Библиография фантастики: 2014


Adler Charles L. Wizards, Aliens, and Starships: Physics and Math in Fantasy and Science Fiction / Jacket Illustration: Chesley Bonestell, Space Station, Ferry Rocket, and Space Telescope 1,075 Miles alove Central America (1952); Author photo by Alexandra Adler; Jacket design by Karl Spurzem. – Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2014. – 378 pp. ISBN 978-0-691-14715-4 (hardback).
To Poul Anderson, who wrote it better, shorter, and earlier.

Amnuel Pavel. White Curtain / Translated by Anatoly Belilovsky // The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (New York). – 2014. – May/June (Vol. 126, No. 5 & 6, Whole No. 713). – P. 65-73.
[Амнуэль Павел. Белая штора]

Boyer Katie. Bartleby The Scavenger // The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (New York). – 2014. – May/June (Vol. 126, No. 5 & 6, Whole No. 713). – P. 82-136.

Buckram Oliver. Presidential Cryptotrivia // The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (New York). – 2014. – May/June (Vol. 126, No. 5 & 6, Whole No. 713). – P. 75-81.

Di Filippo Paul. Nudge Not, Lest Ye Be Nudged // The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (New York). – 2014. – May/June (Vol. 126, No. 5 & 6, Whole No. 713). – P. 137-140.


Ideas in Russia: Leksykon rosyjsko-polsko-angielski. Tom 8 / Pod redakcją Janusza Dobieszewskiego; Sekretarz redakcji Justyna Celmer; Konsultacja naukowa Andrzej de Lazari, Justyna Kurczak; Projekt graficzny okładki Łukasz Chmielewski. – Łódź: Ibidem, 2014. – 600 pp. ISBN 978-83-62331-21-5.


      P. 59-61: Sawicki Adam. Blavatskaya Yelena (1831-1891) / Transl. by Guy Russell Turr; Bibliografia: Janusz Dobieszewski
      P. 73-83: Temkin Aleksander. The Grand Inquisitor / Transl. by Zbiegniew Stępień, Guy Russell Turr; Bibliografia: Janusz Dobieszewski
      P. 143-144: Góralczyk Maria. Ivanov Vyacheslav V. (1929) / Transl. by Guy Russell Turr; Bibliografia: Maria Góralczyk, Janusz Dobieszewski
      P. 189-209: Okołowski Paweł, Jaźniewicz Wiktor. Lem / Transl. by Guy Russell Turr; Bibliografia: Paweł Okołowski, Wiktor Jaźniewicz, Janusz Dobieszewski
      P. 213-229: Takho-Godi Aza, Kiejzik Lilianna. Losev Aleksei (1893-1988) / Transl. by Guy Russell Turr; Bibliografia: Lilianna Kiejzik, Janusz Dobieszewski
      P. 229-233: Duda Katarzyna. Maksimov Wladimir (Samsonov Lev, 1930-1995, in emigration from 1974) / Transl. by Marta Kałużna; Bibliografia: Katarzyna Duda, Janusz Dobieszewski
      P. 243-247: Rarot Halina. Merezhkovskii Dmitrii (1865-1941, in emigration from 1919) / Transl. by Marta Kałużna; Bibliografia: Halina Rarot, Janusz Dobieszewski
      P. 273-285: Borisov Vladimir. Science Fiction / Transl. by Guy Russell Turr; Bibliografia: Włodzimierz Borisow, Janusz Dobieszewski
      P. 359-361: Sawicki Adam. Roerich Nicholas (Rerikh Nikolai) (1874-1947) / Transl. by Zbiegniew Stępień; Bibliografia: Adam Sawicki, Janusz Dobieszewski
      P. 373-379: Jabłonko Olga. Swedenborg / Transl. by Guy Russell Turr; Bibliografia: Olga Jabłonko, Janusz Dobieszewski
      P. 423-427: Obolewicz Teresa. Solov'ev Sergei (1885-1942) / Transl. by Guy Russell Turr; Bibliografia: Teresa Obolewicz, Janusz Dobieszewski
      P. 465-473: Mikheeva Irina. Fedorov Nikolai (1828-1903) / Transl. by Guy Russell Turr; Bibliografia: Irina Micheewa, Janusz Dobieszewski
      P. 541-555: Diec Joachim. Spengler / Transl. by Guy Russell Turr; Bibliografia: Joachim Diec, Janusz Dobieszewski

Kritzer Naomi. Containment Zone: A Seastead Story // The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (New York). – 2014. – May/June (Vol. 126, No. 5 & 6, Whole No. 713). – P. 216-254.

Laidlaw Marc. Rooksnight // The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (New York). – 2014. – May/June (Vol. 126, No. 5 & 6, Whole No. 713). – P. 141-173.

Levine David D. The End of the Silk Road // The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (New York). – 2014. – May/June (Vol. 126, No. 5 & 6, Whole No. 713). – P. 5-34.

Sheen Jonathan Andrew. The Shadow in the Corner // The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (New York). – 2014. – May/June (Vol. 126, No. 5 & 6, Whole No. 713). – P. 200-214.


Strugatsky Arkady and Boris. Alien Zones / Translated by Olena Bormashenko; Jacket art by Jeffrey Alan Love; Selected by Michael Phillips, SFBC Senior Editor. – Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2014. – 246 + 209 pp. – (Science Fiction Book Club). ISBN 978-1-62953-273-8.
First SFBC Printing: November 2014


      P. 1-231: Hard to Be a God / Foreword (P. v-viii) by Hari Kunzru
      P. 233-246: Afterword
      P. 1-193: Roadside Picnic / Foreword (P. v-ix) by Ursula K. Le Guin
      P. 195-209: Afterword

[Стругацкий Аркадий, Стругацкий Борис. Трудно быть богом; Стругацкий Аркадий, Стругацкий Борис. Комментарии к пройденному; Стругацкий Аркадий, Стругацкий Борис. Пикник на обочине; Стругацкий Аркадий, Стругацкий Борис. Комментарии к пройденному]


Strugatsky Arkady and Boris. Definitely Maybe: A Manuscript Discovered Under Unusual Circumstances / Translated from the Russian by Antonina W. Bouis; Design by Christopher King; „A Note from the Translator“ (P. 145-146) by Antonina W. Bouis; „An Afterword to Definitely Maybe“ (P. 147-149) by Boris Strugatsky. – Brooklyn; London: Melville House Publishing, 2014. – 149 pp. – (The Neversink Library). ISBN 978-1-61219-281-9 (pbk.); ISBN 978-1-61219-282-6 (ebook).
First Melville House printing: February 2014
[Стругацкий Аркадий, Стругацкий Борис. За миллиард лет до конца света]


Strugatsky Arkady and Boris. Hard to Be a God / Translated by Olena Bormashenko; Foreword (P. v-viii) by Hari Kunzru; Afterword (P. 233-246) by Boris Strugatsky; Cover design: Sarah Olson; Cover image: Photo by S.Aksionov. – Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2014. – 246 pp. ISBN 978-1-61374-828-2.
[Стругацкий Аркадий, Стругацкий Борис. Трудно быть богом]

Sullivan Tim. The Memory Cage // The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (New York). – 2014. – May/June (Vol. 126, No. 5 & 6, Whole No. 713). – P. 174-194.


Vintage Visions: Essays on Early Science Fiction / Edited by Arthur B. Evans; Cover illustration by Alphonse de Neuville (1835-1885) of the interior of the Nautilus, for Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas, by Jules Verne. – Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 2014. – 434 pp. – (Early Classics of Science Fiction). ISBN 978-0-8195-7437-4 (cloth); ISBN 978-0-8195-7438-1 (pbk); ISBN 978-0-8195-7439-8 (ebook).


      P. vii-ix: Preface
      P. 1-24: 1. Romanowski Sylvie. Cyrano de Bergerac's Epistemological Bodies: “Pregnant with a Thousand Definitions” (1998, with an afterword by Ishbel Addyman)
      P. 25-46: 2. Alkon Paul K. Samuel Madden's Memoirs of the Twentieth Century (1985)
      P. 47-65: 3. Fisher William B. German Theories of Science Fiction: Jean Paul, Kurd Lasswitz, and After (1976)
      P. 66-81: 4. Bernatchez Josh. Monstrosity, Suffering, Subjectivity, and Sympathetic Community in Frankenstein and “The Structure of Torture” (2009)
      P. 82-95: 5. Evans Arthur B. Science Fiction vs. Science Fiction in France: From Jules Verne to J.-H.Rosny Aîné (1988)
      P. 96-123: 6. Clarke I.F. Future-War Fiction: The First Main Phase, 1871-1900 (1997, with an afterword by Margaret Clarke)
      P. 124-162: 7. Fren Allison de. The Anatomical Gaze in Tomorrow's Eve (2009)
      P. 163-176: 8. Bell Andrea. Desde Júpiter: Chile's Earliest Science-Fiction Novel (1995)
      P. 177-216: 9. Ferreira Rachel Haywood. The First Wave: Latin American Science Fiction Discovers Its Roots (2007)
      P. 217-239: 10. Ruddick Nicholas. “Tell Us All About Little Rosebery”: Topicality and Temporality in H.G.Wells's The Tima Machine (2001)
      P. 240-266: 11. Kinyon Kamila. The Phenomenology of Robots: Confrontations with Death in Karel Čapek's R.U.R. (1999)
      P. 267-277: 12. McCarthy Patrick A. Zamyatin and the Nightmare of Technolohy (1984)
      P. 278-297: 13. Westfahl Gary. “The Jules Verne, H.G.Wells, and Edgar Allan Poe Type of Story”: Hugo Gernsback's History of Science Fiction (1992)
      P. 298-324: 14. Fanning, Jr. William J. The Historical Death Ray and Science Fiction in the 1920s and 1930s (2010)
      P. 325-341: 15. Gubar Susan. C.L.Moore and the Conventions of Women's Science Fiction (1980, with an afterword by Veronica Hollinger)
      P. 342-352: 16. Lem Stanislaw. On Stapledon's Star Maker (1987, with an afterword by Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.) / Translated by Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.
      P. 353-356: 150 Key Works of Early Science Fiction / Compiled by Arthur B. Evans and Javier A. Martínez
      P. 357-432: Bibliography of Criticism on Early Science Fiction / Compiled by Arthur B. Evans and Javier A. Martínez
      P. 433: Contributors

[Lem Stanisław. Fantastyka i futurologia]

Wong Alyssa. The Fisher Queen // The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (New York). – 2014. – May/June (Vol. 126, No. 5 & 6, Whole No. 713). – P. 51-64.