Желязны Р.

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Желязны, Роджер (Джозеф) (Zelazny, Roger [Joseph]) (13 мая 1937, Эвклид, Огайо [Euclid, Ohio] - 14 июня 1995, Санта-Фе, Нью-Мексико [Santa Fe, New Mexico]) - американский писатель-фантаст. Среди его предков были поляки (как и голландцы), отсюда по-польски правильное русское написание его фамилии.

Первая НФ публикация - рассказ "Революция мистера Фуллера" ("Mister Fuller's Revolt", 1954).

Публиковался также под псевдонимом Harrison Denmark.



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Долина проклятий: Фантастика. - М.: СП "Бук Чембэр Интернэшнл", 1990. 96 с. 300 тыс. экз. ISBN 5-85020-024-X [(о); Пер. с англ. В. Баканова; Отв. ред. А. Рыбакова]

Р. Шекли] Принеси мне голову прекрасного принца: Ф роман /Пер. с англ. А.К. Андреева. - М.: Мир, 1993. 384 с. 85 тыс. экз. ISBN 5-03-003018 (рус.) 0-553-07678-7 (ЗФ) [Зав. ред. А.А. Кирюшкин; Вед. ред. С.К. Оганесян; Ред. И.Б. Ильченко; Худ. К.А. Сошинская; Худ. ред. Н.М. Иванов] [Аззи]

Этот бессмертный: НФ роман. - Рига: "Consum", 1992. 160 с. 100 тыс. экз. [(о); Худ. Л. Аукон]


Аутодафе //Иные миры, иные времена: Сб. Ф /Пер. с англ. - Л.: СП "Смарт", 1991. С. 101-107. [Пер. В. Кана] [Как Р. Зилазни]

Ф. Саберхагеном] Витки: Роман /Пер. с англ. В. Баканова, А. Корженевского //Обратная связь: Сб. НФ произведений /Пер. с англ. и нем.; Сост. В. Бабенко. - М.: Мир, 1990. С. 18-215. ["Coils", 1982]

Долина проклятий /Пер. с англ. В. Баканова //Антология мировой фантастики: Т. 1. Конец света. - М.: Аванта+, 2003. С. 345-442.

Коррида /Пер. с англ. В. Залипаева //Назовем его демоном. - Пермь: "МГ", 1991. С. 100-102.

Лица его, пламенники пасти его / Пер. с англ. А. Пчелинцева //Пришельцы с небес: Старая добрая фантастика /Пер. с англ. - М.: ООО "Изд-во АСТ", 2002. С. 583-624.

Песнопевец /Пер. С. Карташова //Уральская кочегарка (Кизел), 1991. № 181-207, 210. 24 сент.-31 окт., 5 нояб. С. 3. [Фантастика. Детективы. Приключения]

Роза для Екклесиаста /Пер. В. Ефимова //Шестой дворец: Сб. зарубежной Ф /Пер. с англ. - М., 1991. С. 186-219. [A Rose for Ecclesiastes]

Роза для Экклезиаста /Пер. с англ. Н. Магнат //Фантастика века /Сост. Вл. Гаков. - Минск-Москва: Полифакт, 1995. С. 473-488. [Как Р. Зелязни]

Чудовище и девственница /Пер. с англ. И. Рабиновича //Послание Фениксу: Фантастика. -  М.: ТЦ МШК МАДПР; РИФ "Шэдоу-1"; "Плюс-минус бесконечность", 1991. С. 66-67. [The Monster and the Maiden]

Др. соч.:





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24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai (na) //IASF, 1985. July [Hugo Award]

And I Only Am Escaped to Tell Thee (ss) //Twilight Zone, 1981. May

Angel, Dark Angel (ss) //Galaxy, 1967. Aug

Ashes to Ashes (nv) //Aces High /Ed. by G. R. R. Martin. - Bantam, 1987.

Auto-da-Fй (ss) //Dangerous Visions /Ed. by H. Ellison. - Doubleday, 1967.

The Bands of Titan (ss) //Zelazny R. Fire and Frost. - William Morrow, 1989.

The Bells of Shoredan (ss) //Fantastic, 1966. Mar

Blue Horse, Dancing Mountains (ss) //Wheel of Fortune /Ed. by R. Zelazny & M. H. Greenberg. - Morrow AvoNova, 1995.

The Borgia Hand (ss) //Amazing, 1963. Mar

But Not the Herald (vi) //Magazine of Horror, 1965. Winter

Circe Has Her Problems (ss) //Amazing, 1963. April

A City Divided (ss) //Zelazny R. Dilvish the Damned. - Ballantine, 1982.

Collector's Fever (vi) //Galaxy, 1964. June

Come Back to the Killing Ground, Alice, My Love (na) //Amazing, 1992. Aug

[With Harlan Ellison] Come to Me Not in Winter's White (ss) //F&SF, 1969. Oct

Comes Now the Power (ss) //Magazine of Horror, 1966. Winter

Coming to a Cord (ss) //Pirate Writings, 1995. Summer

Concerto for Siren and Serotonin (na) //Down and Dirty /Ed. by G. R. R. Martin. - Bantam, 1988.

Corrida (ss) //Anubis, 1968. #3

Creatures of Light (na) //If, 1968. Nov

Damnation Alley (na) //Galaxy, 1967. Oct

Dawn (nv) //F&SF, 1967. April

Dayblood (ss) //Twilight Zone, 1985. May/June

Deadboy Donner and the Filstone Cup (ss) //Terry's Universe /Ed. by B. Meacham. - Tor, 1988.

The Deadliest Game (vi) //Drabble II: Double Century /Ed. by R. Meades & D. B. Wake. - Beccon, 1990.

Death and the Executioner (nv) //F&SF, 1967. June

Devil and the Dancer (nv) //Zelazny R. Dilvish the Damned. - Ballantine, 1982.

Devil Car (ss) //Galaxy, 1965. June

Dilvish, the Damned (nv) //Zelazny R. Dilvish the Damned. - Ballantine, 1982.

Dismal Light (ss) //If, 1968. May

Divine Madness (ss) //Magazine of Horror, 1966. Summer

The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth (nv) //F&SF, 1965. Mar

Dreadsong (ss) //The Planets /Ed. by B. Preiss. - Bantam, 1985.

The Engine at Heartspring's Center (ss) //Analog, 1974. July

Epithalamium (nv) //Fantastic Alice /Ed. by M. Weis & M. H. Greenberg. - Ace, 1995.

The Eve of RUMOKO (na) //Three for Tomorrow /Ed. by R. Silverberg. - Meredith, 1969.

Exeunt Omnes (ss) //After the Fall /Ed. by R. Sheckley. - Ace, 1980.

Final Dining (ss) //Imagination, 1963. Feb

Fire And/Or Ice (ss) //After the Fall /Ed. by R. Sheckley. - Ace, 1980.

The First Postulate (nv) //F&SF, 1967. June

For a Breath I Tarry (nv) //New Worlds, 1966. Mar

The Force that Through the Circuit Drives the Current (ss) //SF Discoveries /Ed. by C. & F. Pohl. - Bantam, 1976.

The Furies (nv) //Amazing, 1965. June

The Game of Blood and Dust (ss) //Galaxy, 1975. April

Garden of Blood (ss) //Sorcerer's Apprentice, 1979. #3

The George Business (ss) //Dragons of Light /Ed. by O. S. Card. - Ace, 1980.

Go Starless in the Night (ss) //Destinies, 1979. Oct

Godson (nv) //Black Thorn, White Rose /Ed. by E. Datlow & T. Windling. - Morrow AvoNova, 1994.

The Graveyard Heart (na) //Fantastic, 1964. Mar

The Great Slow Kings (ss) //Worlds of Tomorrow, 1963. Dec

Halfjack (ss) //Omni, 1979. June

Hall of Mirrors (nv) //Castle Fantastic /Ed. by J. DeChancie & M. H. Greenberg. - DAW, 1996.

A Hand Across the Galaxy (ss) //Arioch!, 1967. Nov

He That Moves (ss) //If, 1968. Jan

He Who Shapes (na) //Amazing, 1965. Jan/Feb

[With Vaughn Bodй] Here There Be Dragons (nv) Donald M. Grant, 1992

Home Is the Hangman (na) //Analog, 1975. Nov

Horseman! (vi) //Fantastic, 1962. Aug

The Horses of Lir (ss) //Whispers III /Ed. by S. D. Schiff . - Doubleday, 1981.

Is There a Demon Lover in the House? (ss) //Heavy Metal, 1977. Sept

Itself Surprised (nv) //Omni, 1984. Aug

Kalifriki of the Thread (nv) //Hidden Turnings /Ed. by D. W. Jones. - Methuen UK, 1989.

The Keys to December (nv) //New Worlds, 1966. Aug

King Solomon's Ring (nv) //Fantastic, 1963. Oct

'Kjwalll'kje'k'koothailll'kje'k (na) //Nemo, 1973. #2

A Knight for Merytha (ss) //Kallikanzaros, 1967. #2

Lady of Steel (vi) //Chicks in Chainmail /Ed. by E. Friesner. - Baen, 1995.

The Last Defender of Camelot (nv) //IASF, 1979. Summer

[With Dannie Plachta] The Last Inn on the Road (ss) //New Worlds, 1967. Oct 

The Last of the Wild Ones (nv) //Omni, 1981. Mar

LOKI 7281 (ss) //Random Access Messages of the Computer Age /Ed. by T. F. Monteleone. - Hayden, 1984.

The Long Crawl of Hugh Glass (nv) //Superheroes /Ed. by J. Varley & R. Mainhardt. - Ace, 1995.

The Long Sleep (nv) //Card Sharks /Ed. by G. R. R. Martin. - Baen, 1993.

Love Is an Imaginary Number (ss) //New Worlds, 1966. Jan

Lucifer (ss) //Worlds of Tomorrow, 1964. June

The Malatesta Collection (ss) //Fantastic, 1963. April

The Man Who Loved the Faioli (ss) //Galaxy, 1967. June

Mana from Heaven (nv) //More Magic /Ed. by Larry Niven. - Berkley, 1984.

Mine is the Kingdom (ss) //Amazing, 1963. Aug [As Harrison Denmark]

The Misfit (nv) //Amazing, 1963. Oct

Monologue for Two (ss) //Fantastic, 1963. May [As Harrison Denmark]

The Monster and the Maiden (vi) //Galaxy, 1964. Dec

Moonless in Byzantium (ss) //Amazing, 1962. Dec

A Museum Piece (ss) //Fantastic, 1963. June

My Lady of the Diodes (ss) //Granfalloon, 1970. Jan

The Naked Matador (ss) //Amazing, 1981. July

The Night Has 999 Eyes (ss) //Double-Bill, 1964. Oct

Night Kings (ss) //If, 1986. Sep/Nov

No Award (ss) //The Saturday Evening Post, 1977. Jan

Of Time and the Yan (ss) //F&SF, 1965. June

On the Road to Splenoba (ss) //Fantastic, 1963. Jan

Passage to Dilfar (ss) //Fantastic, 1965. Feb

Passion Play (vi) //Amazing, 1962. Aug

Permafrost (nv) //Omni, 1986. April

The Places of Aache (ss) //Other Worlds #2 /Ed. by R. Torgeson. - Zebra, 1980.

Prince of the Powers of this World (ss) //Christmas Forever /Ed. by D. G. Hartwell. - Tor, 1993.

Quest's End (vi) //Omni, 1987. June

Recital (ss) //Zelazny R. A Rhapsody in Amber. - 1981.

Rock Collector //Galaxy, 1964. June [adaptation of Collector's Fever]

A Rose for Ecclesiastes (nv) //F&SF, 1963. Nov

The Salesman's Tale (ss) //Amberzine, 1994. Feb

The Salvation of Faust (ss) //F&SF, 1964. July

Shadowjack (ss) //The Illustrated Roger Zelazny, 1978

The Shroudling and the Guisel (ss) //Realms of Fantasy, 1994. Oct

The Sleeper (nv) //Wild Cards /Ed. by G. R. R. Martin. - Bantam, 1987.

Song of the Blue Baboon (ss) //If, 1968. Aug

The Stainless Steel Leech (ss) //Amazing, 1963. April [As Harrison Denmark]

Stand Pat, Ruby Stone (ss) //Destinies, 1978. Nov

The Teachers Rode a Wheel of Fire (ss) //Fantastic, 1962. Oct

Thelinde's Song (ss) //Fantastic, 1965. June

A Thing of Terrible Beauty (ss) //Fantastic, 1963. April [As Harrison Denmark]

This Moment of the Storm (nv) //F&SF, 1966. June

This Mortal Mountain (nv) //If, 1967. Mar

The Three Descents of Jeremy Baker (ss) //VB Tech Journal, 1995. June

Threshold of the Prophet (ss) //Fantastic, 1963. May

Tower of Ice (na) //Flashing Swords! #5 /Ed. by L. Carter. - Dell, 1981.

Tunnel Vision (vi) //Galaxy, 1994. May/June

Unicorn Variation (nv) //IASF, 1981. April 13

A Very Good Year (vi) //Harvey, 1979. Dec

Walpurgisnacht (ss) //Zelazny R. A Rhapsody in Amber. - 1981.

[With Vaughn Bodй] Way Up High (nv) Donald M. Grant, 1992

The White Beast (ss) //Whispers, 1979. Oct

[With Dannie Plachta] The Year of the Good Seed  (1969)




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[Б.а.] Zelazny, Roger Joseph //Библиография фантастики. - М.: Келвори, 1996. С. 497-498. [В указателе русских транскрипций - Железны Р.]

[Б. а.] Коротко об авторах //Антология мировой фантастики: Т. 1. Конец света. - М.: Аванта+, 2003. С. 605.

Гаков Вл. 200 биографий. Зелязни Роджер (Джозеф) //Фантастика века /Сост. Вл. Гаков. - Минск-Москва: Полифакт, 1995. С. 585. [Портрет]

Вл.Г. Зелязни Роджер (Джозеф) //Энциклопедия фантастики: Кто есть кто /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - Минск: ИКО "Галаксиас", 1995. С. 245-246. [Портрет]

Вл.Г. Зелязни, Роджер (Джозеф) //Энциклопедия фантастики /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - М.: ООО "Международный центр фантастики", 1997. CD-ROM (HTML).

Дозуа Г. Об авторе: [Роджер Желязны] /Пер. с англ. М. Левина //Пришельцы с небес: Старая добрая фантастика /Пер. с англ. - М.: ООО "Изд-во АСТ", 2002. С. 579-582.

Качелкин М. Об авторах //Послание Фениксу: Фантастика. -  М.: ТЦ МШК МАДПР; РИФ "Шэдоу-1"; "Плюс-минус бесконечность", 1991. С. 213-214.


[Б.а.] Zelazny, Roger //Tuck D.H., compl. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Through 1968. Vol. 2. - Chicago: Advent, 1978. P. 474.

Ash B. Roger Zelazny //Ash B. Who Is Who in Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Elm Tree Books, 1976. P. 215-216.

[JC] Zelazny, Roger //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Granada, 1981. P. 671-672. [Photo]

[JC] Zelazny, Roger (Joseph) //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - N.Y.: St.Martin's Press, 1993. P. 1365-1367.

[JC] Zelazny, Roger (Joseph) //The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Ver. 1.0. - Danbury, CT: Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc., 1995.

[JC] Zelazny, Roger (Joseph) //The Encyclopedia of Fantasy. - N.Y.: St. Martin's Griffin, 1999. P. 1045-1047.

Zelazny, Roger (Joseph) //Who Goes There: A Bibliographic Dictionary of Pseudonymous Literature in the Fields of Fantasy and Science Fiction /Comp. by J.A. Rock. - Bloomington, Indiana: James A. Rock & Co., 1979. P. 161.


[Б.а.] Zelazny, Roger (Joseph) //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1980. S. 676-678. [Foto]

[Б.а.] Zelazny, Roger (Joseph) //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1988. S. 1089-1092. [Foto]

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