Старджон Т.

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Старджон, Теодор (Sturgeon, Theodor) - псевдоним или легально измененное имя Уолдо, Эдварда Гамильтона (Edward Hamilton Waldo) (26 февраля 1918, Стэйтен Айлэнд, Нью-Йорк [Staten Island, New York] - 5 мая 1985, Юджин, Орегон [Eugene, Oregon]) - американского писателя-фантаста.

Произведения С. переведены на болгарский, венгерский, грузинский, китайский, корейский, монгольский, немецкий, польский, сербско-хорватский, словацкий, французский, чешский, японский.


См. также: ХЬЮГО

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Бизнес на страхе //Сборник научной фантастики. В. 29. - М.: Знание, 1984. С. 181-195. [Пер. с англ. Ю. Эстрина] [Fear Is a Business]

Бог микрокосмоса: НФ рассказ /Пер. с англ. Ф. Мендельсона; Рис. Н. Воробьева //На суше и на море. - М.: Географгиз, 1961. С. 466-498. [Как Т. Стёржон] [Microcosmic God]

Бог микрокосмоса /Пер. с англ. Ф. Мендельсона //Фантастика века /Сост. Вл. Гаков. - Минск-Москва: Полифакт, 1995. С. 167-180.

Дело Верити /Пер. с англ. И. Эпштейн //Сборник научной фантастики. В. 17. - М.: Знание, 1976. С. 79-97. [The Verity File]

Дом с привидениями /Пер. И. Кошкина //Китеж: Сб. Ф. В. 1. - СПб.: НТПО "Борей", 1992. С. 262-277. [Илл. В. Есауленко]

Искусники планеты Ксанаду /Пер. с англ. Н. Галь //Звезды зовут: Сб. НФ рассказов о космосе. - М.: Мир, 1969. С. 346-385. [The Skills of Xanadu]

Искусники планеты Ксанду /Пер. с англ. Н. Галь; Илл. В. Чернецова, В. Немухина //ВС, 1969. № 1. С. 50-60. [Послесловие: Ю. Кагарлицкий: С. 61]

Особая способность /Пер. с англ. Д. Горфинкеля //Безработный робот: НФ рассказы. - Минск: Юнацтва, 1989. С. 342-361. [Илл. В. Гладкевича] [Special Aptitude]

Особая способность /Пер. Д. Горфинкеля //Конфигуратор: Сб. юмористической Ф. - Л.: Ленинградский комитет литераторов; Дом сатиры и юмора, 1990. С. 178-198.

Покер: Ф рассказ /Пер. с англ. Ил. Полоцка //Наука и техника (Рига), 1979. № 11. С. 31-32; № 12. С. 28-29.

Др. соч.:






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Abreaction, (ss), Weird Tales, July 1948

Accidentally on Porpoise, (ss), The Ultimate Egoist, North Atlantic Books, 1995

Affair With a Green Monkey, (ss), Venture, May 1957

Agnes, Accent and Access, (ss), Galaxy, Oct 1973

Alter Ego, (ss), The Ultimate Egoist, North Atlantic Books, 1995

...And My Fear Is Great, (na), Beyond, July 1953

And Now the News..., (ss), F&SF, Dec 1956

The Anonymous, (nv), Microcosmic God, North Atlantic Books, 1996

Artnan Process, (nv), Astounding, June 1941

Baby Is Three, (na), Galaxy, Oct 1952

Beware the Fury (aka Extrapolation), (nv), Fantastic, April 1954

Bianca's Hands, (ss), Argosy (UK), May 1947

Biddiver, (nv), Astounding, Aug 1941

Blabbermouth, (nv), Amazing, Feb 1947

Blue Butter, (ss), F&SF, Oct 1974

The Blue Letter, (ss), Thunder and Roses, North Atlantic Books, 1997

The Bones (w James H. Beard), (ss), Unknown, Aug 1943

Brat, (ss), Unknown, Dec 1941

Bright Segment, (nv), Caviar, Ballantine, 1955

Brownshoes (aka The Man Who Learned Loving), (ss), Adam, 1969

Bulkhead (aka Who?), (nv), Galaxy, Mar 1955

Bulldozer Is a Noun, (ss), Killdozer!, North Atlantic Books, 1996

Butyl and the Breather, (nv), Astounding, Oct 1940

Cajun Providence, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, July 15, 1939

Call, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, Aug 19, 1939

Cargo, (nv), Unknown, Nov 1940

Case and the Dreamer, (nv), Galaxy, Jan 1973

The Cave of History (aka The Sky Was Full of Ships), (ss), Thrilling Wonder Stories, June 1947

Cellmate, (ss), Weird Tales, Jan 1947

The Chromium Helmet, (nv), Astounding, June 1946

The Claustrophile, (nv), Galaxy, Aug 1956

The Clinic, (ss), Star SF Stories #2, (F. Pohl ed), Ballantine, 1953

The Comedian's Children, (nv), Venture, May 1958

Completely Automatic, (ss), Astounding, Feb 1941

Contact!, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, Aug 5, 1939

Crate, (ss), Knight, Oct 1970

A Crime for Llewellyn, (nv), Mike Shayne, Oct 1957

Crossfire, (vignette), Killdozer!, North Atlantic Books, 1996

The Dark Goddess, (ss), The Perfect Host, North Atlantic Books 1998

The Dark Room, (nv), Fantastic, July/Aug 1953

Dazed, (nv), Galaxy, Sept 1971

The Deadly Ratio (aka It Wasn't Syzygy), (nv), Weird Tales, Jan 1948

"Derm Fool," (ss), Unknown, Mar 1940

Die, Maestro, Die!, (nv), Dime Detective, May 1949

The Education of Drusilla Strange, (nv), Galaxy, Mar 1954

East Is East, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, June 24, 1939

The Education of Drusilla Strange, (nv), Galaxy, Mar 1954

Ether Breather, (ss), Astounding, Sept 1939

Ex-Bachelor Extract, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, June 17, 1939

Excalibur and the Atom, (na), Fantastic Adventures, Aug 1951

Extraordinary Seaman, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, June 1939

Extrapolation (aka Beware the Fury), (nv), Fantastic, April 1954

Eyes of Blue, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, July 1, 1939

The Fabulous Idiot, (nv), More Than Human, Farrar, 1953

Farewell to Eden, (ss), Invasion from Mars, (O. Welles ed), Dell, 1949

Fear Is a Business, (ss), F&SF, Aug 1956

Fit for a King, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, June 10, 1939

Fluffy, (ss), Weird Tales, Mar 1947

Fluke, E Pluribus Unicorn, Abelard 1953

Ghost of a Chance (akaThe Green-Eyed Monster), (ss), Unknown, June 1943

The Girl Had Guts, (ss), Venture, Jan 1957

The Girl Who Knew What They Meant, (ss), Knight, Feb 1970

A God in a Garden, (ss), Unknown, Oct 1939

Golden Day, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, Mar 4, 1939

The Golden Egg, (nv), Unknown, Aug 1941

The Golden Helix, (na), Thrilling Wonder Stories, Summer 1954

Granny Won't Knit, (na), Galaxy, May 1954

The Graveyard Reader, (ss), The Graveyard Reader, (G. Conklin ed), Ballantine, 1958

The Green-Eyed Monster (aka Ghost of a Chance), (ss), Unknown, June 1943

The Hag Sйleen (w James H. Beard), (nv), Unknown, Dec 1942

Harry's Note, (nv), Chrysalis, (R. Torgeson ed), Zebra, 1977

The Haunt, (ss), Unknown, April 1941

He Shuttles, (ss), Unknown, April 1940

The Heart, (ss), Other Worlds, May 1955

Heavy Insurance, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, July 16, 1938

Helix the Cat, (nv), Astounding, (H. Harrison ed), Random, 1973

Her Choice, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, July 8, 1939

His Good Angel, (ss) Milwaukee Journal, May 12, 1939

How to Kill (Your) Aunty, (nv), Mike Shayne, Mar 1961

The Hurkle Is a Happy Beast, (ss), F&SF, Fall 1949

Hurricane Trio, (nv), Galaxy, April 1955

"I Say...Ernest...", (ss), The Los Angeles Weekly News, Aug 10, 1973

If All Men Were Brothers, Would You Let One Marry Your Sister?, (na), Dangerous Visions, (H. Ellison ed), Doubleday, 1967

The Incubi of Parallel X, (na), Planet Stories, Sept 1951

It, (nv), Unknown, Aug 1940

It Opens the Sky, (nv), Venture, Nov 1957

It Was Nothing—Really!, (ss), Knight, Nov 1969

It Wasn't Syzygy (aka The Deadly Ratio), (nv), Weird Tales, Jan 1948

It's You!, (ss), Adam, Jan 1970

Jorry's Gap, (ss), Adam, Oct 1969

The Jumper (w James H. Beard), (ss), Unknown, Aug 1942

Killdozer!, (na), Astounding, Nov 1944

Killdozer!, (revised na), Aliens 4, Avon, 1959

Largo, (ss), Fantastic Adventures, July 1947

Last Laugh (aka Special Aptitude), (ss), Other Worlds, Mar 195

Like Young, (ss), F&SF, Mar 1960

The Long Arm, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, Feb 5, 1940

Look About You, (verse), Unknown, Jan 1940

The Love of Heaven, (ss), Astounding, Nov 1948

Mahout, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, Jan 22, 1940

Mailed Through a Porthole, (ss), The Ultimate Egoist, North Atlantic Books, 1995

The Man on the Steps, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, Feb 22, 1940

Make Room for Me, (nv), Fantastic Adventures, May 1951

The Man Who Figured Everything (w Don Ward), (nv), Ellery Queen, Jan 1960

The Man Who Learned Loving (aka Brownshoes), (ss), Adam, 1969

The Man Who Lost the Sea, (ss), F&SF, Oct 1959

The Martian and the Moron, (nv), Weird Tales, Mar 1949

Maturity, (na), Astounding, Feb 1947

Medusa, (nv), Astounding, Feb 1942

Memorial, (ss), Astounding, April 1946

Memory, (nv), Thrilling Wonder Stories, Aug 1948

Messenger, (ss), Thrilling Wonder Stories, Feb 1949

Mewhu's Jet, (nv), Astounding, Nov 1946

Microcosmic God, (nv), Astounding, April 1941

Minority Report, (ss), Astounding, June 1949

Morality, (nv), More Than Human, Farrar, 1953

Mr. Costello, Hero, (nv), Galaxy, Dec 1953

The Music, (ss), E Pluribus Unicorn, Abelard, 1953

The Nail and the Oracle, (nv), Playboy, Oct 1965

Necessary and Sufficient, (ss), Galaxy, April 1971

Need, (na), Beyond, Avon, 1960

Never Underestimate..., (ss), IF, Mar 1952

Nightmare Island (as E. Waldo Hunter), (nv), Unknown, June 1941

Niobe, (ss), The Ultimate Egoist, North Atlantic Books, 1995

Noon Gun, (ss), Playboy, Sept 1963

A Noose of Light, (ss), The Ultimate Egoist, North Atlantic Books, 1995

Not An Affair, (ss), F&SF, Oct 1983

Occam's Scalpel, (nv), IF, Aug 1971

One Sick Kid, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, April 29, 1939

One Foot and the Grave, (nv), Weird Tales, Sept 1949

The Other Celia, (ss), Galaxy, Mar 1957

The Other Cheek, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, April 10, 1939

The Other Man, (na), Galaxy, Sept 1956

The Patterns of Dorne, (ss), Knight, 1970

The Perfect Host, (nv), Weird Tales, Nov 1948

Permit Me My Gesture, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, Mar 10, 1939

Place of Honor, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, Mar 18, 1940

The Pod and the Barrier, (na), Galaxy, Sept 1957

Poker Face, (ss), Astounding, Mar 1941

Poor Yorick, (ss), Killdozer!, North Atlantic Books, 1996

Prodigy, (ss), Astounding, April 1949

The Professor's Teddy-Bear, (ss), Weird Tales, Mar 1948

Pruzy's Pot, (ss), National Lampoon, June 1972

Punctuational Advice, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, Feb 29, 1940

The Purple Light (as E. Hunter Waldo), (ss), Astounding, June 1941

Quietly, (ss), The Perfect Host, North Atlantic Books 1998

The Riddle of Ragnarok, (nv), Fantastic Universe, June 1955

The Right Line, (ss), The Ultimate Egoist, North Atlantic Books, 1995

Rule of Three, (nv), Galaxy, Jan 1951

Runesmith (w Harlan Ellison), (ss), F&SF, May 1970

Saucer of Loneliness, (ss), Galaxy, Feb 1953

The Sex Opposite, (nv), Fantastic, Fall 1952

"Shadow, Shadow, on the Wall...", (ss), Imagination, Feb 1951

Shottle Bop, (nv), Unknown, Feb 1941

The Silken-Swift, (nv), F&SF, Nov 1953

The Skills of Xanadu, (nv), Galaxy, July 1956

The Sky Was Full of Ships (aka The Cave of History), (ss), Thrilling Wonder Stories, June 1947

Slow Sculpture, (nv), Galaxy, Feb 1970

So Near the Darkness, (nv), Fantastic Universe, Nov 1955

Some People Forget, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, May 30, 1939

Special Aptitude (aka Last Laugh), (ss), Other Worlds, Mar 1951

The Stars Are the Styx, (nv), Galaxy, Oct 1950

Strangers on a Train, (ss),The Ultimate Egoist, North Atlantic Books, 1995

Strike Three, (ss), The Ultimate Egoist, North Atlantic Books, 1995

Suicide, (ss), Adam, 1970

Take Care of Joey, (ss), Knight, Jan 1971

Talent, (ss), Beyond, Sept 1953

Tandy's Story, (nv), Galaxy, April 1961

Thanksgiving Again, (ss), The Ultimate Egoist, North Atlantic Books, 1995

That Low, (vignette), Famous Fantastic Mysteries, Oct 1948

There Is No Defense, (nv), Astounding, Feb 1948

Three People, (ss), The Ultimate Egoist, North Atlantic Books, 1995

Thunder and Roses, (ss), Astounding, Nov 1947 (Sturgeon's personal best)

Till Death Do Us Join, (ss), Shock, July 1948

Time Warp, (ss), Omni, Oct 1978

Tiny and the Monster, (nv), Astounding, May 1947

To Here and the Easel, (na), Star Short Novels, (F. Pohl ed), Ballantine, 1954

To Marry Medusa, (na), Galaxy, Aug 1958

To Shorten Sail, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, Sept 9,1939

A Touch of Strange, (ss), F&SF, Jan 1958

The Touch of Your Hand, (na), Galaxy, Sept 1953

The Traveling Crag, (nv), Fantastic Adventures, July 1951

Turkish Delight, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, Nov 18, 1939

Twink, (ss), Galaxy, Aug 1955

Two Percent Inspiration, (ss), Astounding, Oct 1941

Two Sidecars, (ss), Microcosmic God, North Atlantic Books, 1996

The Ultimate Egoist, (nv), Unknown, Feb 1941

Uncle Fremmis, (ss), Adam, 1970

Unite and Conquer, (nv), Astounding, Oct 1948

Vengeance Is..., (ss), Dark Forces, (K. McCauley ed), Viking, 1980

The Verity File, (ss), Galaxy, May/June 1971

The Wages of Synergy, (nv), Startling Stories Aug 1953

The Waiting Thing Inside (w Don Ward), (ss), Ellery Queen, Sept 1956

Watch My Smoke, (ss), Milwaukee Journal, Mar 13, 1939

A Way Home, (ss), Amazing, April/May 1953

A Way of Thinking, (nv), Amazing, Oct/Nov 1953

Wham Bop!, (ss), The Varsity, Nov 1947

What Dead Men Tell, (nv), Astounding, Nov 1949

When You Care, When You Love, (nv), F&SF, Sept 1962

When You're Smiling, (nv), Galaxy, Jan 1955

Who? (aka Bulkhead), (nv), Galaxy, Mar 1955

Why Dolphins Don't Bite, (nv), Omni, Feb/Mar/April 1980

The (Widget), the (Wadget), and Boff, (na), F&SF, Nov 1955

"Won't You Walk...", (nv), Astounding, Jan 1956

The World Well Lost, (ss), Universe, June 1953

Yesterday Was Monday, (ss), Unknown, June 1941















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Кагарлицкий Ю. [Послесловие] //ВС, 1969. № 1. С. 61. [Искусники планеты Ксанаду]





[Б.а.] Sturgeon, Theodore Hamilton //Библиография фантастики. - М.: Келвори, 1996. С. 415-416.

Гаков Вл. 200 биографий. Старджон Теодор //Фантастика века /Сост. Вл. Гаков . - Минск-Москва: Полифакт, 1995. С. 602. [Портрет]

Вл.Г. Старджон Теодор //Энциклопедия фантастики: Кто есть кто /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - Минск: ИКО "Галаксиас", 1995. С. 531-533. [Портрет]

Вл.Г. Старджон, Теодор //Энциклопедия фантастики /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - М.: ООО "Международный центр фантастики", 1997 . CD-ROM (HTML).


[Б.а.] Sturgeon, Theodore //Tuck D.H., compl. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Through 1968. Vol. 2. - Chicago: Advent, 1978. P. 413-414.

Ash B. Theodore Sturgeon //Ash B. Who Is Who in Science Fiction . - Lnd.: Elm Tree Books, 1976 . P. 189-190.

[JC] Sturgeon, Theodore //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Granada, 1981. P. 579-580.

[JC] Sturgeon, Theodore //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - N.Y.: St.Martin's Press, 1993. P. 1175-1177.

[JC] Sturgeon, Theodore //The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Ver. 1.0. - Danbury, CT: Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc., 1995.

[BS] Sturgeon, Theodore //The Encyclopedia of Fantasy. - N.Y.: St. Martin's Griffin, 1999. P. 903-904.

Sturgeon, Theodore //Who Goes There : A Bibliographic Dictionary of Pseudonymous Literature in the Fields of Fantasy and Science Fiction /Comp. by J.A. Rock. - Bloomington, Indiana: James A. Rock & Co., 1979. P. 138.


[Б.а.] Sturgeon, Theodore //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1980. S. 595-597. [Foto]

[Б.а.] Sturgeon, Theodore //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1988. S. 945-948. [Foto]

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