Баррон Н.

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Баррон, (Ричард) Нейл (Barron, [Richard] Neil) (23 марта 1934, Голливуд, Калифорния - 5 сентября 2010, Лас Вегас, Невада) - американский библиограф и исследователь НФ и Ф. Был продавцом в книготорговой компании, библиотекарем.

Составитель и автор нескольких выпусков аннотированных указателей базовых книг НФ, считающихся лучшими в своем роде.

Первый указатель "Анатомия чуда" ("Anatomy of Wonder", 1976) вызвал критику из-за неизбежных пропусков, однако включал более 1200 аннотаций, разбитых по периодам и разделам. Последующие издания разрослись до 2600 (1987) и 3000 (1995) аннотированных книг, причем состав аннотаций, включающих книги, в том числе и переводные, критические работы и другой материал, менялся. Последнее издание аннотирует 1418 книг и содержит множество дополнительного материала, как и в предыдущих итерациях проекта собранного и организованного с наивысшей тщательностью.   

Лауреат премии "Пилигрим" (1982).


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Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction /Ed. By Neil Barron. - N.Y. & Lnd.: R.R. Bowker Co. (A Xerox Education Co.), 1976. 471 pp. hc ISBN 0-8352-0884-2 (Bibliographic Guides for Contemporary Collections) [Cover from Chesley Bonestell]

[Foreword by Peter Doiron; Preface; Contributors; Introduction {by Neil Barron}; Part I. The Literature: 1. Science Fiction: From Its Beginning to 1870 by Robert M. Philmus; Bibliography: Science Fiction: From Its Beginning to 1870; 2. The Emergence of the Scientific Romance, 1870-1926 by Thomas D. Clareson; Bibliography: The Emergence of the Scientific Romance; 3. The Gernsback Era, 1926-1937 by Ivar G. Rogers; Bibliography: The Gernsback Era; 4. The Modern Period, 1938-1975 by Joe De Bolt and John R. Pfeiffer; Bibliography: The Modern Period; Anthologies: The Modern Period; 5. Juvenile Science Fiction by Francis J. Molson; Bibliography: Juvenile Science Fiction; Part II. Research Aids: 6. History, Criticism and Biography; 7. Bibliographies, Indexes; and Teaching Aids; 8. Magazine and Book Review Indexes; 9. Periodicals; 10. Literary Awards; 11. Core Collection Checklist; 12. Library Collections of Science Fictions and Fantasy by H.W. Hall; Directory of Publishers; Author Index; Title Index]

Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction. Second Edition /Ed. By Neil Barron. - N.Y. & Lnd.: R.R. Bowker Co., 1981. 724 pp. hc ISBN 0-8352-1339-0

[Preface; Contributors; Introduction {by Neil Barron}; Part I. The Literature: 1. The Emergence of the Science Fiction: The Beginnings to the 1920s by Thomas D. Clareson; Bibliography; 2. Science Fiction Between the Wars: 1918-1938 by Brian Stableford; 3. The Modern Period: 1938-1980 by Joe De Bolt and John R. Pfeiffer; Bibliography; Anthologies; 4. Children’s Science Fiction by Francis J. Molson; Bibliography; 5. Foreign Language Science Fiction: German SF by Franz Rottensteiner; French SF by Maxim Jakubowski; Russian SF by Patrick L. Mc Guire; Italian SF by Gianni Montanari; Japanese SF by David Lewis; Chinese SF by Ye Yiong-lie; Part II. Research Aids: 6. Selection, Acquisition and Cataloging by Neil Barron; 7. Indexes and Bibliographies by Neil Barron; 8. History and Criticism by Neil Barron; 9. Autobiography, Biography, and Author Studies by Neil Barron; 10. Science Fiction on Film and Television by Neil Barron; 11. Science Fiction Illustration by Neil Barron; 12. Classroom Aids by Marshall B. Tymn; 13. Science Fiction Magazines by H.W. Hall; 14. Library and Private Collections of Science Fictions and Fantasy by H.W. Hall; 15. Core Collection Checklist by Neil Barron; Author Index; Title Index]

Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction. Third Edition /Ed. By Neil Barron. - N.Y. & Lnd.: R.R. Bowker Co., 1987. 874 pp. hc ISBN 0-8352-2312-4

[Preface; Contributors; Introduction: Success Stories {by Brian W. Aldiss}; English-Language Science Fiction: Chapter 1. The Emergence of the Science Fiction: The Beginnings to the 1920s by Thomas D. Clareson; Chapter 2. Science Fiction Between the Wars: 1918-1938 by Brian Stableford; Chapter 3. The Early Modern Period: 1938-1963 by Joe De Bolt and John R. Pfeiffer; Chapter 4. The Modern Perion: 1964-1986 by Brian Stableford; Chapter 5. Children’s and Young Adult Science Fiction by Francis J. Molson; Foreign Language Science Fiction: Chapter 6. Foreign Language Science Fiction: German SF by Franz Rottensteiner; French SF by Maxim Jakubowski; Russian SF by Patrick L. Mc Guire; Japanese SF by David Lewis; Italian SF by Gianni Montanari; Danish SF by Niels Dalgaard; Swedish SF by Sam J. Lundwall; Norwegian SF by Jon Bing; Dutch SF by J.A. Dautzenberg; Belgian SF by Danny De Laet; Romanian SF by Ion Hobana; Yugoslav SF by Alexander B. Nedelkovich; Hebrew SF by Nachman Ben-Yehuda; Research Aids: Chapter 7. Science Fiction Publishing and Libraries by Neil Barron; Chapter 8. General Reference Works by Neil Barron; Chapter 9. History and Criticism by Neil Barron; Chapter 10. Author Studies by Neil Barron; Chapter 11. Science Fiction on Film and Television by Neil Barron; Chapter 12. Science Fiction Illustration by Neil Barron; Chapter 13. Teaching Materials by Muriel Rogow Becker; Chapter 14. Science Fiction Magazines by H.W. Hall; Chapter 15. Library and Private Collections of Science Fictions and Fantasy by H.W. Hall and Neil Barron; Chapter 16. Core Collection Checklist by Neil Barron; Author/Subject Index; Title Index]

Anatomy of Wonder 4: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction /Ed. By Neil Barron. - New Providence, New Jersey: R.R. Bowker, 1995. 912 pp. tp ISBN 0-8352-3684-6

[How to Use This Guide Effectively; Preface; Contributors; Introduction: The Strange Journey {by James Gunn}; Primare Literature: Chapter 1. The Emergence of the Science Fiction: The Beginnings Trough 1915 by Thomas D. Clareson; Chapter 2. Science Fiction Between the Wars: 1916-1939 by Brian Stableford; Chapter 3. From Golden Age to the Atomic Age: 1940-1963 by Paul A. Carter; Chapter 4. The New Wave, Cyberpunk, and Beyond by Michael M. Levy and Brian Stableford; The Speculative Muse: An Introduction to Science Fiction Poetry by Steve Eng; Chapter 5. Young Adult Science Fiction by Francis J. Molson and Susan G. Miles; Secondary Literature and Research Aids: Chapter 6. Science Fiction Publishing and Libraries by Neil Barron; Chapter 7. General Reference Works by Neil Barron; Chapter 8. History and Criticism by Gary K. Wolfe; Chapter 9. Author Studies by Michael A. Morrison and Neil Barron; Chapter 10. Science Fiction on Film, Television and Radio by Michael Klossner; Chapter 11. Science Fiction Illustration by Walter Albert and Neil Barron; Chapter 12. Science Fiction Comics; Chapter 13. Science Fiction Magazines by Joe Sanders; Chapter 14. Research Library Collections of Science Fictions by Randall W. Scott; Chapter 15. Listings by Neil Barron: Best Books; Awards; Series; Series Index; Translations; Organizations; Conventions; Author/Subject Index; Title Index; Theme Index]

Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction. Fifth Edition /Ed. By Neil Barron. - Westport, Connecticut&Lnd.: Libraries Unlimited, 2004. 996 pp. hc ISBN 1-59158-171-0 [Cover by Gaile Ivaska]

[Lisel Mueller. The End of Science Fiction; How to Use This Guide; Preface; Contributors; I. Primare Literature — A Critical History: Chapter 1. The Emergence of the Science Fiction, 1516-1914 by Brian Stableford; Chapter 2. Science Fiction Between the Wars: 1915-1939 by Brian Stableford; Chapter 3. From Golden Age to the Atomic Age: 1940-1963 by Paul A. Carter; Chapter 4. The New Wave and After, 1964-1983 by Michael M. Levy; Chapter 5. Cyberpunk and Beyond, 1984-2004 by Michael M. Levy; II. The Primary Literature-Annotated Bibliography: Annotated Bibliography; III. The Secondary Literature - Annotated Bibliography: Chapter 6. Science Fiction: Publishing, Reviewing, Readers, and Libraries by Neil Barron; Chapter 7. General Reference Works by Neil Barron; Chapter 8. Online Resources by Neil Barron and William Contento; Chapter 9. History and Criticism by Gary K. Wolfe; Chapter 10. Author Studies by Richard L. McKinney, Neil Barron, and Michael A. Morrison; Chapter 11. Science Fiction on Film, Television and Radio by Joseph Milicia and Michael Klossner; Chapter 12. Science Fiction Illustration by Walter Albert and Neil Barron; Chapter 13. Science Fiction Magazines and Fandom by Joe Sanders; Chapter 14. Teaching Science Fiction by Dennis M. Kratz; Chapter 15. Research Library Collections of Science Fictions by Hal W. Hall; Chapter 16. Listings by Neil Barron: Best Books; Awards; Series; Young Adult Books; Translations; Organizations; Author Index; Title Index; Theme Index]



Вл.Г. Бэррон, (Ричард) Нил // Энциклопедия фантастики /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - М.: ООО "Международный центр фантастики", 1997 . CD-ROM (HTML).


[PN] Barron, (Richard) Neil //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Granada, 1981. P. 60.

[PN] Barron, (Richard) Neil //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - N.Y.: St.Martin's Press, 1993. P. 94.

[PN] Barron, (Richard) Neil //The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Ver. 1.0. - Danbury, CT: Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc., 1995.

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