Библиография фантастики: 1969

14 Great Tales of ESP / Ed. by Idella Purnell Stone. – Fawcett Gold Medal, 1969. (pb).

Abe Kobo. The Ruined Map, 1969.
[安部公房. 燃えつきた地図]

Ableman Paul. The Twilight of the Vilp, 1969.

Adler Allen. Terror on Planet Ionus. – Paperback Library, 1969.

Aldiss Brian. Barefoot in the Head. – Faber & Faber, 1969.

Aldiss Brian. Cryptozoic!. – Avon, 1969.

Aldiss Brian. Intangibles Inc., and Other Stories. – Corgi, 1969.

Aldiss Brian. Starship. – Avon, 1969.

Amis Kingsley. The Green Man. – Cape, 1969.
Novel of the supernatural, mixing satire and terror.

Amis Kingsley. The Green Man. – Leisure, 1969.

Anderson Poul. Beyond the Beyond. – Signet, 1969.

Anderson Poul. Rebel Worlds/A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows. – NAL-Dutton, 1969.

Anderson Poul. Satan's World. – Corgi, 1969.

Anderson Poul. Seven Conquests, 1969.

Anderson William. The Apoplectic Palm Tree, 1969.

Anonymous. Barnabas Collins in a Funny Vein. – Paperback Library, 1969. (Humor).

Anthony Piers. Macroscope. – Avon, 1969.

Anvil Christopher. Strangers in Paradise. – Tower, 1969.

Asimov Isaac. Nightfall and Other Stories, 1969.

Asimov Isaac. Opus 100, 1969.

Augustus Albert. The Slaves of Lomooro, 1969.

Babbitt Natalie. The Search for Delicious. – Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1969. (Fantasy).

Ballard J. Alphabets of Unreason // New Worlds. – 1969. – Dec.

Beagle Peter. The Last Unicorn. – Ballantine, 1969. (Fantasy).

Binder Eando. Menace of the Saucers, 1969.

Blackburn John. Bury Him Darkly, 1969.

Blish James. Star Trek 3, 1969. – (Star Trek. 3).

Bloch Robert. Dragons and Nightmares, 1969.

Bloch Robert, Bradbury Ray. Bloch and Bradbury, 1969.

Bloch Robert, Bradbury Ray. Fever Dream and Other Fantasies, 1969.

Bok Hannes. The Sorcerer's Ship, 1969.

Borges Jorge. The Book of Imaginary Beings, 1969.

Boucher Anthony. The Compleat Werewolf. – Simon & Schuster, 1969. (Fantasy).

Bova Ben. The Dueling Machine, 1969.

Boyd John. The Pollinators of Eden, 1969.

Boyd John. The Rakehells of Heaven, 1969.

Bradbury Ray. I Sing the Body Electric. – Corgi, 1969.

Braddon Russell. When the Enemy is Tired, 1969.

Bradley Marion. The Brass Dragon, 1969.

Brett Leo. The Alien Ones, 1969.

Brook-Rose Christine. Go When You See the Green Man Walking, 1969.

Brunner John. Black is the Color, 1969.

Brunner John. Blacklash, 1969.

Brunner John. Double, Double, 1969. – (Star Trek. 45).

Brunner John. The Evil That Men Do, 1969.

Brunner John. The Jagged Orbit, 1969.

Brunner John. Timescoop, 1969.

Bulmer Kenneth. Kandar, 1969.

Bulmer Kenneth. The Star Venturers, 1969.

Bulmer Kenneth. The Ulcer Culture, 1969.

Bulmer Kenneth. The Wizards of Senchuria, 1969.

Burke John. Moon Zero Two, 1969.

Caidin Martin. Anytime, Anywhere, 1969.

Caidin Martin. The Mendelov Conspiracy, 1969.

Calvino Italo. T Zero, 1969.

Carter Angela. Heroes and Villains, 1969.

Carter Lin. Beyond the Gates of Dream, 1969.

Carter Lin. Giant of World's End. – A Five Star Piperback, 1969.

Carter Lin. Lost World of Time, 1969.

Carter Lin. The Purloined Planet, 1969.

Carter Lin. Tower of the Medusa, 1969.

Chandler A. Catch the Star Winds, 1969.

Chandler A. The Rim Gods, 1969.

Christopher John. The Lotus Caves, 1969.

Clark Ronald. The Bomb that Failed, 1969.

Clement Hal. Space Lash, 1969.

Cole Burt. The Funco File, 1969.

Coleman James. The Null-Frequency Impulser, 1969.

Collins Michael. Lukan War, 1969.

Cooper Edmund. Sea-Horse in the Sky, 1969.

Cooper Hughes. Sexmax, 1969.

Coover Robert. Pricksongs & Descants, 1969.

Corley Edwin. Siege, 1969.

Corston George. Aftermath, 1969. – (Thieves' World. 10).

Creasey John. The Oasis, 1969.

Crichton J. The Andromeda Strain, 1969.

Dain Alex. The Bane of Kanthos, 1969.

Daventry Leonard. Reflections in a Mirage, 1969.

Davidson Avram. The Island Under the Earth, 1969.

Davidson Avram. The Phoenix and the Mirror, 1969.

Davies L. Dimension A, 1969.

Davies L. Genesis Two, 1969.

Davies L. Stranger to Town, 1969.

Davies L. The White Room, 1969.

De Ford Miriam. Xenogenesis, 1969.

Del Martia Astron. One Against Time, 1969.

Dick Philip. Galactic Pot-Healer, 1969.

Dick Philip. The Preserving Machine and Other Stories, 1969.

Dick Philip. Ubik, 1969.

Dickson Gordon. None But Man, 1969.

Dickson Gordon. Spacepaw, 1969.

Dickson Gordon. Wolfling, 1969.

Disch Thomas. The Prisoner, 1969.

Donson Cyril. The Perspective Process, 1969.

Donson Cyril. Tritonastra, 1969.

Ellison Harlan. The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World. – Avon, 1969.

Engel Lyle. The Bronze Axe, 1969.

Engel Lyle. The Jade Warrior, 1969.

Engel Lyle. Jewel of Tharn, 1969.

Farmer Philip. Blown, 1969.

Farmer Philip. A Feast Unknown, 1969.

Fox Gardner. Kothar and the Demon Queen, 1969.

Fox Gardner. Kothar – Barbarian Swordsman, 1969.

Fox Gardner. Kothar of the Magic Sword, 1969.

Friel Arthur. The Pathless Trail, 1969.

Fritch Charles. Crazy Mixed-Up Planet, 1969.

Garbo Norman. The Movement, 1969.

Garnett David. Mirror in the Sky, 1969.

Garrett Randall. The Briefing: Vignette // Fantastic. – 1969. – Aug.

Geston Mark. Out of the Mouth of the Dragon. – Ace, 1969.

Gilman Robert. The Navigator of Rhada, 1969.

Grazier James, Grazier James. Hydra, 1969.

Green Joseph. An Affair with Genius, 1969.

Greenfield Irving. The Others, 1969.

Greenlee Sam. The Spook Who Sat by the Door, 1969.

Groves J. The Heels of Achilles, 1969.

Guin Wyman. The Standing Joy, 1969.

Halacy D. Return from Luna, 1969.

Hamilton Edmond. Calling Captain Future. – New York: Popular Library, 1969. – (Captain Future).

Hamilton Edmond. Captain Future and the Space Emperor. – New York: Popular Library, 1969. – (Captain Future).

Hamilton Edmond. Captain Future's Challenge. – New York: Popular Library, 1969. – (Captain Future).

Hamilton Edmond. The Comet Kings. – New York: Popular Library, 1969. – (Captain Future).

Hamilton Edmond. Galaxy Mission. – New York: Popular Library, 1969. – (Captain Future).

Hamilton Edmond. The Magician of Mars, 1969.

Hamilton Edmond. Outlaw World. – New York: Popular Library, 1969. – (Captain Future).

Hamilton Edmond. Outlaws of the Moon. – New York: Popular Library, 1969. – (Captain Future).

Hamilton Edmond. Planets in Peril. – New York: Popular Library, 1969. – (Captain Future).

Hamilton Edmond. Quest Beyond the Stars. – New York: Popular Library, 1969. – (Captain Future).

Harrison Harry. Captive Universe, 1969.

Hartridge Jon. Binary Divine, 1969.

Hassler Kenneth. The Glass Cage, 1969.

Hay Jacob, Keshishian John. Autopsy for a Cosmonaut, 1969.

Herbert Frank. Dune Messiah, 1969. – (Dune. 2).

Hjortsberg William. Alp, 1969.

Hodder-Williams Christopher. Ninety-Eight Point Four, 1969.

Hoffman Lee. The Caves of Karst, 1969.

Holm Sven. Termush, 1969.

Hough S. The Yellow Fraction, 1969.

Howard Robert. Conan of Cimmeria, 1969. – (Conan).

Hoyle Geoffrey, Hoyle Fred. Rockets in Ursa Major, 1969.

Jacobs Harvey. The Egg of the Glak, 1969.

Jakes John. The Asylum World, 1969.

Jakes John. Brak the Barbarian Versus the Mark of the Demon, 1969. – (Brak).

Jakes John. Brak the Barbarian Versus the Sorceress, 1969. – (Brak).

Jakes John. The Hybrid, 1969.

Jakes John. The Last Magicians, 1969.

Jakes John. The Planet Wizard. – Ace, 1969.

Jakes John. Secrets of Stardeep, 1969.

Jakes John. Tonight We Steal the Stars, 1969.

Janifer Laurence, Treibich S. The High Hex, 1969.

Janifer Laurence, Treibich S. The Wagered World, 1969.

Jones Raymond. Syn, 1969.

Kamin Nick. Earthrim, 1969.

Keller David. The Folsom Flint and Other Curious Tales, 1969.

Kettle Pamela. The Day of the Women, 1969.

King Vincent. Light a Last Candle, 1969.

Knebel Fletcher. Trespass, 1969.

Koontz Dean. The Fall of the Dream Machine, 1969.

Koontz Dean. Fear That Man, 1969.

Kurland Michael. The Unicorn Girl, 1969.

Lafferty R. Fourth Mansions, 1969.

Lampoon Harvard. Bored of the Rings. – NAL, 1969. (Fantasy).

Lanier Sterling. The War for the Lot, 1969.


Last Door to Aiya: A Selection of the Best New Science Fiction from the Soviet Union / Edited and translated by Mirra Ginsburg; Jacket design by H. Lawrence Hoffman; Designed by David Miller. – New York: S.G.Phillips, 1969. – 192 pp.


      P. 7-8: Editor's Introduction
      P. 11-26: Dneprov A. The World in Which I Disappeared
      P. 27-54: Gansovsky S. The New Signal Station
      P. 55-73: Greshnov M. The Golden Lotus, A Legend
      P. 74-83: Grigoriev V. My Colleague
      P. 84-91: Grigoriev V. Vanya
      P. 92-130: Parnov E. and Yemtsev M. Last Door to Aiya
      P. 131-144: Poleshchuk A. Homer's Secret
      P. 145-167: Strugatsky A. and Strugatsky B. The White Cone of the Alaid

      Varshavsky I. Out in Space

        P. 168-174: Lilac Planet
        P. 174-177: The Trap
        P. 177-183: The Return
        P. 183-185: The Grandson
        P. 185-192: The Noneaters

[Днепров Анатолий. Мир, в котором я исчез; Гансовский Север. Новая сигнальная; Грешнов Михаил. Золотой лотос; Григорьев Владимир. Коллега – я назвал его так; А могла бы и быть...; Емцев Михаил, Парнов Еремей. Последняя дверь; Полещук Александр. Тайна Гомера; Стругацкий Аркадий, Стругацкий Борис. Поражение; Варшавский Илья. Сиреневая планета; Ловушка; Возвращение; Внук; Неедяки]

Laumer Keith. Retief, Ambassador to Space, 1969. – (Retief).

Laumer Keith. The Long Twilight, 1969.

Le Guin Ursula. The Left Hand of Darkness. – Ace, 1969.

Leiber Fritz. Night Monsters, 1969.

Leiber Fritz. A Specter is Haunting Texas, 1969.

Leinster Murray. The Hot Spot, 1969. – (Land of the Giants. 2).

Leinster Murray. Unknown Danger, 1969. – (Land of the Giants. 3).

Leslie Peter. The Autumn Accelerator, 1969.

Leslie Peter. The Plastic Magicians, 1969.

Lewis C. Narrative Poems: «Dymer», «Launcelot», «The Nameless Isle», «Queen of Drums». – Geoffrey Bles, 1969. (Non-fiction).

Lewis C. Selected Literary Essays. – Cambridge University Press, 1969. (Non-fiction).

Lightner A. The Day of the Drones, 1969.

Long Frank. The Three Faces of Time, 1969.

Lymington John. Give Daddy the Knife, Darling, 1969.

Lymington John. The Nowhere Place, 1969.

MacApp C. Prisoners of the Sky, 1969.

MacApp C. Secret of the Sunless World, 1969.

MacApp C. Worlds of the Wall, 1969.

Maddock Larry. The Time Trap Gambit, 1969.

Mahr Kurt, Scheer K. Enterprise Stardust, 1969.

Malzberg Barry. The Falcon and the Falconeer: Short Story // F&SF. – 1969. – Dec.

Malzberg Barry. How I Take Their Measure: Short Story // F&SF. – 1969. – Jan.

Mason David. Devil's Food, 1969.

Mason David. Kavin's World, 1969.

Mason Douglas. The Janus Syndrome, 1969.

McCaffrey Anne. Decision at Doona, 1969.

McCaffrey Anne. The Ship Who Sang, 1969.

McCutchan Philip. The All-Purpose Bodies, 1969.

McCutchan Philip. The Bright Red Business Men, 1969.

McDaniel David. The Hollow Crown Affair, 1969.

McDaniel David. The Prisoner No.2, 1969.

Meltzer David. Glue Factory, 1969.

Meltzer David. Healer, 1969.

Meltzer David. Lovely, 1969.

Meltzer David. Out, 1969.

Mendelsohn Felix. Superbaby, 1969.

Meredith Richard. The Sky is Filled with Ships, 1969.

Meredith Richard. We All Died at Breakaway Station, 1969.

Merle Robert. The Day of the Dolphin, 1969.

Meyers Roy. Destiny and the Dolphins, 1969.

Miller Jimmy. The Big Win, 1969.

The Moon Era / Ed. by Anonymous. – Curtis, 1969.

Moorcock Michael. Behold the Man, 1969. – (Karl Glogauer. 1).

Moorcock Michael. The Black Corridor, 1969.

Moorcock Michael. A Cure for Cancer, 1969. – (Jerry Cornelius).

Moorcock Michael. The Final Programme. – Allison and Busby, 1969.

Moorcock Michael. The Ice Schooner. – Sphere, 1969.

Moorcock Michael. The Jewel in the Skull. – Mayflower, 1969. (Fantasy).

Moorcock Michael. The Mad God's Amulet. – Mayflower, 1969. (Fantasy).

Moorcock Michael. The Runestaff, 1969. – (Runestaff. 4). (Fantasy).

Moorcock Michael. The Secret of the Runestaff. – Lancer, 1969. – (Runestaff. 4). (Fantasy).

Moorcock Michael. The Sword of the Dawn. – Mayflower, 1969. (Fantasy).

Moorcock Michael. The Time Dweller, 1969.

Moorcock Michael. The Winds of Limbo. – Paperback Library, 1969.

Moore C. Black God's Shadow, 1969.

Morgan Dan. The Several Minds, 1969.

Nabokov Vladimir. Ada or Ardour. – A.C.McClurg & Co., 1969.

Niven Larry. The Shape of Space, 1969.

Norman Eric. The Under-People, 1969.

Norman John. Nomads of Gor, 1969. – (Gor. 4).

Norton Andre. Postmarked the Stars. – Harcourt, Brace & World, 1969.

Norton Andre. Uncharted Stars, 1969.

Nuetzel Charles. Images of Tomorrow, 1969.

Nuetzel Charles. Raiders of Noomas, 1969.

Nuetzel Charles. Swordsmen of Vistar, 1969.

Nuetzel Charles. Warriors of Noomas, 1969.

O'Donnell K. The Empty People, 1969.

O'Donnell K. Final War, 1969.

The Other Side of the Clock / Ed. by Philip Van Doren Stern. – New York: Van Nostrand Rinehold, 1969. – 192 pp. (hc).

Page Norvell. Flame Winds, 1969.

Page Norvell. Sons of the Bear-God, 1969.

Panshin Alexei. Masque World, 1969.

Panshin Alexei. What's Your Excuse?: Short Story // Fantastic. – 1969. – Aug.


Path into the Unknown: The Best Soviet Science Fiction / Cover: W.F.Phillipps. – London: Pan Books Ltd., 1969. – 187 pp. (pb).


      P. 7-9: Varshavsky Ilya. The Conflict
      P. 10-18: Varshavsky Ilya. Robby
      P. 19-53: Krapivin Vladislav. Meeting my Brother
      P. 54-85: Gansovsky Sever. A Day of Wrath
      P. 86-105: Strugatsky Arkady and Boris. An Emergency Case
      P. 106-118: Strugatsky Arkady. Wanderers and Travellers
      P. 119-158: Gor G. The Boy
      P. 159-187: Dneprov Anatoly. The Purple Mummy

[Варшавский Илья. Конфликт; Роби; Крапивин Владислав. Я иду встречать брата; Гансовский Север. День гнева; Стругацкий Аркадий, Стругацкий Борис. Чрезвычайное происшествие; О странствующих и путешествующих; Гор Геннадий. Мальчик; Днепров Анатолий. Пурпурная мумия]

Pendleton Don. Cataclysm: The Day the World Died, 1969.

Pendleton Don. The Olympians, 1969.

Perkins Michael. Terminus, 1969.

Perkins Michael. The Tour, 1969.

Pesek Ludek. Log of a Moon Expedition, 1969.

Petaja Emil. The Nets of Space, 1969.

Petaja Emil. The Path Beyond the Stars, 1969.

Pohl Frederik. The Age of the Pussyfoot. – Penzler, 1969.

Poyer Joe. North Cape, 1969.

Pratt Fletcher. The Blue Star, 1969.

Rackham John. Ipomoea, 1969.

Rackham John. Treasure of Tau Ceti, 1969.

Rankine John. Binary Z, 1969.

Rankine John. The Weisman Experiment, 1969.

Reed Kit. Armed Camps, 1969.

Resnick Mike. Redbeard, 1969.

Reynolds Mack. The Cosmic Eye. – A Five Star Piperback, 1969.

Reynolds Mack. Mission to Horatius, 1969. – (Star Trek).

Reynolds Mack. The Space Barbarians, 1969.

Reynolds Mack. Speakeasy, 1969.

Richmond Leigh, Richmond Walt. Phoenix Ship, 1969.

Robinson Philip. Masque of a Savage Mandarin, 1969.

Ryder James. Kark, 1969.

Saberhagen Fred. Brother Berserker, 1969. – (Berserker).

Saxton Josephine. The Hieros Gamos of Sam and An Smith, 1969.

Scortia Thomas. Superiority Complex: Short Story // Analog. – 1969. – Dec.

The Second If Reader / Ed. by Frederik Pohl. – Rapp & Whiting, 1969.

Serviss Garrett. Invasion on Mars, 1969.

Seymour Alan. The Coming Self-Destruction of the United States of America, 1969.

Shaw Bob. The Palace of Eternity, 1969.

Shaw Bob. Shadow of Heaven, 1969.

Siegel Martin. Agent of Entropy, 1969.

Silverberg Robert. Across a Billion Years, 1969.

Silverberg Robert. The Calibrated Alligator, 1969.

Silverberg Robert. Dimension Thirteen, 1969.

Silverberg Robert. The Man in the Maze. – Avon, 1969.

Silverberg Robert. Nightwings, 1969.

Silverberg Robert. Three Survived, 1969.

Silverberg Robert. To Live Again, 1969.

Silverberg Robert. Up the Line, 1969.

Simak Clifford. Wonder and Glory: The Story of the Universe. – St. Martin's Press, 1969. (Popular Science).

Smith George. Kar Kaballa, King of the Gods, 1969.

Smith George. Witch Queen of Lochlann, 1969.

Spinrad Norman. Bug Jack Barron. – Avon, 1969.

Spinrad Norman. The Entropic Gang Bang Caper // New Worlds. – 1969. – Aug.

Spinrad Norman. The Last Hurrah of the Golden Horde // New Worlds. – 1969. – Jul.

St. Clair Margaret. The Shadow People, 1969.

Stableford Brian. Cradle of the Sun, 1969.

Stasheff Christopher. The Warlock in Spite of Himself. – Ace, 1969. – (Warlock. 1).
Barron, Fantasy Literature, 4A-239; Schlobin, The Literature of Fantasy, 990 & 991.

Sterling Brett. The Tenth Planet, 1969.

Stine Hank. Thrill City, 1969.

Storr Catherine. Rufus, 1969.

Sturgeon Theodore. Sturgeon Is Alive and Well. – New York: Sirkay Publishers Corp., 1969.

Sutton Jeff, Sutton Jean. Lord of the Stars, 1969.

Tabori Paul. The Cleft, 1969.

Tabori Paul. The Torture Machine, 1969.

Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos / Ed. by August W. Derleth. – Arkham House, 1969.
Tymn, Horror Literature, *4-262. (Horror).

Tate Peter. The Thinking Seat, 1969.

Tubb E. Escape Into Space, 1969.

Tubb E. Kalin, 1969.

Tubb E. S.T.A.R. Flight, 1969.

Tubb E. Toyman, 1969. – (Dumarest).

Unknown Worlds / Ed. by Lawana Trout. – Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1969. – 157 pp. (tp) ISBN 0-03-071620-9.
Textbook, also avialable with a teacher's guide and LP record. General editor: Charlotte K. Brooks.

Van Arnam Dave. Star Barbarian, 1969.

Van Arnam Dave. Starmind, 1969.

Van Vogt A. The Silkie. – Ace, 1969.

Vance Jack. The Dirdir, 1969. – (Planet of Adventure. 3).

Vance Jack. Eight Fantasms and Magics, 1969.

Vance Jack. Emphyrio, 1969.

Vance Jack. Servants of the Wankh, 1969. – (Planet of Adventure. 2).

Vansittart Peter. The Dark Tower: Tales from the Past, 1969.


Veltistov Yevgeny. Electronic Boy from the Portmanteau: Unreal Adventure / Translated from the Russian by Gladys Evans; Ullustrated and designed by Y.Krasny. – Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1969. – 188 pp.
First printing 1969
[Велтистов Евгений. Электроник – мальчик из чемодана]

Vinge Vernor. Grimm's World, 1969.

Vonnegut, Jr. Kurt. Slaughterhouse Five, 1969.

Wagner Karl. Bran Mak Morn, 1969.

Wallace Ian. Deathstar Voyage, 1969.

Walters Hugh. Nearly Neptune, 1969.

Wells Robert. The Parasaurians, 1969.

White James. The Aliens Among Us, 1969.

White Ted. No Time Like Tomorrow, 1969.

Wibberley Leonard. The Mouse on Wall Street, 1969.

Wilhelm Kate. Let the Fire Fall, 1969.

Williams John. Sons of Darkness, Sons of Light, 1969.

Williams Robert. Zanthar at Trip's End, 1969.

Williamson Jack. Bright New Universe. – Sidgwick & Jackson, 1969.

Williamson Jack. The Pandora Effect. – Ace, 1969.

Williamson Jack, Pohl Frederik. Rogue Star. – Ballantine Books, 1969. – (Starchild. 3).

Wilson Colin. The Philosopher's Stone, 1969.

Wollheim Donald. Two Dozen Dragon's Eggs, 1969.

Wurlitzer Rudolf. Nog, 1969.

Wylie Philip. The Spy Who Spoke Porpoise, 1969.

Yolen Jane. The Wizard of Washington Square, 1969.

Zelazny Roger. Creatures of Light and Darkness. – Avon, 1969.

Zelazny Roger. Damnation Alley, 1969.

Zelazny Roger. Isle of the Dead, 1969.