Библиография фантастики: 1976

Ackerson Duane. The Starman // Cthulhu Calls. – 1976.

Adams Richard. Shardik. – Avon, 1976. (Fantasy).

Adams Richard. Shardik. – Penguin, 1976. (Fantasy).

Adams Richard. Watership Down. – Avon, 1976.
Carnegie medal; Guardian Award for children's fiction. (Fantasy).

Akers Alan. Armada of Antares. – DAW, 1976.

Akers Alan. Renegade of Kregen. – DAW, 1976. – (The Krozair Cycle. 2).

Akers Alan. The Tides of Kregen. – DAW, 1976. – (The Krozair Cycle. 1).

Aldiss Brian. Galaxies Like Grains of Sand. – NAL-Dutton, 1976.

Aldiss Brian. The Malacia Tapestry. – Cape, 1976.
SF novel of an alternate, fantastical world.

Aldiss Brian. The Malacia Tapestry. – Faber & Faber, 1976. (Fantasy).

Aldiss Brian. No Time Like Tomorrow. – NAL-Dutton, 1976.

Aldiss Brian. A Soldier Erect. – Corgi, 1976. – (Horatio Stubbs. 2). (Fiction).

Aldiss Brian. Starswarm. – NAL-Dutton, 1976.

Aldiss Brian. Who Can Replace a Man. – NAL-Dutton, 1976.

Alexander Lloyd. The Book of Three. – Dell, 1976. – (Prydain. 1). (Fantasy).

Alexander Lloyd. The Castle of Llyr. – Dell, 1976. – (Prydain. 3). (Fantasy).

Alexander Thea. 2150 A.D.. – Warner, 1976.

Amis Kingsley. The Alteration. – Cape, 1976.
Literary SF novel.

Anderson Poul. The Best of Poul Anderson. – Pocket, 1976.

Anderson Poul. Homebrew, 1976.

Anderson Poul. There Will Be Time/The Dancer from Atlantis. – NAL-Dutton, 1976.

Anderson Poul. The Winter of the World. – NAL-Dutton, 1976.

Anthony Piers. Ox. – Avon, 1976.

Anthony Piers. Steppe, 1976.


Antigrav: Cosmic Comedies by SF Masters / Edited by Philip Strick; Jacket design by Rus Anderson. – New York: Taplinger Publishing Company, 1976. – 184 pp. (hc) ISBN 0-8008-0237-3.


      P. 9-11: Strick Philip. Introduction
      P. 13-26: Harrison Harry. Space Rats of the C.C.C.
      P. 27-31: Lem Stanislaw. How the World Was Saved
      P. 32-47: Sturgeon Theodore. It Was Nothing – Really!
      P. 48-59: Blish James, Stanton L. Jerome. The Glitch
      P. 60-65: Brosnan John. Conversation on a Starship in Warpdrive
      P. 66-77: Niven Larry. The Alibi Machine
      P. 78-80: Frith Uta. Emergency Society
      P. 81-93: Carr Carol. Look, You Think You've Got Troubles?
      P. 94-102: Malzberg Barry N. A Delightful Comedic Premise
      P. 103-108: Borski Robert. Trolls
      P. 109-128: Sladek John. Elephant With Wooden Leg
      P. 129-142: Adams Pete, Nightingale Charles. Planting Time
      P. 143-156: Lafferty R.A. By the Seashore
      P. 157-166: Goulart Ron. Hardcastle
      P. 167-184: Aldiss Brian W. The Ergot Show

[Lem Stanisław. Jak ocalał świat]

Antigrav: Cosmic Comedies / Ed. by Philip Strick; Introduction by Philip Strick. – London: Hutchinson, 1976. (hc).

Ardies Tom. This Suitcase Is Going to Explode. – Crest, 1976. (SF/Mystery).

Arnold Edwin. Gulliver of Mars. – Lightyear, 1976. (Fantasy).

Arnold Edwin. Phra the Phoenician. – Lightyear, 1976. (Fantasy).

Arrow William. Escape from Terror Lagoon. – Ballantine, 1976.

Arrow William. Man, the Hunted Animal. – Ballantine, 1976.

Arrow William. Visions from Nowhere. – Ballantine, 1976.

Asimov Isaac. The Best of Isaac Asimov. – Crest, 1976.

Asimov Isaac. The Bicentennial Man, 1976.

Asimov Isaac. The Bloodstream. – Collier, 1976. (Non-fiction).

Asimov Isaac. The Dream; Benjamin's Dream; Benjamin Bicentennial Blast, 1976.

Asimov Isaac. Good Taste, 1976.

Aurora: Beyond Equality / Ed. by Vonda N. McIntyre, Susan Anderson. – Fawcett, 1976.

Avery Richard. The Venom of Argus, 1976.

Ballard J. Low-Flying Aircraft, 1976.

Barbet Pierre. The Napoleons of Eridanus, 1976.

Barclay Alan. The City and the Desert, 1976.

Barclay Alan. No Magic Carpet, 1976.

Barrett Geoffrey. The Bodysnatchers of Lethe, 1976.

Barrett Geoffrey. The Night of the Deathship, 1976.

Barrett Geoffrey. Timeship to Thebes, 1976.

Barrett Neal. Aldair in Albion, 1976.

Barringer Leslie. Gerfalcon. – Newcastle, 1976. (Fantasy).

Barringer Leslie. Joris of the Rock. – Newcastle, 1976. (Fantasy).


Barron Neil. Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction. – New York; London: R.R.Bowker Company; A Xerox Education Company, 1976. – 471 pp. – (Bibliographic Guides for Contemporary Collections). ISBN 0-8352-0884-2 (hc).


      P. vii: Doiron Peter. Foreword
      P. ix-xii: Preface
      P. xiii-xiv: Contributors
      P. xv-xxi: Introduction

      Part I. The Literature

        P. 3-16: Philmus Robert M. 1. Science Fiction: From Its Beginning to 1870
        P. 17-32: Bibliography
        P. 33-50: Clareson Thomas D. 2. The Emergence of the Scientific Romance, 1870-1926
        P. 51-78: Bibliography
        P. 79-97: Rogers Ivor A. 3. The Gernsback Era, 1926-1937
        P. 98-116: Bibliography
        P. 117-125: De Bolt Joe and Pfeiffer John R. 4. The Modern Period, 1938-1975
        P. 126-281: Bibliography
        P. 282-301: Anthologies
        P. 302-307: Molson Francis J. 5. Juvenile Science Fiction
        P. 308-334: Bibliography

      Part II. Research Aids

        P. 337-358: 6. History, Criticism, and Biography
        P. 359-366: 7. Bibliographies, Indexes, and Teaching Aids
        P. 367-369: 8. Magazine and Book Review Indexes
        P. 370-372: 9. Periodicals
        P. 373-381: 10. Literary Awards
        P. 382-391: 11. Core Collection Checklist
        P. 392-404: Hall H.W. 12. Library Collections of Science Fiction and Fantasy

      P. 405-413: Directory of Publishers
      P. 415-445: Author Index
      P. 447-471: Title Index


Barron Neil. Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction. – New York; London: R.R.Bowker Company; A Xerox Education Company, 1976. – 471 pp. – (Bibliographic Guides for Contemporary Collections). ISBN 0-8352-0949-0 (tp).


      P. vii: Doiron Peter. Foreword
      P. ix-xii: Preface
      P. xiii-xiv: Contributors
      P. xv-xxi: Introduction

        Part I. The Literature

          P. 3-16: Philmus Robert M. 1. Science Fiction: From Its Beginning to 1870
          P. 17-32: Bibliography
          P. 33-50: Clareson Thomas D. 2. The Emergence of the Scientific Romance, 1870-1926
          P. 51-78: Bibliography
          P. 79-97: Rogers Ivor A. 3. The Gernsback Era, 1926-1937
          P. 98-116: Bibliography
          P. 117-125: De Bolt Joe and Pfeiffer John R. 4. The Modern Period, 1938-1975
          P. 126-281: Bibliography
          P. 282-301: Anthologies
          P. 302-307: Molson Francis J. 5. Juvenile Science Fiction
          P. 308-334: Bibliography

        Part II. Research Aids

          P. 337-358: 6. History, Criticism, and Biography
          P. 359-366: 7. Bibliographies, Indexes, and Teaching Aids
          P. 367-369: 8. Magazine and Book Review Indexes
          P. 370-372: 9. Periodicals
          P. 373-381: 10. Literary Awards
          P. 382-391: 11. Core Collection Checklist
          P. 392-404: Hall H.W. 12. Library Collections of Science Fiction and Fantasy

        P. 405-413: Directory of Publishers
        P. 415-445: Author Index
        P. 447-471: Title Index

Barton William. A Plague of All Cowards, 1976.

Baum L. The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus. – Dover, 1976. (Fantasy).

Bax Martin. The Hospital Ship, 1976.

Bayley Barrington. The Garments of Caean, 1976.

Bellairs John. The Letter, the Witch and the Ring. – Dial, 1976.

Benson E. Spook Stories. – Ayer, 1976. (Horror).

Benson R. The Necromancers. – Ayer, 1976.

The Best From Galaxy, Volume IV / Ed. by James Baen. – Award, 1976.

The Best From If, Volume III / Ed. by James Baen. – Award, 1976.

Bester Alfred. Great Short Fiction of Alfred Bester, 1976.

Bester Alfred. The Light Fantastic, 1976.

Bester Alfred. Star Light, Star Bright, 1976.

Biggle Lloyd. A Galaxy of Strangers, 1976.

Bishop Michael. And Strange at Ecbatane the Trees, 1976.

Bishop Michael. Book Review: The Cyberiad // Delap's F & SF Review (Culver City). – 1976. – # 18 (Sep). – P. 20-21.

Black Robert. Legend of the Werewolf, 1976.

Blackwood Algernon. The Centaur. – Ayer, 1976.

Blackwood Algernon. Strange Stories. – Ayer, 1976. (Horror).

Bond Nancy. A String in the Harp, 1976.

Bone J. Legacy, 1976.

Bone J. The Meddlers, 1976.

Bova Ben. City of Darkness, 1976.

Bova Ben. Millennium, 1976. – (Kinsman Saga).

Bova Ben. The Multiple Man, 1976.

Brackett Leigh. The Reavers of Skaith, 1976.

Bradbury Ray. The Best of Bradbury, 1976.

Bradbury Ray. Long After Midnight, 1976.

Bradley Marion. The Shattered Chain, 1976. – (Darkover).

Brunner John. The Book of John Brunner, 1976.

Brunner John. Interstellar Empire, 1976.

Bryant Dorothy. The Kin of Ata Are Waiting for You, 1976.

Bryant Edward. Cinnabar, 1976.

Burgess Anthony. Beard's Roman Women, 1976.

Burroughs Edgar. I Am a Barbarian. – E.R.B., 1976.

Busby F. The Long View, 1976.

Busby F. Rissa Kerguelen, 1976.

Busby F. Young Rissa, 1976.

Butler Octavia. Patternmaster, 1976.

Butterworth Michael. The Time of the Hawklords, 1976.

Caidin Martin. Whip, 1976.

Carr Terry. The Light at the End of the Universe, 1976.

Carter Lin. The Immortal of World's End, 1976.

Carter Lin. In the Green Star's Glow, 1976.

Carter Lin. Zarkon, Lord of the Unknown, in the Volcano Ogre, 1976. – (Zarkon).

Chalker Jack. A Jungle of Stars, 1976.

Chandler A. The Way Back, 1976.

Chant Joy. Red Moon and Black Mountain. – Unwin, 1976. (Fantasy).

Charbonneau Louis. Embryo, 1976.

Cherryh C. Brothers of Earth. – DAW, 1976. – (Hanan Rebellion).

Cherryh C. Gate of Ivrel. – DAW, 1976. – (Morgaine. 1).
Campbell Award 76. (Fantasy).

Chester William. Kioga of the Wilderness, 1976.

Chilson Robert. The Shores of Kansas, 1976.

Cogswell Theodore, Spano Charles. Spock, Messiah!, 1976.

Cole Adrian. Madness Emerging, 1976.

Coney Michael. Brontomek!, 1976.

Coppard A. The Collected Tales of A.E.Coppard. – Ayer, 1976. (Gothic).

Corley James. Benedict's Planet, 1976.

Coulson Juanita. Space Trap, 1976.

Coulson Robert. The Renew the Ages, 1976.

Coulson Robert, Anthony Piers. But What of Earth?. – Laser, 1976.

Cover Arthur. Platypus of Doom and Other Nihilists, 1976.

Cover Arthur. The Sound of Winter, 1976.

Cowper Richard. The Custodians, 1976.

Crowley John. Beasts, 1976.

The Cyberiad by Stanislaw Lem // Book World (Washington). – 1976. – 7 March. – P. 8.

The Cyberiad by Stanislaw Lem // New York Times Book Review. – 1976. – 29 August. – P. 1.

Darnay Arsen. A Hostage for Hinterland, 1976.

Davidson Lionel. The Sun Chemist, 1976.

Davies L. Possession, 1976.

De Camp L. The Virgin and the Wheels, 1976.

De Weese Gene. Jeremy Case, 1976.

Del Rey Lester. Badge of Infamy, 1976.

Delany Samuel. Triton, 1976.

Delillo Don. Rather's Star, 1976.

Derleth August. Dweller in Darkness, 1976.

Dickinson Peter. The Blue Hawk, 1976.

Dickinson Peter. King and Joker, 1976.

Dicks Terrance. Doctor Who and the Revenge of the Cybermen, 1976.

Dickson Gordon. Dorsai!. – DAW, 1976. – (Dorsai. 4).

Dickson Gordon. The Dragon and the George, 1976.

Dickson Gordon. Three to Dorsai!, 1976. – (Dorsai).

Dickson Gordon, Harrison Harry. The Lifeship, 1976.

Dunn Saul. The Coming of Steeleye, 1976.

Dunn Saul. Steeleye – Waterspace, 1976.

Dunn Saul. Steeleye – The Wideways, 1976.

Easton Thomas. The Chicago Plan to Save a Species: Facetious Article // Chicago. – 1976.

Edwards Peter. Terminus, 1976.

Effinger George. Irrational Numbers, 1976.

Effinger George. Those Gentle Voice, 1976.

Eklund Gordon. Dance of the Apocalypse, 1976.

Eklund Gordon. The Grayspace Beast, 1976.

Elder Michael. Double Time, 1976.

Elder Michael. Mindslip. – Robert Hale, 1976.

Engel Lyle. Champion of the Gods, 1976.

Engel Lyle. Guardians of the Coral Throne, 1976.

Engel Lyle. Looters of Tharn, 1976.

Engel Lyle. Mountain of Brega, 1976.

Engel Lyle. Warlords of Gaikin, 1976.

Engh M. Arslan, 1976.

Evans E., Smith E. Masters of Space, 1976.

Farmer Philip. Flight to Opar, 1976.

Farren Mick. Synaptic Manhunt, 1976.

Farren Mick. The Quest of the DNA Cowboys, 1976.

Finney Charles. The Magician out of Manchuria, 1976.

Folett James. The Doomsday Ultimatum, 1976.

Foster Alan. Star Trek Log 6, 1976. – (Star Trek).

Foster Alan. Star Trek Log 7, 1976. – (Star Trek).

Foster Alan. Star Trek Log 8, 1976. – (Star Trek).

Fox Gardner. Kyrik and the Lost Queen, 1976.

Fox Gardner. Kyrik and the Wyzard's Sword, 1976.

Franke Herbert. Ypsilon Minus, 1976.

Freedman Nancy. The Immortals, 1976.

Galactic Empires 1 / Ed. by Brian W. Aldiss. – Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1976.

Galactic Empires 2 / Ed. by Brian W. Aldiss. – Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1976.

Garnett David. Cosmic Carousel, 1976.

Geston Mark. The Siege of Wonder, 1976.

Goldin Stephen. Finish Line, 1976.

Goldin Stephen. Scavenger Hunt, 1976.

Goldin Stephen, Smith E. The Imperial Stars. – Panther, 1976. – (Family D'Alembert. 1).

Goldin Stephen, Smith E. Stranglers' Moon. – Panther, 1976. – (Family D'Alembert. 2).

Gotlieb Phyllis. O Master Caliban!, 1976.

Goulart Ron. Blood Wedding, 1976.

Goulart Ron. Deadwalk, 1976.

Goulart Ron. Deathgame, 1976.

Goulart Ron. Quest of the Gypsy, 1976.

Goulart Ron. Shakegod, 1976.

Goulart Ron. A Whiff of Madness, 1976.

Grant Charles. The Shadow of Alpha, 1976.

Green Joseph. The Horde, 1976.

Green Joseph. Star Probe, 1976.

Greenfield Irving. The Face of Him, 1976.

Greenhough Terry. The Wandering Worlds, 1976.


Gunn James. Alternate Worlds: The Illustrated History of Science Fiction / Designed by Philip Grushkin; Introduction «Science Fiction, I Love You» (P. 9-11) by Isaac Asimov. – A & W Visual Library, 1976. – 256 pp. ISBN 0-89104-049-8.

Gunn James. The Magicians, 1976.

Haldane J. The Man with Two Memories, 1976.

Haldeman Joe. Mindbridge, 1976.

Hall John. Futureworld, 1976.

Harding Lee. The Children of Atlantis, 1976.

Harding Lee. The Frozen Sky, 1976.

Harding Lee. Future Sanctuary, 1976.

Harrison Harry. The Best of Harry Harrison, 1976.

Harrison Harry. Skyfall, 1976.

Heald Tim. The Making of Space 1999: a Gerry Anderson Production. – Penzler, 1976. (Non-fiction).

Hensley Joe. The Black Roads, 1976.

Herbert Frank. Children of Dune, 1976. – (Dune. 3).

Herbert James. The Survivor. – New English Library, 1976.

Hodder-Williams Christopher. The Prayer Machine, 1976.

Holdstock Robert. Eye Among the Blind, 1976.

Holland Cecelia. Floating Worlds, 1976.

Holly Joan. Keeper, 1976.

Hoskins Robert. Master of the Stars, 1976.

Howard Robert. Black Vulmea's Vengeance, 1976.

Howard Robert. The Book of Robert E.Howard, 1976.

Howard Robert. The Devil in Iron, 1976.

Howard Robert. Pigeons from Hell, 1976.

Howard Robert. Rogues in the House, 1976.

Howard Robert. The Second Book of Robert E.Howard, 1976.

Howard Robert. The Swords of Shahrazar, 1976.

Hughes Zach. For Texas and Zed, 1976.

Hughes Zach. The St. Francis Effect, 1976.

Hughes Zach. Tiger in the Stars, 1976.

Jakober Marie. The Mind Gods, 1976.

Jones Diana. Howl's Moving Castle, 1976.

Kapp Colin. The Survival Game, 1976.


Ketterer David. New Worlds for Old: The Apocaliptic Imagination, Science Fiction, and American Literature / Jacket design by Larry Hoffman. – Bloomington & London: Indiana University Press, 1976. – 347 pp. (hc) ISBN 0-253-34052-7.
3th edition 1976.

King John. Bruno Lipshitz and the Disciples of Dogma, 1976.

King Vincent. Time Shake and Superclown, 1976.

Kneale Nigel. The Year of the Sex Olympics and Other TV Plays, 1976.

Knight Damon. The Best of Damon Knight, 1976.

Komatsu Sakyo. Japan Sinks, 1976.

Koontz Dean. Night Chills. – Atheneum, 1976.
Thriller/horror novel about a mind-controlling drug.

Kotzwinkle William. Doctor Rat, 1976.

Kurland Michael. Tomorrow Knight, 1976.

Kurtz Katherine. Camber of Culdi. – Del Rey, 1976. – (Camber. 1).

Lafferty R. Not to Mention Camels, 1976.

Lake David. Walkers on the Sky, 1976.

Laumer Keith. Bolo: The Annals of the Dinochrome Brigade, 1976. – (Bolo. 1).

Lee Tanith. Don't Bite the Sun, 1976.

Lee Tanith. The Storm Lord. – DAW, 1976. (Fantasy).

Lee Tanith. The Winter Players, 1976.

Leiber Fritz. The Worlds of Fritz Leiber, 1976.

Leinster Murray. The Best of Murray Leinster, 1976.


Lem Stanislaw. The Investigation / Translated fron the Polish by Adele Milch; Cover illustration by Stanislaw Fernandes. – New York: Avon Books, 1976. – 189 pp. ISBN 0-380-00665-0 (pb).
First Avon Printing, July, 1976
[Lem Stanisław. Śledztwo]


Lem Stanislaw. The Star Diaries / Translated from the Polish by Michael Kandel; Jacket design by Spencer Drate; With line drawings by Lem; Translator's Note (P. 274-275). – New York: The Seabury Press, 1976. – 275 pp. – (A Continuum Book). ISBN 0-8164-9283-2.


      P. vii-viii: Introduction
      P. ix-x: Introduction to the Expanded Edition
      P. 1-18: The Seventh Voyage
      P. 19-37: The Eighth Voyage
      P. 38-72: The Eleventh Voyage
      P. 73-82: The Twelfth Voyage
      P. 83-101: The Thirteenth Voyage
      P. 102-124: The Fourteenth Voyage
      P. 125-165: The Twentieth Voyage
      P. 166-219: The Twenty-first Voyage
      P. 220-230: The Twenty-second Voyage
      P. 231-236: The Twenty-third Voyage
      P. 237-253: The Twenty-fifth Voyage
      P. 254-273: The Twenty-eighth Voyage

[Lem Stanisław. Wstęp; Wstęp do poszerzonego Wydania; Podróż siódma; Podróż ósma; Podróż jedenasta; Podróż dwunasta; Podróż trzynasta; Podróż czternasta; Podróż dwudziesta; Podróż dwudziesta pierwsza; Podróż dwudziesta druga; Podróż dwudziesta trzecia; Podróż dwudziesta piąta; Podróż dwudziesta ósma]

Lester Andrew. The Thrice-Born, 1976.

Levin Ira. The Boys from Brazil, 1976.

Lindsay David. The Violent Apple & the Witch, 1976.

Lone Star Universe / Ed. by Stephen Utley, George W. Proctor, 1976.

Long Frank. The Early Long, 1976.

Lovecraft H. Selected Letters: V. 5. – Arkham House, 1976. (Non-fiction).

Lucas George. Star Wars, 1976.

Lupoff Richard. The Crack in the Sky, 1976.

Lupoff Richard. Lisa Kane, 1976.

Lupoff Richard. Sandworld, 1976.

Lymington John. The Laxham Haunting, 1976.

Machen Arthur. The Children of the Pool and Other Stoties. – Ayer, 1976. (Horror).

Madlee Dorothy, Norton Andre. Star Ka'at, 1976. – (Star Ka'at).

Malcolm Donald. The Iron Rain, 1976.

Malcolm Donald. The Unknown Shore, 1976.

Malzberg Barry. The Best of Barry Malzberg, 1976.

Malzberg Barry. Down Here in the Dream Quarter, 1976.

Malzberg Barry. Scop, 1976.

Martin George. A Song for Lya and Other Stories, 1976.

Mason Douglas. Pitman's Progress, 1976.

Masters John. The Himalayan Concerto, 1976.

McCaffrey Anne. Dragonsong, 1976. – (Pern).

McIntosh J. Ruler of the World, 1976.

McIntyre Vonda. The Crystal Ship, 1976.

McKillip Patricia. The Riddle Master of Hed. – Atheneum, 1976. (Fantasy).

McLaughlin Dean. Hawk Among the Sparrows, 1976.

Meredith Richard. No Brother, No Friend, 1976.

Meredith Richard. Run, Come See Jerusalem!, 1976.

Merle Robert. Madrapour, 1976.

Merril Judith. The Best of Judith Merril, 1976.

Merwin Sam. Chauvinisto, 1976.

Monteleone Thomas. The Time Connection, 1976.

Moorcock Michael. The Adventures of Una Persson and Catherine Cornelius in the Twentieth Century, 1976. – (Jerry Cornelius).

Moorcock Michael. Behold the Man. – Avon, 1976.

Moorcock Michael. Elric of Melnibone. – DAW, 1976. (Fantasy).

Moorcock Michael. The End of All Songs, 1976. – (The Dancers at the End of Time).

Moorcock Michael. Legends from the End of Time. – Harper & Row, 1976.

Moorcock Michael. The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius, 1976. – (Jerry Cornelius).

Moorcock Michael. Moorcock's Book of Martyrs, 1976.

Moorcock Michael. The Sailor on the Seas of Fate. – DAW, 1976. (Elric. 2). (Fantasy).

Moore C. The Best of C.L.Moore. – Ballantine Books, 1976.

Morgan Dan. The Concrete Horizon, 1976.

Morressy John. A Law for the Stars, 1976.

Mundy Talbot. Avenging Liafail, 1976. – (Tros. 2).

Mundy Talbot. Lud of Lunden, 1976. – (Tros. 1).

Mundy Talbot. The Praetor's Dungeon, 1976.

Munn H. Merlin's Godson. – Ballantine, 1976. – (Gwalchmei). (Fantasy).

Nation Terry. The Survivors, 1976.

Nelson Ray. Then Beggars Could Ride, 1976.

Niven Larry. The Long ARM of Gil Hamilton, 1976.

Niven Larry. A World Out of Time, 1976.

Norman John. Tribesmen of Gor, 1976. – (Gor. 10).

Norton Andre. Outside. – Avon, 1976.

Norton Andre. Perilous Dreams, 1976.

Norton Andre. Red Hart Magic. – Harper Collins, 1976.

Norton Andre. Wraiths of Time, 1976.

October John. The Anarchy Pedlars, 1976.

Offut Andrew. Chieftain of Andor, 1976.

Offut Andrew. The Undying Wizard, 1976.

Oliver Chad(wick). Giants in the Dust, 1976.

Orbit 18 / Ed. by Damon Knight. – Harper & Row, 1976.

Pedler Kit, Davis Gerry. The Dynostar Menace, 1976.

Pfeil Donald. Return to the Planet of the Apes 2, 1976.

Pfeil Donald. Through the Reality Warp, 1976.

Piercy Marge. Woman on the Edge of Time, 1976.

Pincher Chapman. The Eye of the Tornado, 1976.

Piserchia Doris. A Billion Days of Earth, 1976.

Pohl Frederik. The Early Pohl, 1976.

Pohl Frederik. In the Problem Pit, 1976.

Pohl Frederik. Man Plus. – Gollancz, 1976.

Pournelle Jerry. Birth of Fire. – Laser, 1976.
Sf novel.

Pournelle Jerry. West of Honor. – Laser, 1976.

Powys John. Morwyn; or, The Vengeance of God. – Ayer, 1976. (Fantasy).

Priest Christopher. The Space Machine, 1976.

Quinn Seabury. The Adventures of Jules de Grandin, 1976.

Quinn Seabury. The Casebook of Jules de Grandin, 1976.

Quinn Seabury. The Devil's Bride, 1976.

Quinn Seabury. The Hellfire Files of Jules de Grandin, 1976.

Quinn Seabury. The Horror Chambers of Jules de Grandin, 1976.

Quinn Seabury. The Skeleton Closet of Jules de Grandin, 1976.

Rankine John. Android Planet, 1976. – (Space 1999. 8).

Rankine John. Phoenix of Megaron, 1976. – (Space 1999. 10).

Reed Kit. The Killer Mice, 1976.

Reynolds Mack. The Best of Mack Reynolds, 1976.

Reynolds Mack. Day After Tomorrow, 1976.

Reynolds Mack. Galactic Medal of Honour, 1976.

Reynolds Mack. Rolltown, 1976.

Reynolds Mack. Section G: United Planets, 1976.

Richmond Leigh, Richmond Walt. Challenge the Hellmaker, 1976.

Richmond Leigh, Richmond Walt. Gallagher's Glacier, 1976.

Roberts Keith. The Grain Kings. – Hutchinson, 1976.

Robinett Stephen. Stargate, 1976.

Robinson Eleanor. Chrysalis of Death, 1976.

Robinson Spider. Telempath, 1976.

Rosny J., Farmer Philip. Ironcastle, 1976.

Rotsler William. To the Land of the Electric Angel, 1976.

Russ Joanna. The Adventures of Alyx, 1976.

Saberhagen Fred. Specimens, 1976.

Sadoul Jacques. 2000 A.D., 1976.

Sargent Pamela. Cloned Lives, 1976.

Savarin Julius. Lemmus Two: Beyond the Outer Mirr, 1976.

Schmidt Stanley. The Sins of the Fathers, 1976.

Schutz J. The Moon Microbe, 1976.

SF Discoveries / Ed. by Frederik Pohl, Carol Pohl. – Penzler, 1976.

Shaw Bob. Cosmic Kaleidoscope, 1976.

Shaw Bob. A Wreath of Stars, 1976.

Sherwood Martin. Maxwell's Demons, 1976.

Silverberg Robert. The Best of Robert Silverberg, 1976.

Silverberg Robert. Capricorn Games, 1976.

Silverberg Robert. Shadrach in the Furnace, 1976.

Silverberg Robert. The Shores of Tomorrow, 1976.

Simak Clifford. Shakespeare's Planet. – Berkley, 1976.

Sky Kathleen. Ice Prison, 1976.

Sladek John. After Flaubert: [Short Story] // Bananas. – 1976.

Smith George. Second War of the Worlds, 1976.

Smith Mark. The Moon Lamp, 1976.

Snyder Gene, Watkins William. The Litany of Sh'reev, 1976.

Sohl Jerry. I, Aleppo, 1976.

Spinrad Norman. The Perils of Pauline // Swank. – 1976. – May.

St. James Blakely. A Song for Christina, 1976.

Stableford Brian. The Face of Heaven, 1976.

Stableford Brian. The Florians, 1976.

Stableford Brian. Man in a Cage, 1976.

Stableford Brian. The Mind-Riders, 1976.

Stapledon Olaf. Four Encounters, 1976.

Stapledon Olaf. Nebula Maker, 1976.

Stockton Frank. The Science Fiction of Frank R. Stockton. – Gregg Press, 1976. (hc) ISBN 0-8398-2344-4.

Storr Catherine. Unnatural Fathers, 1976.

Story Jack. Morag's Flying Fortress, 1976.

Strete Craig. The Dirty Old Man, Or, Nocka, Nocka, Who Goes There?: [Short Story] // Galaxy. – 1976. – Sep.

Strete Craig. If All Else Falls, We Can Whip the Horse's Eye's and Make Him Cry and Sleep, 1976.

Strete Craig. With the Pain It Loves and Hates: [Short Story] // (Senior) Scholastic. – 1976.

Strete Craig. Your Cruel Face: [Short Story] // Computer Decisions. – 1976.


Strugatski Arkadi & Boris. The Final Circle of Paradise / Translated by Leonid Renen; Cover art by Laurence Kresek; Preface «By way of an introduction...» (P. 1) by Leonid Renen. – New York: DAW Books, 1976. – 172 pp.
First printing, November 1976
[Стругацкий Аркадий, Стругацкий Борис. Хищные вещи века]

Swann Thomas. The Gods Abide, 1976.

Swann Thomas. Lady of the Bees, 1976.

Swann Thomas. The Minikins of Yam, 1976.

Swann Thomas. The Tournament of Thorns, 1976.

Swann Thomas. Will-O-The-Wisp, 1976.

Tall Stephen. The Ramsgate Paradox, 1976.

Tate Peter. Faces in the Flames, 1976.

Tennant Emma. Hotel de Dream, 1976.

Timlett Peter. The Power of the Serpent, 1976.

Tolkien J. The Father Christmas Letters. – George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1976. (Non-fiction).

Tubb E. Alien Seed, 1976.

Tubb E. Jack of Swords, 1976.

Tubb E. Rogue Planet, 1976.

Tubb E. Spectrum of a Forgotten Sun, 1976.

Van Scyoc Sydney. Starmother, 1976.

Van Vogt A. The Gryb, 1976.

Vance Jack. The Best of Jack Vance. – Pocket, 1976. (pb).

Vance Jack. Maske: Thaery, 1976.

Vinge Vernor. The Witling, 1976.

Vonnegut, Jr. Kurt. Slapstick, 1976.

Wagner Karl. Dark Crusade, 1976.

Wagner Karl. Legion from the Shadows, 1976.

Wallace Ian. The World Asunder, 1976.

Wallace James. The Plague of the Golden Rat, 1976.

Wilhelm Kate. The Clewiston Test, 1976.

Wilhelm Kate. Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang, 1976.

Williams Charles. The Greater Trumps. – Eerdmans, 1976. (Fantasy).

Williamson Jack. The Power of Blackness. – Ultramarine, 1976.

Wilson Colin. The Space Vampires, 1976.

Wilson F. Healer. – Doubleday, 1976.

Wilson Steve. The Lost Traveller, 1976.

Wolfe Gene. The Devil in a Forest, 1976.

Yarbro Chelsea. Time of the Fourth Horseman, 1976.

The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 8 / Ed. by Harry Harrison, Brian W. Aldiss. – Sphere, 1976.

Zelazny Roger. Bridge of Ashes, 1976.

Zelazny Roger. Doorways in the Sand, 1976.

Zelazny Roger. The Hand of Oberon. – Doubleday, 1976. – (Amber. 4). (Fantasy).

Zelazny Roger. My Name is Legion, 1976.

Zelazny Roger, Dick Philip. Deus Irae, 1976.