Библиография фантастики: 2005


D'Ammassa Don. Encyclopedia of Science Fiction: The essential guide to the lives and works of science fiction writers / Text design by Joan M. Toro; Cover design by Semadar Megged. – New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2005. – 538 pp. – (Facts On File Library of World Literature. Literary Movements). ISBN 0-8160-5924-1.


Politicizing Magic: An Anthology of Russian and Soviet Fairy Tales / Cover art: Ivan Vakurov, Battle with the Dragon; Edited by Marina Balina, Helena Goscilo, and Mark Lipovetsky. – Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 2005. – 418 pp. ISBN 978-0-8101-2031-0 (cloth); ISBN 978-0-8101-2032-7 (paper).


      P. ix-xiv: Goscilo Helena. Foreword

      Folkloric Fairy Tales: Part I

        P. 5-21: Goscilo Helena. Introduction
        P. 23-27: The Frog Princess / Translated by Helena Goscilo
        P. 28-31: The Three Kingdoms / Translated by Helena Goscilo
        P. 32-33: Baba Yaga / Translated by Helena Goscilo
        P. 34-41: Vasilisa the Beautiful / Translated by Helena Goscilo
        P. 42-50: Maria Morevna / Translated by Helena Goscilo
        P. 51-61: Tale of Prince Ivan, the Firebird, and the Gray Wolf / Translated by Helena Goscilo
        P. 62-68: The Feather of Finist the Bright Falcon / Translated by Helena Goscilo
        P. 69-78: The Magic Mirror / Translated by Seth Graham
        P. 79-84: Danilo the Luckless / Translated by Helena Goscilo
        P. 85-90: Ilya Muromets and the Dragon / Translated by Helena Goscilo
        P. 91-95: The Maiden Tsar / Translated by Helena Goscilo
        P. 96-102: The Magic Ring / Translated by Helena Goscilo

      Fairy Tales of Socialist Realism: Part II

        P. 105-121: Balina Marina. Introduction
        P. 123-130: Gaidar Arkady. Tale of the Military Secret, Malchish-Kibalchish and His Solemn Word / Translated by Helena Goscilo
        P. 131-164: Tolstoy Alexey. The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Buratino: Excerpts / Translated by Eric Hartley
        P. 165-196: Lagin Lazar. The Old Genie Khottabych: A Story of Make-Believe: Excerpts / Translated by Faina Solasko
        P. 197-221: Bazhov Pavel. The Malachite Casket / Translated by Eve Manning
        P. 222-229: Kataev Valentin. The Flower of Seven Colors / Translated by Christopher Hunter and Larissa Rudova

      Fairy Tales in Critique of Soviet Culture: Part III

        P. 233-250: Lipovetsky Mark. Introduction

        Zamyatin Yevgeny. Fairy Tales for Grown-Up Children: Excerpts / Translated by Seth Graham

          P. 251-253: The Ivans
          P. 253-256: The Angel Dormidon
          P. 256-258: Chomper
          P. 258-260: The First Tale of Fita
          P. 260-262: The Second Tale of Fita
          P. 262-263: The Third Tale of Fita
          P. 264-266: The Last Tale of Fita

        P. 267-315: Shvarts Yevgeny. The Dragon: A Satiric Fable in Three Acts: Excerpts / Translated by Elizabeth Reynolds Hapgood
        P. 316-344: Strugatsky Arkady and Boris. Tale of the Troika: Excerpts / Translated by Antonina W. Bouis
        P. 345-380: Shukshin Vasily. Before the Cock Crows Thrice: A Tale about Ivan the Fool, How He Traveled Beyond the Thrice-Ninth Kingdom to Acquire Some Wits and Wisdom: Excerpts / Translated by Natasha Ward and David Iliffe
        P. 381-415: Gorin Grigory. That Very Munchausen: Comical Fantasy in Two Parts about the Life and Death of the Famous Baron Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von Munchausen, Who Has Become a Hero of Many Entertaining Books and Legends: Excerpts / Translated by Christopher Hunter and Larissa Rudova

      P. 417-418: Translators and Sources

[Царевна-лягушка; Три царства: медное, серебряное, золотое; Баба Яга; Василиса Прекрасная; Марья Моревна; Сказка об Иване-Царевиче, Жар-птице и о сером волке; Финист – ясный сокол; Волшебное зеркальце; Данила Ловчанин; Илья Муромец и змей; Морской царь; Волшебное кольцо; Гайдар Аркадий. Сказка о Военной тайне, о Мальчише-Кибальчише и его твёрдом слове; Толстой Алексей. Золотой ключик, или Приключения Буратино; Лагин Лазарь. Старик Хоттабыч; Бажов Павел. Малахитовая шкатулка; Катаев Валентин. Цветик-семицветик; Замятин Евгений. Иваны; Ангел Дормидон; Хряпало; Первая сказка про Фиту; Вторая сказка про Фиту; Третья сказка про Фиту; Последняя сказка про Фиту; Шварц Евгений. Дракон; Стругацкий Аркадий, Стругацкий Борис. Сказка о Тройке – 2; Шукшин Василий. До третьих петухов; Горин Григорий. Тот самый Мюнхгаузен]


Science Fiction Quotations: From the Inner Mind to the Outer Limits / Designed by Mary Valencia; Edited by Gary Westfahl; Foreword (P. ix-xii) by Arthur C. Clarke. – New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005. – 488 pp. ISBN 0-300-10800-1.
С. 14, 84, 105, 119, 126, 133, 190, 252, 253, 277, 278, 393, 395, 402 – цитаты из книг братьев Стругацких.