Библиография фантастики: 1998
Alexander Lloyd. The Wizard in the Tree / Cover by Dan Craig; Illustrated by Laszlo Kubinyi. – Penguin/Puffin, 1998. – 138 pp. (tp) ISBN 0-14-038801-X.
Allan Margaret. Spirits Walking Woman. – Penguin/Onyx, 1998. – 410 pp. (pb) ISBN 0-451-19039-4.
Prehistorical novel of an Olmec woman with special powers.
Anderson Kevin, Moesta Rebecca. Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights: The Emperor's Plague / Cover by Dave Dorman. – Boulevard, 1998. – 208 pp. – (Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights. 11). (pb) ISBN 1-57297-331-5.
Young-adult Star Wars novelization, # 11 in the series, and final book in the current story arc. Copyrighted by Lucasfilm.
Kaye Marilyn. replica: Amy, Number Seven. – Bantam Skylark, 1998. – 196 pp.
Morch A. The Novelistic Approach to the Utopian Question: Platonov's Cevengur in the Light of Dostoevskij's Anti-Utopian Legacy. – Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1998. – 206 pp. – (Acta Humanitora. 48).