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Библиография фантастики: 1964
Англ. Арм. Болг. Лит. Нем. Пол. Порт. Рум. Рус. Сербохорв. Укр. Яп.
1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969
13 Great Stories of Science Fiction / Ed. by Groff Conklin. – Gold Medal, 1964.
Abe Kobo. The Face of Another, 1964.
[安部公房. 他人の顔]
Addams Charles. The Groaning Board. – Simon & Schuster, 1964. (Artwork).
Aickman Robert. Dark Entries. – Fontana, 1964. (Macabre).
The School Friend.
Ringing the Changes.
A Choice of Weapons.
The View.
Bind Your Hair.
Aldiss Brian. The Dark Light Years. – NAL, 1964.
Aldiss Brian. The Dark Light-Years. – Signet, 1964.
Aldiss Brian. Greybeard. – Faber, 1964.
Aldiss Brian. Greybeard. – Harcourt Brace & World, 1964.
Aldiss Brian. Starswarm. – Signet, 1964.
Alexander Lloyd. The Book of Three. – Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1964. – (Prydain. 1). (Fantasy).
Alien Worlds / Ed. by Roger Elwood. – Paperback, 1964.
Russell Eric. Afternoon of a Fahn.
Dick Philip. The Cosmic Poachers.
Sheckley Robert. Dawn Invader.
Anderson Poul. The Last Monster.
Bloch Robert. The Fear Planet.
Brunner John. Singleminded.
Hamilton Edmond. The Stars, My Brothers.
Campbell John. The Brain Stealers of Mars.
Wyndham John. The Man From Beyond.
Simak Clifford. Madness From Mars.
Analog 1 / Ed. by John W Jr. Campbell. – Paperback, 1964.
Analog 2 / Ed. by John W Jr. Campbell. – D'day SF B.C., 1964.
Analog 2 / Ed. by John W Jr. Campbell. – Doubleday, 1964.
Thomas Theodore. The Weather Man.
Reynolds Mack. Good Indian.
Lang Allen. Blind Man's Lantern.
Lee William. Junior Achievement.
Schmitz James. Novice.
Phillifent John. Ethical Quotient.
Anvil Christopher. Philosopher's Stone.
FitzPatrick R. The Circuit Riders.
MacDonald John. Trojan Horse Laugh.
Cartmill Cleve. Some Day We'll Find You.
Anderson Poul. Three Worlds to Conquer. – Pyramid, 1964.
Anderson Poul. Time and Stars. – Doubleday, 1964.
Anderson Poul. Trader to the Stars. – Doubleday, 1964.
Anderson William. Adam M-1. – Crown, 1964.
Anvil Christopher. The Day the Machines Stopped. – Monarch, 1964.
Arch E. The Deathstones, 1964.
Arch E. Planet of Death, 1964.
Arnold Edwin. Gulliver of Mars. – Ace, 1964.
Asimov Isaac. The Foundation Trilogy. – Doubleday SF B.C., 1964.
Asimov Isaac. The Rest of the Robots. – Doubleday, 1964.
Ballard J. The Burning World. – Berkley, 1964.
Ballard J. Mythmaker of the 20th Century: William S. Burroughs // New Worlds. – 1964. – May.
Ballard J. The Terminal Beach. – Gollancz, 1964.
Barthelme Donald. Come Back, Dr. Caligari. – Little, Brown, 1964.
Barton Erle. The Planet Seekers, 1964.
Barzman Ben. Echo X. – Paperback Library, 1964.
Bauer Wolfgang, Franke Herbert. The Golden Casket. – Harcourt, Brace & World, 1964.
Beachheads in Space / Ed. by August W. Derleth. – FSB, 1964.
Bell Thornton. Chaos, 1964.
Bell Thornton. Space Trap, 1964.
The Best From Fantasy and Science Fiction, 13th Series / Ed. by Avram A. Davidson. – D'day SF B.C., 1964.
The Best From Fantasy and Science Fiction, 13th Series / Ed. by Avram A. Davidson. – Doubleday, 1964.
Hubbard P. The Golden Brick.
White Don. Peggy and Peter Go to the Moon.
Ballard J. Now Wakes the Sea.
Vance Jack. Green Magic.
Harrison Harry. Captain Honario Harpplayer, R.N..
Anderson Karen. Treaty in Tartessos.
McKenna Richard. Hunter, Come Home.
Goulart Ron. McNamara's Fish.
Marti-Ibanez Felix. Nina Sol.
Bester Alfred. They Don't Make Life Like They Used To.
Davidson Avram. What Strange Stars and Skies.
Nelson Ray. Eight O'Clock in the Morning.
Henderson Zenna. Deluge.
Bester Alfred. The Dark Side of the Earth. – Signet, 1964.
Bier Jesse. A Hole in the Lead Apron. – Harcourt, 1964.
Bierce Ambrose. Ghost and Horror Stories of Ambrose Bierce. – Dover, 1964.
The Big Book of Science Fiction / Ed. by Groff Conklin. – Berkley, 1964.
Bioy Casares Adolfo. The Invention of Morel and Other Stories, 1964.
Birkin Charles. The Kiss of Death. – Tandem, 1964.
Bixby Jerome. Devil's Scrapbook. – Brandon, 1964.
Bixby Jerome. Space by the Tale. – Ballantine, 1964.
Blackburn John. Colonel Bogus, 1964.
Blackburn John. The Winds of Midnight, 1964.
Blaine John. The Ruby Ray Mystery, 1964.
Blaisdell Elinor. Nightmare. – Corgi, 1964. (Horror).
Blish James. Doctor Mirabilis, 1964.
Borges Jorge. Dreamtigers, 1964.
Boston L(ucy). An Enemy at Green Knowe. – Faber, 1964.
Bova Ben. Star Watchman. – Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1964.
The Boys' Life Book of Outer Space Stories / Ed. by Anonymous. – Random, 1964.
Bradbury Ray. The Man.
Lightner A. A New Game.
Henderson Gene. Tiger by the Tail.
Wilcox Don. The Smallest Moon.
Halstead III William. Space Lane Cadet.
Wood Edward. Load of Trouble.
Lightner A. Best Friend.
Hinrichs James. The Terrible Intruders.
Harper Richard. The Samaritan.
Greer William. Quads From Mars.
Brackett Leigh. People of the Talisman. – Ace, 1964.
Brackett Leigh. The Secret of Sinharat. – Ace, 1964.
Bradbury Ray. The Machineries of Joy. – Simon & Schuster, 1964.
Braddon Russell. The Year of the Angry Rabbit. – Heinemann, 1964.
Bradley Marion. The Bloody Sun. – Ace, 1964. – (Darkover. 3).
Bradley Marion. The Dark Intruder and Other Stories. – Ace, 1964.
Bradley Marion. Falcons of Narabedla. – Ace, 1964.
Brennan Joseph. Nighmare Need. – Arkham, 1964.
Brook-Rose Christine. Out, 1964.
Bruckner K. The Hour of the Robots, 1964.
Brunner John. Endless Shadow, 1964.
Brunner John. To Conquer Chaos, 1964.
Brunner John. The Whole Man, 1964.
Bulmer Kenneth. Demons' World, 1964.
Bulmer Kenneth. The Million Year Hunt, 1964.
Burr Frank. The Genial Ghost, 1964.
Burroughs Edgar. Beyond the Farthest Star, 1964.
Burroughs Edgar. John Carter of Mars, 1964.
Burroughs Edgar. Tales of Three Planets, 1964.
Burroughs Edgar. Tarzan and the Madman, 1964. – (Tarzan. 30).
Burroughs William. Nova Express, 1964.
Bush Lucius. A Peek at Heaven, 1964.
Caidin Martin. Marooned, 1964.
Campbell J. The Inhabitant of the Lake and Less Welcome Tenants. – Arkham House, 1964.
Carroll Ted. White Pills, 1964.
Chamberlain William. Red January, 1964.
Chandler A. The Coils of Time, 1964.
Chandler A. The Deep Reaches of Space, 1964.
Chandler A. Glory Planet, 1964.
Chandler A. Into the Alternate Universe, 1964.
Charbonneau Louis. Psychedelic-40, 1964.
Christopher John. Cloud on Silver, 1964.
Clarke T. The World Was Mine, 1964.
Clement Hal. Close to Critical, 1964.
Coblentz Stanton. The Last of the Great Race, 1964.
Coblentz Stanton. The Lizard Lords, 1964.
Coblentz Stanton. The Lost Comet, 1964.
Coblentz Stanton. The Moon People, 1964.
Connoisseur's Science Fiction / Ed. by Tom Boardman, Jr. – Penguin, 1964.
Bester Alfred. Disappearing Act.
Pohl Frederik. The Wizards of Pung's Corner.
Vonnegut, Jr. Kurt. Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow.
Sturgeon Theodore. Mr. Costello, Hero.
Finney Jack. Quit Zoomin' Those Hands Through the Air.
Ballard J. Build-Up.
Asimov Isaac. The Fun They Had.
Russell Eric. Diabologic.
McIntosh J. Made in U.S.A..
Brown Alec, Brown Fredric. The Waveries.
Cooper Edmund. Transit, 1964.
Cooper Susan. Mandrake, 1964.
Counselman Mary. Half in Shadow, 1964.
Creasey John. The Sleep, 1964.
Cummings Ray. A Brand New World, 1964.
Cummings Ray. Exile of Time, 1964.
Dahl Roald. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 1964.
Davidson Avram. Mutiny in Space, 1964.
Davidson Avram. The Sources of the Nile, 1964.
Davies L. The Paper Dolls, 1964.
Delany Samuel. The Towers of Toron, 1964.
Dick Philip. Clans of the Alphane Moon, 1964.
Dick Philip. Martian Time-Slip, 1964.
Dick Philip. Penultimate Truth, the, 1964.
Dick Philip. The Simulacra, 1964.
Dick Philip. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, 1964.
Dickson Gordon. Secret Under the Caribbean, 1964.
Donleavy J. Meet My Maker the Mad Molecule, 1964.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Macabre Stories / Ed. by Anonymous. – Corgi, 1964.
Stevenson Robert. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Le Fanu J. Green Tea.
Bierce Ambrose. The Boarded Window.
Crawford F. The Upper Berth.
Collins Wilkie. A Terribly Strange Bed.
Poe Edgar. The Facts in the Case of M.Valdemar.
Duke Madelaine. Claret, Sandwiches and Sin, 1964.
Edwards Norman. Invasion from 2500, 1964.
Einstein Charles. The Day New York Went Dry, 1964.
Ellin Stanley. The Blessington Method, 1964.
Enemies in Space / Ed. by Groff Conklin. – Digit, 1964.
English Charles. Lovers: 2075, 1964.
Fairman Paul. The World Grabbers, 1964.
Fane Bron. The Macabre Ones, 1964.
Fane Bron. Nemesis, 1964.
Fane Bron. Suspension, 1964.
Fane Bron. Unknown Destiny, 1964.
Fane Bron. The Walking Shadow, 1964.
Fanthorpe Robert. Avenging Goddess, 1964.
Fanthorpe Robert. Death Has Two Faces, 1964.
Fanthorpe Robert. The Shrouded Abbot, 1964.
Farley Ralph. The Radio Beasts, 1964.
Farley Ralph. The Radio Planet, 1964.
Farmer Philip. Inside Outside, 1964.
Farmer Philip. Tongues of the Moon, 1964.
Finney Charles. The Circus of Dr.Lao. – Bantam, 1964. (Fantasy).
Finney Charles. The Ghosts of Manacle, 1964.
Five-Odd / Ed. by Groff Conklin. – Pyramid, 1964.
Asimov Isaac. The Dead Past.
Amis Kingsley. Something Strange.
McIntosh J. Unit.
Schmitz James. Gone Fishing.
Wallace F. Big Ancestor.
Fontenay Charles. Day the Oceans Overflowed, Tne, 1964.
Fox Gardner. The Arsenal of Miracles, 1964.
Fox Gardner. Escape Across the Cosmos, 1964.
Fox Gardner. Warrior of Llarn, 1964.
From Other Worlds / Ed. by August W. Derleth. – FSB, 1964.
Galouye Daniel. The Last Leap and Other Stories of the Super-Mind, 1964.
Galouye Daniel. Simulacron-3, 1964.
Gary Romain. Hissing Tales, 1964.
Gaskell Jane. The Shiny Narrow Grin, 1964.
Godwin Tom. The Space Barbarians, 1964.
Golding William. The Spire, 1964.
Gotlieb Phyllis. Sunburst, 1964.
Goulart Ron. Into the Shop: Short Story // F&SF. – 1964. – Apr.
Grant Maxwell. The Shadow Strikes, 1964.
Grubb Davis. Twelve Tales of Suspense and the Supernatural, 1964.
Gunn James. Future Imperfect, 1964.
Hadley Franklin. Planet Big Zero, 1964.
Hall Austin. The Spot of Life, 1964.
Hamilton Edmond. Outside the Universe. – New York: Ace, 1964.
Hamilton Edmond. The Pro: Short Story // F&SF. – 1964. – Oct.
Hamilton Edmond. The Valley of Creation. – New York: Lancer, 1964.
Hammond Keith. Valley of the Flame, 1964.
Hanna W. The Tandar Saga, 1964.
Hanratty Peter. The Last Knight of Albion.
Hansen Vern. Claws of the Night, 1964.
Hansen Vern. The Grip of Fear, 1964.
Harrison Harry. Deathworld 2, 1964. – (Deathworld. 2).
Harrison Harry. They're Playing Our Song: Vignette // Fantastic. – 1964. – Dec.
Heinlein Robert. Farnham's Freehold. – Putnam, 1964.
High Philip. No Truce With Terra, 1964.
High Philip. The Prodigal Sun, 1964.
Hodder-Williams Christopher. The Main Experiment, 1964.
Holly Joan. The Time Twisters, 1964.
Horseman Elaine. Hubble's Bubble, 1964.
Howard Robert. Almuric, 1964.
Hoyle Fred, Elliot John. Andromeda Breakthrough, 1964.
The Hugo Winners / Ed. by Isaac Asimov. – Penguin, 1964.
Imagination Unlimited / Ed. by E. F(ranklin) Bleiler, T. E(ugene) Dikty. – Mayflower, 1964.
Introducing Science Fiction / Ed. by Brian W. Aldiss. – Faber, 1964.
Budrys Algis. The Edge of the Sea.
Clarke Arthur. Trouble With Time.
Tenn William. Time in Advance.
Brown Fredric. Arena.
Aldiss Brian. Gesture of Farewell.
Asimov Isaac. The Immortal Bard.
Miller P. The Cave.
Sellings Arthur. A Start in Life.
Page Gerald. The Happy Man.
Miller, Jr. Walter. I Made You.
Bixby Jerome. It's a Good Life.
Ballard J. The Garden of Time.
Jacobi Carl. Portraits in Moonlight, 1964.
Janifer Laurence. The Wonder War, 1964.
Johnson B., Ghose Zulfikar. Statement Against Corpses, 1964.
Jones Raymond. The Non-Statistical Man, 1964.
Kapp Colin. Transfinite Man, 1964.
Kastle Herbert. The Reassembled Man, 1964.
Key Alexander. Rivets and Sprockets, 1964.
Knox Calvin. One of Our Asteroids is Missing, 1964.
Kornbluth C., Pohl Frederik. A Town is Drowning. – Ballantine, 1964. (Fiction).
Kurland Michael, Anderson Chester. Ten Years to Doomsday. – Pyramid, 1964.
Lambda 1 & Other Stories / Ed. by E. J(ohn Ted) Carnell. – Berkley, 1964.
Kapp Colin. Lambda 1.
Aldiss Brian. Basis for Negotiation.
Harding Lee. Quest.
Whitley George. All Laced Up.
High Philip. Routine Exercise.
Moorcock Michael. Flux.
Rackham John. The Last Salamander.
Lane Jane. A State of Mind, 1964.
Langelaan George. Out of Time, 1964.
Laumer Keith. The Great Time Machine Hoax. – Simon & Schuster, 1964.
Le Fanu J. Best Ghost Stories, 1964.
Leiber Fritz. A Pail of Air, 1964.
Leiber Fritz. The Wanderer, 1964.
Leinster Murray. Doctor to the Stars, 1964.
Leinster Murray. The Duplicators, 1964.
Leinster Murray. The Greks Brings Gifts, 1964.
Leinster Murray. Invaders of Space, 1964.
Leinster Murray. The Other Side of Nowhere, 1964.
Leinster Murray. Time Tunnel, 1964.
Leodhas Sorche. Gaelic Ghosts: Tales of the Supernatural From Scotland. – Holt, 1964.
Lethbridge Katharine. The Rout of the Ollafubs, 1964.
Lewis C. The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature. – Cambridge University Press, 1964. (Non-fiction).
Lewis C. Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer. – Geoffrey Bles, 1964. (Non-fiction).
Lewis C. Poems. – Geoffrey Bles, 1964. (Non-fiction).
Lewis Irwin. The Day They Invaded New York, 1964.
Livesey Eric. The Desolate Land, 1964.
Long Charles. The Eternal Man, 1964.
Long Frank. The Martian Visitors, 1964.
Long Frank. Mission to a Star, 1964.
Lovecraft H. At the Mountains of Madness and Other Novels / Ed. by August W. Derleth. – Arkham, 1964. (Fantasy).
Lovecraft H. The Colour Out of Space, 1964.
Lovecraft H. The Lurking Fear and Other Stories, 1964.
Lymington John. Froomb!, 1964.
Lymington John. The Night Spiders, 1964.
MacGregor Richard. The Deadly Suns, 1964.
MacGregor Richard. The First of the Last, 1964.
MacGregor Richard. The Threat, 1964.
MacTyre Paul. Bar Sinister, 1964.
Maine Charles. Never Let Up, 1964.
Masters of Science Fiction / Ed. by Anonymous. – Belmont, 1964.
Dick Philip. Service Call.
Pease M. Path of Darkness.
Russell Eric. Early Bird.
Del Rey Lester. Forgive Us Our Debts.
Anderson Poul. The Green Thumb.
Pohl Frederik. The Day of the Boomer Dukes.
Merwin Sam. The Final Figure.
Matheson Richard. Shock II, 1964.
McAuley Jacquelin. The Cloud, 1964.
McIntosh J. The Noman Way, 1964.
Millard Joseph. The Gods Hate Kansas, 1964.
Miller Warren. The Siege of Harlem, 1964.
Miller, Jr. Walter. The View from the Stars, 1964.
Moore C., Kuttner Henry. Earth's Last Citadel, 1964.
Moore Patrick. Caverns of the Moon, 1964.
More Penguin Science Fiction / Ed. by Brian W. Aldiss. – Penguin, 1964.
Moudy Walter. No Man on Earth, 1964.
Nathan Robert. The Fair, 1964.
Neville Kris. The Unearth People, 1964.
New Writings in SF 1 / Ed. by E. J(ohn Ted) Carnell. – Corgi, 1964.
New Writings in SF 1 / Ed. by E. J(ohn Ted) Carnell. – D.Dobson, 1964.
Mackin Edward. Key to Chaos.
Rankine John. Two's Company.
Aldiss Brian. Man on Bridge.
Green Joseph, Webbert James. Haggard Honeymoon.
Broderick Damien. The Sea's Furthest End.
New Writings in SF 2 / Ed. by E. J(ohn Ted) Carnell. – D.Dobson, 1964.
Rackham John. Hell-Planet.
Kapp Colin. The Night-Flame.
Green Joseph. The Creators.
Lack G. Rogue Leonardo.
Rankine John. Maiden Voyage.
Etchison Dennis. Old Boy Out.
Spencer William. The Eternal Machines.
Hall Steve. A Round Billiard Table.
Nizzi Guido. The Paralyzing Rays vs the Nuclears, 1964.
No Limits / Ed. by Joseph Wolfe Ferman. – Ballantine, 1964.
Kornbluth C. The Education of Tigress Macardle.
Brackett Leigh. All the Colors of the Rainbow.
Davidson Avram. Now Let Us Sleep.
Miller, Jr. Walter. Vengeance for Nikolai.
Del Rey Lester. Seat of Judgment.
Asimov Isaac. Buy Jupiter!.
Budrys Algis. And Then She Found Him.
Slesar Henry. Before the Talent Dies.
Sturgeon Theodore. The Comedian's Children.
Nobel Phil. Hand from Gehenna, 1964.
Norton Andre. Night of Masks, 1964.
Norton Andre. Ordeal in Otherwhere, 1964.
Norton Andre. Web of the Witch World, 1964. – (Witch World. 2). (Fantasy).
O'Brien Flann. The Dalkey Archive, 1964.
Ovenden Michael. Life in the Universe. – Heinemann, 1964. (Popular Science).
Over the Edge / Ed. by August W. Derleth. – Arkham, 1964.
Hodgson William. The Crew of the Lansing.
Wakefield H. The Last Meeting of Two Old Friends.
Lovecraft H. The Shadow in the Attic.
Metcalfe John. The Renegade.
Smith Clark. Told in the Desert.
Long Frank. When the Rains Came.
Howard Robert. The Blue Flame of Vengeance.
Stuart Jesse. Crabgrass.
Jacobi Carl. Kincaid's Car.
Derleth August. The Patchwork Quilt.
Shea J. The Old Lady's Room.
Brennan Joseph. The North Knoll.
Counselman Mary. The Huaco of Senor Perez.
Johnstone David. Mr. Alucard.
Pocik John. Casting the Stone.
Bailey Michael. Aneanoshian.
Campbell J. The Stone on the Island.
Pangborn Edgar. Davy. – St. Martin's, 1964.
Barron, Anatomy of Wonder 1987, 3-303.
Piper H. The Other Human Race, 1964.
Pohl Frederik. Alternating Currents. – The Lost City of Zork, 1964.
Pohl Frederik. The Fiend: Short Story // Playboy. – 1964. – Apr.
Purdom Tom. I Want the Stars, 1964.
Rackham John. Watch on Peter, 1964.
Ranzetta Luan. The Yellow Inferno, 1964.
Ray Robert. No Stars for Us, 1964.
Rayer F. Cardinal of the Stars, 1964.
Rayer F. The Iron and the Anger, 1964.
Rayer F. Journey to the Stars, 1964.
Reynolds Mack. Night Is for Monsters, 1964.
Robeson Kenneth. Meteor Menace, 1964.
Robeson Kenneth. The Thousand-Headed Man, 1964.
Ross Raymond. Beyond the Chains of Bondage, 1964.
Russell Eric. With a Strange Device, 1964.
Saberhagen Fred. The Golden People, 1964.
Saxon Richard. Cosmic Crusade, 1964.
Saxon Richard. Future for Sale, 1964.
Saxon Richard. The Hour of the Phoenix, 1964.
Schmitz James. The Universe Against Her, 1964.
Schuk F. The Phantom Caravan, 1964.
Science Fiction / Ed. by Anonymous. – International Storyteller Omnibus, 1964.
Moore Eric. The Lady From Sirius.
Dixon Barry. A Beautiful Sight to See.
Shann Bennett. Alien Fruit.
Bernard Pamela. Holiday.
Crick E. The Hall of the Traitor.
Pumphrey R. The Long and Happy Life of Flaubus E. Munt.
Ayliffe Noel. T.T.A..
Card Frank. Reference Back.
Davidson Lionel. Fred's Descendants.
Bracegirdle Cyril. ...And Bleep, Bleep to You.
Streeter Mark. They Who Must Hide.
Gilfillan James. The Last Silver Birch.
Rae Hugh. The Book of Sounds.
Stark Donald. Many Years Ago.
Curlow T. The Atomic Train.
Daly K. Congress of the Carnivores.
Edginton Brian. The Many Lives of Isidore.
Stratton Allan. Rhythm of the Rain.
Deacon Ronald. Escape to Paradise.
Searls Hank. The Pilgrim Project, 1964.
Selections From Science Fiction Thinking Machines / Ed. by Groff Conklin. – Bantam, 1964.
Sellings Arthur. The Uncensored Man, 1964.
The Seventh Galaxy Reader / Ed. by Frederik Pohl. – Penzler, 1964.
Sharkey Jack. The Twerlik: Short Story // Worlds of Tomorrow. – 1964. – Jun.
Shute Nevil. In the Wet. – Ballantine, 1964.
Shute Nevil. An Old Captivity. – Lancer, 1964. (Fantasy).
Silverberg Robert. Godling, Go Home!, 1964.
Silverberg Robert. Regan's Planet, 1964.
Silverberg Robert. Time of the Great Freeze, 1964.
Simak Clifford. The Night of the Puudly, 1964.
Simak Clifford. Worlds Without End. – Belmont, 1964.
Sleep No More / Ed. by August W. Derleth. – Panther, 1964.
Sloane William. The Rim of Morning, 1964.
Smith Clark. Poems in Prose, 1964.
Smith Clark. Tales of Science and Sorcery, 1964.
Smith Cordwainer. The Planet Buyer, 1964.
Smith George. The Unending Night, 1964.
Space, Time and Crime / Ed. by Miriam Allen DeFord. – Paperback, 1964.
Brown Fredric. Crisis, 1999.
McComas J. Criminal Negligence.
Asimov Isaac. The Talking Stone.
Bretnor Reginald. The Past and Its Dead People.
Reynolds Mack, Derleth August. The Adventure of the Snitch in Time.
McKimmey James. The Eyes Have It.
Boucher Anthony. Public Eye.
Anderson Poul, Anderson Karen. The Innocent Arrival.
Pohl Frederik. Third Offense.
Goulart Ron. The Recurrent Suitor.
Leiber Fritz. Try and Change the Past.
DeFord Miriam. Rope's End.
Davidson Avram. Or the Grasses Grow.
Spectrum / Ed. by Kingsley Amis, Robert Conquest. – Pan, 1964.
Spectrum II / Ed. by Kingsley Amis, Robert Conquest. – Berkley, 1964.
Spectrum II / Ed. by Kingsley Amis, Robert Conquest. – Pan, 1964.
Spectrum III / Ed. by Kingsley Amis, Robert Conquest. – Harcourt, 1964.
Spectrum III / Ed. by Kingsley Amis, Robert Conquest. – SFBC, 1964.
St. Clair Margaret. Message from the Eocene, 1964.
St. Clair Margaret. Three Worlds of Futurity. – Ace, 1964. (pb).
Sturgeon Theodore. Sturgeon in Orbit / Cover by Ed Emsh. – Pyramid, 1964. – 159 pp. (pb).
Swann Thomas. Ernest Dowson. – Irvington, 1964. (Non-fiction).
Tabori Paul. The Survivors, 1964.
Taine John. Three Science Fiction Novels. – Dover, 1964. (tp).
Tales of Science Fiction / Ed. by Brian N. Ball. – H.Hamilton, 1964.
Clarke Arthur. Hide and Seek.
Malpass E. Return of the Moon Men.
Heinlein Robert. Life-Line.
Ball Brian. Escape Velocity.
Ernst Paul. Nothing Happens on the Moon.
Christopher John. Mr. Kowtshook.
Wyndham John. Meteor.
Russell Eric. Allamagoosa.
Aldiss Brian. But Who Can Replace a Man?.
Thanet Neil. Beyond the Veil, 1964.
Thanet Neil. The Man Who Came Back, 1964.
Thomas Martin. Beyond the Spectrum, 1964.
Tolkien J. Tree and Leaf, 1964.
Torro Pel. The Return, 1964.
Torro Pel. Space No Barrier, 1964.
Tubb E. Moon Base, 1964.
The Unknown Five / Ed. by D. R(oynold) Bensen. – Pyramid, 1964.
Asimov Isaac. Author! Author!.
Cartmill Cleve. The Bargain.
Sturgeon Theodore. The Hag Seleen.
Bester Alfred. Hell Is Forever.
Rice Jane. The Crest of the Wave.
The Unquiet Grave / Ed. by August W. Derleth. – FSB, 1964.
Van Vogt A. The Twisted Men, 1964.
Vance Jack. Future Tense, 1964.
Vance Jack. The Houses of Iszm, 1964.
Vance Jack. The Killing Machine, 1964. – (Demon Princes. 2).
Vance Jack. Son of the Tree, 1964.
Vance Jack. The Star King, 1964.
Viking Otto. A World Intervenes, 1964.
Wallis Dave. Only Lovers Left Alive, 1964.
Walters Hugh. Terror by Satellite, 1964.
Werper Barton. Tarzan and the Cave City, 1964. – (Tarzan).
Werper Barton. Tarzan and the Silver Globe, 1964. – (Tarzan).
Werper Barton. Tarzan and the Snake People, 1964. – (Tarzan).
West Wallace. Time-Lockers, 1964.
White James. Deadly Litter, 1964.
White James. Open Prison, 1964.
Who Knocks? / Ed. by August W. Derleth. – Panther, 1964.
Williams Robert. The Lunar Eye, 1964.
Williamson Jack. Golden Blood. – Lancer, 1964.
Williamson Jack, Pohl Frederik. The Reefs of Space. – Ballantine Books, 1964. – (Starchild. 1).
Winterbotham Russ. The Puppet Planet, 1964.
Wright Lan. Exile from Xanadu, 1964.
Wyndham John. The John Wyndham Omnibus, 1964.
Yet More Penguin Science Fiction / Ed. by Brian W. Aldiss. – Penguin, 1964.
Cogswell Theodore. The Wall Around the World.
Fyfe H. Protected Species.
Clarke Arthur. Before Eden.
Porges Arthur. The Rescuer.
Miller, Jr. Walter. I Made You.
Knight Damon. The Country of the King.
Kornbluth C. Ms Found in a Chinese Fortune Cookie.
Chandler A. The Cage.
Tenn William. Eastward Ho!.
Brunner John. The Window of Heaven.
Blish James. Common Time.
Van Vogt A. Fulfillment.
Yolen Jane. The Witch Who Wasn't, 1964.
Zeigfreid Karl. No Way Back, 1964.
Zelazny Roger. Lucifer: Short Story // Worlds of Tomorrow. – 1964. – Jun.
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