Библиография фантастики: 1982

Adams Douglas. Life, the Universe and Everything. – Pan, 1982. – (Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. 3).

Adams Douglas. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. – Pocket, 1982.

Adams Glenda. Games of the Strong. – Angus & Robertson, 1982.

Adams Richard. The Legend of Te Tuna. – Sylvester & Orphanos, 1982.

Adams Robert. Castaways in Time. – Signet, 1982. – (Castaways in Time. 1).

Adams Robert. The Coming of the Horseclans. – Signet, 1982.

Adams Robert. Revenge of the Horseclans. – Signet, 1982.

Adams Robert. The Witch Goddess. – Signet, 1982.

Aiken Joan. A Whisper in the Night. – Gollancz, 1982.

Alcock Vivien. The Haunting of Cassie Palmer. – Delacorte, 1982. (Horror).

Aldiss Brian. The Captain's Analysis: [Short Story] // Quarto Magazine. – 1982. – Jul/Aug.

Aldiss Brian. Helliconia Spring. – Atheneum, 1982. – (Helliconia. 1).
SF novel.

Aldiss Brian. Helliconia Spring. – Macmillan, 1982. – (Helliconia. 1).

Alexander Belyaev's Science Fiction // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 187. – (From the Archives / In Brief).

Alexei Tolstoy as a Science Fiction Writer // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 168. – (Literary Criticism / In Brief).

Alexis Katina. Young Blood. – TOR, 1982. (Horror).

Allbeury Ted. All Our Tomorrows. – Panther, 1982.
Sf/espionage thriller set in a near future England where two men fight the Russian conquerors.

Altman Thomas. The True Bride. – Bantam, 1982.
Horror novel. (Horror).

Amnuel Pavel. On Course / Translated by William Kendall // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 40-64. – (Fiction).
[Амнуэль Павел. Иду по трассе]

Anderson Poul. Cold Victory, 1982.

Anderson Poul. The Gods Laughed. – Tor, 1982.

Anderson Poul. Maurai and Kith. – Tor, 1982.

Anderson Poul. New America. – TOR, 1982.

Anderson Poul. People of the Wind/The Day of Their Return. – NAL-Dutton, 1982.

Anderson Poul. Starship. – TOR, 1982.

Anderson Poul. Winter of the World/Queen of Air and Darkness. – NAL-Dutton, 1982.

Andrews V. Flowers in the Attic. – Pocket, 1982. (Gothic).

Andrews V. If There Be Thorns. – Pocket, 1982. (Gothic).

Andrews V. My Sweet Audrina. – Pocket, 1982. (Gothic).

Andrews V. My Sweet Audrina. – Simon & Schuster, 1982. (Gothic).

Andrews V. Petals on the Wind. – Pocket, 1982. (Gothic).

Andrews V. Petals on the Wind. – Simon & Schuster, 1982. (Gothic).

Anobile Richard. Star Trek II Wrath of Khan Photostory. – Pocket, 1982.

Anthony Piers. Centaur Aisle. – Del Rey, 1982. – (Xanth). (Fantasy).

Anthony Piers. Juxtaposition, 1982. – (Split Infinity. 3).

Anthony Piers. Ogre Ogre. – Del Rey, 1982. – (Xanth).

Anthony Piers. Viscous Circle. – Avon, 1982. – (Cluster. 4).

Ashton Francis. The Breaking of the Seals. – Donning, 1982.

Asimov Isaac. The Complete Robot, 1982.

Asimov Isaac. Foundation's Edge. – Doubleday, 1982. – (Foundation. 4).

Asprin Robert. Myth Directions, 1982. – (Myth).

Auel Jean. The Valley of Horses. – Crown, 1982. – (Earth's Children. 2).

Bachman Richard. The Running Man, 1982.

Baker Scott. Dhampire. – Pocket, 1982.

Ballard J. From Shanghai to Shepperton // Foundation. – 1982. – № 24, Feb.

Ballard J. Myths of the Near Future. – Cape, 1982.

Ballard J. Myths of the Near Future // F&SF. – 1982. – Oct.

Bayley Barrington. The Pillars of Eternity, 1982.

Beagle Peter. The Garden of Earthly Delights. – Viking Penguin, 1982.

The Beginnings of Russian Science Fiction // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 161. – (Literary Criticism / In Brief).

Benford Gregory, Rotsler William. Shiva Descending. – Avon, 1982.


The Best of OMNI Science Fiction No. 3 / Edited by Ben Bova and Don Myrus; Front cover painting by R.Bertrand;. – New York: Omni Publications International Ltd., 1982. – 144 pp.


      P. 4-7: Sheckley Robert. How Pro Writers Really Write – or Try To / Painting by Kent G. Bellows
      P. 8-11: Tevis Walter. Rent Control / Painting by George Tooker
      P. 12-19: Durant III Frederick C. Space Witness / Painting by Bob McCall
      P. 20-24: Card Orson Scott. Clap Hands and Sing / Painting by Gervasio Gallardo
      P. 25-27: Sheckley Robert. The Future Lost / Painting by Anne Kinggard
      P. 28-35: Lem Stanislaw. The Test / Translated by Louis Iribarne; Painting by Don Maitz
      P. 36-41: Sheckley Robert. Tour of the Universe / Painting by Robert Holdstock and Malcolm Edwards
      P. 42-49: Benford Gregory. A Hiss of Dragon / Painting by Ernst Fuchs
      P. 50-51: Stewart Ian. Message from Earth / Painting by Tim White
      P. 52-55: Nahin Paul J. Newton's Gift / Painting by Rudolf Hausner
      P. 56-59: Sheckley Robert. Celestial Visitations / Painting by Gilbert Williams
      P. 60-69: Dickson Gordon R. God Bless Them / Painting by Michel Henricot
      P. 70-73: Saberhagen Fred. Adventure of the Metal Murderer / Painting by Chris Moore
      P. 74-77: Keefauver John. The Rocks That Moved / Painting by De Es Schwertberger
      P. 78-84: Gauger Rick. The Vacuum-Packed Picnic / Painting by Ludek Pesek
      P. 85: Bova Ben. Science Fiction and Survival
      P. 86-89: Leiber Fritz. The Man Who Was Married to Space and Time / Painting by Don Ivan Punchatz
      P. 90-95: Datlow Ellen. Stellar technician / Painting by Vincent Di Fate
      P. 96-101: Gandy Edward H. Graveside Watch / Painting by Gage Taylor
      P. 102-107: Morressy John. The Empath and the Savages / Painting by Gilbert Williams
      P. 108-113: Watson Ian. The Thousand Cuts / Painting by Wilson McClean
      P. 114-116: Robinett Stephen. Hell Creatures of the Third Planet / Painting by Ralph McQuarrie
      P. 117-119: Haisty Robert. The Madagascar Event / Painting by Aldo Sessa
      P. 120-125: Duvic Patrice. The Eyes on Butterflies' Wings / Painting by Bill Martin
      P. 126-131: Nicholson Sam. Oil Is Not Gold / Painting by Don Dixon
      P. 132-137: Padgett Lewis. The Cure / Painting by Michel Henricot
      P. 138-143: Sheckley Robert. Orders of Magnitude / Painting by John Harris

[Stanisław Lem. Test]

Bilenkin Dmitri. The Human Burden / Translated by William Kendall // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 65-78. – (Fiction).
[Биленкин Дмитрий. Бремя человеческое]

Bilenkin Dmitri. Our Questionnaire // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 171.

Bilenkin Dmitri. Science Fiction's Moral Quest // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 6-7.
[Биленкин Дмитрий. Нравственный поиск фантастики]

Bischoff David. Star Spring, 1982.

Bishop Michael. Blooded on Arachne, 1982.

Bishop Michael. No Enemy but Time, 1982.

Bishop Michael. Science Fiction // Book World (Washington). – 1982. – 28 Feb. – P. 9-10.

Bladow Janel. The Arts // Omni (New York). – 1982. – December. – P. 34, 186-187. – (Fantasy).
Since Christmas is a time of wishful thinking, Omni chose to ask a few scientists and creative thinkers to indulge in some constructive woolgathering: Isaac Asimov, Floyd E. Bloom, H. Marc Cathey, Stephen King, A.M.Chakrabarty, Harry Jenkins, I.M.Levitt, N.J.A.Sloane, Richard Dafner, S. Fred Singer, Gary W. Dickson.

Bloch Robert. Psycho-II. – Whispers, 1982. (Horror).

Bova Ben. First Word // Omni (New York). – 1982. – June. – P. 6. – (Opinion).

Bova Ben. Test of Fire, 1982.

Bowker Richard. Forbidden Sanctuary, 1982.

Brackett Leigh. Eric John Stark, Outlaw of Mars, 1982.

Bradley Marion. Mistress of Magic, 1982.

Brandis Evgeni. The Horizons of Science Fiction // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 146-153. – (Literary Criticism).
[Брандис Евгений. Горизонты фантастики]

Brandis Evgeny. Our Questionnaire // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 172.

Broderick Damien. The Judas Mandala, 1982.

Brooks Terry. The Effstones of Shannara, 1982. – (Shannara. 2). (Fantasy).

Brunner John. Manshape, 1982.

Burgess Anthony. The End of the World News, 1982.

Card Orson Scott. The Changed Man and the King of Words / Painting by Michael Parkes // Omni (New York). – 1982. – December. – P. 138-158. – (Fiction).

Carter Lin. The Earth-Shaker, 1982.

Carter Lin. Eric of Zanthodon, 1982.

Chalker Jack. Cerberus: The Wolf in the Fold, 1982. – (Lords of the Diamond. 2).

Chalker Jack. Charon: A Dragon at the Gate, 1982. – (Lords of the Diamond. 3).

Chalker Jack. The Identity Matrix. – Baen Books, 1982.

Chambers Robert. The King in Yellow. – Ace, 1982. (Fantasy).

Chandler A. Frontier of the Dark, 1982.

Chandler A. Up to the Sky in Ships, 1982.

Chandler A., Hoffman Lee. In and Out of Quandary, 1982.

Cherryh C. Merchanter's Luck, 1982. – (Union-Alliance).

Cherryh C. The Pillars of Eternity. – DAW, 1982.

Cherryh C. Port Eternity. – DAW, 1982.

Cherryh C. The Pride of Chanur. – DAW, 1982. – (Chanur. 1).

Chrysalis 8 / Ed. by Roy Torgeson. – Zebra, 1982. (pb).

Chrysalis 9 / Ed. by Roy Torgeson. – Zebra, 1982. (pb).

Coney Michael. Cat Karina, 1982.

Cook Glen. The Swordbearer, 1982.

Corbett W. The Song of Pentecost, 1982.

Cowper Richard. A Tapestry of Time, 1982. – (Bird of Kinship. 3).


Critical Encounters II: Writers and Themes in Science Fiction / Jacket design by Charles Bernard; Edited by Tom Staicar. – New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1982. – 163 pp. – (Recognitions). (hc) ISBN 0-8044-2837-9.


      P. vii-viii: T.S. Editor's Foreword
      P. 1-14: Krulik Ted. Reaching for Immortality: Two Novels of Richard Matheson
      P. 15-22: Salmonson Jessica Amanda. Hero As Hedonist: The Early Novels of Doris Piserchia
      P. 23-43: Rabkin Eric S. The Rhetoric of Science in Fiction
      P. 44-59: Chauvin Cy. Ian Watson's Miracle Men
      P. 60-72: Hassler Donald M. Science at the Crossroads in Hal Clement's The Nitrogen Fix
      P. 73-89: Yoke Carl. Roger Zelazny's Bold New Mythologies
      P. 90-103: Alterman Peter S. Four Voices in Robert Silverberg's Dying Inside
      P. 104-124: McGuire Patrick L. Future History, Soviet Style: The Work of the Strugatsky Brothers
      P. 125-144: Wendell Carolyn. Responsible Rebellion in Vonda N. McIntyre's Fireflood, Dreamsnake, and Exile Waiting
      P. 145-160: Notes
      P. 161-162: About the Contributors
      P. 163: About the Editor


Critical Encounters II: Writers and Themes in Science Fiction / Jacket design by Charles Bernard; Edited by Tom Staicar. – New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1982. – 163 pp. – (Recognitions). (pb) ISBN 0-8044-6876-1.


      P. vii-viii: T.S. Editor's Foreword
      P. 1-14: Krulik Ted. Reaching for Immortality: Two Novels of Richard Matheson
      P. 15-22: Salmonson Jessica Amanda. Hero As Hedonist: The Early Novels of Doris Piserchia
      P. 23-43: Rabkin Eric S. The Rhetoric of Science in Fiction
      P. 44-59: Chauvin Cy. Ian Watson's Miracle Men
      P. 60-72: Hassler Donald M. Science at the Crossroads in Hal Clement's The Nitrogen Fix
      P. 73-89: Yoke Carl. Roger Zelazny's Bold New Mythologies
      P. 90-103: Alterman Peter S. Four Voices in Robert Silverberg's Dying Inside
      P. 104-124: McGuire Patrick L. Future History, Soviet Style: The Work of the Strugatsky Brothers
      P. 125-144: Wendell Carolyn. Responsible Rebellion in Vonda N. McIntyre's Fireflood, Dreamsnake, and Exile Waiting
      P. 145-160: Notes
      P. 161-162: About the Contributors
      P. 163: About the Editor

Dahl Roald. George's Marvelous Medicine. – Knopf, 1982. (Fantasy).

Davidson Avram. Collected Fantasies, 1982.

Delany Samuel. Neveryon. – Bantam, 1982. – (Neveryon).

Dempsey Al. Miss Finney Kills Now and Then. – Tor, 1982.
Novel based on an original screenplay by Joseph Van Winkle. (Horror).

Disch Thomas. The Man Who Had No Idea, 1982.

Donaldson Stephen. The One Tree, 1982. – (Thomas Covenant. 5).

Dozois Gardner, Dann Jack. Playing the Game: Short Story // Twilight Zone. – 1982. – Feb.

Effinger George. Laughing Space, 1982.

Ellison Harlan. Stalking the Nightmare, 1982.

English Science Fiction in Russian // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 168. – (Literary Criticism / In Brief).

Farmer Philip. A Barnstormer of Oz, 1982.

Farmer Philip. Greatheart Silver, 1982.

Farmer Philip. The Purple Book, 1982.

Farmer Philip. Stations of the Nightmare, 1982.

Farris John. The Uninvited, 1982.

Feist Raymond. Magician, 1982.

Firsov Vladimir. Kangaroo / Translated by Eve Manning // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 78-92. – (Fiction).
[Фирсов Владимир. Кенгуру]

Foster Alan. Nor Crystal Tears, 1982.

Foster Alan. The Thing, 1982.

Gakov Vladimir. A Test of Humanity: (About the Work of the Strugatsky Brothers) // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 154-161. – (Literary Criticism).
[Гаков Вл. Тест на человечность]

The Gernsback Awards, Vol. 1, 1926 / Ed. by Forrest J. Ackerman. – Triton, 1982.

Goldstein Lisa. The Red Magician, 1982.

Goulart Ron. Big Bang, 1982.

Goulart Ron. Upside Downside, 1982.

Grant Charles. The Bloodwind, 1982.

Grant Charles. Nestling, 1982.

Grant Charles. Nightmare Seasons, 1982.

Grant Charles. The Soft Wisper of the Dead, 1982. – (Oxrun Station).

Green Sharon. The Crystals of Mida, 1982. – (Jalav. 1).

Gunn James. The Dreamers, 1982.

Hall Sandi. The Godmothers, 1982.

Hamilton Edmond. Starwolf. – Ace, 1982. – (Starwolf).

Harrison Harry. Invasion: Earth, 1982.

Harrison Harry. The Stainless Steel Rat for President, 1982. – (Rat. 5).

Harrison M. In Viriconium, 1982. – (Viriconium).

Hays H. Invasion // Chelsea. – 1982. – № 24.

Heinlein Robert. Friday. – Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1982.

Herbert Frank. The White Plague, 1982.

Heydron N., Garrett Randall. The Glass of Dyskornis, 1982.

Hogan James. Voyage from Yesteryear, 1982.

Holdstock Robert. In the Valley of the Statues, 1982.

Holdstock Robert. Where Time Winds Blow, 1982.

Ing Dean. High Tension, 1982.

Jones Diana. Dogsbody, 1982.

Kahn James. Time's Dark Laughter, 1982.

King Stephen. Creepshow, 1982.

King Stephen. Different Seasons, 1982.

King Stephen. The Gunslinger. – Donald M. Grant, 1982. – (Dark Tower. 1).

Kingsbury Donald. Courtship Rite, 1982.

Klyonov Valeri. Time–Space–Man // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 188-189. – (Our Colour Plates).

Kovalchuk Mikhail. English and American Science Fiction in Russian Translations // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 162-168. – (Literary Criticism).

Kurland Michael, Piper H. First Cycle, 1982.

Lafferty R. Aurelia, 1982.

Lafferty R. The Best of R.A.Lafferty, 1982.

Lake David. Ring of Truth, 1982.

Laumer Keith. Knight of Delusions. – TOR, 1982.

Laumer Keith. Retief: Diplomat at Arms, 1982. – (Retief).

Laumer Keith. Retief, Emmisary to the Stars. – Pocket, 1982.

Laumer Keith. Retief to the Rescue, 1982. – (Retief).

Le Guin Ursula. The Compass Rose, 1982.

Le Guin Ursula. The Eye of the Heron, 1982.

Lee Tanith. Cyrion. – DAW, 1982.

Lee Tanith. Death's Master. – DAW, 1982. – (Flat Earth. 2). (Fantasy).

Lee Tanith. Delusion's Mistress.

Lem Stanislaw. The Accident / Painting by Assad // Omni (New York). – 1982. – June. – P. 50-61, 120. – (Fiction).
[Lem Stanisław. Wypadek]

Lem Stanislaw. Memoirs of a Space Traveller. – Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982.

Lem Stanislaw. More Tales of Pirx the Pilot. – Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982.


Lem Stanislaw. Return from the Stars / Translated by Barbara Marszal and Frank Simpson; Cover illustration by Stanislaw Fernandes. – New York: A Bard Book; Avon Books, 1982. – 247 pp. ISBN 0-380-58578-2.
First Bard Printing, May, 1982
[Stanisław Lem. Powrót z gwiazd]

Lessing Doris. The Making of the Representative for Planet 8, 1982. – (Archives).

Lewis C. Of This and Other Worlds. – Collins, 1982. (Non-fiction).

Longyear Barry. Elephant Song, 1982. – (Circus).

Malzberg Barry. The Cross of Fire, 1982.

Malzberg Barry N. Last Word // Omni (New York). – 1982. – June. – P. 148. – (Humour).

Martin George. Fevre Dream, 1982.

May Julian. The Golden Torc, 1982. – (Pliocene Exile. 2).

Mayhar Ardath. Golden Dream, 1982.

McCaffrey Anne. Crystal Singer, 1982.

Moorcock Michael. The Land Leviathan. – DAW, 1982.

Moorcock Michael. The Steel Tsar. – DAW, 1982.

Moorcock Michael. The Warlord of the Air. – DAW, 1982. – (Oswald Bastable. 1).

Morris Janet. Earth Dreams, 1982. – (Kerrion Empire. 3).

Murnane Gerald. The Plains, 1982.

Murphy Pat. The Shadow Hunter, 1982.

Niven Larry, Barnes Steven. The Descent of Anansi, 1982.

Norman John. Blood Brothers of Gor, 1982. – (Gor. 18).

Norman John. Savages of Gor, 1982. – (Gor. 17).

Norton Andre. Lavender-Green Magic. – Ace, 1982. (Fantasy).

Norton Andre. Moon Called, 1982.

Norton Andre. Perilous Dreams. – DAW, 1982.

Norton Mary. The Borrowers Avenged, 1982.

Our Authors: [Amnuel Pavel; Bilenkin Dmitri; Firsov Vladimir; Panasenko Leonid; Romanovsky Boris; Rosokhovatsky Igor; Shcherbakov Vladimir; Strugatsky Arkadi, Strugatsky Boris; Varshavsky Ilya] // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 190-192.

Panasenko Leonid. The Dialogue / Translated by Diana Russell // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 111-119. – (Fiction).
[Панасенко Леонид. Пепел и звезды]

Parnov Yeremei. The Galactic Ring // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 179-187. – (From the Archives).
[Парнов Еремей. Галактическое кольцо]

Payack Peter. The Ultimate Party: From The Growth of Human Ideas // Amazing. – 1982. – Jun.

Perry Steve. Augenblick / Painting by Michel Henricot // Omni (New York). – 1982. – November. – P. 60-72, 116-118. – (Fiction).

Pinkwater Daniel. Young Adult Novel, 1982.

Platt Charles. The Arts // Omni (New York). – 1982. – December. – P. 36, 187. – (Books).

Poetry and Science Fiction // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 168. – (Literary Criticism / In Brief).

Pohl Frederik. Planets Three. – Berkley, 1982.

Pohl Frederik. Starburst, 1982.

Pohl Frederik. Syzygy. – Bantam, 1982.

Pohl Frederik. Yesterday's Tomorrows: Favorite Stories from Forty Years as a Science Fiction Writer. – Berkley, 1982.

Potts L., White T. Letters to a Friend: The Correspondence between T.H.White and L.J.Potts. – Putnam, 1982. (Non-fiction).

Reed Ishmael. The Terrible Twos. – A.C.McClurg & Co., 1982.

Resnick Mike. Birthright: The Book of Man, 1982.

Resnick Mike. Sideshow, 1982.

Resnick Mike. Walpurgis III, 1982.


The Road to Science Fiction # 4: From Here to Forever / Cover by Rick Courtney; Edited by James Gunn. – New York; Scarborough: A Mentor Book; New American Library, 1982. – 531 pp. ISBN 0-451-62136-0.
First Printnig, November, 1982


      P. 1-18: Gunn James. Introduction
      P. 19-21: Gunn James. Born of Skill and Money
      P. 22-24: Matheson Richard. Born of Man and Woman
      P. 25-27: Gunn James. Word Magic
      P. 27-31: Davidson Avram. My Boy Friend's Name Is Jello
      P. 32-35: Gunn James. A Canticle for the Fifties
      P. 35-56: Miller, Jr. Walter M. The First Canticle
      P. 57-59: Gunn James. The Lodestone Genre
      P. 59-72: Budrys Algis. Nobody Bothers Gus
      P. 73-75: Gunn James. Inferiority: The Complex Problem
      P. 75-103: Keyes Daniel. Flowers for Algernon
      P. 104-107: Gunn James. A Question of Identity
      P. 107-141: Vance Jack. The Moon Moth
      P. 142-145: Gunn James. The View from Outside
      P. 145-152: Borges Jorge Luis. The Library of Babel / Translated by Anthony Kerrigan
      P. 153-156: Gunn James. Inner Concerns in Outer Space
      P. 156-178: Herbert Frank. From Dune
      P. 179-181: Gunn James. The Vigor of Traditional SF
      P. 181-189: Shaw Bob. Light of Other Days
      P. 190-192: Gunn James. Ambiguities and Inscrutabilities
      P. 192-203: Lem Stanislaw. The First Sally (A), or Trurl's Electronic Bard / Translated by Michael Kandel
      P. 204-206: Gunn James. Entropy and the World View
      P. 206-220: Zoline Pamela. The Heat Death of the Universe
      P. 221-223: Gunn James. Speculations on Speculative Fiction
      P. 223-238: Wilhelm Kate. The Planners
      P. 239-242: Gunn James. The Aliennes of the Alien
      P. 242-256: Carr Terry. The Dance of the Changer and the Three
      P. 257-259: Gunn James. The Virtues of Indirection
      P. 259-265: Tiptree, Jr. James. The Last Flight of Doctor Ain
      P. 266-268: Gunn James. Radical Sensibility
      P. 268-277: Dozois Gardner. Where No Sun Shines
      P. 278-280: Gunn James. Escape Reading
      P. 280-296: Wolfe Gene. The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories
      P. 297-300: Gunn James. Understanding Reader Reaction
      P. 300-316: Disch Thomas M. Angouleme
      P. 317-319: Gunn James. The Postwar Generation
      P. 319-324: Sargent Pamela. Gather Blue Roses
      P. 325-327: Gunn James. The Star Trek Syndrome
      P. 327-337: Gerrold David. With a Finger in My I
      P. 338-340: Gunn James. The Real and the Surreal
      P. 341-351: Effinger George Alec. The Ghost Writer
      P. 352-354: Gunn James. Of Men, and Women, and Society
      P. 354-374: McIntyre Vonda N. Of Mist, and Grass, and Sand
      P. 375-377: Gunn James. Of Novas and Other Stars
      P. 377-390: Varley John. Air Raid
      P. 391-394: Gunn James. Science Fiction, Aliens, and Alienation
      P. 395-405: Malzberg Barry N. Uncoupling
      P. 406-408: Gunn James. Exotic Parables
      P. 408-420: Bishop Michael. Rogue Tomato
      P. 421-423: Gunn James. The Labor Day Group
      P. 423-440: Martin George R.R. This Tower of Ashes
      P. 441-443: Gunn James. Fiction and Science
      P. 443-465: Bryant Edward. Particle Theory
      P. 466-468: Gunn James. The Anthropology of the Future
      P. 468-482: Vinge Joan D. View from a Height
      P. 483-485: Gunn James. Form and Content
      P. 485-496: Zebrowski George. The Word Sweep
      P. 497-499: Gunn James. Dialectic of History and Transcendence
      P. 499-503: Watson Ian. The World Science Fiction Convention of 2080
      P. 504-506: Gunn James. Estranging the Everyday
      P. 506-514: Emshwiller Carol. Abominable
      P. 515-518: Gunn James. Science and Fiction
      P. 518-531: Benford Gregory. Exposures

[Borges Jorge Luis. La biblioteca de Babel; Lem Stanisław. Wyprawa pierwsza A, czyli Elektrybałt Trurla]

Robinett Stephen. Number 13 / Painting by H.R.Giger // Omni (New York). – 1982. – November. – P. 98-102. – (Fiction).

Robinson Spider. Mindkiller, 1982.

Rohan Mike. Run to the Stars, 1982.

Romanovsky Boris. The Blue Swan / Translated by Alice Ingman // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 120-143. – (Fiction).
[Романовский Борис. Преступление в Медовом Раю]

Rosokhovatsky Igor. What Is Man: (Shorthand report of philosophy lessons in a primary school of the 22nd C.) / Translated by William Kendall // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 93-103. – (Fiction).
[Росоховатский Игорь. Что такое человек?]

Rouch James. The Zone #5: Overkill, 1982.

Russian Science Fiction in the 19th Century // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 178. – (From the Archives / In Brief).

Saberhagen Fred. Dominion, 1982.

Sargent Pamela. The Golden Space, 1982.

Scarborough Elizabeth. Song of Sorcery, 1982.


Science Fiction Writers: Critical Studies of the Major Authors from the Early Nineteenth Century to the Present Day / E.F.Bleiler, Editor. – New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1982. – 623 pp. ISBN 0-684-16740-9.


      P. xi-xv: Bleiler E.F. Introduction

      I. Early Science Fiction

        P. 3-9: Aldiss Brian W. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
        P. 11-18: Bleiler E.F. Edgar Allan Poe
        P. 19-24: Scarborough John. H. Rider Haggard
        P. 25-30: Aldiss Brian W. H.G.Wells
        P. 31-37: Bleiler E.F. M.P.Shiel
        P. 39-44: Campbell, Sr. James L. Garrett P. Serviss
        P. 45-50: Campbell, Sr. James L. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

      II. Primitive Science Fiction: The American Dime Novel and Pulp Magazines

        P. 53-58: Bleiler E.F. Luis Philip Senarens
        P. 59-64: Bleiler E.F. Edgar Rice Burroughs
        P. 65-71: Bleiler E.F. A.Merritt

      III. Mainstream Georgian Authors

        P. 75-82: Campbell, Sr. James L. John Taine
        P. 83-89: Bleiler E.F. S. Fowler Wright
        P. 91-100: Campbell, Sr. James L. Olaf Stapledon
        P. 101-108: Pfeiffer John R. Aldous Huxley

      IV. American Science Fiction: The Formative Period

        P. 111-117: Clute John. Murray Leinster
        P. 119-123: Stableford Brian M. David H. Keller
        P. 125-130: Clute John. E.E.Smith
        P. 131-137: Wilson Colin. H.P.Lovecraft
        P. 139-144: Stableford Brian M. Clark Ashton Smith
        P. 145-149: Stableford Brian M. Stanley G. Weinbaum
        P. 151-159: Bleiler E.F. John W. Campbell, Jr.
        P. 161-167: Shroyer Frederick. C.L.Moore and Henry Kuttner

      V. The Circumbellum Period

        P. 171-178: McNelly Willis E. Ray Bradbury
        P. 179-184: Stableford Brian M. L. Sprague de Camp
        P. 185-196: Nicholls Peter. Robert A. Heinlein
        P. 197-202: Edwards Malcolm. Eric Franl Russell
        P. 203-208: Stableford Brian M. Theodore Sturgeon
        P. 209-217: Wilson Colin. A.E. van Vogt
        P. 219-224: Scarborough John. John Wyndham
        P. 225-231: Myers Robert E. Jack Williamson
        P. 233-241: Elkins Charles L. George Orwell
        P. 243-248: Clute John. C.S.Lewis

      VI. The Moderns

        P. 251-258: McNelly Willis E. Brian W. Aldiss
        P. 159-265: Tweet Roald D. Poul Anderson
        P. 267-276: Allen L. David. Isaac Asimov
        P. 277-282: Stableford Brian M. J.G.Ballard
        P. 283-290: McNelly Willis E. Alfred Bester
        P. 291-296: Clute John. James Blish
        P. 297-304: Pfeiffer John R. John Brunner
        P. 305-311: Nicholls Peter. Algis Budrys
        P. 313-320: Samuelson David N. Arthur C. Clarke
        P. 321-327: Morgan Chris. Hal Clement
        P. 329-336: Barbour Douglas. Samuel R. Delany
        P. 337-343: Stableford Brian M. Philip K. Dick
        P. 345-350: Clute John. Gordon R. Dickson
        P. 351-356: Stableford Brian M. Thomas M. Disch
        P. 357-368: Slusser George Edgar. Harlan Ellison
        P. 369-375: Tweet Roald D. Philip José Farmer
        P. 377-385: McNelly Willis E. Frank Herbert
        P. 387-392: Clute John. Fred Hoyle
        P. 393-400: Dozois Gardner. Damon Knight
        P. 401-407: Edwards Malcolm. C.M.Kornbluth
        P. 409-417: Samuelson David N. Ursula K. Le Guin
        P. 419-424: Stableford Brian M. Fritz Leiber
        P. 425-431: Nicholls Peter. Richard Matheson
        P. 433-439: Morgan Chris. Judith Merrill
        P. 441-448: Ower John B. Walter M. Miller, Jr.
        P. 449-457: Nicholls Peter. Michael Moorcock
        P. 459-465: Finholt Richard, Carr John. Larry Niven
        P. 467-473: Allen L. David. Chad Oliver
        P. 475-482: Samuelson David N. Frederik Pohl
        P. 483-490: Holt Marilyn J. Joanna Russ
        P. 491-495: Clute John. Margaret St. Clair
        P. 497-503: Morgan Chris. Robert Sheckley
        P. 505-511: Edwards Malcolm. Robert Silverberg
        P. 513-518: Tweet Roald D. Clifford D. Simak
        P. 519-524: Morgan Chris. Cordwainer Smith
        P. 525-530: Edwards Malcolm. William Tenn
        P. 531-541: Wood Susan. James Tiptree, Jr.
        P. 543-549: Edwards Malcolm. Jack Vance
        P. 551-561: Elkins Charles L. Kurt Vonnegut
        P. 563-570: Nicholls Peter. Roger Zelazny

      VII. Continental Science Fiction

        P. 573-582: Bleiler E.F. Jules Verne
        P. 583-589: Clute John. Karel Čapek
        P. 591-598: Scarborough John. Stanisław Łem

      P. 599-600: List of Contributors
      P. 601: General Bibliography
      P. 603-623: Index

Shaara Michael. Soldier Boy, 1982.

Shaw Bob. A Better Mantrap, 1982.

Shcherbakov Vladimir. The Discovery of a Planet / Translated by Diana Russell // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 103-110. – (Fiction).
[Щербаков Владимир. Открытие планеты]

Sheckley Robert. Demons, Heroes, and Realities / Painting by Rowena Morrill // Omni (New York). – 1982. – December. – P. 82-87. – (Pictorial).

Sheffield Charles. Erasmus Magister, 1982.

Sheffield Charles. My Brother's Keeper, 1982.

Sheffield Charles, Bischoff David. The Selkie, 1982.

Silverberg Robert. Majipoor Chronicles, 1982.

Silverberg Robert. World of Thousand Colors, 1982.

Simak Clifford. Special Deliverance. – Ballantine, 1982.

Simak Clifford. Where the Evil Dwells. – Ballantine, 1982.

Sladek John. Alien Accounts, 1982.

Sladek John. An Explanation for the Disappearance of the Moon: [Short Story] // Extro. – 1982. – № 3.

Sladek John. Great Mysteries Explained!: [Short Story] // IASFM. – 1982. – Mar 15.

Sladek John. Guesting: [Short Story] // Interzone. – 1982. – № 1.

Smith George. Worlds of George O., 1982.

Stableford Brian. Journey to the Centre, 1982. – (Centre. 1).

Stafford William. Storm Warning // Small Pond. – 1982.

Stasheff Christopher. The Warlock Unlocked, 1982. – (Warlock).

Straley Rosalind. Capsule: Vignette // F&SF. – 1982. – Aug.

Strete Craig. Dreams That Burn in the Night. – Doubleday, 1982. (hc).

Strieber Whitley. Black Magic. – Morrow, 1982.
Horror novel..

Strugatsky Arkadi. Our Questionnaire // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 169.

Strugatsky Arkady, Strugatsky Boris. Escape Attempt / Translated from the Russian by Roger DeGaris. – Macmillan, 1982. (hc) ISBN 0-02-61520-9.

Strugatsky Arkadi and Boris. From Beyond: A Short Novel / Translated by Winifred Greenwood // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 8-36. – (Fiction).
[Стругацкий Аркадий, Стругацкий Борис. Извне]

Sucharitkul Somtow. Aquila // IASFM. – 1982. – Jan.

Sucharitkul Somtow. Aquila the God // IASFM. – 1982. – Apr.

Sucharitkul Somtow. Light on the Sound, 1982.

Sucharitkul Somtow. Remembrances // IASFM. – 1982. – Mar 15.

Sucharitkul Somtow. Scarlet Snow // IASFM. – 1982. – May.

Sucharitkul Somtow. The What March? // IASFM. – 1982. – Feb 15.

Swenson Logan. Earthbound. – Playboy Press, 1982.
Ghost/horror novel. (Horror).

Tem Steve. The Swimmer // The Patchin Review. – 1982.

Tolkien J. Mr. Bliss. – George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1982. (Fantasy).

Tubb E. The Coming Event, 1982. – (Dumarest).

Tucker Wilson. The Best of Wilson Tucker. – Pocket, 1982. (pb).

The Umbral Anthology of Science Fiction Poetry / Ed. by Steve Rasnic Tem; Introduction by Steve Rasnic Tem; Afterword by Steve Rasnic Tem. – Umbral Press, 1982. (hc) ISBN 0-943422-00-0.

Van Scyoc Sydney. Darkchild, 1982. – (Darkchild).

Vance Jack. The Narrow Land, 1982.

Varshavsky Ilya. Homunculus / Translated by William Kendall // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 37-40. – (Fiction).
[Варшавский Илья. Гомункулус]

Vinge Joan. Psion, 1982.

Voiskunsky Evgeni. Our Questionnaire // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 170.

Vonnegut, Jr. Kurt. Dead-Eye Dick, 1982.

Wagner Karl. Beyond Any Measure // Whispers. – 1982. – Mar.

Waldrop Howard. Ike at the Mike / Painting by Skip Liepke // Omni (New York). – 1982. – June. – P. 76-85, 125. – (Fiction).

Wallace Ian. The Rape of the Sun, 1982.

Watson Ian. Returning Home / Painting by Jean-Marie Poumeyrol // Omni (New York). – 1982. – December. – P. 70-80. – (Fiction).

Watson Ian. Sunstroke and Other Stories, 1982.

Watson Ian. The Woman Factory, 1982.

Watt-Evans Lawrence. The Cyborg and the Sorcerers, 1982.

Watt-Evans Lawrence. The Sword of Bheleu, 1982.

Webb Sharon. Earthchild, 1982.

Webb Sharon. Threshold: Short Story // Amazing. – 1982. – Nov.

Wellman Manly. Hanging Stones, 1982. – (Silver John).

Whitby Sharon. The Savage Web, 1982.

White James. Futures Past, 1982.

Whiteford Wynne. Sapphire Road, 1982.

Wilhelm Kate. Oh, Susannah!, 1982.

Williams Paul. The Fall of the Shell. – A.C.McClurg & Co., 1982. – (Pelbar. 4).

Williamson Jack. Manseed, 1982.

Williamson Jack, Pohl Frederik. Undersea Fleet. – Ballantine, 1982.

Winslow Pauline. I, Martha Adams. – Baen Books, 1982.

Wodhams Jack. Ryn, 1982.

Wolf Gary. David Lindsay, 1982.

Wolfe Gene. The Citadel of the Autarch, 1982. – (Book of the New Sun).

Yarbro Chelsea. Tempting Fate, 1982. – (Saint-Germain).

Yefremov Ivan. Evolution Is an Upward Spiral / Collected by Yuri Moiseyev // Soviet Literature (Moscow). – 1982. – No. 1. – P. 173-178. – (From the Archives).
[Ефремов Иван. Восходящая спираль эволюции]

Yermakov Nicholas. Epiphany, 1982. – (Boomerang. 1).

Yermakov Nicholas. Fall into Darkness, 1982.

Yesterday's Tomorrows: Favorite Stories from Forty Years as a Science Fiction Writer / Ed. by Frederik Pohl. – Berkley, 1982.

Yolen Jane. Dragon's Blood, 1982. – (Dragon. 1).

Yolen Jane. Heart's Blood, 1982. – (Dragon. 2).

Yolen Jane. Neptune Rising: Songs and Tales of the Undersea Folk, 1982.

Young Robert. The Last Yggdrasill, 1982.

Yulsman Jerry. Elleander Morning, 1982.

Zelazny Roger. Coils. – TOR, 1982.

Zelazny Roger. Dilvish the Damned, 1982.

Zelazny Roger. Eye of Cat, 1982.

Zelazny Roger. The Guns of Avalon. – Sphere, 1982. (Fantasy).

Zelazny Roger. Sign of the Unicorn. – Sphere, 1982. (Fantasy).