Библиография фантастики: 1959
Aarons Edward. Assignment to Disaster. – Gold Medal, 1959. (SF/Mystery).
Abe Kobo. Inter Ice-Age 4, 1959.
[安部公房. 第四間氷期]
Addams Charles. Dear Dead Days. – Putnam, 1959. (Artwork).
Aldiss Brian. The Canopy of Time. – Faber, 1959.
Aldiss Brian. No Time Like Tomorrow. – Signet, 1959.
Aldiss Brian. Vanguard From Alfa. – Ace, 1959.
Allum Tom. Emperor of Space. – Blackie, 1959.
Anderson Poul. The Enemy Stars. – Lippincott, 1959.
Anderson Poul. Virgin Planet. – Avalon, 1959.
Anderson Poul. The War of Two Worlds. – Ace, 1959.
Anderson Poul. We Claim These Stars. – Ace, 1959. – (Flandry).
Angelucci Orfeo. Son of the Sun. – De Vorss, 1959.
Appel Benjamin. The Funhouse. – Ballantine, 1959. (SF/Mystery).
Ascher Eugene. To Kill a Corpse. – WDL, 1959.
Asimov Isaac. Editorial // Amazing Science Fiction Stories (New York). – 1959. – Vol. 33. – Number 5 (May). – P. 5.
Asimov Isaac. Nine Tomorrows. – Doubleday, 1959.
Aspects of Science Fiction / Ed. by G. D(onald) Doherty. – J.Murray «Albemarle Library for Schools», 1959.
MacLean Katherine. Pictures Don't Lie.
Godwin Tom. The Cold Equations.
Bradbury Ray. A Sound of Thunder.
Piper H. He Walked Around the Horses.
Bradbury Ray. Zero Hour.
Wells H. The Crystal Egg.
Van Vogt A. Dormant.
Wells H. The Sea Raiders.
Aldiss Brian. Dumb Show.
Clarke Arthur. The Nine Billion Names of God.
Aldiss Brian. Panel Game.
Leacock Stephen. The Man in Asbestos: An Allegory of the Future.
Bahnson, Jr Agnew. The Stars Are Too High. – Random, 1959.
Barr Tyrone. Split Worlds. – Digit, 1959.
Barrett William. The Edge of Things. – Doubleday, 1959.
Belayev Alexander. The Amphibian. – Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1959.
Bellow Saul. Henderson the Rain King, 1959.
Berna Paul. Continent in the Sky. – The Bodley Head, 1959.
The Best From Fantasy and Science Fiction, Eighth Series / Ed. by Anthony Boucher. – D'day SF B.C., 1959.
The Best From Fantasy and Science Fiction, Eighth Series / Ed. by Anthony Boucher. – Doubleday, 1959.
Lewis C. Ministering Angels.
Anderson Poul. Backwardness.
Reed Kit. The Wait.
Asimov Isaac. The Up-To-Date Sorcerer.
Leiber Fritz. A Deskful of Girls.
Knight Damon. Eripmav.
Aldiss Brian. Poor Little Warrior!.
Jackson Shirley. The Omen.
Verne Jules. Gil Braltar.
Davidson Avram. The Grantha Sighting.
Kornbluth C. Theory of Rocketry.
Goulart Ron. A New Lo!.
Shepley John. Gorilla Suit.
Henderson Zenna. Captivity.
Bester Alfred. The Man Who Murdered Mohammed.
Briarton Grendel. Through Time and Space With Ferdinand Feghoot.
Anderson Karen. Origin of the Species.
Buck Doris. Epithalamium.
Brode A. The Watchers.
Brode A. The Better Bet.
McClintic Winona. Ye Phantasie Writer and His Catte.
McClintic Winona. Valise Macabre.
Anderson Karen. In Memoriam: Henry Kuttner.
Biggle Lloyd. They Live Forever: Short Story // Satellite. – 1959. – Mar.
Blackburn John. A Sour Apple Tree. – M.S.Mill, 1959.
Blish James. A Clash of Cymbals. – Faber, 1959. – (Cities in Flight. 4). 4.
Barron, Anatomy of Wonder 1987, *3-43; Magill, Survey of Science Fiction Literature, pp. 358-362.
Blish James. Galactic Cluster. – Signet, 1959.
Bloch Robert. Psycho, 1959.
Boland John. Operation Red Carpet. – Boardman, 1959.
Boston L(ucy). The River at Green Knowe. – Faber, 1959.
Bova Ben. The Star Conquerors. – Winston, 1959.
Bowen Elizabeth. Stories by Elizabeth Bowen. – Vintage, 1959.
Br-r-r! / Ed. by Groff Conklin. – Avon, 1959.
Sturgeon Theodore. It.
Beaumont Charles. Nursery Rhyme.
Jenkins Will. Doomsday Deferred.
Gold H. Warm, Dark Places.
Asimov Isaac, Pohl Frederik. Legal Rites.
Blackwood Algernon. An Egyptian Hornet.
Seabright Idris. White Goddess.
Bradbury Ray. The Handler.
Dahl Roald. The Sound Machine.
Keller David. The Worm.
Bradbury Ray. A Medicine for Melancholy. – Doubleday, 1959.
Brennan Joseph. The Dark Returners. – Macabre House, 1959.
Brett Leo. The Drud, 1959.
Brett Leo. The Return, 1959.
Brunner John. The 100th Millennium, 1959.
Brunner John. The Brink, 1959.
Brunner John. Echo in the Skull, 1959.
Brunner John. Threshold of Eternity, 1959.
Brunner John. The World Swappers, 1959.
Buck Pearl. Command the Morning, 1959.
Budrys Algis. The Falling Torch, 1959.
Bulmer Kenneth. The Changeling Worlds, 1959.
Burroughs William. The Naked Lunch, 1959.
Chandler A. Bertram. Wet Paint // Amazing Science Fiction Stories (New York). – 1959. – Vol. 33. – Number 5 (May). – P. 52-71.
Charkin Paul. Light of Mars, 1959.
Chase Adam. The Golden Ape, 1959.
Chetwynd-Hayes R. The Man from the Bomb, 1959.
Chevalier Haakon. The Man Who Would Be God, 1959.
Clarke Arthur. Across the Sea of Stars, 1959.
Clarkson Helen. The Last Day, 1959.
Comyns Barbara. The Vet's Daughter, 1959.
Condon Richard. The Manchurian Candidate, 1959.
Cooper Edmund. Seed of Light, 1959.
Cotts S.E. The Spectroscop: [John Bowen. After the Rain; Kenneth F. Gantz. Not in Solitude; Andrija Pucharich. The Sacred Mushroom] / Illustrator Finlay // Amazing Science Fiction Stories (New York). – 1959. – Vol. 33. – Number 5 (May). – P. 140-141.
Coury Phil. Anno Domini 2,000, 1959.
Creasey John. The Drought, 1959.
Crisp Frank. The Ape of London, 1959.
Deals With the Devil / Ed. by Basil Davenport. – Ballantine, 1959.
Deals With the Devil / Ed. by Basil Davenport. – Faber, 1959.
Del Rey Lester. Day of the Giants, 1959.
Delius Anthony. The Last Division, 1959.
Dick Philip. Time Out of Joint, 1959.
Doyle Arthur. Great Stories, 1959.
Drury Allen. Advise and Consent, 1959.
Eager Edward. Magic or Not. – Harcourt, Brace & World, 1959. (Fantasy).
Ellin Stanley. Quiet Horror, 1959.
Ellison Harlan and Hensley J.L. Visionary // Amazing Science Fiction Stories (New York). – 1959. – Vol. 33. – Number 5 (May). – P. 72-82.
Fanthorpe Robert. Alien From the Stars, 1959.
Fanthorpe Robert. The Ghost Rider, 1959.
Fanthorpe Robert. Hyperspace, 1959.
Fanthorpe Robert. Mermaid Reef, 1959.
Fenton Edward. The Nine Questions. – Doubleday, 1959. (Fantasy).
Foster Richard. The Rest Must Die, 1959.
Four for the Future / Ed. by Groff Conklin. – Pyramid, 1959.
Anderson Poul. Enough Rope.
Sturgeon Theodore. The Claustrophile.
Kuttner Henry. The Children's Hour.
Russell Eric. Plus X.
Frank Pat. Alas, Babylon, 1959.
Fullerton Charles. The Man Who Spoke Dog, 1959.
Gantz Kenneth. Not in Solitude, 1959.
Gardner Maurice. Bantan's Island Peril, 1959.
George Brian. Atom of Doubt, 1959.
Gordon Rex. First to the Stars, 1959.
Great Tales of Action and Adventure / Ed. by George Bennett. – Dell, 1959.
Stephenson C. Leiningen Versus the Ants.
Poe Edgar. The Pit and the Pendulum.
Clarke Arthur. Rescue Party.
Harvey W. August Heat.
Grinnell David. The Martian Missile, 1959.
Halacy D. Fun with the Sun, 1959.
Hamilton Edmond. The Magician of Mars. – New York: Popular Library, 1959. – (Captain Future).
Hamilton Edmond. The Star of Life. – New York: Torquil, 1959.
Hamilton Edmond. The Sun Smasher. – New York: Ace, 1959.
Harris Larry, Garrett Randall. Pagan Passions, 1959.
Harvey Frank. Air Force!, 1959.
Hawkes Jacquetta. Providence Island, 1959.
Heinlein Robert. The Menace From Earth, 1959.
Heinlein Robert. Starship Troopers, 1959.
Heinlein Robert. The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag. – Gnome Press, 1959. (Fantasy).
Hicks Clifford. First Boy on the Moon, 1959.
Hoch Edward. Sword for a Sinner: Novelette // The Saint. – 1959. – Oct. – (Simon Ark).
Hodder-Williams Christopher. Chain Reaction, 1959.
Holly Joan. Encounter, 1959.
Hoyle Fred. Ossian's Ride, 1959.
Imagination Unlimited / Ed. by E. F(ranklin) Bleiler, T. E(ugene) Dikty. – Berkley, 1959.
Jackson Shirley. The Haunting of Hill House, 1959.
Johns W. Death Kays of Ardilla, 1959.
Kelley William. A Different Drummer, 1959.
Kemp Harold. Mark of a Witch, 1959.
Kendall Carol. The Gammage Cup. – Harcourt, Brace & World, 1959. (Fantasy).
Khosrofian Harry. Fallen Star, 1959.
Kneale Nigel. The Quatermass Experiment, 1959.
Knight Damon. Masters of Evolution, 1959.
Knight Damon. The People Maker, 1959.
Knox Calvin. The Plot Against Earth, 1959.
Kornbluth C. The Marching Morons, 1959.
Kornbluth C., Pohl Frederik. Wolfbane. – Ballantine Books, 1959.
Le Fanu J. The Diabolical Genius, 1959.
Leacock Stephen. Laugh With Leacock, 1959.
Leinster Murray. Four From Planet 5, 1959.
Leinster Murray. Monsters and Such, 1959.
Leinster Murray. The Monster From Earth's End, 1959.
Leinster Murray. The Mutant Weapon, 1959.
Leinster Murray. The Pirates of Zan, 1959.
Lesser Milton. Recruit for Andromeda, 1959.
Lewis C. Shall We Lose God in Outer Space?. – S.P.C.K., 1959. (Non-fiction).
Lovecraft H. The Shuttered Room and Other Pieces, 1959.
Lowndes Robert, Blish James. The Duplicated Man. – Avalon, 1959.
Lukens Adam. The Sea People, 1959.
Lymington John. The Night of the Big Heat, 1959.
MacKenzie Compton. The Lunatic Republic, 1959.
Maine Charles. Count-Down, 1959.
Meyer J., Nourse Alan. The Invaders Are Coming, 1959.
Moore Patrick. Raiders of Mars, 1959.
Narcejac T., Boileau Pierre. The Evil Eye. – Hutchinson, 1959.
North Andrew. Voodoo Planet, 1959.
Norton Andre. The Beast Master, 1959.
Norton Andre. Galactic Derelict, 1959.
Norton Andre. Secret of the Lost Race, 1959.
Norton Mary. The Borrowers Afloat, 1959.
Nourse Alan. Scavengers in Space, 1959.
The Other Side of the Moon / Ed. by August W. Derleth. – Berkley, 1959.
Peake Mervyn. Titus Alone, 1959. – (Gormenghast. 3).
Phillips Rog. The Involuntary Immortals, 1959.
Piper H. Beam and McGuire John J. Hunter Patrol // Amazing Science Fiction Stories (New York). – 1959. – Vol. 33. – Number 5 (May). – P. 20-45. |
Pohl Frederik. Tomorrow Times Seven, 1959.
Powys John. Homer and the Aether, 1959.
Roberts Lionel. Time Echo, 1959.
Rohmer Sax. Emperor Fu Manchu, 1959.
Roshwald Mordecai. Level Seven, 1959.
Searls Hank. The Big X, 1959.
The Second Ghost Book / Ed. by Cynthia Asquith. – Pan, 1959. (Ghost).
Sheckley Robert. Immortality Inc.. – Bantam, 1959.
Silverberg Robert. The Planet Killers, 1959.
Silverberg Robert. Starmen's Quest, 1959.
Siodmak Kurt. Skyport, 1959.
Slesar Henry. Job Offer: Vignette // Satellite. – 1959. – Apr.
Smith E.E. The Galaxy Primes: (Conclusion) / Illustrator Finlay // Amazing Science Fiction Stories (New York). – 1959. – Vol. 33. – Number 5 (May). – P. 85-139.
Smith George. The Fourth 'R', 1959.
Smith George. The Great Secret: Vignette // Super Science Fiction. – 1959. – Oct.
Smith George. Lost in Space, 1959.
Sohl Jerry. The Odious Ones, 1959.
Sohl Jerry. One Against Herculum, 1959.
Star Science Fiction Stories, No. 5 / Ed. by Frederik Pohl. – Ballantine Books, 1959.
Star Science Fiction Stories, No. 6 / Ed. by Frederik Pohl. – Ballantine, 1959.
Sturgeon Theodore. Aliens 4. – Avon, 1959. – 224 pp. (pb).
Sturgeon Theodore. The Man Who Lost the Sea // F&SF. – 1959. – Oct.
Sturgeon Theodore. A Touch of Strange. – Berkley, 1959. – 174 pp. (pb).
Sutcliff Rosemary. The Lantern Bearers. – A.C.McClurg & Co., 1959. (Fantasy).
Sutton Jeff. Bombs in Orbit, 1959.
Tall Short Stories / Ed. by Eric Duthie. – Faber, 1959.
Tall Short Stories / Ed. by Eric Duthie. – Simon & Schuster, 1959.
Beerbohm, Sir Max. A.V.Laider.
Bates H. A Funny Thing.
Saki. The Open Window.
Dunsany Lord. Mrs. Jorkens.
Capek Karel. The Misadventures of a Matrimonial Swindler.
Woolcott Alexander. Entrance Fee.
Knight Eric. Flurry at the Sheep Dog Trial.
Glemser Bernard. Astonished Father.
Chekhov A. The Woman in the Case.
Davies Robertson. The Contraption.
Gibbs W. Song at Twilight.
De Maupassant Guy. The Window.
Dunsany Lord. Idle Tears.
Alan A. The B.B.I..
White T. The Troll.
Thurber James. The Unicorn in the Garden.
Collier John. Fallen Star.
Collier John. Another American Tragedy.
Graves Robert. Earth to Earth.
Waugh Evelyn. On Guard.
Dunsany Lord. Two Bottles of Relish.
Twain Mark. The Great French Duel.
Stead Christina. Guest of the Redshields.
Saki. The Background.
Butler E. Pigs Is Pigs.
Herbert A. A Cross Section.
Doyle Arthur. How the Brigadier Slew the Fox.
Leacock Stephen. The Awful Fate of Melpomenus Jones.
Buchwald A. Maxims at Fifty Thousand Feet.
Squire, Sir J. The Golden Scilens.
Hughes Richard. The Vanishing Man.
Bradbury Ray. No Strings Attached.
Forester Cecil. Elixir of Love.
Benchley R. Do Insects Think?.
Wells H. The Truth About Pyecraft.
Balchin Nigel. God and the Machine.
Perelman S. I'll Always Call You Schnorrer, My African Explorer.
Chesterton G. The Extraordinary Cabman.
Chesterton G. The Perfect Game.
Marshall Archibald. The Rightful Heir.
Marshall Archibald. The Bus.
Saroyan William. The Man With the Heart in the Highlands.
Potter S. The Carmanship of Godfrey Plaste.
Sullivan F. Quigley 873.
Belloc Hilaire. The Honest Man and the Devil.
Capek Karel. Mr. Havlena's Verdict.
Thurber James. If Grant Had Been Drinking at Appomattox.
Shulman M. Love Is a Fallacy.
Shulman M. Dobie Gillis.
Thomas Theodore. The Good Work: Short Story // If. – 1959. – Feb.
A Treasure of Great Science Fiction: Vol. I / Ed. by Anthony Boucher. – Doubleday, 1959.
Boucher Anthony. Before the Curtain.
Wyndham John. Re-Birth.
Deming R. The Shape of Things to Come.
Bradbury Ray. Pillar of Fire.
Heinlein Robert. Waldo.
Dick Philip. The Father-Thing.
Moore C., Kuttner Henry. The Children's Hour.
Kornbluth C. Gomez.
Sturgeon Theodore. The (Widget), the (Wadget) and Boff.
Elliott George. Sandra.
Rogers J. Beyond Time and Space.
Anderson Poul. The Martian Crown Jewels.
Van Vogt A. The Weapon Shops of Isher.
A Treasure of Great Science Fiction: Vol. II / Ed. by Anthony Boucher. – Doubleday, 1959.
Anderson Poul. Brain Wave.
Jameson Malcolm. Bullard Reflects.
Lewis Oscar. The Lost Years.
Merril Judith. Dead Center.
Smith George. Lost Art.
Clarke Arthur. The Other Side of the Sky.
Heinlein Robert. The Man Who Sold the Moon.
Bond Nelson. Magic City.
White E. The Morning of the Day They Did It.
Kuttner Henry. Piggy Bank.
Clingerman Mildred. Letters From Laura.
Bester Alfred. The Stars My Destination.
Van Vogt A. Siege of the Unseen, 1959.
Van Vogt A. The War Against the Rull. – Ace, 1959.
Vandenburg G.L. Martian V. F. W. // Amazing Science Fiction Stories (New York). – 1959. – Vol. 33. – Number 5 (May). – P. 46-51.
Vernon Roger. Robot Hunt, 1959.
Vonnegut, Jr. Kurt. The Sirens of Titan. – Dell, 1959.
Wellman Manly. The Dark Destroyers, 1959.
Wellman Manly. Giants from Eternity, 1959.
West Wallace. The Bird of Time, 1959.
White T. The Godstone and the Blackymor. – Cape, 1959. (Non-fiction).
White T. The Godstone and the Blackymor. – Putnam, 1959. (Non-fiction).
Wollheim Donald. Secret of the Ninth Planet, 1959.
Wyndham John, Parkes Lucas. The Outward Urge, 1959.
Yefremov Ivan. Andromeda, 1959.