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Библиография фантастики: 1934

Р С’Р Р…Р С–Р В».   Р В РЎС“РЎРѓ.   
1929   1930   1931   1932   1933   1934   1935   1936   1937   1938   1939   

Abdullah Achmed. Mysteries of Asia. – P.Allan, 1934.

Appleton Victor. Tom Swift and His Ocea Airport. – Grosset & Dunlap, 1934. – (Tom Swift).

Armstrong Martin. General Buntop's Miracle and Other Stories. – Gollancz, 1934.

Atherton Gertrude. The Foghorn. – Houghton Mifflin, 1934.

Beeding Francis. The One Sane Man, 1934.

Benson E. More Spook Stories. – Hutchinson, 1934.

Bowen Elizabeth. The Cat Jumps and Other Stories. – Gollancz, 1934.

Burroughs Edgar. Pirates of Venus, 1934.

Burroughs Edgar. Tarzan and the Lion Man, 1934. – (Tarzan. 19).

A Century of Thrillers / Ed. by Anonymous. – Daily Express, 1934.

Century of Creepy Stories / Ed. by Anonymous. – Hutchinson, 1934.

Claudy Carl. The Blue Grotto Terror, 1934.

Clouston J. The Chemical Baby, 1934.

Cobb Irwin. Faith, Hope and Charity, 1934.

Collier John. Defy the Foul Fieni. – Macmillan, 1934.

Corbett James. The Man Who Saw the Devil, 1934.

Cozzens James. Castaway, 1934.

The Devil in Scotland / Ed. by Douglas Percy Bliss. – MacLehouse, 1934.

Dinesen Isak. Seven Gothic Tales. – H.Smith & R.Haas, 1934.

Disraeli Benjamin. Popanilla and Other Tales, 1934.

Dunsany Lord. Jorkens Remembers Africa, 1934.

Evening Standard Book of Best Short Stories: 2nd Series / Ed. by Anonymous. – Search, 1934.

The Evening Standard Book of Strange Stories / Ed. by Anonymous. – Hutchinson, 1934.

Ewers Hans. Vampire, 1934.

The Fairies Return, or New Tales for Old / Ed. by Anonymous. – P.Davies, 1934.

Forester Cecil. The Peacemaker, 1934.

Garis Howard. Rocket Riders in the Air, 1934.

Gerhardi William. Resurrection, 1934.

Gibbs Lewis. Parable for Lovers, 1934.

Gloag John. Winter's Youth, 1934.

Golding Louis. The Doomington Wanderer, 1934.

Hall Manly. The Ways of Lonely Ones, 1934.

Hamilton Edmond. The Man Who Returned: Short Story // Weird Tales. – 1934. – Feb.

Houghton Claude. Three Fantastic Tales, 1934.

Key Eugene. Mars Mountain, 1934.

Laing Alexander. The Cadaver of Gideon Wyck, 1934.

Lewis L. Tales of the Grotesque, 1934.

Llewellyn Alun. The Strange Invaders, 1934.

Long Frank. The Last Men: Short Story // Astounding. – 1934. – Aug.

Lovecraft H. The Battle That Ended the Century. – Barlow, 1934.

Mann Jack. Dead Man's Chest, 1934.

Marshall Edison. Ogden's Strange Story, 1934.

Merritt Abraham. Creep, Shadow!, 1934.

Mitchell J. Guy Hunter, 1934.

Monsters / Ed. by Anonymous. – P.Allan, 1934. – (Creeps Library).

New Tales of Horror / Ed. by Anonymous. – Hutchinson, 1934.

O'Neill Joseph. Day of Wrath, 1934.

O'Neill Joseph. Wind From the North, 1934.

Panics / Ed. by Anonymous. – P.Allan, 1934. – (Creeps Library).

Papp Desiderius. Creation's Doom, 1934.

Powers of Darkness / Ed. by Anonymous. – P.Allan, 1934. – (Creeps Library).

Rohmer Sax. The Trial of Fu Manchu, 1934.

Sibson Francis. The Stolen Continent, 1934.

Sieveking Lance. The Woman She Was, 1934.

Stout Rex. The President Vanishes, 1934.

Stuart Don. Atomic Power: [Short Story] // Astounding. – 1934. – Dec.

Stuart Don. Twilight: [Short Story] // Astounding. – 1934. – Nov.

Taine John. Before the Dawn. – Williams and Wilkins, 1934.

Tales of Terror / Ed. by Joseph Lewis French. – Burt, 1934.

Waugh Evelyn. A Handful of Dust, 1934.

Weston George. His First Million Women, 1934.

Wheatley Dennis. Black August, 1934.

Wheatley Dennis. The Devil Rides Out. – A.C.McClurg & Co., 1934. (Horror).

Wheatley Dennis. The Fabulous Valley, 1934.

White T. Earth Stopped; or, Mr. Marx's Sporting Tour. – Collins, 1934.

White T. Farewell Victoria. – Smith & Haas, 1934.

Wylie Philip. Finnley Wrenn, 1934.

Wylie Philip, Balmer Edwin. After Worlds Collide, 1934.


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