Библиография фантастики: 1899
Allen Grant. Twelve Tales. – G.Richards, 1899.
Aubrey Frank. A Queen of Atlantis: A Romance of Caribbean, 1899.
Bangs John. The Dreamers: A Club. – Harper, 1899.
Bangs John. The Enchanted Type-Writer. – Harper, 1899.
Beale Charles. The Secret of the Earth, 1899.
Bierce Ambrose. Fantastic Fables. – Putnam, 1899.
Buchan John. Grey Weather, 1899.
Capes Bernard. At a Winter's Fire, 1899.
Cory Charles. Montezuma's Castle and Other Weird Tales, 1899.
Dahlgren Madeleine. The Woodley Lane Ghost and Other Stories, 1899.
Dake Charles. A Strange Discovery, 1899.
Dryasdust. Tales of the Wonder Club, 1899.
Fraser William. The Eye of a God and Other Tales of East and West, 1899.
Graham Kenneth. Dream Days, 1899.
Griffith George. Great Pirate Syndicate, 1899.
Haggard H. Swallow: A Tale of the Great Trek, 1899.
Hale Edward. The Brick Moon and Other Stories, 1899.
London Jack. A Thousand Deaths: Short Story // The Black Cat. – 1899. – May.
One of Those Coincidences and Ten Other Stories by Julian Hawthorne and Others / Ed. by Anonymous. – Funk & Wagnall's, 1899.
Hawthorne Julian. One of Those Coincidences.
Beard W. Francisco.
Tolstoy L. The Taper.
Roberts Charles. How Viardeau Obeyed the Black Abbe.
Kingsley Florence. John Merril's Experiment in Palmistry.
Hardenbrook, Mrs. L. The Strange Case of Esther Atkins.
Clarke A. Jacob City.
Wagnalls Mabel. Selma the Soprano.
Kingsley Florence. At the End of His Rope.
Francis Mary. The Easter of La Mercedes.
Avary Myrta. Romance of a Tin Roof and a Fire-Escape.
Pratt Cornelia, Slee Richard. Dr Berkeley's Discovery, 1899.
Preston-Muddock J. Tales of Terror. – A.C.McClurg & Co., 1899. (Horror).
Stockton Frank. The Vizier of the Two-Horned Alexander, 1899.
Waterloo Stanley. The Wolf's Long Howl, 1899.
Wells H. Tales of Space and Time, 1899.
Wells H. When the Sleeper Wakes, 1899.