Библиография фантастики: 1946
Adventures in Time and Space / Ed. by Raymond J. Healy, J. Francis McComas. – Random House, 1946.
Arnold Frank. Wings Across Time. – Pendulum 'Spacetime' Series 1, 1946.
Ascher Eugene. There Were No Asper Ladies. – Mitre, 1946.
Ashton Francis. The Breaking of the Seals. – Dakers, 1946.
Avon Ghost Reader / Ed. by Anonymous. – Avon, 1946. (Horror).
Bailey Carolyn. Miss Hickory. – Viking Press, 1946. (Fantasy).
Bailey Paul. Deliver Me From Eva. – Murray Gee, 1946.
Baker Frank. Before I Go Hence. – Dakers, 1946.
Baker Frank. Embers: A Winter Tale. – Coward McCann, 1946.
Bell Neil. Alpha and Omega, 1946.
Bell Neil. Life Comes to Seathorpe, 1946.
Benet Stephen. The Last Circle. – Farrar Strauss, 1946.
Bennett Alfred. Whom the Gods Destroy. – Pharos Books, 1946.
Bennett John. The Doctor to the Dead. – Rinehart, 1946.
Beresford J. The Gift, 1946.
The Best of Science Fiction / Ed. by Groff Conklin. – Crown, 1946.
Campbell John. Concerning Science Fiction.
MacDonald Anson. Solution Unsatisfactory.
Stockton Frank. The Great War Syndicate.
Padgett Lewis. The Piper's Son.
Cartmill Cleve. Deadline.
Simak Clifford. Lobby.
Heinlein Robert. Blowups Happen.
Stuart Don. Atomic Power.
Sturgeon Theodore. Killdozer.
Gallun Raymond. Davy Jones' Ambassador.
Colladay M. Giant in the Earth.
MacDonald Anson. Goldfish Bowl.
Keller David. The Ivy War.
Farley Ralph. Liquid Life.
Poe Edgar. Tale of the Ragged Mountains.
Doyle Arthur. The Great Keinplatz Experiment.
Wells H. The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes.
Huxley Julian. The Tissue-culture King.
Taine John. The Ultimate Catalyst.
Peregoy C. The Terrible Sense.
Wandrei Donald. A Scientist Divides.
Jameson Malcolm. Tricky Tonnage.
Zagat Arthur. The Lanson Screen.
Schachner Nat. The Ultimate Metal.
Stuart Don. The Machine.
Knight Norman. Short-Circuited Probability.
Van Vogt A. The Search.
Van Lorne W. The Upper Level Road.
Ernst Paul. The 32nd of May.
Bond Nelson. The Monster From Nowhere.
Leinster Murray. First Contact.
Heinlein Robert. Universe.
Asimov Isaac. Blind Alley.
West Wallace. En Route to Pluto.
White C. The Retreat to Mars.
Hall Adam. The Man Who Saved the Earth.
Diffin C. Spawn of the Stars.
Long Frank. The Flame Midget.
Boucher Anthony. Expedition.
Stone Leslie. The Conquest of Gola.
Rocklynne Ross. Jackdaw.
Bierce Ambrose. The Collected Writings of Ambrose Bierce. – Citadel, 1946.
Bilbo Jack. Out of My Mind. – The Modern Art Gallery, 1946.
Blackwood Algernon. The Doll and One Other. – Arkham, 1946.
Bond Nelson. Mr. Mergenthwirker's Lobblies and Other Fantastic Tales. – Coward-McCann, 1946.
Browne Reginald. School in Space, 1946.
Burroughs Edgar. Escape on Venus, 1946.
Bushness George. Handful of Ghosts, 1946.
Caldecott Sir. Not Exactly Ghosts, 1946.
Chetwynd Bridget. Future Imperfect, 1946.
Coppard A. Fearful Pleasures, 1946.
Creasey John. The House of Bears, 1946.
Cross John. The Owl and the Pussycat, 1946.
Cross Polton. Other Eyes Watching, 1946.
De Wohl Louis. Strange Daughter, 1946.
Duncan David. The Shade of Time, 1946.
Elliott William. Tomorrow's Spectacles, 1946.
Field Gans. Romance in Black, 1946.
Fisher Vardis. Intimations of Eve, 1946.
Frank Bruno. The Magician and Other Stories, 1946.
Frank Pat. Mr. Adam, 1946.
Gary Romain. Tulipe, 1946.
Gloag John. First One and Twenty, 1946.
Hackett, Sir John. The Third World War: August 1985.
Hamilton Edmond. The Dead Planet: Short Story // Startling Stories. – 1946. – Spr.
Hamilton Edmond. Murder in the Clinic. – London: Utopian, 1946.
Hamilton Edmond. Outlaw World: Novel // Startling Stories. – 1946. – Win. – (Captain Future).
Hargreaves Gerald. Atlanta – A Story of Atlantis, 1946.
Harper Harry. Dawn of the Space Age, 1946.
Harper Harry. Winged World, 1946.
Hartley L. Sixth Heaven, 1946.
Harvey W. Midnight Tales, 1946.
Hodgson William. The House on the Borderland; and Other Novels. – Arkham House, 1946.
Howard Robert. Skull-Face and Others, 1946.
Jenkins Will. The Murder of the U.S.A., 1946.
Jinn and Jitters / Ed. by E. J(ohn Ted) Carnell. – Pendulum, 1946.
Chibbett H. Jinn and Jitters.
Chibbett H. See?.
Devereux A. McGinty's Imp.
Chibbett H. Bottled Spirit.
Cockcroft W. You Can Be a Ghost!.
Jones Constance, Jones Guy. Peabody's Mermaid. – Random, 1946.
Kaner Hyman. People of the Twilight, 1946.
Kaner Hyman. The Sun Queen, 1946.
Kelley Thomas. I Found Cleopatra, 1946.
Kersh Gerald. Neither Man, Nor Dog, 1946.
Kline Otis. The Man Who Limped and Other Stories, 1946.
Lewis C. The Great Divorce: A Dream. – Geoffrey Bles, 1946. (Non-fiction).
Long Frank. The Hounds of Tindalos. – Arkham House, 1946.
Tymn, Horror Literature, *4-154; Bleiler, The Guide to Supernatural Fiction, 1034. (Horror).
Martin Peter. Summer in 3000: Not a Prophecy – A Parable, 1946.
Merritt Abraham. The Metal Monster, 1946.
More Anthony. Puzzle Box, 1946.
Mottram R. The Visit of the Princess, 1946.
Nabokov Vladimir. Bend Sinister. – A.C.McClurg & Co., 1946.
The Night Side / Ed. by August W. Derleth. – Rinehart, 1946.
Lovecraft H. The Colour Out of Space.
Wakefield H. The First Sheaf.
Kantor MacKinlay. The Moon-Caller.
Grendon Stephen. The Extra Passenger.
Dunsany Lord. Bethmoora.
Metcalfe John. The Smoking Leg.
Machen Arthur. The Exalted Omega.
Coppard A. Cheese.
Lawrence Margery. Mr. Minchin's Midsummer.
Kuttner Henry. Mimsy Were the Borogoves.
Wandrei H. The Eerie Mr. Murphy.
Bradbury Ray. The Smiling People.
Baker Denis. The Face in the Mirror.
Nelson Alan. Professor Pfaff's Last Recital.
De La Mare Walter. Seaton's Aunt.
Bond Nancy. The Mask of Medusa.
Swain John. One Head Well Done.
Creighton-Buck R. Joshua.
Bloch Robert. Enoch.
Norton Henry. Sammy Calls a Noobus.
Arnold H. The Night Wire.
Counselman Mary. The Three Marked Pennies.
Bowen Marjorie. Nightmare.
Nizzi Guido. The Victor, 1946.
Peake Mervyn. Titus Groan, 1946. – (Gormenghast. 1).
Pragnell Festus. The Terror from Timorkal, 1946.
Quinn Seabury. The Man in Crescent Terrace: Novelette // Weird Tales. – 1946. – Mar. – (Jules de Grandin).
Ray Rene. Wraxton Marne, 1946.
Rose F. The Maniac's Dream, 1946.
Seas of God / Ed. by Whit Burnett. – World, 1946.
Shocking Tales / Ed. by Robert K. Brunner. – Wyn, 1946.
Petronius. The Widow of Ephesus.
Hawthorne Nathaniel. Wakefield.
De Maupassant Guy. The Adopted Son.
Jacobsen J. Mrs. Fonss.
Andersen Hans. The Shadow.
Villiers de L'Isle Adam Auguste. The Desire To Be a Man.
Wilde Oscar. Lord Arthur Savile's Crime.
Maugham W. A Friend in Need.
Maturin Charles. The Parricide's Tale.
Villiers de L'Isle Adam Auguste. Torture by Hope.
Balzac Honore de. El Verdugo.
Daudet A. El Cabecilla.
De Quincey Thomas. Prologue.
De Quincey Thomas. Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts.
D'Aurevilly J. Happiness in Crime.
De Maupassant Guy. A Jolly Fellow.
Saki. The Blind Spot.
Huxley Aldous. The Gioconda Smile.
Faulkner William. A Rose for Emily.
Cameron O. The Quick and the Dead.
Poe Edgar. The Cask of Amontillado.
De Maupassant Guy. A Vendetta.
Wells H. The Reconciliation.
Merimee Prosper. The Pearl of Toledo.
Balzac Honore de. The Revolt of a Sheep.
De Maupassant Guy. The Man With the Dogs.
Poe Edgar. The Tell-Tale Heart.
Chekhov A. Sleepy.
Andreyev L. The Abyss.
Chamisso A. The Crucifix.
Poe Edgar. The Oval Portrait.
Villiers de L'Isle Adam Auguste. The Doctor's Heroism.
Simak Clifford. The Creator. – Crawford, 1946.
Smith E. The Skylark of Space, 1946. – (Skylark. 1).
Sowden Lewis. The Man Who Was Emperor, 1946.
Stapledon Olaf. Death into Life, 1946.
Strange to Tell / Ed. by Marjorie Fischer, Rolfe Humphries. – J.Messner, 1946.
Rilke R. The Unicorn.
Mann T. The Wardrobe.
Bunin Ivan. Adventure With a Handbag.
Caballero F. To Saragossa or Back to the Pond.
De Pourtales Guy. The Specter's Wedding.
Keller G. The Virgin as Nun.
Scott G. Nils Punctual and His Clocks.
Pirandello L. The Haunted House.
Goethe J. The New Melusina.
Andersen Hans. The Princess on the Pea.
Heine H. The Waterwitch Lurley.
Leskov N. The Spirit of Madame de Genlis.
Grimm Bros. The Devil Turned Pleader.
Undset S. The Ashald Who Made the Princess Say You Lie.
Merrimee P. Federigo.
Cyrano de Bergerac Savinien. A Voyage to the Moon.
Anonymous. Lord Arnaldos.
Hauff Wilhelm. The Story of the Haunted Ship.
Strinberg A. The Big Gravel-Sifter.
Lafourge J. Perseus and Andromeda.
Nizan P. About Theseus.
Verlaine P. Woman and Cat.
Couperus L. Bluebeard's Daughter.
Clemenceau G. A Domestic Drama.
Goethe J. The Waterman.
Verne Jules. Dr. Ox's Experiment.
Gorki M. The Man With a National Face.
Pirandello L. Tortoises for Luck.
Capek Karel. The Musical Conductor's Story.
Gorki M. The Writer.
Kafka Franz. The Hunter Gracchus.
Proust M. The Stranger.
Hugo V. The Djinns.
Bontempelli M. The Avenging Film.
Gautier Theophile. Two Actors for One Role.
Grimm Bros. Gambling Hanzel.
Afanasiev. The Wondrous Wonder, the Marvellous Marvel.
Korolenko V. Makar's Dream.
Holberg Ludvig. Voyage to the Region of the Prodigies.
Saltykov M. How a Muzhik Fed Ten Russian Officials.
Leonardo da Vinci. The Elk, When Captured Asleep.
Averchenko A. The Beyond.
Krylov Ivan. The Wolf in the Kennels.
Silone I. A Trip to Paris.
Perez I. Bontche Schweig.
Asch S. God's Breath.
Zweig A. The Apparition.
Azorin. The First Miracle.
Tolstoi L. The Three Hermits.
John the Hermit. A Convent Tragedy.
Anonymous. The Milk White Doe.
MacOrlan P. By the Light of the Lanterns.
De Moncrieff P. The Isle of Liberty.
De la Serna R. The Master of the Atom.
Bloch Jean. The Death of Oedipus.
Kafka Franz. The City Coat of Arms.
Voltaire. Plato's Dream.
Hugo V. The Hunter in Black.
Boisyvon Y., Boisyvon J. Mr. Maillochin Was Going Home.
Feuchtwanger L. Faithful Peter.
Munch. Hindenburg's March Into London.
Besnard L. Laughs Under the Heel.
Aragon L. Penitent 43.
Cassou J. Sonnet VII.
Anonymous. From the Trial of Joan of Arc.
De Pourtales Guy. The Miracle of Twelfth Night.
Colette. Story for the Little Children of Poilus.
Verhaeren E. In the North.
Strong L. Let Me Go // The Strand. – 1946. – Dec.
Taine John. The Time Stream. – Buffalo Book Co., 1946.
Trevor Elleston. The Immortal Error, 1946.
Van Vogt A. Slan, 1946.
Van Vogt A. The Weapon Makers, 1946. – (Weapon Shops. 2).
Waugh Evelyn. Scott-King's Modern Europe. – A.C.McClurg & Co., 1946.
White T. Mistress Masham's Repose. – Penzler, 1946. – (Gulliver).
White T. Mistress Masham's Repose. – Putnam, 1946.
Who Knocks? / Ed. by August W. Derleth. – Rinehart, 1946.
Freeman Mary. The Shadows on the Wall.
Blackwood Algernon. Running Wolf.
Coppard A. Old Martin.
Grendon Stephen. Alannah.
Lovecraft H. The Shunned House.
Bradbury Ray. The Lake.
Wakefield H. The Seventeenth Hole at Duncaster.
Harvey W. The Ankardyne Pew.
Sturgeon Theodore. It.
Quinn Seabury. The Phantom Farmhouse.
Le Fanu J. Squire Toby's Will.
Benson E. Negotium Perambulans.
Sinclair May. The Intercessor.
Schnirring Alice. The Dear Departed.
White Edward. The House of the Nightmare.
Hampton Edgar. A Reversion to Type.
Asquith Cynthia. The Follower.
Whitehead H. The Ravel «Pavane».
Burks Arthur. The Ghosts of Steamboat Coulee.
Steele W. The Woman at Seven Brothers.
Wright S. The Witchfinder, 1946.
Yefremov Ivan. A Meeting Over Tuscarora and Other Adventure Tales, 1946.