Библиография фантастики: 1950
Addams Charles. Monster Rally. – Simon & Schuster, 1950. (Artwork).
Asimov Isaac. I, Robot. – Gnome, 1950.
Asimov Isaac. Pebble in the Sky. – Doubleday, 1950.
Bair Patrick. Faster! Faster!. – Eyre Spottiswoode, 1950.
Benson Theodora. Man From the Tunnel and Other Stories. – Gollancz, 1950.
The Best Science-Fiction Stories 1950 / Ed. by E. F(ranklin) Bleiler, T. E(ugene) Dikty. – F.Fell, 1950.
Kuttner Henry. Private Eye.
Jenkins Will. Doomsday Deferred.
Sturgeon Theodore. The Hurkle Is a Happy Beast.
Simak Clifford. Eternity Lost.
Carr Robert. Easter Eggs.
Shiras Wilmar. Opening Doors.
Krepps Robert. Five Years in the Marmalade.
Bradbury Ray. Dwellers in Silence.
Brown Fredric. Mouse.
Williams Robert. Refuge for Tonight.
Leinster Murray. The Life-Work of Professor Muntz.
MacDonald John. Flaw.
Bradbury Ray. The Man.
Beyer W. Minions of the Moon. – Gnome, 1950.
Beyond Time and Space / Ed. by August W. Derleth. – Pellegrini Cudahy, 1950.
Plato. Atlantis.
Lucian. A True History.
More Thomas. Utopia.
Rabelais F. The Phalanstery of Theleme.
Campanella Tommaso. The City of the Sun.
Godwin Francis. The Man in the Moone.
Swift Jonathan. Laputa.
Kepler Johannes. Somnium.
Bacon Francis. The New Atlantis.
Holberg Ludvig. The Three Men of Potu.
Poe Edgar. The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade.
Verne Jules. Dr. Ox's Experiment.
Allen G. Pausodyne.
Stockton Frank. A Tale of Negative Gravity.
Bellamy Edward. The Blindman's World.
Robertson Morgan. The Battle of the Monsters.
Wells H. The New Accelerator.
Hodgson William. The Noise in the Night.
Buchan John. Space.
Dyalhis N. When the Green Star Waned.
Keller David. The Revolt of the Pedestrians.
Stapledon Olaf. The Flying Men.
Smith Clark. A Voyage to Sfanomoe.
Wandrei Donald. Colossus.
Weinbaum Stanley. The Lotus Eaters.
Hamilton Edmond. Fessenden's World.
Van Vogt A. The Seesaw.
Heard H. Wingless Victory.
Padgett Lewis. When the Bough Breaks.
Leiber Fritz. Wanted – An Enemy.
Long Frank. Humpty Dumpty Had a Great Fall.
Sturgeon Theodore. Minority Report.
Heinlein Robert. The Long Watch.
Bradbury Ray. The Exiles.
The Big Book of Science Fiction / Ed. by Groff Conklin. – Crown, 1950.
McMorrow Thomas. Mr. Murphy of New York.
Kaempffert W. The Diminishing Draft.
Moore Ward. Peacebringer.
Moore Ward. Sword of Peace.
Gold H. A Matter of Form.
Colladay M. The Planetoid of Doom.
Alexander W. One Leg Too Many.
Breuer Miles. Man With the Strange Head.
MacLean Katherine. Defense Mechanism.
Padgett Lewis. Margin for Error.
Reynolds Mack. Isolationist.
Leinster Murray. Nobody Saw the Ship.
Sturgeon Theodore. Mewhu's Jet.
Doar Graham. The Outer Limit.
De Courcy J., De Courcy D. Rat Race.
Russell Eric. Dear Devil.
Williams Ralph. Emergency Landing.
Peyton (Wertenbaker) Green. The Ship That Turned Aside.
Phillips Peter. Manna.
Loomis Noel. The Long Dawn.
Sherred Th. E for Effort.
Pratt Fletcher. The Roger Bacon Formula.
Del Rey Lester. The Wings of Night.
Simak Clifford. Desertion.
Osborne Robertson. Contact, Incorporated.
Osborne Robertson. Action on Azura.
Brown Fredric. Arena.
Shelton Jerry. Culture.
Verne Jules. In the Year 2889.
Bradbury Ray. Forever and the Earth.
MacDonald John. The Miniature.
Leiber Fritz. Sanity.
Kornbluth C. The Only Thing We Learn.
Knight Damon. Not with a Bang.
Binder Eando. Adam Link in the Past, 1950.
Binder Eando. The Three Eternals, 1950.
Binder Eando. Where Eternity Ends, 1950.
Binns Archie. The Radio Imp. – Winston, 1950.
Blaine John. Smuggler's Reef, 1950.
Bond Nelson. Lancelot Biggs: Spaceman. – Doubleday, 1950.
Bowles Paul. The Delicate Prey and Other Stories. – Random, 1950.
Bradbury Ray. The Martian Chronicles. – Doubleday, 1950.
Bradbury Ray. To the Future // Colliers. – 1950. – May 13.
Brooke Jocelyn. The Image of a Drawn Sword. – Lane, 1950.
Burgeon G. This Ever Diverse Pair, 1950.
Butler Samuel. The Essential Samuel Batler, 1950.
Cadell Elizabeth. Brimstone in the Garden, 1950.
Campbell John. The Moon Is Hell!, 1950.
Capon Paul. The Other Side of the Sun, 1950.
Cicellis Kay. The Easy Way, 1950.
Clement Hal. Needle, 1950.
Coblentz Stanton. After 12,000 Years, 1950.
Coblentz Stanton. Into Plutonian Depths, 1950.
Creasey John. The Man Who Shook the World, 1950.
Cummings Ray. The Princess of the Atom, 1950.
De Camp L., Miller P. Genus Homo, 1950.
De Camp L., Pratt Fletcher. The Castle of Iron, 1950.
De La Mare Walter. Collected Stories, 1950.
Drake Leah. A Hornbook for Witches, 1950.
Dunsany Lord. The Strange Journeys of Colonel Polders, 1950.
Farley Ralph. The Hidden Universe, 1950.
Farley Ralph. The Omnibus of Time, 1950.
Fearn John. Emperor of Mars, 1950.
Fearn John. Goddess of Mars, 1950.
Fearn John. Red Men of Mars, 1950.
Fearn John. Warrior of Mars, 1950.
Finn Ralph. Time Marches Sideways, 1950.
Fischer Leonard. Let Out the Beast, 1950.
Franklin Jay. Champagne Charlie, 1950.
Franklin Jay. The Rat Race, 1950.
Fraser Helen. Fulfilment at Noon, 1950.
Gallico Paul. The Abandoned, 1950.
Ghostly Tales To Be Told / Ed. by Basil Davenport. – Dodd Mead, 1950.
Blackwood Algernon. The Wendigo.
Harvey W. August Heat.
James M. Count Magnus.
Wellman Wade. Where Angels Fear.
White E. The House of the Nightmare.
Crawford F. The Screaming Skull.
Jacobs W. The Monkey's Paw.
Arlen Michael. The Gentleman From America.
Machen Arthur. The White Powder.
Broster D. Couching at the Door.
Gilman Charlotte. The Yellow Wall Paper.
Burke Thomas. Johnson Looked Back.
Sinclair May. Where Their Fire Is Not Quenched.
Woollcott A. Moonlight Sonata.
Dickens Charles. Captain Murderer.
Rice Jane. The Refugee.
Gloag John. Take One a Week, 1950.
Great Ghost Stories / Ed. by Anonymous. – New Era Library, 1950.
Bierce Ambrose. The Damned Thing.
Gautier Theophile. The Mummy's Foot.
Pliny the Younger. An Ancient Haunted House.
Irving Washington. The Specter Bridegroom.
Pain Barry. The Moon Slave.
De Maupassant Guy. The Ghost.
Guerard Albert. Night Journey, 1950.
Hamilton Edmond. Beyond the Moon. – New York: New American Library, 1950.
Hamilton Edmond. The Monsters of Juntonheim. – London: Consul, 1950.
Hamilton Edmond. Tharkol, Lord of the Unknown. – London: Consul, 1950.
Hamilton Edmond. A Yank at Valhalla, 1950.
Heard H. The Black Fox, 1950.
Heinlein Robert. Farmer in the Sky, 1950.
Heinlein Robert. The Man Who Sold the Moon, 1950.
Heinlein Robert. Waldo & Magic, Inc, 1950.
Howard Robert. Conan the Conqueror, 1950. – (Conan).
Hyams Edward. The Astrologer, 1950.
Keller David. The Ledy Decides, 1950.
Leiber Fritz. Gather, Darkness!, 1950.
Leinster Murray. Sidewise in Time, 1950.
Lewis C. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. – Geoffrey Bles, 1950. – (Narnia. 1).
Lewis C. The Literary Impact of the Authorized Version. – Athlone Press, 1950. (Non-fiction).
MacIsaac Fred. The Hothouse World, 1950.
Merril Judith. Shadow on the Hearth, 1950.
The Molecule Monsters / Ed. by Anonymous. – Whitman Press, 1950.
Friend Oscar. The Molecule Monsters.
Long Frank. Galactic Heritage.
Friend Oscar. The Impossible Highway.
Hail Steve. Cables Parting!.
Mottram R. The Ghost and the Maiden, 1950.
Nathan Robert. The Adventures of Tapiola, 1950.
O'Donnell Lawrence. Fury, 1950.
Padgett Lewis. A Gnome There Was. – Simon & Schuster, 1950.
Peake Mervyn. Gormenghast. – Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1950. – (Gormenghast. 2). (Fantasy).
Phillips Rog. Worlds Within, 1950.
Rayer F. Fearful Barrier, 1950.
Reed David. The Whispering Gorilla, 1950.
Rohmer Sax. Nude in Mink, 1950.
Ross Malcolm. The Man Who Lived Backward, 1950.
The Science Fiction Galaxy / Ed. by Groff Conklin. – Permabooks, 1950.
Forster E. The Machine Stops.
Kipling Rudyard. Easy as A.B.C..
Hodgson William. The Derelict.
Clarke Arthur. The Fires Within.
MacDonald John. A Child Is Crying.
St. Clair Margaret. Quis Custodiet...?.
Leinster Murray. The Life Work of Professor Muntz.
Breuer Miles. The Appendix and the Spectacles.
Hilliard A. Death From the Stars.
Sturgeon Theodore. The Hurkle Is a Happy Beast.
Bradbury Ray. King of the Gray Spaces.
Manning Laurence. The Living Galaxy.
Sea-Lion. This Creeping Evil. – Hutchinson, 1950.
Shaw George. Buoyant Billions, 1950.
Simak Clifford. Cosmic Engineers. – Gnome Press, 1950.
Smith E. First Lensman, 1950. – (Lensman. 6).
Smith E. Galactic Patrol, 1950. – (Lensman. 5).
Smith George. Nomad, 1950.
Smith George. Operation Interstellar, 1950.
Statten Vargo. 2000 Years On, 1950.
Statten Vargo. Annihilation, 1950.
Statten Vargo. The COSMIC Flame, 1950.
Statten Vargo. Inferno!, 1950.
Statten Vargo. The Micro-Men, 1950.
Statten Vargo. Nebula X, 1950.
Statten Vargo. Operation Venus, 1950.
Statten Vargo. The Sun Makers, 1950.
Statten Vargo. Wanderer of Space, 1950.
Stewart Will. Seetee Shock, 1950. – (Antimatter. 2).
Sturgeon Theodore. The Dreaming Jewels. – Greenberg, 1950.
Sturgeon Theodore. The Stars Are the Styx // Galaxy. – 1950. – Oct.
Suddaby Donald. The Star Raiders, 1950.
Tabori Paul. The Talking Tree, 1950.
Thurber James. The 13 Clocks. – Simon & Schuster, 1950. (Fantasy).
The Uncertain Element / Ed. by Kay Dick. – Jarrolds, 1950.
De La Mare Walter. Out of the Deep.
Sansom William. One Sunny Afternoon.
Shearing Joseph. The Tallow Candle.
Baker Frank. Tyme Tryeth Troth.
Blakeston O. Magicians in London.
Beerbohm, Sir Max. Enoch Soames.
Johnson Pamela. The Empty Schoolroom.
Heath-Stubbs J. The Secret Commonwealth.
Pargeter Edith. The Duchess and the Doll.
Mayne Ethel. The Shift of Nessus.
Manning Olivia. The Man Who Stole a Tiger.
Stephens James. The Threepenny Piece.
Lofts Norah. Edinburgh 1827.
Morpurgo J. God Almighty's Nephew.
Hewlett M. Beckwith's Case.
Curling J. Follies: Active, Passive and Various.
Graves A. Nuts in May.
Crowley Aleister. The Stratagem.
Wright D. The Poet, the Hangman and the Solicitor.
Newby P. The Zenith.
James Henry. The Jolly Corner.
Renier-Cliff Anne. Bibliography of the Fantastic.
Van Vogt A. The House That Stood Still, 1950.
Van Vogt A. Master of Time, 1950.
Van Vogt A. The Voyage of the Space Beagle, 1950.
Vance Jack. The Dying Earth, 1950. – (The Dying Earth. 1).
Verrill A. The Bridge of Light, 1950.
Weinbaum Stanley. The Dark Other, 1950.
Wellman Manly. The Beasts From Beyond, 1950.
White T. The Age of Scandal. – Cape, 1950. (Non-fiction).
White T. The Age of Scandal. – Putnam, 1950. (Non-fiction).
Wilkins Vaughan. The City of Frozen Fire, 1950.
Williamson Jack. The Cometeers. – A.C.McClurg & Co., 1950. – (Legion of Space. 2).
Williamson Jack. The Green Girl, 1950.
Williamson Jack. Seetee Shock. – Penzler, 1950.