Корнблат С.

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Корнблат, Сирил М. (Kornbluth, C[yril] M.) (23 июля 1923, Нью-Йорк [New York] - 21 марта 1958, Левиттаун, Лонг Айленд, Н.Й. [Levittown, L.I., N.Y.]) - американский писатель-фантаст. Отец - Сэмюэл (Samuel). Брат - Льюис (Lewis). Окончил Чикагский ун-т (U. of Chicago). Участник Второй мировой войны. Был пехотинцем, участник Battle of the Bulge. Возможно, надсадил сердце, таская тяжелый пулемет. Награжден Бронзовой Звездой. После войны стал редактором в Чикагском отделении Trans-Radio Press. Профессиональный писатель с 1951. Перед смертью занимал пост редактора-консультанта журнала F&SF. Умер на платформе пригородной электрички от инфаркта, возможно, вызванного тем, что перед этим он разгребал снег и колол дрова.

Был женат на Мэри Дж. Байерс (Mary G. Byers) (р. 1920) (1943-до смерти), художнице-керамистке. Вдова составила мемориальную антологию "Витрина научной фантастики" ("Science Fiction Showcase", 1959). Возможно, средний инициал M. в рабочем имени писателя поставлен в честь Мэри, некоторые издания приводят его именно так - Сирил Мэри К. Сыновья - Джон (John) и Дэвид (David).

Использовал псевдонимы Gabriel Barclay, Edward J. Bellin, Arthur Cooke (с Д. Уоллхеймом), Cecil Corwin, Walter C. Davies, Simon Eisner, Kenneth Falconer, S. D. Gottesman, Warren F. Howard, Сирил Джадд (Cyril Judd) (с Дж. Меррил), Paul Dennis Lavond, Scott Mariner, Jordan Park, F. Stanislaus Prosody, Charles Satterfield, Ivar Towers (с Р. Уилсоном), Allen Zweig и другие.


См. также: ХЬЮГО

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Обложка журнала "Гэлэкси" за май 1951 с иллюстрацией к роману С. Джадда "Дитя Марса". Художник Ч. Бонестелл.




Домино /Пер. с англ. Т. Гинзбург; Илл. В. Лукьянца //Искатель, 1979. № 6. С. 105-112. [Dominoes] [==Карточный домик]

Карточный домик /Пер. с англ. И. Можейко; Илл. М. Рогинского //Искатель, 1961. № 4. С. 68-75. [Как К. Корнблат] [Dominoes] [==Домино]

Ракета 1955 года //Последнее новшество: Сб. /Пер. с англ. А. Мельникова. - М.: Профиздат, 1991. С. 83-85. [The Rocket of 1955]

Та доля славы /Пер. с англ. И. Гуровой //Пришельцы с небес: Старая добрая фантастика /Пер. с англ. - М.: ООО "Изд-во АСТ", 2002. С. 165-205. [That Share of Glory]

Черный чемоданчик /Пер. с англ. М. Дмитриевой //Сборник научной фантастики. В. 17. - М.: Знание, 1976. С. 141-164. [Печ. с сокр.] [The Little Black Bag]

Др. соч.:






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[With F. Pohl] Gladiator-at-Law (1955)

[With Judith Merril] Gunner Cade (1952)

Not This August (1955)

[With Judith Merril] Outpost Mars (1952)

[With F. Pohl] Search the Sky (1954)

[With F. Pohl] The Space Merchants (1952)

The Syndic (1953)

Takeoff (1952)

[With F. Pohl] Wolfbane (1957)



The Advent on Channel Twelve (ss) //Star SF Stories #4 /Ed. by F. Pohl. - Ballantine, 1958.

The Adventurer (ss) //Space SF, 1953. May

The Adventurers (ss) //SF Quarterly, 1955. Feb

The Altar at Midnight (ss) //Galaxy, 1952. Nov

[With F. Pohl] Before the Universe (nv) //Super Science Stories, 1940. July [As S. D. Gottesman] [Clair & Gaynor]

[With F. Pohl] Best Friend (ss) //Super Science Novels , 1941. May [As S. D. Gottesman]

[With F. Pohl] Callistan Tomb (ss) //Science Fiction Quarterly, 1941. Spring

The Castle on Outer Planet (ss) //Stirring Science Stories, 1941. April [As S. D. Gottesman]

The City in the Sofa (ss) //Cosmic Stories, 1941. July [As Cecil Corwin]

The Core (nv) //Future, 1942. April [As S. D. Gottesman]

The Cosmic Charge Account (nv) //F&SF, 1956. Jan [==The Cosmic Expense Account]

The Cosmic Expense Account (nv) //SF:’57: The Year’s Greatest Science Fiction and Fantasy /Ed. by Judith Merril. - Gnome Press, 1957. P. 25-50. [==The Cosmic Charge Account]

Crisis! (ss) //SF Quarterly, 1942. Spring [As Cecil Corwin]

[With F. Pohl] Critical Mass (nv) //Galaxy, 1962. Feb

Dead Center (nv) //Stirring Science Stories, 1941. Feb [As S. D. Gottesman]

Dimension of Darkness (ss) //Cosmic Stories, 1941. May [As S. D. Gottesman]

Dominoes (ss) //Star SF Stories #1 /Ed. by F. Pohl. - Ballantine, 1953.

The Education of Tigress Macardle (ss) //Venture, 1957. July

[With F. Pohl and Robert A. W. Lowndes] Einstein's Planetoid //Science Fiction Quarterly, 1942. Spring

[With F. Pohl] The Engineer (ss) //Infinity, 1956. Feb

The Events Leading Down to the Tragedy (ss) //F&SF, 1958. Jan

Everybody Knows Joe (ss) //Fantastic Universe, 1953. Oct/Nov

[With F. Pohl] The Extrapolated Dimwit (nv) //Future, 1942. Oct [As S. D. Gottesman] [Clair & Gaynor]

Fire-Power (nv) //Cosmic Stories, 1941. July [As S. D. Gottesman]

Forgotten Tongue (ss) //Stirring Science Stories, 1941. June [As Walter C. Davies]

Friend to Man (ss) //Ten Story Fantasy, 1951. Spring

[With F. Pohl] A Gentle Dying (ss) //Galaxy, 1961. June

[With F. Pohl] The Gift of Garigolli (nv) //Galaxy, 1974. Aug

The Golden Road (nv) //Stirring Science Stories, 1942. Mar [As Cecil Corwin]

Gomez (nv) //Kornbluth C.M. The Explorers. - Ballantine, 1954.

The Goodly Creatures (ss) //F&SF, 1952. Dec

Gravy Planet (n) //Galaxy, 1952.

[With F. Pohl] A Hint Of Henbane (ss) //Alfred Hitchcock's Mistery Magazine, 1961. Nov

I Never Ast No Favors (ss) //F&SF, 1954. April

Interference (ss) //Cosmic Stories, 1941. July [As Walter C. Davies]

[With Donald A. Wollheim] Interplane Express (ss) //Wollheim D. Up There and Other Strange Directions. - NESFA Press, 1988.

Iteration (ss) //Future, 1950. Sept/Oct

Kazam Collects (ss) //Stirring Science Stories, 1941. June [As S. D. Gottesman]

King Cole of Pluto (ss) //Super Science Stories, 1940. May [As S. D. Gottesman]

The Last Man Left in the Bar (ss) //Infinity, 1957. Oct

The Little Black Bag (nv) //Astounding, 1950. July

The Luckiest Man in Denv (ss) //Galaxy, 1952. June [As Simon Eisner]

Make Mine Mars (nv) //SF Adventures, 1952. Nov

The Marching Morons (nv) //Galaxy, 1951. April

[With F. Pohl] Mars-Tube (ss) //Astonishing Stories, 1941. Sept [As S. D. Gottesman]

[With Donald A. Wollheim] The Mask of Demeter (ss) //F&SF, 1953. Jan [As Cecil Corwin and Martin Pearson]

Masquerade (ss) //Stirring Science Stories, 1942. Mar [As Kenneth Falconer]

The Meddlers (vi) //SF Adventures, 1953. Sept

[With F. Pohl] The Meeting (ss) //F&SF, 1972. Nov

The Mindworm (ss) //Worlds Beyond, 1950. Dec

Mr. Packer Goes to Hell (nv) //Stirring Science Stories, 1941. June [As Cecil Corwin] [Peter Packer]

MS. Found in a Chinese Fortune Cookie (ss) //F&SF, 1957. July

[With F. Pohl] Mute Inglorious Tam (ss) //F&SF, 1974. Oct

[With F. Pohl] Nightmare with Zeppelins (ss) //Galaxy, 1958. Dec

No Place to Go (ss) //Cosmic Stories, 1941. May [As Edward J. Bellin]

[With F. Pohl] Nova Midplane (ss) //Super Science Stories, 1940. Nov [As S. D. Gottesman] [Clair & Gaynor]

The Objective Approach (ss) //The Phantagraph, 1967.

The Only Thing We Learn (ss) //Startling Stories, 1949. July

Passion Pills (nv) //Vanguard, 1958. June

The Perfect Invasion (ss) //Stirring Science Stories, 1942. March [As S. D. Gottesman]

[With F. Pohl] The Quaker Cannon (nv) //Analog, 1961. Aug

Reap the Dark Tide (nv) //Vanguard, 1958. Jun [==Shark Ship]

The Remorseful (ss) //Star SF Stories #2 /Ed. by F. Pohl. - Ballantine, 1953.

Return from M-15 (nv) //Cosmic Stories, 1941. Mar [As S. D. Gottesman]

The Reversible Revolutions (ss) //Cosmic Stories, 1941. Mar [As Cecil Corwin]

The Rocket of 1955 (vi) //Escape, 1939. [As Cecil Corwin]

[With Judith Merril] Sea Change //Dynamic SF, 1953. [As Cyril Judd]

Shark Ship (nv) //Kornbluth C.M. A Mile Beyond the Moon. - Doubleday, 1958. [==Reap the Dark Tide]

The Silly Season (ss) //F&SF, 1950. Fall

Sir Mallory's Magnitude (nv) //SF Quarterly, 1941-42. Winter [As S. D. Gottesman]

The Slave (nv) //SF Adventures, 1957. Sept

[With Richard Wilson] Stepsons of Mars //Astonishing Stories, 1940. [As Ivar Towers]

That Share of Glory (nv) //Astounding, 1952. Jan

Theory of Rocketry (ss) //F&SF, 1958. July

Thirteen O'Clock (nv) //Stirring Science Stories, 1941. Feb [As Cecil Corwin] [Peter Packer]

Thirteen O’Clock (ss) //Kornbluth C.M. Thirteen O’Clock and Other Zero Hours /Ed. by J. Blish. - Dell, 1970. [Combined version of “Thirteen O’Clock” and “Mr. Packer Goes to Hell”] [Peter Packer]

Time Bum (ss) //Fantastic, 1953. Jan/Feb

[With F. Pohl] Trouble in Time (ss) //Astonishing Stories, 1940. Dec [As S. D. Gottesman]

Two Dooms (na) //Venture, 1958. July

[With F. Pohl and Dirk Wylie] Vacant World (nv) //Super Science Stories, 1941. Jan [As Dirk Wylie]

Virginia (ss) //Venture, 1958. Mar

What Sorghum Says (ss) //Cosmic Stories, 1941. May [As Cecil Corwin]

With These Hands (nv) //Galaxy, 1951. Dec

The Words of Guru (ss) //Stirring Science Stories, 1941. June [As Kenneth Falconer]

[With F. Pohl] The World of Myrion Flowers (ss) //F&SF, 1961. Oct


About the Author (ms) //Kornbluth C. M. The Best of C.M. Kornbluth /Ed. by F. Pohl. - Nelson Doubleday, 1976.

[With F. Pohl] Introduction (in) //Pohl, Frederik & Kornbluth, C. M. Before the Universe. - Bantam, 1980.

Time Travel and the Law (ar) //Coming Attractions /Ed. by Martin Greenberg. - Gnome, 1957.


Chant of the Black Magicians (pm) //The Phantagraph, 1944. Dec

Jump-Out-of-Bed (pm) //The Phantagraph, 1941. Apr [As F. Stanislaus Prosody] [Вероятно, Корнблат]

Segment (pm) //The Phantagraph, 1942. Mar

The Unfortunate Topologist (pm) //F&SF, 1957. Jul

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Быстров В. Ф. Поол. С.М. Корнблат. "Операция "Венера" (Торговцы космосом)" //Дон, 1966. № 11. С. 170-172.

[Интервью, беседы]



Stephensen-Payne, Phil, Benson, Jr., Gordon. Cyril M. Kornbluth: A Working Bibliography. - Galactic Central Publications, 1988. 28 pp, ph ISBN 1-871133-03-3

Stephensen-Payne, Phil, Benson, Jr., Gordon. Cyril M. Kornbluth: A Working Bibliography. - Galactic Central Publications, 1990. 40 pp, tp ISBN 1-871133-03-3



[Б.а.] Kornbluth, Cyril M. //Библиография фантастики. - М.: Келвори, 1996. С. 263-264.

Гаков Вл. 200 биографий. Корнблат С(ирил) М. //Фантастика века /Сост. Вл. Гаков. - Минск-Москва: Полифакт, 1995. С. 588-589.

Вл.Г. Корнблат С(ирил) М. //Энциклопедия фантастики: Кто есть кто /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - Минск: ИКО "Галаксиас", 1995. С. 299-300.

Вл.Г. Корнблат С(ирил) М. //Энциклопедия фантастики /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - М.: ООО "Международный центр фантастики", 1997. CD-ROM (HTML).

Дозуа Г. Об авторе: [С. М. Корнблат] /Пер. с англ. И. Гуровой //Пришельцы с небес: Старая добрая фантастика /Пер. с англ. - М.: ООО "Изд-во АСТ", 2002. С. 162-165.

[Мельников А.] 8. Сирил Корнблат //Последнее новшество: Сб. /Пер. с англ. А. Мельникова. - М.: Профиздат, 1991. С. 300.


[Б.а.] Kornbluth, C(yril) M. //Tuck D.H., compl. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Through 1968. Vol. 1 . - Chicago: Advent, 1974. P. 259-260.

Ash B. C.M. Kornbluth //Ash B. Who Is Who in Science Fiction . - Lnd.: Elm Tree Books, 1976. P. 129.

[BS] Kornbluth, C(yril) M. //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction . - Lnd.: Granada, 1981. P. 336.

[BS] Kornbluth, C(yril) M. //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction . - N.Y.: St.Martin's Press, 1993 . P. 677-678.

[BS] Kornbluth, C(yril) M. //The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Ver. 1.0. - Danbury, CT: Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc., 1995.

Kornbluth, Cyril //Who Goes There: A Bibliographic Dictionary of Pseudonymous Literature in the Fields of Fantasy and Science Fiction /Comp. by J.A. Rock. - Bloomington, Indiana: James A. Rock & Co., 1979. P. 82.


[Б.а.] Kornbluth, C(yril) M. //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur . - München: Heine, 1980. S. 408-410.

[Б.а.] Kornbluth, C(yril) M. //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur . - München: Heine, 1988. S. 624-625.

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