the Late Henry Harris, Doctor of Divinity.
Wood Henry. The Ebony Box.
Alan A. My Adventure at Chiselhurst.
Alan A. The Hair.
Poe Edgar. The Gold Bug.
Poe Edgar. The Cask of Amontillado.
Poe Edgar. The Mystery of Marie Roget.
Poe Edgar. The Pit and the Pendulum.
Poe Edgar. Berenice.
Poe Edgar. William Wilson.
Poe Edgar. The Masque of the Red Death.
Hawthorne Nathaniel. Roger Malvin's Burial.
Hawthorne Nathaniel. Dr. Heidegger's Experiment.
Hawthorne Nathaniel. The Grey Champion.
Scott, Sir Walter. Wandering Willie's Tale.
Jacobs W. The Monkey's Raw.
Le Fanu J. Sir Dominick Sarsfield.
Le Fanu J. Mr. Justice Harbottle.
Le Fanu J. Green Tea.
Wilde Oscar. The Birthday of the Infanta.
Dickens Charles. The Trial for Murder.
Dickens Charles. The Story of the Bagman's Uncle.
Dickens Charles. No. 1 Branch Line, the Signalman.
Gaskell Elizabeth. The Squire's Story.
Fletcher J. The Lighthouse of Shivering Sand.
Trollope Anthony. Malachi's Cove.
Lytton Lord. The Haunted and the Haunters.
Marryat Frederick. The Story of the Greek Slave.
Blackwood Algernon. The Woman's Ghost Story.
Blackwood Algernon. Secret Worship.
Oliphant Mrs. The Open Door.
Bierce Ambrose. The Suitable Surroundings.
Bierce Ambrose. One of the Missing.
Bierce Ambrose. The Affair at Coulter's Notch.
Bierce Ambrose. A Tough Tussle.
Bierce Ambrose. A Horseman un the Sky.
Century of Creepy Stories / Ed. by Anonymous. – Hutchinson, 1934.
Walpole Horace. The Snow.
Walpole Horace. The Tarn.
Walpole Horace. A Little Ghost.
Walpole Horace. Mrs. Lunt.
Machen Arthur. The Islington Mystery.
Machen Arthur. The Cosy Room.
Machen Arthur. Opening the Door.
Machen Arthur. Munitions of War.
Richardson Flavia. The Red Turret.
Cook Oscar. When Glister Walked.
Cook Oscar. Si Urag of the Tail.
Cook Oscar. The Great White Fear.
Cook Oscar. Boomerang.
Bowen Elizabeth. The Apple Tree.
Bowen Elizabeth. Telling.
Bowen Elizabeth. The Cat Jumps.
Kitchin C. Crewe.
De La Mare Walter. Crewe.
De La Mare Walter. A Recluse.
Onions O. Two Trifles.
Onions O. The Smile of Karen.
Onions O. John Gladwin Says....
Benson E. The Hunging of Alfred Wadham.
Leslie Shane. As in a Glass Dimly.
Leslie Shane. The Hospital Nurse.
Leslie Shane. The Lord-in-Waiting.
Pain Barry. A Considerable Murder.
Asquith Cynthia. The Lovely Voice.
Asquith Cynthia. The Playfellow.
Asquith Cynthia. «God Grant That She Lye Still».
Asquith Cynthia. The Corner Shop.
Barrie, Sir James. Shall We Join the Ladies?.
Lawrence D. The Rocking-Horse Winners.
Lawrence D. The Lovely Lady.
James M. Rats.
Hartley L. The Killing-Bottle.
Hartley L. The Travelling Grave.
Hartley L. Visitor From Down Under.
Hartley L. The Cotillon.
Maxwell W. The Prince.
Maxwell W. The Last Man In.
Kitchin C. Dispossession.
Kitchin C. Beauty and the Beast.
Hughes Hilda. Those Whom the Gods Love....
Hughes Hilda. The Birthright.
Dickens Charles. The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain.
Sinclair May. The Villa Desiree.
Lowndes Belloc. The Duenna.
Lowndes Belloc. The Unbolted Door.
Defoe Daniel. The Apparition of Mrs. Veal.
Mackail D. The Lost Ttagedy.
Dane Clemence. Spinsters' Rest.
Wallace Edgar. Circumstantial Evidence.
Poe Edgar. A Descent Into the Maelstrom.
Poe Edgar. The Fall of the House of Usher.
Poe Edgar. The Black Cat.
Whibley C. Twelve O'Clock.
Bagnold Enid. The Amorous Ghost.
MacCarthy Des. Pargiton and Harby.
Wells H. The Country of the Blind.
Irving Washington. The Spectre Bridegroom.
Webb Mary. Mr. Tallent's Ghost.
Bridge Ann. The Buick Saloon.
Morrison M.P. W. The Horns of the Bull.
Gerhardi William. The Man Who Came Back.
MacDonald Philip. Our Feathered Friends.
Bierce Ambrose. The Stranger.
Joseph M. The Yellow Cat.
Alan A. My Adventure in Norfolk.
Balzac Honore de. The Mysterious Mansion.
Blackwood Algernon. The Stranger.
Claudy Carl. The Blue Grotto Terror, 1934.
Clouston J. The Chemical Baby, 1934.
Cobb Irwin. Faith, Hope and Charity, 1934.
Collier John. Defy the Foul Fieni. – Macmillan, 1934.
Corbett James. The Man Who Saw the Devil, 1934.
Cozzens James. Castaway, 1934.
The Devil in Scotland / Ed. by Douglas Percy Bliss. – MacLehouse, 1934.
Burns Robert. Tam O'Shanter.
Scott, Sir Walter. Wandering Willie's Tale.
Stevenson Robert. Thrawn Janet.
Stevenson Robert. The Tale of Tod Lapraik.
Dinesen Isak. Seven Gothic Tales. – H.Smith & R.Haas, 1934.
Disraeli Benjamin. Popanilla and Other Tales, 1934.
Dunsany Lord. Jorkens Remembers Africa, 1934.
Evening Standard Book of Best Short Stories: 2nd Series / Ed. by Anonymous. – Search, 1934.
Blackwood Algernon. Wood of the Dead.
Graham R. B. Beattock for Moffat.
Arlen Michael. The Luck of Captain Fortune.
Fleming P. Sherry.
Manhood H. Paradise Lost.
McDermott Capt. White Man's Magic.
Pratt T. Mad Palace.
Mottram R. Blazey's Funeral.
Fallada H. Goose-Murder at Tutz.
Benson Stella. Submarine.
Alexander Ruth. The String of Glass.
Baring Maurice. The Island.
Sayers Dorothy. The Inspiration of Mr. Budd.
Hughes Richard. Poor Man's Inn.
Young Francis. Balalaika.
Ali Shah Sirdar. The Sheik, the Sun, and the Sack.
Ex-Private X. The Case of Mr. Ryalstone.
Ambrose Eric. The Dutch Defence.
Brisbane Coutts. At the Fortunate Frog.
Garland A. It Seemed So Easy.
Irwin Margaret. Where Beauty Lies.
Gibbon Perceval. The Victim.
O'Flaherty Liam. The Wild Swan.
Armstrong Martin. Mrs. Vaudrey's Journey.
The Evening Standard Book of Strange Stories / Ed. by Anonymous. – Hutchinson, 1934.
Jacobs W. A Tiger's Skin.
Strauss R. The Room on the Fourth Floor.
Irwin Margaret. The Book.
Manhood H. Crack O' Whips.
Burrage A. Nobody's House.
Burrage A. The Black Diamond Tree.
Austin F. The Strange Case of Mr. Todmorden.
Armstrong Martin. Mary Ansell.
Stacey B. The Devil's Ape.
Strong L. Chailey's Folly.
Marsden A. Dusk Below Helvellyn.
Preedy G. Crab-Apple Harvest.
Seamark. Query.
Golding Louis. He Fought a Ghost.
Gittins A. The Third Performance.
Pink Hal. The Screaming Plant.
Horn H. The Old Man.
Thompson C. Sunset Woman.
Rivett Kathleen. Portrait of a Queen.
Gerhard William. The Big Drum.
Sheppard A. The Third Medal.
Stacpoole H. Chinese Girl.
Alan A. My Adventure at Chiselhurst.
Alan A. The Hair.
De Maupassant Guy. Fear.
De Maupassant Guy. The Hand.
Burke Thomas. The Song of Ho Ling.
Burke Thomas. The Hollow Man.
Fletcher J. The Lighthouse on Shivering Sand.
Gribble Francis. The Secret of the Schwarztal.
Tozer B. The Pioneers of Pike's Peak.
Kent M. The Shade of Peterbee.
Crawford F. The Screaming Skull.
Neruda Jan. The Two Horns.
Dennis S. The Second Awakening of a Magician.
Wilde Oscar. The Sphinx Without a Secret.
Davy C. The Vanishing Trick.
Meredith George. The Punishment of Shahpesh, the Persian, on Khipil, the Builder.
Murray B. Three Pennyworth of Luck.
Abson L. An Experiment With Blood.
Dickens Charles. No. 1 Branch Line: The Signalman.
Stockton Frank. The Lady, or the Tiger?.
Bierce Ambrose. A Horseman in the Sky.
Watson E. Escape.
Delafield E. Squirrel in a Cage.
Bolitho Hector. The Albatross.
Blackwood Algernon. The Land of Green Ginger.
Blackwood Algernon. Ancient Lights.
Morrison A. The Thing in the Upper Room.
Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur. A Pair of Hands.
Squire, Sir J. Entirely Imaginary.
Kaye-Smith Sheila. Mrs. Adis.
Aumonier S. A Man of Letters.
Bottome Phyllis. Henry.
Greene Graham. The End of the Party.
Arlen Michael. The Battle of Berkeley Square.
Mannin Ethel. Romanoff.
McKenna Martha. Glasshouses.
Storm Lesley. Discipline.
Wren P. The Dust That Was Barren.
Young Francis. Balalaika.
Onions O. Phantas.
Gautier Theophile. The Mummy's Foot.
Sayers Dorothy. The Unprincipled Affair of the Practical Joker.
Kummer, Jr. Frederick. The De Medici Cup.
Phillpots Eden. High Tide.
Smith Eleanor. Satan's Circus.
Smith Eleanor. Mrs. Raeburn's Waxwork.
Mottram R. I Pagliacci.
Daudet A. The Elixir of the Rev. Father Gaucher.
Hearn L. The Story of Ming-Y.
Jepson S. Nor the Jury.
Nesbit Edith. Man-Size in Marble.
Metcalfe John. The Tunnel.
Metcalfe John. The Bad Lands.
Beresford J. The Misanthrope.
Beresford J. Powers of the Air.
Benson E. Mrs. Amworth.
Jerome Jerome. The Dancing Partner.
Baring Maurice. Venus.
Bramah Ernest. The Story of Young Chang.
Moss G. Primula.
Matson N. The House of Big Faraway.
Pemberton Max. If a Man Might Tarry.
Connelly M. Coroner's Inquest.
Bergman Hjalmar. Judith.
Maugham W. The Taipan.
Ewers Hans. Vampire, 1934.
The Fairies Return, or New Tales for Old / Ed. by Anonymous. – P.Davies, 1934.
Coppard A. Jack the Giant Killer.
Dane Clemence. Codfather Death.
Delafield E. The Fisherman and His Wife.
Dunsany Lord. Little Snow-White.
Keown Ann. Aladdin.
Linklater Eric. Sindbad the Sailor.
MacDonell A. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.
Robertson E. Dick Whittington.
Simpson Helen. Puss in Boots.
Smith Lady. The Little Mermaid.
Somerville E. Little Red Riding-Hood.
Speaight R. Cinderella.
Stead Christina. «O, If I Could But Shiver!».
Stern Gladys. The Sleeping Beauty.
Yeatman R., Cellar W. Big Claus and Little Claus.
Forester Cecil. The Peacemaker, 1934.
Garis Howard. Rocket Riders in the Air, 1934.
Gerhardi William. Resurrection, 1934.
Gibbs Lewis. Parable for Lovers, 1934.
Gloag John. Winter's Youth, 1934.
Golding Louis. The Doomington Wanderer, 1934.
Hall Manly. The Ways of Lonely Ones, 1934.
Hamilton Edmond. The Man Who Returned: Short Story // Weird Tales. – 1934. – Feb.
Houghton Claude. Three Fantastic Tales, 1934.
Key Eugene. Mars Mountain, 1934.
Laing Alexander. The Cadaver of Gideon Wyck, 1934.
Lewis L. Tales of the Grotesque, 1934.
Llewellyn Alun. The Strange Invaders, 1934.
Long Frank. The Last Men: Short Story // Astounding. – 1934. – Aug.
Lovecraft H. The Battle That Ended the Century. – Barlow, 1934.
Mann Jack. Dead Man's Chest, 1934.
Marshall Edison. Ogden's Strange Story, 1934.
Merritt Abraham. Creep, Shadow!, 1934.
Mitchell J. Guy Hunter, 1934.
Monsters / Ed. by Anonymous. – P.Allan, 1934. – (Creeps Library).
Meik V. The Two Old Women.
Leaf T. Harvest.
Ingram K. The Confession.
Allan E. The Round Graveyard.
Benwood G. The Interrupted Honeymoon.
Stone Phyllis. Blood for a Tiger.
Olivier Edith. The Caretaker's Story.
Preston Guy. A Lover Came to Sunnamees.
O'Donnell E. The Haunted Telephone.
Joseph M. The Yellow Cat.
Ingram K. The «Locum».
Lloyd Charles. The Cockroach.
New Tales of Horror / Ed. by Anonymous. – Hutchinson, 1934.
Machen Arthur. A Double Return.
Machen Arthur. The Lost Club.
Middleton Richard. Love at First Sight.
Middleton Richard. The Luck of Keith-Martin.
Middleton Richard. The Amazing Hieroglyphs.
Middleton Richard. The Making of a Man.
Middleton Richard. The Murderer.
Middleton Richard. Wet Eyes and Sad Mouth.
Visiak E. Medusan Madness.
Shiel M. How Life Climbs.
Shiel M. The Globe of Gold-Fish.
Gawsworth J. Scylla and Charybdis.
Carter F. The Truth.
Carter F. Something for Arthur.
Carter F. Madame Libismina.
MacDiarmid H. The Dead Harlot.
MacDiarmid H. A 'body's Lassie.
MacDiarmid H. Wound-Pie.
MacDiarmid H. The Stranger.
Ross, Sir D. The Ring of Fire.
De Hamel H. The House of Dust.
Graham S. Effect and Cause.
Meyerstein E. Joshua Greenway.
Meyerstein E. The Cold-Meat Shop.
Duff C. Murderer' Corner.
Duff C. Drink Monster.
Palmer H. The New War.
Megroz R. Vision and Television.
Barker N. Mrs. Sayce's Guy.
Magill M. Force of Habit.
O'Neill Joseph. Day of Wrath, 1934.
O'Neill Joseph. Wind From the North, 1934.
Panics / Ed. by Anonymous. – P.Allan, 1934. – (Creeps Library).
Olivier Edith. The Night Nurse's Story.
Jaggard G. Aceldama.
Lloyd Charles. Shelter.
Govan A. The Blazing Crystals.
Allan E. Death in Hyde Park.
Warren J. «?».
Graves F. The Psyche.
Ratho J. Fog.
Johnson H. A Very Potent Poison.
Dennett N. The Menthir.
O'Donnell E. In the Interests of Science.
Ingram K. Reprieve.
Papp Desiderius. Creation's Doom, 1934.
Powers of Darkness / Ed. by Anonymous. – P.Allan, 1934. – (Creeps Library).
Dunsany Lord. The Two Bottles of Relish.
Smith A. The Coat.
Lloyd Charles. Obsession.
Ingram K. The Third Time.
Turner J. The Guillotine.
Fox-Smith Cicely. The Mutineers.
Thorndike R. November the Thirteenth.
Westney L. The Miniature in Black.
Mourroughs E. The Temple Servant.
Shaw Maureen. A Nice Cup of Tea.
Rohmer Sax. The Trial of Fu Manchu, 1934.
Sibson Francis. The Stolen Continent, 1934.
Sieveking Lance. The Woman She Was, 1934.
Stout Rex. The President Vanishes, 1934.
Stuart Don. Atomic Power: [Short Story] // Astounding. – 1934. – Dec.
Stuart Don. Twilight: [Short Story] // Astounding. – 1934. – Nov.
Taine John. Before the Dawn. – Williams and Wilkins, 1934.
Tales of Terror / Ed. by Joseph Lewis French. – Burt, 1934.
Waugh Evelyn. A Handful of Dust, 1934.
Weston George. His First Million Women, 1934.
Wheatley Dennis. Black August, 1934.
Wheatley Dennis. The Devil Rides Out. – A.C.McClurg & Co., 1934. (Horror).
Wheatley Dennis. The Fabulous Valley, 1934.
White T. Earth Stopped; or, Mr. Marx's Sporting Tour. – Collins, 1934.
White T. Farewell Victoria. – Smith & Haas, 1934.
Wylie Philip. Finnley Wrenn, 1934.
Wylie Philip, Balmer Edwin. After Worlds Collide, 1934.
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