Библиография фантастики: 1904
Bangs John. The Inventions of an Idiot. – Harper, 1904.
Baum L. The Land of Oz. – Reilly & Lee, 1904. (Fantasy).
Baring-Gould Sabine. A Book of Ghosts. – Putnam, 1904.
Benson A. The Isles of Sunset. – Isbister, 1904.
Cabell James. The Eagle's Shadow: A Comedy of Purse-Strings, 1904.
Chambers Robert. In Search of the Unknown, 1904.
Chesterton G. The Napoleon of Notting Hill, 1904.
Conrad Joseph. Nostromo, 1904.
Cromie Robert. El Dorado, 1904.
Douglas Sir. The New Border Tales, 1904.
Foster W. The Eve of War, 1904.
Griffith George. A Criminal Croesus, 1904.
Griffith George. The Stolen Submarine, 1904.
Gunter Archibald. The City of Mystery, 1904.
Halidom M. The Weird Transformation, 1904.
Harben Will. The Land of the Changing Sun, 1904.
Hudson W. Green Mansions, 1904.
Hyne C. Atoms of Empire, 1904.
James M. Ghost Stories of an Antiquary, 1904.
Jokai Mor. Tales From Jokai, 1904.
M'Cutcheon George. Beverly of Graustark. – A.C.McClurg & Co., 1904. (Fantasy).
Morris Gouverneur. The Pagan's Progress, 1904.
Nesbit Edith. The Phoenix and the Carpet, 1904. (Fantasy).
Saki. Reginald, 1904.
Stables Gordon. In Regions of Perpetual Show, 1904.
Thorne Guy. When It Was Dark, 1904.
Wells H. The Food of the Gods, 1904.