Библиография фантастики: 1938

Adams Samuel. The World Goes Smash, 1938.

Bell Neil. One Came Back, 1938.

Benet Stephen. Jonny Pye and the Fool Killer. – Countryman Press, 1938.

Blackwood Algernon. Tales of Algernon Blackwood. – M.Secker, 1938.

Bloch Robert. Beetles: Short Story // Weird Tales. – 1938. – Dec.

Bloch Robert. The Eyes of the Mummy: Short Story // Weird Tales. – 1938. – Apr. – (Sebek).

Burks Arthur. The Great Amen, 1938.

Burroughs Edgar. The Lad and the Lion, 1938.

Burroughs Edgar. Tarzan and the Forbidden City, 1938. – (Tarzan. 23).

Clouston J. Not Since Genesis, 1938.

Corbett James. The Man with Nine Lives, 1938.

Corbett James. The Moon Killer, 1938.

Cowles Frederick. The Night Wind Howls, 1938.

Creasey John. Death Stands By, 1938.

Creasey John. The Fighting Fliers, 1938.

Creasey John. Menace!, 1938.

Desmond Shaw. Chaos, 1938.

Desmond Shaw. World-Birth, 1938.

Farley Ralph. The House of Ecstasy: Short Story // Weird Tales. – 1938. – Apr.

The Flying Yorkshireman / Ed. by Whit Burnett. – H.Hamilton, 1938.

The Flying Yorkshireman / Ed. by Whit Burnett. – Harper, 1938.
Bleiler, The Guide to Supernatural Fiction, 965. 5 novelettes (from «Story» magazine) and a note by W.Burnett and Martha Foley..
Knight Eric. The Flying Yorkshireman.
Hull Helen. Snow in Summer.
Maltz A. Season of Celebration.
Maddux Rachel. Turnip's Blood.
Kapstein I. The Song the Summer Evening Sings.

Fortune Dion. The Sea Priestess, 1938.

Gloag John. It Makes a Nice Change, 1938.

Hamilton Edmond. He That Hath Wings: Novelette // Weird Tales. – 1938. – Jul.

Hamilton Edmond. The Isle of the Sleeper: Short Story // Weird Tales. – 1938. – May.

Housman Laurence. What Next? Provocative Tales of Faith and Morals, 1938.

Hunter Norman. Larky Legends, 1938.

Hyne C. Ivory Valley, 1938.

Kaul Fedor. A Modern Monte Cristo, 1938.

Keller David. The Sign of the Burning Hart, 1938.

Lewis C. Out of the Silent Planet. – John Lane, 1938.

Lovecraft H. A History of the «Necronomicon». – Visionary Publishing Co., 1938. (Non-fiction).

Mann Jack. Grey Shapes, 1938.

Mann Jack. The Kleinert Case, 1938.

Mann Jack. Maker of Shadows, 1938.

Marvell Andrew. Minimum Man; or, Time to Be Gone, 1938.

Maurois Andre. The Thought-Reading Machine, 1938.

Nathan Robert. The Barly Fields, 1938.

Owen Frank. A Husband for Kutani, 1938.

Phillpots Eden. Saurus, 1938.

Priestley J. The Doomsday Men, 1938.

Rand Ayn. Anthem, 1938.

Rohmer Sax. The Drums of Fu Manchu, 1938.

Rohmer Sax. The Golden Scorpion Omnibus, 1938.

Rohmer Sax. The Sax Rohmer Omnibus, 1938.

Sinclair Upton. Our Lady, 1938.

Stuart Don. Who Goes There? // Astounding. – 1938. – Aug.

Warner Rex. The Professor, 1938.

Waugh Evelyn. Scoop, 1938.

Wells H. Star Begotten, 1938.

Wheatley Dennis. Uncharted Seas, 1938.

White T. Burke's Steerage; or, The Amateur Gentleman's Introduction to Noble Sports and Pastimes. – Collins, 1938. (Non-fiction).

White T. The Sword in the Stone. – Collins, 1938. – (Arthur. 1). (Fantasy).

Wright S. The Adventures of Wyndham Smith, 1938.

Wright S. The Hidden Tribe, 1938.