Библиография фантастики: 1961

Adamski George. Flying Saucers Farewell. – Abelard-Schuman, 1961. (Non-fiction).

Aldiss Brian. The Interpreter. – Digit, 1961.

Aldiss Brian. The Primal Urge. – Ballantine, 1961.

Alligham Garry. Verwoerd-The End. – Boardman, 1961.

Alone By Night / Ed. by Don Congdon, Michael Congdon. – Ballantine, 1961.

Amis Kingsley. New Maps of Hell. – Ballantine, 1961. (Non-fiction).

Anderson Poul. Mayday Orbit. – Ace, 1961.

Anderson Poul. My Object All Sublime: Short Story // Galaxy. – 1961. – Jun.

Anderson Poul. Orbit Unlimited. – Pyramid, 1961.

Anderson Poul. Strangers from Earth. – Ballantine, 1961.

Anderson Poul. Three Hearts and Three Lions. – Doubleday, 1961.

Anderson Poul. Twilight World. – Torquil, 1961.

Anonymous. The Year for Love. – Moonlight Reader, 1961.

Asimov Isaac. The 1.000 Year Plan. – Ace, 1961.

Asimov Isaac. Triangle. – Doubleday, 1961.

Balsdon Dacre. The Day They Burned Miss Termag, 1961.

The Best From Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fifth Series / Ed. by Anthony Boucher. – Ace, 1961.

Biggle Lloyd. The Angry Espers. – Ace, 1961.

Blaine John. The Egyptian Cat Mystery, 1961.

Blish James. So Close to Home. – Ballantine, 1961.

Blish James. The Star Dwellers. – Putnam, 1961.

Blish James. Titan's Daughter. – Berkley, 1961.

Bloch Robert. Blood Runs Cold. – Simon & Schuster, 1961.

Borges Jorge. A Personal Anthology, 1961.

Boston L(ucy). A Stranger at Green Knowe. – Faber, 1961.

Bradley Marion. The Door Through Space. – Ace, 1961.

Bradley Marion. Seven From the Stars. – Ace, 1961.

Brett Leo. Black Infinity, 1961.

Brett Leo. March of the Robots, 1961.

Brett Leo. Mind Force, 1961.

Brook-Rose Christine. The Middleman, 1961.

Brown Fredric. The Mind Thing. – Bantam, 1961.

Brown Fredric. Nightmares and Geezenstacks. – Bantam, 1961.

Brunner John. Meeting at Infinity, 1961.

Budrys Algis. Some Will Not Die, 1961.

Bulmer Kenneth. Beyond the Silver Sky, 1961.

Bunch David. The Problem Was Lubrication: Vignette // Fantastic. – 1961. – May.

Burman Ben. Owl Hoots Twice at Catfish Bend, 1961.

Burroughs William. The Soft Machine, 1961.

Calder-Marshall Arthur. The Scarlet Boy, 1961.

Cameron Ian. The Last Ones, 1961.

Campbell John. Invaders From the Infinite, 1961.

Chalker Jack. The New H. P. Lovecraft Bibliography. – The Lost City of Zork, 1961. (Non-fiction).

Chandler A. Bring Back Yesterday, 1961.

Chandler A. Rendezvous on a Lost World, 1961.

Chandler A. The Rim of Space, 1961.

Chapela E. Naked in Piccadilly, 1961.

Clarke Arthur. A Fall of Moondust, 1961.

Clarke Arthur. From the Ocean, From the Stars, 1961.

Clason Clyde. I Am Lucifer: Confessions of the Devil, 1961.

Clingerman Mildred. A Cupful of Space, 1961.

Coblentz Stanton. The Runaway World, 1961.

Cole Everett. The Philosophical Corps, 1961.

Cummings Ray. Wandl the Invader, 1961.

Del Rey Lester. Moon of Mutiny, 1961.

Derleth August. The Reminiscenes of Solar Pons, 1961.

Dickson Gordon. Delusion World, 1961.

Dickson Gordon. Naked to the Stars, 1961.

Dickson Gordon. Spacial Delivery, 1961.

Edgar Kenneth. The Starfire, 1961.

Elliott George. Among the Dangs, 1961.

Ellis D. A Thousand Ages, 1961.

Erlanger Michael. Silence in Heaven, 1961.

Fane Bron. Rodent Mutation, 1961.

Fanthorpe Robert. Centurion's Vengeance, 1961.

Fanthorpe Robert. Devil from the Depths, 1961.

Fanthorpe Robert. Face in the Dark, 1961.

Fanthorpe Robert. Fingers of Darkness, 1961.

Fanthorpe Robert. Flame Mass, 1961.

Fanthorpe Robert. The Golden Chalice, 1961.

Fanthorpe Robert. The Grip of Fear, 1961.

Farmer Philip. The Lovers, 1961.

Fast Howard. The Edge of Tomorrow, 1961.

Finney Charles. The Old China Hands, 1961.

Fontenay Charles. Rebels of the Red Planet, 1961.

Four for the Future / Ed. by Groff Conklin. – Consul, 1961.

Gallun Raymond. The Planet Strappers, 1961.

Galouye Daniel. Dark Universe, 1961.

Gardner Maurice. Bantan Primeval, 1961.

Garner Alan. The Weirdstone: A Tale of Alderley. – F. Watts, 1961. – (Weirdstone. 1). (Fantasy).

Gillon Diana, Gillon Meir. The Unsleep, 1961.

Goll Reinhold. The Visitors From Planet Veta, 1961.

Gordon Rex. Beyond the Eleventh Hour, 1961.

Gray Nicholas. Down in the Cellar, 1961.

Greene Joseph. Journey to Jupiter, 1961.

Gunn James. The Joy Makers, 1961.

Hamilton Edmond. Battle for the Stars. – New York: Torquil, 1961.

Harrison Harry. The Stainless Steel Rat, 1961. – (Rat. 1).

The Heart of the Serpent / Translated from the Russian by R.Prokofieva; Ed. by Anonymous. – Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1961.

Heinlein Robert. Stranger in a Strange Land. – Putnam, 1961.

Henderson Zenna. Pilgrimage: The Book of the People, 1961. – (People).

Hesky Olga. The Purple Armchair, 1961.

Hudson Jan. 1976-Year of Terror, 1961.

Hudson Jan. The Coming of the Rats, 1961.

Hudson Jan. Love Cult, 1961.

Hudson Jan. Scourge of the Blood Cult, 1961.

Johns W. The Quest for the Perfect Planet, 1961.

Johnson L. In the Time of the Thetans, 1961.

Juenger Ernst. The Glass Bees, 1961.

Juster Norton. The Phantom Tollbooth. – Random, 1961. (Fantasy).

Kantor MacKinlay. If the South Had Won the Civil War, 1961.

Katcha Vahe. The Hook & An Eye for an Eye, 1961.

Kirk Russell. Old House of Fear, 1961.

Kline Otis. Outlaws of Mars, 1961.

Knight Damon. Far Out, 1961.

Knight Damon. The Sun Saboteurs, 1961.

Kuttner Henry. Bypass to Otherness, 1961.

Leiber Fritz. The Big Time. – Ace, 1961.
Hugo 58.

Leiber Fritz. The Mind Spider and Other Stories, 1961.

Leiber Fritz. The Silver Eggheads, 1961.

Leinster Murray. Creatures of the Abyss, 1961.

Leinster Murray. This World Is Taboo, 1961.

Leinster Murray. The Wailing Asteroid, 1961.

Lesser Milton. Spacemen, Go Home, 1961.

Lewis C. An Experiment in Criticism. – Cambridge University Press, 1961. (Non-fiction).

Linton Elizabeth. Witch Stories, 1961.

Long Frank. The Mating Center, 1961.

Lowndes Robert. Believers' World, 1961.

Lowndes Robert. The Puzzle Planet, 1961.

Lukens Adam. Sons of the Wolf, 1961.

Lymington John. The Coming of the Strangers, 1961.

Maine Charles. The Mind of Mr Soames, 1961.

Matheson Richard. Shock, 1961.

McIntosh J. 200 Years to Christmas, 1961.

Meek S. The Drums of Tapajos, 1961.

Meek S. Troyana, 1961.

Merritt Abraham. The Face in the Abyss. – Macmillan, 1961. (Fantasy).

Miles Charles. The Imaginary Memoirs of a Astronaut, 1961.

Moore Patrick. Wanderer in Space, 1961.

More From One Step Beyond / Ed. by Lenore Bredeson. – Citadel, 1961.

More From One Step Beyond / Ed. by Lenore Bredeson. – Digit, 1961.

Morgan Dan. The Uninhibited, 1961.

Muller John. Crimson Planet, 1961.

Muller John. The Venus Venture, 1961.

No Place Like Earth / Ed. by E. J(ohn Ted) Carnell. – Panther, 1961.

Norton Andre. Catseye, 1961.

Norton Andre. Star Hunter, 1961.

Norton Mary. The Borrowers Aloft, 1961.

Nourse Alan. Tiger by the Tail, 1961.

One Step Beyond / Ed. by Lenore Bredeson. – Citadel, 1961.

One Step Beyond / Ed. by Lenore Bredeson. – Digit, 1961.

Owen Dean. Reptilicus, 1961.

Pape Richard. And So Ends the World..., 1961.

Penguin Science Fiction / Ed. by Brian W. Aldiss. – Penguin, 1961.

Peterkiewicz Jerzy. The Quick and the Dead, 1961.

Piper H. Four-Day Planet, 1961.

Pohl Frederik. Drunkard's Walk. – Gollancz, 1961.

Pohl Frederik. Turn Left at Thursday. – Ballantine, 1961.

Priestley J. Saturn Over the Water, 1961.

Priestley J. The Thirty-First of June, 1961.

Roberts Lionel. Flame Goddess, 1961.

Roberts Lionel. The Last Valkyrie, 1961.

Roberts Lionel. The Synthetic Ones, 1961.

Russell Eric. Far Stars, 1961.

Scortia Thomas. What Mad Oracle?, 1961.

The Second Ghost Book / Ed. by Cynthia Asquith. – Pan, 1961. (Ghost).

Serling Rod(man). More Stories from the Twilight Zone, 1961.

Sharkey Jack. No Harm Done: Short Story // Fantastic. – 1961. – Jul.

Silverberg Robert. Collision Course, 1961.

Simak Clifford. Aliens for Neighbours, 1961.

Simak Clifford. Time Is the Simplest Thing. – Doubleday, 1961.

Simak Clifford. The Trouble with Tycho. – Ace, 1961.

Spectrum / Ed. by Kingsley Amis, Robert Conquest. – Gollancz, 1961.

Steiger A. The Moon Man, 1961.

Sturgeon Theodore. Not Without Sorcery. – Ballantine, 1961. – 160 pp. (pb).
506 K. – 8 Stories from Without Sorcery.

Sturgeon Theodore. Tandy's Story // Galaxy. – 1961. – Apr.

Sturgeon Theodore. Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, 1961.

Szilard Leo. The Voice of the Dolphins, and Other Stories. – Simon & Schuster, 1961. (hc).

Tabori Paul. The Green Rain, 1961.

Tales of Love and Horror / Ed. by Don Congdon. – Ballantine, 1961.

Things With Claws / Ed. by Hallie Burnett, Whit Burnett. – Ballantine, 1961.

Thomas Martin. Assignment Doomsday, 1961.

Thorpe Trebor. Voodoo Hell Drums, 1961.

Thurber James. Lanterns and Lances. – Harper & Brothers, 1961. (Fantasy).

Timeless Stories for Today and Tomorrow / Ed. by Ray Bradbury. – Bantam, 1961.

Torro Pel. The Phantom Ones, 1961.

A Visitor From Outer Space / Ed. by Anonymous. – Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1961.

Vonnegut, Jr. Kurt. Canary in a Cat House, 1961.

Wallis G. The Light of Lilith, 1961.

Walters Hugh. Moon Base One, 1961.

Ward Henry. The Green Suns, 1961.

Wellman Manly. Island in the Sky, 1961.

West Wallace. The Memory Bank, 1961.

Wilks Nat. A Grief Observed. – Faber, 1961. (Non-fiction).

Williams Robert. The Day They H-Bombed Los Angeles, 1961.

Williamson Jack. After World's End, 1961.

Wilson Angus. The Old Men at the Zoo, 1961.

Wise Arthur. The Little Fishes, 1961.

Wise Robert. 12 to the Moon, 1961.

Woodcott Keith. I Speak for Earth, 1961.

Wyndham John. Consider Her Ways and Others. – Michael Joseph, 1961.

Wyndham John. The Infinite Moment, 1961.