Библиография фантастики: 1909
Ash Fenton. The Sunday Circle, 1909.
Baum L. The Road to Oz. – Reilly & Lee, 1909. (Fantasy).
Benson R. The Necromancers, 1909.
Cabell James. Chivalry: Dizain des Reines, 1909.
Cabell James. The Cords of Vanity: A Comedy of Shirking, 1909.
Caine Hall. The White Prophet, 1909.
Chester George. The Cash Intrigue, 1909.
Chesterton G. The Ball and the Cross, 1909.
Clouston J. Tales of King Fido, 1909.
Futrelle Jacques. The Diamond Master, 1909.
Hodgson William. The Ghost Pirates, 1909.
Mastin John. Through the Sun in an Airship, 1909.
Norton Roy. The Toll of the Sea, 1909.
Parabellum. Banzai!. – Baker & Taylor, 1909.
Richards Charles. Atalanta, 1909.
Shiel M. The Isle of Lies, 1909.
Stoker Bram. The Lady of the Shroud, 1909.
Twain Mark. Extracts from Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven, 1909. (Humor).