Библиография фантастики: 1937
Adventures to Come / Ed. by J. Berg Esenwein. – McLoughlin Bros., 1937.
Copeman B. A Man in the Moon Comes Down.
Arnold J. A Life by Television.
Kent R. The Cruise of the S-900.
Watson R. Twenty-Five Miles Aloft.
Richards N. Science Steals a March.
Copeman B. Dawn Attack.
Bradford J. Pirate of the Air.
Leslie N. Six Hundred Fathoms.
Franthway B. It's Going To Be True.
Benet Stephen. The Devil and Daniel Webster. – Readers League of America, 1937.
Benet Stephen. Thirteen O'Clock. – Farrar Rinehart, 1937.
Brunngraber Rudolf. Radium, 1937.
Burroughs Edgar. Back to the Stone Age, 1937.
Cabell James. Smire, 1937.
Capek Karel. War With the Newts, 1937.
Carr J. The Burning Court, 1937.
Century of Thrillers: Vol. 1 / Ed. by Anonymous. – President Press, 1937.
Hammett D. Death & Co..
Wallace Edgar. The Magic of Fear.
Christie Agatha. Jewel Robbery at the Grand Metropolitan.
Doyle Arthur. The Adventure of the Speckled Band.
Doyle Arthur. The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle.
Lawrence D. The Prussian Officer.
Rohmer Sax. Tcheriapin.
Chesterton G. The Queer Feet.
Stevenson Robert. The Pavilion on the Links.
Maugham W. The Taipan.
Oppenheim E. The Great Bear.
Stoker Bram. The Squaw.
Aumonier S. Miss Bracegirdle Does Her Duty.
Poe Edgar. The Gold Bug.
Poe Edgar. The Cask of Amontillado.
Poe Edgar. Murder in the Rue Morgue.
Poe Edgar. The Mystery of Marie Roget.
Century of Thrillers: Vol. 2 / Ed. by Anonymous. – President Press, 1937.
Rinehart M. Locked Doors.
Wells H. Pollock and the Porroh Man.
Queen Ellery. Adventure of the Three Lame Men.
Byrne Donn. Tale of the Piper.
Cohen O. A Gentleman for a Night.
Bierce Ambrose. One of the Missing.
Bierce Ambrose. The Affair at Coulter's Notch.
Arlen Michael. The Gentleman From America.
De Maupassant Guy. Night.
De Maupassant Guy. The Drowned Man.
Crawford F. The Upper Berth.
Reeve Arthur. The Silent Bullet.
London Jack. When the World Was Young.
Collins Wilkie. The Traveller's Story of a Terribly Strange Bed.
Collins Wilkie. The Biter Bit.
Green Anna. The Doctor, His Wife, and the Clock.
Le Fanu J. Sir Dominick Sarsfield.
Le Fanu J. Green Tea.
Blackwood Algernon. The Woman's Ghost Story.
Wolfe A. The Knights of the Silver Dagger.
Century of Thrillers: Vol. 3 / Ed. by Anonymous. – President Press, 1937.
Fletcher J. The Lighthouse of Shivering Sand.
Fletcher J. The Ivory God.
Barham R. The Spectre of Tappington.
Gaskell Elizabeth. The Squire's Story.
Post Melville. The Corpus Delicti.
Shelley Mary. The Mortal Immortal.
Ellis N. A. Diver's Drops.
Dickens Charles. The Story of the Bagman's Uncle.
Dickens Charles. A Madman's Manuscript.
Dickens Charles. The Trial for Murder.
Parkman Sidney. The Cards.
Wilde Oscar. The Birthday of the Infanta.
Henry O. The Last Leaf.
Hawthorne Nathaniel. Roger Malvin's Burial.
Wood Henry. The Ebony Box.
Scott, Sir Walter. Wandering Willie's Tale.
Scott, Sir Walter. The Two Drovers.
Alan A. My Adventure at Chiselhurst.
Alan A. The Hair.
Benson E. The Thing in the Hall.
Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur. A Pair of Hands.
Constantine Murray. Swastika Night, 1937.
Coppard A. The Ninepenny Flute, 1937.
Creasey John. The Air Marauders, 1937.
Creasey John. Carriers of Death, 1937.
Creasey John. Days of Danger, 1937.
Creasey John. The S.O.S. Flight, 1937.
Dunsany Lord. Plays for Earth and Air, 1937.
The Evening Standard Second Book of Strange Stories / Ed. by Anonymous. – Hutchinson, 1937. (Weird).
Stern Gladys. The Hazard of the Spanish Horses.
Lardner R. Man Not Overboard.
Hooper L. All Fools Court.
Stokes S. Air Lock A.G.75.
Abdullah Achmed. The Shrine of the Poly Pir.
Dumas Alexandre. My Adventure at Soissons.
Wren P. The Statue and the Bust.
Bentley Phyllis. Conversion.
Carol Richard. The Magic of Hussein.
Boutet F. Lenoir and Keller.
Pushkin A. The Ace of Spades.
Thomson C. The Shuttlecock of the Ritz-Ritz.
De Sauviniere A. The Raiser of Spectres.
Talland J. Reincarnation.
Connor R. Rats.
Saki. Gabriel-Ernest.
Ambrose Eric. The Man Who Died.
Manhood H. Wish Me Luck.
Hilton James. Lives of Men.
Wallace Edgar. White Stockings.
Warren Kathleen. Remnant of '22.
Preedy G. An Anecdote.
Walrond E. Inciting to Riot.
Collier John. The Right Side.
Sayers Dorothy. Maher-Shalal-Hashbaz.
Currey R. The Black Dog.
Le Fanu J. Wicked Captain Walshawe.
Ambrose Eric. Carlton's Father.
Turgenev I. The Adventure of the Second Lieutenant Bubnov.
Anonymous. The Suitor of Selkirk.
Kosztolanyi D. The Honest Finder.
Christie Agatha. The Veiled Lady.
Stuart F. Love or Money.
Forster E. Co-ordinator.
White T. Shining Hat at Tarring Neville.
Robinson Spider. The Departure.
Brophy J. Mrs. Langpool's Buffalo.
Macarthur D. The Chasm.
Jones H. Marriott's Monkey.
James M. A School Story.
Gloag John. Galley Trot Blind.
Kent M. Supper at Borgy's.
Bennett E. Postscript.
Halper A. Going to Market.
Caldwell Erskine. The First Autumn.
Bromfield Louis. The Urn.
Matson N. Death on the Straightaway.
Strauss R. Horse of Death.
Morris Gouverneur. Derrick's Return.
Fleming P. Felipe.
Bottome Phyllis. Spellbound.
Linklater Eric. Country Born.
Caperton Helena. Oblivion.
Walpole Horace. The Snow.
Komroff Manuel. So You Won't Talk.
Lindsay J. Judgment in the Underworld.
Cheyney Peter. Nice Work.
Golding Louis. Painted Love.
Fessier Michael. Over the Hill.
Deutsch H. Doo-Doom Got to Hang.
Wheeler P. The Diviner and the Poor Woman.
Brooks Walter. Like a Diamond in the Sky.
Komroff Manuel. Siamese Hands.
Burke Thomas. The Horrible God.
Joseph M. The Yellow Cat.
Stern Gladys. Quiet Corner.
Jameson Storm. Murder.
Peterson H. Lum Lo's Idol.
Ayme Marcel. The Dwarf.
Beachcroft T. The Ringed Word.
Turner J. The House in the Wood.
Bowen Marjorie. The Pleasant Husband.
Burke Thomas. The Shadow and the Bone.
Pakenham Pansie. The Cook's Room.
Campbell Violet. Lady Harpton's Garden Party.
Biro L. Doctors.
Dunsany Lord. A Drink From a Running Stream.
Folsom Eliz. Towers of Flame.
Curtiss P. Reconstruction of Chilton Hills.
Arnoux A. The Late Bernard.
Hopman F. The Bearer of the Message.
Acheson E. Hide Your Eyes.
La Farge O. Haunted Ground.
Burnet D. Beauty in His Brain.
Fialko Nathan. The New City, 1937.
Finney Charles. The Unholy City, 1937.
The Ghost Book: They Walk Again / Ed. by Colin De La Mare. – Dutton, 1937.
Grant Joan. Winged Pharaoh, 1937.
Hamilton Edmond. The Seeds From Outside: Short Story // Weird Tales. – 1937. – Mar.
Hunter Norman. Professor Branestawm's Treasure Hunt, 1937.
Jones Glyn. The Blue Bed and Other Stories, 1937.
Kafka Franz. Metamorphosis, 1937.
Kafka Franz. The Trial, 1937.
Kline Otis. The Call of the Savage, 1937.
Large Ernest. Sugar in the Air, 1937.
Low A. Adrift in the Stratosphere, 1937.
Low A. Mars Breaks Through, 1937.
Mann Jack. Nightmare Farm, 1937.
Masterpieces of Mystery – Vol. 3, Mystic-Humorous / Ed. by Joseph Lewis French. – Garden City Pub. Co., 1937.
Masterpieces of Mystery – Vol. 4, Riddle Stories / Ed. by Joseph Lewis French. – Garden City Pub. Co., 1937.
Omnibus / Ed. by Christine Campbell Thomson. – A.C.McClurg & Co., 1937. (Horror).
Oppenheim E. The Dumb Gods Speak, 1937.
Phillpots Eden. Lycanthrope, 1937.
Powys John. Morwyn; or, The Vengeance of God, 1937.
Priestley J. Two Time Plays, 1937.
Pseudoman Akkad. Zero to Eighty, 1937.
Quakes / Ed. by Anonymous. – P.Allan, 1937. – (Creeps Library).
Shiel M. The Young Men are Coming, 1937.
Sloane William. To Walk the Night, 1937.
Stapledon Olaf. Star Maker, 1937.
Stuart Don. Forgetfulness: [Novella] // Astounding. – 1937. – Jun.
Tolkien J. The Hobbit or There and Back Again. – George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1937. (Fantasy).
Warner Rex. The Wild Goose Chase, 1937.
Wells H. Star-Begotten. – Viking, 1937.
Wharton Edith. Ghosts, 1937.
Wheatley Dennis. The Secret War, 1937.
Williams Charles. Descent into Hell, 1937.
Wright S. Megiddo's Ridge, 1937.
Wright S. The Screaming Lake, 1937.