Библиография фантастики: 2001

Dahl Roald. You Never Know... / Ed. by Ye. V. Guseva, A. E. Shirvinskaya. – Moscow: Tsytadel, 2001. – 206 pp. 7,000 copies. (hc) ISBN 5-7657-0147-7.

Orwell George. Animal Farm / Foreword by N. A. Zinkevich «George Orwell» (P. 124-139). – Moscow: Tsytadel, 2001. – 139 pp. 8,000 copies. (hc) ISBN 5-7657-0149-3.


Swirski Peter. Between Literature and Science: Poe, Lem, and Explorations in Aesthetics, Cognitive Science, and Literary Knowledge. – Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2001. – 183 pp. (hc) ISBN 0-8532-3896-0.


Swirski Peter. Between Literature and Science: Poe, Lem, and Explorations in Aesthetics, Cognitive Science, and Literary Knowledge. – Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2001. – 183 pp. (pb) ISBN 0-8532-3906-1.


Under the Gallows of Zoto's Brothers: Essays on The Manuscript Found in Saragossa / Edited by Zbiegniew Białas; Editor of the Series History of Foreign Literatures Aleksander Abłamowicz; Reviewer Wiesaw Krajka. – Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2001. – 210 pp. – (Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach, nr. 2015). ISBN 83-226-1092-0.


      P. 7-10: A Note on Contributors
      P. 11-14: Białas Zbigniew. Introduction

      Part One

        P. 17-40: Sławek Tadeusz. The Philosopher's Writing Hand. Potocki's Manuscrit troucée à Saragosse and the Spectre
        P. 41-60: Rachwał Tadeusz. Ghosts, Hosts and Honour
        P. 61-84: Deszcz Justyna. The Ghost Factor in Jan Potocki's The Manuscript Found in Saragossa: The Subversive Potential of the Unreal
        P. 85-101: Drong Leszek. Demonic Seduction (a Nietzschean Reading of Jan Potocki's The Manuscript Found in Saragossa)
        P. 102-113: Białas Zbigniew. Fabula Interrupta
        P. 114-131: Masłoń Sławomir. The Loom of the Land
        P. 132-145: Borkowska Ewa. The Labyrinth of Melancholic Mind in The Manuscript Found in Saragossa

      Part Two

        P. 150-187: Reckwitz Erhard. Fantastic Constructions of the Contingent: Some Generic Remarks about Jan Potocki's The Manuscript Found in Saragossa and John Fowles' The Magus
        P. 188-210: Wołk Marcin and Glasenapp Małgorzata. Two Labyrinths in Two Novels: Stanisław Lem and Jan Potocki