Библиография фантастики: 1979

Abbey Lynn. Daughter of the Bright Moon. – Ace, 1979.

Adams Douglas. Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. – Pan, 1979. – (Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. 1).

Adams Robert. Castaways in Time. – Starblaze, 1979.

Adams Robert. A Cat of Silvery Hue. – Signet, 1979.

Adler C. The Silver Coach. – Putnam, 1979.
Children's fantasy novel about summer vacation and magic with Grandma.

Adler Paul. Saucer Hill. – Avon, 1979.

Aiken Joan. A Touch of Chill. – Gollancz, 1979.
Young-adult ghost/horror collection.

Aldiss Brian. New Arrivals, Old Encounters. – Ultramarine, 1979.

Alexander C. Alien Atlas. – Manor, 1979.

Alexander C. Biodroids 2300. – Manor, 1979.

Alexander Karl. Time After Time. – A.C.McClurg & Co., 1979. (SF/Mystery).

Anderson Poul. Ensign Flandry. – G.K.Hall, 1979.

Anderson Poul. The Merman's Children, 1979.

Anderson Poul. A Stone in Heaven. – Ace, 1979.

Anderson Poul. Vault of the Ages. – G.K.Hall, 1979.

Andrews Bart. The Tolkien Quiz Book. – Signet, 1979. (Non-fiction).

Andrews Bart, Dunning Brad. The Trekkie Quiz Book. – Signet. (Non-fiction).

Andrews V. Flowers in the Attic. – Pocket, 1979.

Anonymous. The Amazing Adventures of Flash Gordon 1. – Tempo, 1979.

Anonymous. The Black Hole Illustrated Adaption Film. – Golden Press, 1979.

Anthony Piers. Castle Roogna. – Del Rey, 1979. – (Xanth). (Fantasy).

Anthony Piers. Chaining the Lady. – Panther, 1979.

Anthony Piers. God of Tarot. – Jove, 1979. – (Taro. 1). (Fantasy).

Anthony Piers. The Source of Magic. – Del Rey, 1979. – (Xanth. 2). (Fantasy).

Ashley Michael. Fantasy Readers Guide 1. – Cosmos, 1979. (Non-fiction).

Asimov Isaac. Asimov on Physics. – Discus, 1979. (Non-fiction).

Asimov Isaac. The Far Ends of Time and Earth, 1979.

Asimov Isaac. Opus 200, 1979.

Asimov Isaac. Prisoners of the Stars, 1979.

Asprin Robert. The Bug Wars, 1979.

Asprin Robert. Myth Conceptions, 1979. – (Myth).

Asprin Robert. Tambu, 1979.

Ballard J. Killing Time Should Be Prime Time TV // The Guardian. – 1979. – Nov 15.

Ballard J. The Unlimited Dream Company, 1979.

Barnouw Dagmar. Science Fiction as a Model for Probabilistic Worlds: Stanislaw Lem's Fantastic Empiricism // Science-Fiction Studies (Montreal). – 1979. – Vol. 6, Part 2, # 18 (July). – P. 153-163.

Bayley Barrington. The Seed of Evil, 1979.

Beagle Peter. The Fantasy World of Peter S. Beagle. – Ballantine, 1979. (Fantasy).

Bear Greg. Hegira, 1979.

Bear Greg. Psychlone, 1979.

Biggle Lloyd. The Whirligig of Time, 1979.

Bischoff David. Nightworld, 1979.

Bishop Michael. Catacomb Years, 1979.

Bishop Michael. Transfigurations, 1979.

Blackburn John. The Sins of the Father, 1979.

Blish James. The Best of James Blish, 1979.

Bloch Robert. Strange Eons. – Whispers, 1979. (Horror).

Bloch Robert. Such Stuff as Scream Are Made of, 1979.

Bloch Robert. There is a Serpent in Eden. – Zebra, 1979.

Bova Ben. Kinsman, 1979. – (Kinsman Saga).

Bradbury Ray. To Sing Strange Songs, 1979.

Bradley P., Bradley Marion. The Survivors, 1979.

Bretnor Reginald. The Schimmelhorn's File, 1979.

Burgess Anthony. The Non-Book Game: A Perfect Vacuum. Stanisław Lem // The Observer (London). – 1979. – 27 May.

Butler Octavia. Kindred, 1979.

Caidin Martin. Manfac, 1979.

Campbell J. The Face that Must Die, 1979.

Card Orson. Capitol, 1979.

Card Orson. Hot Sleep, 1979.

Card Orson. A Planet Called Treason, 1979.

Carter Angela. The Bloody Chamber, 1979.

Chalker Jack. A War of Shadows, 1979.

Chalker Jack. And the Devil Will Drag You Under, 1979.

Chalker Jack. The Return of Nathan Brazil, 1979. – (War of Well. 4).

Chandler A. Matilda's Stepchildren, 1979.

Cherryh C. The Fires of Azeroth. – DAW, 1979. – (Morgaine. 3). (Fantasy).

Cherryh C. Hestia, 1979.

Chrysalis 4 / Ed. by Roy Torgeson. – Zebra, 1979. (pb).

Chrysalis 5 / Ed. by Roy Torgeson. – Zebra, 1979. (pb).

Clarke Arthur. The Fountains of Paradise, 1979.

Clement Hal. The Best of Hal Clement, 1979.

Compton D. A Usual Lunacy, 1979.

Compton D. Windows, 1979.

Cowper Richard. Profundis, 1979.

Crowley John. Engine Summer, 1979.

Daley Brian. The Starfollowers of Coramonde, 1979.

Davidson Avram. The Best of Avram Davidson, 1979.

Delany Samuel. Heavenly Breakfast, 1979.

Delany Samuel. Tales of Neveryon, 1979. – (Neveryon).

Dickson Gordon. The Spirit of Dorsai. – Ace, 1979. – (Dorsai).

Disch Thomas. On Wings of Song, 1979.

Disch Thomas. Song of Myself // New Worlds. – 1979. – № 216.

Donaldson Stephen. The Illearthwar, 1979. – (Thomas Covenant. 2).

Effinger George. Teflon, 1979.

Elflandsson Galad. The Black Wolf, 1979.

Elgin Suzette. Star-Anchored, Star-Angered, 1979. – (Communipath Worlds).

Evil Earth / Ed. by Brian W. Aldiss. – Avon, 1979.

Farmer Philip. Dark is the Sun, 1979.

Farmer Philip. Jesus on Mars, 1979.

Farmer Philip. Riverworld and Other Stories, 1979. – (Riverworld).

Forsyth Frederick. The Devil's Alternative, 1979.

Foster Alan. The Black Hole, 1979.

Foster Alan. Mission to Moulokin, 1979. – (Icerigger).

Galactic Empires 1 / Ed. by Brian W. Aldiss. – Avon, 1979.

Galactic Empires 2 / Ed. by Brian W. Aldiss. – Avon, 1979.

Gearhart Sally. The Wanderground, 1979.

Gee Maurice. Under the Mountain, 1979.

Goulart Ron. Cowboy Heaven. – Robert Hale, 1979.

Goulart Ron. Hello, Lemuria, Hello, 1979.

Grant Charles. Legion, 1979.

The Great SF Stories 1 (1939) / Ed. by Isaac Asimov, Martin Harry Greenberg. – DAW, 1979.

Haldeman Joe. Infinite Dreams, 1979.

Haldeman Joe. World Without End, 1979.

Harding Lee. Misplaced Persons, 1979.

Heinlein Robert A. The Number of the Beast / Painting by Les Edwards // Omni (New York). – 1979. – October. – P. 66-69, 118-138. – (Fiction).

Herbert James. Lair. – New English Library, 1979.

Hill Douglas. Galactic Warlord, 1979.

Hogan James. Two Faces of Tomorrow, 1979.

Howard Robert. Jewels of Gwahlur, 1979.

Ing Dean. Soft Targets, 1979.

James R. No News From Providence. – Robert Hale, 1979.

Jones D. Xeno, 1979.

Joron Andrew. The Sonic Flowerfall of Primes // New Worlds. – 1979. – № 216.

Joron Andrew. The Tetrahedron Letters // The Portland Review. – 1979.

Kilworth Garry. Split Second, 1979.

King Stephen. The Dead Zone, 1979.

Knight Damon. Rule Golden and Other Stories, 1979.

Laumer Keith. Retief Unbound, 1979. – (Retief).

Le Guin Ursula. The Best of Ursula K.Le Guin, 1979.

Lee Tanith. Companions on the Road & The Winter Players: Two Novellas. – Bantam, 1979. (Fantasy).

Lee Tanith. Death's Master. – DAW, 1979. (Fantasy).

Lee Tanith. Don't Bite the Sun. – DAW, 1979.

Lee Tanith. Electric Forest. – DAW, 1979.

Leiber Fritz. Ship of Shadows, 1979.


Lem Stanisław. The Chain of Chance / Translated by Louis Iribarne. – New York: A Jove/HBJ Book, 1979. – 189 pp. (pbk).
[Lem Stanisław. Katar]

Lem Stanislaw. A Perfect Vacuum. – Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979.

Lem Stanislaw. Tales of Pirx the Pilot, 1979.

Lem Stanislaw. The Test / Translated by Louis Iribarne; Painting by Don Maitz // Omni (New York). – 1979. – October. – P. 86-88, 148-160. – (Fiction).
[Stanisław Lem. Test]

Lessing Doris. Re: Colonized Planet 5-Shikasta, 1979. – (Archives).

Lessing Doris. Shikasta, 1979. – (Archives).

Lewis C. Clive S. Lewis at the Breakfast Table, and Other Reminescences. – Macmillan, 1979. (Non-fiction).

Lewis C. They Stand Together: Letters of C.S.Lewis to Arthur Greeves. – Collins, 1979. (Non-fiction).

Long Frank. Night Fear / Ed. by Roy Torgeson, 1979.

Longyear Barry. Momus: Short Story // IASFM. – 1979. – Mar.

Lynn Elizabeth. The Dancers of Arun, 1979.

Lynn Elizabeth. Watchtower, 1979.

MacLean Katherine. The Trouble With You Earth People, 1979.

Maddocks Melvin. An open letter to Soviet cosmowriters // The Christian Science Monitor (Boston). – 1979. – 13 Sept. – P. 22. – (Opinion and Commentary).

Madlee Dorothy, Norton Andre. Star Ka'at and Plant People, 1979. – (Star Ka'at).

Malzberg Barry. Malzberg at Large, 1979.

Markov Andrei and Pazhitnova Ludmila. In the Mountains of Ala-Tau: Preview: „The 'Dead Mountainer' Hotel“ // Soviet Film (Moscow). – 1979. – Nr. 5. – P. 18-19.

McCaffrey Anne. Dragondrums, 1979. – (Pern).

McCarry Charles. The Better Angels. – Dutton, 1979.
Near-future political/spy novel with sf elements.

McIntosh J. A Planet Called Utopia, 1979.

McKillip Patricia. Harpist in the Wind. – Atheneum, 1979. – (The Quest of the Riddlemaster. 3). (Fantasy).

McKillip Patricia. The Heir of Sea and Fire. – Del Rey, 1979. – (The Quest of the Riddlemaster. 2). (Fantasy).

McKillip Patricia. The Riddle-Master of Hed, 1979.

Meluch R. Sovereign. – NAL Signet, 1979.

Moorcock Michael. The City of the Beast. – DAW, 1979. (Fantasy).

Moorcock Michael. Lord of the Spiders. – DAW, 1979. (Fantasy).

Moorcock Michael. The Masters of the Pit. – DAW, 1979. (Fantasy).

Moorcock Michael. The Time Dweller. – DAW, 1979.

Mork & Mindy a Video Novel / Ed. by Richard J. Anobile. – Pocket, 1979.

Morris Janet. The Carnelian Throne, 1979. – (Silistra. 4).

Myers John. Silverlock. – Ace, 1979. (Fantasy).

Nadeau Robert. Reading from the New Book of Nature: Physics and Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow // Studies in the Novel. – 1979. – Nr. 11. – P. 454-471.

Niven Larry. Convergent Series, 1979.

Niven Larry. The Ringworld Engineers / Ill. Larry Blamire, Fred Knecht, Alex Stevens, Cortney Skinner // Galileo (Boston). – 1979. – # 13 (July). – P. 54-77; # 14 (September). – P. 60-83; # 15 (November). – P. 48-71; 1980. – # 16 (January). – P. 62-85. – (Novel).

Norman John. Explorers of Gor, 1979. – (Gor. 13).

Norton Andre. Key Out of Time. – G.K.Hall, 1979.

Norton Andre. Quag Keep. – DAW, 1979.

Norton Andre. Snow Shadow, 1979.

Offut Andrew. The Iron Lords, 1979. – (War of the Gods. 1).

Offut Andrew. The Sword of the Scelos, 1979.

Other Worlds 1 / Ed. by Roy Torgeson. – Zebra, 1979. – 282 pp. (pb) ISBN 0-89083-558-6.

Payack Peter. The Migration of Darkness // IASFM. – 1979. – Aug.

Payack Peter. The Origins of the Material World // IASFM. – 1979. – Apr.


Perception of Science Fiction: Special Issue of Pacific Quaterly Moana, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1979 / Ed. by Colin J. Lester; Details supplied by Daniel Krummes. – Hamilton: Outrigger Publishers Limited, 1979. – 108 pp. ISBN 0-9087-51-23-2; ISSN 0110-3870.


      P. 253-254: Lester Colin J. Preface
      P. 255-259: Lem Stanislaw. The Future Without a Future: An Interview with Stanislaw Lem by Zoran Zivkovic
      P. 259: Mataira Katerina. Te Atea 1
      P. 260: Macbeth George. America: A Mime Poem
      P. 261: Macbeth George. The Accession Day Tilt
      P. 261: Frazier Robert. Updrafts in the Void
      P. 262: Frazier Robert. Silent Thunder
      P. 263-268: Meares Elizabeth. No Man's Land
      P. 269: Mataira Katerina. Te Atea 2
      P. 270: Fainlight Ruth. Progress
      P. 271-283: Suvin Darko. Three World Paradigms for SF
      P. 284: Stanescu Nichita. Tragedies in Time of Peace
      P. 285: Redgrove Peter. The Famous Ghost of St.Ives
      P. 286: Redgrove Peter. Stoned at 'The Medusa's Head'
      P. 286-287: Redgrove Peter. Two Visions of Science
      P. 288-294: Wingrove David. Thinking in Fuzzy Sets
      P. 295-299: Brown J. Edwards. A Dollar a Launch
      P. 300: Willett Robin. Failure '78
      P. 301: Bishop Michael. Among the Hominids at Olduvai
      P. 302-305: Graham Peter. Last Dream
      P. 306-315: Colin Vladimir. Closer, Closer
      P. 316: Mataira Katerina. Te Atea 3
      P. 317: Talbot Norman. Monologue at Sea
      P. 317: Talbot Norman. The Drive-In
      P. 318-320: Talbot Norman. Earth Revisited
      P. 321: Williams Haare. Rainbow (Haiku)
      P. 322-326: Ganguli Atindra Mohan. Sorrows of God
      P. 327: Payack Peter. Netting the Butterflies at Dunkirk
      P. 327: Payack Peter. Illuminating the Darkness
      P. 328: Mataira Katerina. Te Atea 4
      P. 329-336: Warriak Patricia. A Science Fiction Aesthetic of Complementary Perception
      P. 337-344: Hanmura Ryo. Cardboard Box
      P. 345: Simms Norman. Smile and Simile, as in Comic and Cosmic
      P. 346-349: Fergusson Bruce. Songs of the Southern Weyr: A Look at the SF Music of New Zealand
      P. 350: Simms Norman. M.K.Joseph and Time Travel
      P. 351: Mataira Katerina. Te Atea 5
      P. 352: Lester Colin J. Volve: Scandinavian Views on Science Fiction, ed. by Cay Dollerup
      P. 353-354: Simms Norman. The Brendan Voyage
      P. 355: Mandelbaum Pincus. Abracadabra by Danarto
      P. 355: Kramer Arnold. The Ultimate Threshold, ed. Mirra Ginsburg
      P. 356-357: Dunn Ginette. Women of Wonder, ed. Pamela Sargent
      P. 358: Lester C.J. Rooms of Paradise, ed. Lee Harding
      P. 359: Bennett-Wotton C. The Last Starship from Earth, by John Boyd

Pohl Frederik. Alternating Currents. – Penguin, 1979.

Pohl Frederik. The Cool War. – Penzler, 1979.

Pohl Frederik. Jem: The Making of Utopia, 1979.

Pohl Frederik. The Way the Future Was: A Memoir. – Ballantine Books, 1979. (Non-fiction).

Pohl Frederik. The Way the Future Was: A Memoir. – Gollancz, 1979. (Non-fiction).

Pournelle Jerry. Endless Frontier, 1979.

Pournelle Jerry. Janissaries. – Ace, 1979. – (Janissaries. 1).
Sf novel.

Powers Tim. The Drawing of the Dark, 1979.

Reamy Tom. San Diego Lightfoot Sue, 1979.

Reynolds Mack. Lagrange Five, 1979.

Roberts Keith. Ladies from Hell. – Gollancz, 1979.

Robinson Spider, Robinson Jeanne. Stardance. – Dial, 1979.

Ronson Mark. Bloodthirst, 1979.

Rothman Tony. The World Is Round, 1979.

Rottensteiner Franz. Some German Writings on Science Fiction // Science-Fiction Studies (Montreal). – 1979. – Vol. 6, Part 2, # 18 (July). – P. 201-209.

Saberhagen Fred. Berserker Man, 1979. – (Berserker).

Saberhagen Fred. Love Conquers All, 1979.

Saberhagen Fred. The Mask of the Sun, 1979.

Saberhagen Fred. The Ultimate Enemy, 1979. – (Berserker).

Sargent Pamela. The Sudden Star, 1979.


Savchenko Vladimir. Self-Discovery / Translated from the Russian by Antonina W. Bouis; Jacket illustration by Richard Powers; Introduction (P. ix-xiv) by Theodore Sturgeon. – New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1979. – 305 pp. – (Best of Soviet Science Fiction). (hc) ISBN 0-02-606840-0.
[Савченко Владимир. Открытие себя]

Schramm Richard. Letters From Another World // Western Humanities Review. – 1979. – Spr.

Schwartz Richard Alan. Hawkes and Holmes: The Lyme Twig and 'Silver Blaze' // Notes on Contemporary Literature. – 1979. – Nr. 9 (Spring). – P. 11.


The Science Fiction Encyclopedia / General Editor Peter Nicholls; Associate Editor John Clute; Technical Editor Carolyn Eardley; Contributing Editors Malcolm Edwards, Brian Stableford; Jacket Illustration by Dave Christensen; Design: David Pearce. – Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1979. – 672 pp. ISBN 0-385-13000-7 (hc).

Sheckley Robert. The Wonderful World of Robert Sheckley, 1979.

Sheffield Charles. Vectors, 1979.

Sheffield Charles. Web Between the Worlds, 1979.

Silverberg Robert. Lord Valentine's Castle, 1979.

Silverberg Robert. The Songs of Summer, 1979.

Sladek John. The Cosmic Factor, 1979.

Smith Clark. The Black Book of Clark Ashton Smith. – Arkham House, 1979.
Jaffery, The Arkham House Companion, 154; Tymn, Horror Literature, 6-51. (Horror).

Smith E. Lord Tedric: The Black Knight of the Iron Sphere, 1979.

Spinrad Norman. The Star-Spangled Future. – Ace, 1979. (pb).

Spinrad Norman. A World Between, 1979.

Stableford Brian. Balance of Power, 1979. – (Daedalus. 5).

Stableford Brian. The Walking Shadow, 1979.

Stapledon Olaf. Far Future Calling / Ed. by Sam Moskowitz. – Oswald Train, 1979. (hc).

Stasheff Christopher. A Wizard in Bedlam, 1979.

Sterling Bruce. Involution Ocean, 1979.

Strugatsky Arkady and Boris. A reply from the Brothers Strugatsky // The Christian Science Monitor (Boston). – 1979. – 20 Dec. – P. 22. – (Readers write).
Ответ на письмо Мелвина Маддокса.


Strugatsky Arkady & Boris. Roadside Picnic / Translated from the Russian by Antonina W. Bouis; Cover illustration by Adrian Chesterman; Introduction by Theodore Sturgeon (P. 5-7). – Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1979. – 160 pp. – (Penguin Science Fiction). ISBN 0-1400-5135-X.
[Стругацкий Аркадий, Стругацкий Борис. Пикник на обочине]


Strugatsky Arkady and Boris. The Ugly Swans / Translated from the Russian by Alice Stone Nakhimovsky and Alexander Nakhimovsky; Jacket illustration by Richard Powers. – New York: Macmillan, 1979. – 234 pp. ISBN 0-02-615190-1 (hc).
First Printing 1979
[Стругацкий Аркадий, Стругацкий Борис. Гадкие лебеди]

Sturgeon Theodore. The Golden Helix. – SFBC, 1979. (hc).

Sturgeon Theodore. Maturity / Ed. by Scott Imes, Stuart W. Wells, III. – Rune Press, 1979. (hc).

Sturgeon Theodore. The Stars Are the Styx / Cover by Rowena. – Dell, 1979. – 382 pp. (pb) ISBN 0-440-18006-6.

Sucharitkul Somtow. A Day in Mallworld // IASFM. – 1979. – Oct.

Sucharitkul Somtow. Interview / Interviewed by Darrell Schweitzer // Thrust. – 1979.

Sucharitkul Somtow. The Thirteenth Utopia // Analog. – 1979. – Apr.

Sucharitkul Somtow. The Web Dancer // IASFM. – 1979. – Dec.


Survey of Science Fiction Literature: Five hundred 2,000-word essay reviews of world-famous science fiction novels with 2,500 bibliographical references. – Volume One. A – Dea. 1 – 512 / Edited by Frank N. Magill; Preface (p. v-vii) by Frank N. Magill; Introduction (p. xiii-xxi) by Willis E. McNelly. – Englewood Cliffs: Salem Press, 1979. – 512 pp. (hc) ISBN 0-89356-194-0; ISBN 0-89356-195-5.


      P. 1-5: Grabnar Boris. Abadon – Janez Mencinger
      P. 6-10: Eckley Grace. Absolute at Large, The – Karel Čapek
      P. 11-15: Stableford Brian. Across the Zodiac: The Story of a Wrecked Record – Percy Greg
      P. 16-21: Elkins Mary J. Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle – Vladimir Nabokov
      P. 22-27: Moskowitz Sam. Adam Link – Robot – Eando Binder
      P. 28-32: Kern Gary. Aelita – Alexei Tolstoi
      P. 33-37: Hardesty III William H. After Many a Summer Dies the Swan – Aldous Huxley
      P. 38-42: Sullivan III C.W. Alas, Babylon – Pat Frank
      P. 43-47: Shippey T.A. Alteration, The – Kingsley Amis
      P. 48-52: Brown Lloyd W. Analogue Men – Damon Knight
      P. 53-57: Meyers Walter E. And Chaos Died – Joanna Russ
      P. 58-62: Suvin Darko. Andromeda – Ivan Yefremov
      P. 63-66: Brigg Peter. Andromeda Strain, The – Michael Crichton
      P. 67-71: Stableford Brian. Angel of the Revolution, The – George Griffith
      P. 72-77: Hall Tord. Aniara – Harry E. Martinson
      P. 78-83: Faye Barry. Ape and Essence – Aldous Huxley
      P. 84-88: Elrick George S. Armageddon 2419 A.D. – Philip Francis Nowlan
      P. 89-92: Searles A. Langley. At Midnight on the 31st of March – Josephine Young Case
      P. 93-96: Meyers Walter E. At the Earth's Core – Edgar Rice Burroughs
      P. 97-101: Mosig Dirk W. and Burleson Donald R. At the Mounrains of Madness – H.P.Lovecraft
      P. 102-104: Montanari Gianni. Autocrisi – Piero Prosperi
      P. 105-108: Lundwall Sam J. autre monde, Un – J.J.Grandville and Taxile Delord
      P. 109-112: Herp Jacques van. Aventures extraordinaires d'un savant russe – Georges Le Faure and Henri De Graffigny
      P. 113-119: Friend Beverly. Babel-17 – Samuel R. Delany
      P. 120-124: Pfeiffer John R. Back to Methuselah: A Metabiological Pentateuch – George Bernard Shaw
      P. 125-129: Eckley Grace. Barefoot in the Head – Brian W. Aldiss
      P. 130-132: Eggeling John. Battle of Dorking, The – George Tomkyns Chesney
      P. 133-137: Eckley Grace. Beasts – John Crowley
      P. 138-143: Kern Gary. Bedbug, The – Vladimir Mayakovsky
      P. 144-148: Elrick George S. Before Adam – Jack London
      P. 149-152: Stableford Brian. Before the Dawn – John Taine
      P. 153-156: Lundwall Sam J. Begum's Fortune, The – Jules Verne
      P. 157-162: Yoke Carl B. Behold the Man – Michael Moorcock
      P. 163-167: Rottensteiner Franz. Berge, Meere und Giganten – Alfred Döblin
      P. 168-172: Meyers Walter E. Berserker – Fred Saberhagen
      P. 173-177: Edwards Suzanne. Best of C.L.Moore, The – Catherine L. Moore
      P. 178-185: Lawler Donald L. Best of C.M.Kornbluth, The – Cyril M. Kornbluth
      P. 186-190: Wolfe Gary K. Best of Cordwainer Smith, The – Cordwainer Smith
      P. 191-195: Lawler Donald L. Best of Henry Kuttner, The – Henry Kuttner
      P. 196-201: Gillespie Bruce. Best of Philip K. Dick – Philip K. Dick
      P. 202-206: McNelly Willis E. Beyond Apollo – Barry N. Malzberg
      P. 207-212: Samuelson David N. Beyond This Horizon – Robert A. Heinlein
      P. 213-217: Clark Judith A. Big Ball of Wax – Shepherd Mead
      P. 218-222: Stevens David. Big Time, The – Fritz Leiber, Jr.
      P. 223-227: McNelly Willis E. Bill, the Galactic Hero – Harry Harrison
      P. 228-232: Stableford Brian. Black Cloud, The – Fred Hoyle
      P. 233-237: Eckley Grace. Black Easter – James Blish
      P. 238-241: Stableford Brian. Black Flame, The – Stanley G. Weinbaum
      P. 242-246: Meyers Walter E. Brain Wave – Poul Anderson
      P. 247-253: Shippey T.A. Brave New World – Aldous Huxley
      P. 254-259: Samuelson David N. Briefing for a Descent into Hell – Doris Lessing
      P. 260-264: Reginald R. Bring the Jubilee – Ward Moore
      P. 265-271: Berger Albert I. Bug Jack Barron – Norman Spinrad
      P. 272-276: Stableford Brian. Caesar's Column – Ignatius Donnelly
      P. 277-282: Nicholls Peter. Camp Concentration – Thomas M. Disch
      P. 283-287: Eckley Grace. Can Such Things Be? – Ambrose Bierce
      P. 288-293: McNelly Willis E. Canticle for Leibowitz, A – Walter M. Miller, Jr.
      P. 294-297: Herp Jacques van. Caroline, O Caroline – Paul van Herck
      P. 298-302: Hipolito Jane. Carson of Venus – Edgar Rice Burroughs
      P. 303-307: Eckley Grace. Case of Conscience, A – James Blish
      P. 308-312: Nicholls Peter. Casey Agonistes and Other Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories – Richard McKenna
      P. 313-317: Mathews Richard. Cat's Cradle – Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
      P. 318-321: Knighten Merrell A. Caves of Steel, The – Isaac Asimov
      P. 322-324: Montanari Gianni. C'era una volta un planeta – L.R.Johannis
      P. 325-329: Sullivan III Charles William. Child Buyer, The – John Hersey
      P. 330-336: O'Reilly Timothy. Childe Cycle, The – Gordon R. Dickson
      P. 337-342: Samuelson David N. Childhood's End – Arthur C. Clarke
      P. 343-348: O'Reilly Timothy. Children of Dune – Frank Herbert
      P. 349-353: Stableford Brian. Children of the Atom – Wilmar H. Shiras
      P. 354-357: Mackey Douglas A. Chthon – Piers Anthony
      P. 358-362: Stableford Brian. Cities in Flight – James Blish
      P. 363-368: Eisner Greta. Citizen of the Galaxy – Robert A. Heinlein
      P. 369-373: Clareson Thomas D. City – Clifford D. Simak
      P. 374-377: Williamson Jack. City and the Stars, The – Arthur C. Clarke
      P. 378-382: Kern Gary. City of Truth, The – Lev Lunts
      P. 383-385: Carneiro André. Ciudad, La – Mario Levrero
      P. 386-391: Eckley Grace. Clipper of the Clouds and The Master of the World – Jules Verne
      P. 392-395: Stableford Brian. Clockwork Man, The – E.V.Odle
      P. 396-401: Morsberger Katharine M. Clockwork Orange, A – Anthony Burgess
      P. 402-405: Oaks Priscilla. Cloned Lives – Pamela Sargent
      P. 406-408: Montanari Gianni. Colonia Felice, La – Carlo Dossi
      P. 409-414: Erlich Richard D. Colossus – D.F.Jones
      P. 415-417: Montanari Gianni. Come ladro di notte – Mauro Antonio Miglieruolo
      P. 418-422: Rubinstein William C. Coming Race, The – Edward Bulwer-Lytton
      P. 423-427: Samuelson David N. Conditionally Human – Walter M. Miller, Jr.
      P. 428-432: Cummings Sherwood. Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A – Mark Twain
      P. 433-437: Stableford Brian. Cornelius Chronicles, The – Michael Moorcock
      P. 438-442: Stableford Brian. Cosmicomics – Italo Calvino
      P. 443-448: Gillespie Bruce. Cryptozoic! – Brian W. Aldiss
      P. 449-452: Eggeling John. Crystal Age, A – William Henry Hudson
      P. 453-456: Pringle David. Crystal World, The – J.G.Ballard
      P. 457-461: Rottensteiner Franz. Cyberiad, The – Stanislaw Lem
      P. 462-464: Valla Riccardo. Daimon – Gianni Montanari
      P. 465-467: Montanari Gianni. Dalla Terra alle stelle – Ulisse Grifoni
      P. 468-473: Spencer Kathleen L. Dancers at the End of Time – Michael Moorcock
      P. 474-479: Yoke Carl B. Dark Universe – Daniel F. Galouye
      P. 480-483: Stableford Brian. Darkening Island – Christopher Priest
      P. 484-487: Stableford Brian. Darkness and Dawn – George A. England
      P. 488-492: Arbur Rosemarie. Darkover – Marion Zimmer Bradley
      P. 493-496: Berger Albert I. Davy – Edgar Pangborn
      P. 497-501: Eckley Grace. Day After Judgment, The – James Blish
      P. 502-507: Lawler Donald L. Day of the Triffids, The – John Wyndham
      P. 508-512: Lewis David. Death of the Dragon, The – Sakyo Komatsu

Tem Steve. The Hydrocephalic Ward // Bennington Review. – 1979.

Terman Douglas. First Strike, 1979.

Tevis Walter. Rent Control / Painting by George Tooker // Omni (New York). – 1979. – October. – P. 114-116, 164-165. – (Fiction).

Tubb E. Web of Sand, 1979. – (Dumarest).


Twenty Houses of the Zodiac: An Anthology of International Science Fiction / Edited by Maxim Jakubowski; Introduction (P. 9-12) by Maxim Jakubowski; Cover: Tim White. – London: New English Library, 1979. – 237 pp.
First NEL paperback edition July 1979


      P. 13-30: Aldiss Brian W. Oh, For a Closer Brush with God
      P. 31-38: Hobana Ion. A Kind of Space / Translated by Maxim and Dolorès Jakubowski
      P. 39-52: Wilder Cherry. Dealers in Light and Darkness
      P. 53-63: Maximovic Gerd. A Hole in Time / Translated by David Britt
      P. 64-74: Vonarburg Elisabeth. High Tide / Translated by Maxim Jakubowski
      P. 75-79: Scheckley Robert. I Can Teleport Myself to Anywhere
      P. 80-88: Curval Philippe. Heavier Than Sleep / Translated by Maxim Jakubowski
      P. 89-104: Barnett-Foster Adam. An Avocado Pear for Dolores
      P. 105-114: Strugatsky Arkady and Boris. The Gigantic Fluctuation / Translated by Gladys Evans
      P. 115-123: Ballard J.G. Zodiac 2000
      P. 124-128: Raes Hugo. A Sunrise / Translated by R.B.Powell
      P. 129-132: Hoshi Shin'ichi. Love Keys / Translated by Noriyoshi Saito and Maxim Jakubowski
      P. 133-157: Shaw Bob. The Cottage of Eternity
      P. 158-170: Walther Daniel. Ice Two: A Love Story for Anna Kavan and Brian Aldiss / Translated by Maxim Jakubowski
      P. 171-182: Sladek John. The Brass Monkey
      P. 183-198: Inglés Teresa. The Alabaster Garden / Translated by Maxim Jakubowski
      P. 199-204: Jakubowski Maxim. Idiosyncrasies
      P. 205-213: Lundwall Sam J. Take Me Down the River
      P. 214-219: Lem Stanislaw. The White Death / Translated by Michael Kandel
      P. 220-237: Moorcock Michael. Crossing into Cambodia: An Incident in the Great World War

[Hobana Ion. ...un fel de Spaţiu; Maximovic Gerd. Der Riß in der Zeit; Vonarburg Elisabeth. Marée haute; Curval Philippe. Plus lourd que le sommeil; Стругацкий Аркадий, Стругацкий Борис. Стажеры; Raes Hugo. Een zonsopgang; 星新一. 愛の鍵; Walther Daniel. Ice two; Inglés Teresa. El jardin de alabastro; Lem Stanisław. Biała śmierć]

Van Vogt A. Renaissance, 1979.

Van Vogt A. Supermind. – NEL, 1979.

Van Vogt A. The Universe Makers, 1979.

Vance Jack. The Face, 1979. – (Demon Princes. 4).

Varley John. Titan. – Berkley, 1979. – (Gaea. 1). (Fantasy).

Vidal Gore. Kalki, 1979.


Vigil and Other Stories: Книга для чтения на англ. яз. в 8 кл. сред. школы / Сост. и адаптация Г.К.Магидсон-Степановой; Ред. Ф.И.Юрасова; Худож. И.В.Пчелко; Худож. ред. Е.Н.Ускова. – М.: Просвещение, 1979. – 128 pp. 120.000 ex.


      Adventure Stories: Part One

        P. 6-15: The Adventure of the Three Students: (After Arthur Conan Doyle)
        P. 15-21: Smoked Skipper: (After William Jacobs)
        P. 21-30: The Absence of Mr. Glass: (After Gilbert K. Chesterton)
        P. 30-38: The Invisible Man: (After Gilbert K. Chesterton)
        P. 39-43: The Treasure in the Forest: (After Herbert Wells)

      Fantasy: Part Two

        P. 44-49: Vigil: (After Edwin Ch. Tubb)
        P. 49-57: The Other Foot: (After Ray Bradbury)
        P. 57-64: Boys! Raise Giant Mushrooms in Your Cellar!: (After Ray Bradbury)
        P. 64-71: Thirty Days Has September: (After Robert F. Young)

      Met At War: Part Three

        P. 72-79: Who Called You Here?: (After Eric J. Petersen)
        P. 79-87: In Italy: (After James Aldridge)

      Of Many Men: Part Four

        P. 87-94: First Lesson: (After John Sommerfield)
        P. 94-99: Galloping Foxley: (After Roald Dahl)
        P. 100-102: Voyaging: (After Rockwell Kent)
        P. 103-108: The Bench: (After Richard Rive)

      P. 109-124: Vocabulary
      P. 125: List of Proper Names
      P. 126: List of Geographical Names

Vinge Joan. Eyes of Amber and Other Stories, 1979.

Vonnegut, Jr. Kurt. Jailbird, 1979.

Walker Hugh. Messengers of Darkness. – DAW, 1979. – (Magira. 3). (Fantasy).

Wallace Ian. Heller's Leap, 1979.


The Warmest Memory: Сб. рассказов на англ. яз. / Обраб. и коммент. Г.С.Усовой; Ред. А.Ф.Акимова; Худож. М.С.Беломлинский, В.В.Прошкин; Худож. ред. В.Б.Михневич. – Л.: Просвещение, 1979. – 128 pp. 99.000 ex.


      P. 3-4: Усова Г. Предисловие
      P. 5-22: Brackett Leigh. All the Colors of the Rainbow
      P. 23-31: Bradbury Ray. Uncle Einar
      P. 32-52: Biggle, Jr. Lloyde. The Tunesmith
      P. 53-67: Henderson Zenna. The Believing Child
      P. 68-85: Siodmac Curt. Variation of a Theme
      P. 86-101: Harrison Harry. Strangers
      P. 102-113: Heinlein Robert. The Black Oits of Luna
      P. 114-122: McAllister Bruce. The Warmest Memory
      P. 123-124: Краткие сведения об авторах
      P. 124-127: Notes

Watson Ian. God's World, 1979.

Watson Ian. The Very Slow Time Machine, 1979.

Wellen Edward. While-You-Wait: Short Story // F&SF. – 1979. – Jan.

Wellman Manly. The Old Gods Waken, 1979. – (Silver John).

White James. Ambulance Ship, 1979. – (Sector General).

Wilhelm Kate. Juniper Time, 1979.

Williams Eric. Largesse from Triangulum, 1979.

Williamson Jack. Brother to Demons, Brother to God. – Macmillan, 1979.

Wilson Robert. The Homing Pigeons, 1979. – (Schrodinger's Cat. 3).

Wilson Robert. The Trick Top Hat, 1979. – (Schrodinger's Cat. 2).

Wilson Robert. The Universe Next Door, 1979. – (Schrodinger's Cat. 1).

Wolf Gary. The Resurrectionist, 1979.

Wolfe Gene. The War Beneath the Tree: Short Story // Omni. – 1979. – Dec.

Wood J. We Alien Seed. – Robert Hale, 1979.

Wylie Laura. The Night Visitor, 1979.

Yolen Jane. Dream Weaver, 1979.

Zavisa Christopher. Berni Wrightson: A Look Back. – Land of Enchantment, 1979.
A collection of the work of Berni Wrightson. (Artwork).

Zebrowski George. Macrolife, 1979.

Zelazny Roger. The Bells of Shoredan, 1979.

Zelazny Roger. Roadmarks. – Ballantine Books, 1979.