Библиография фантастики: 1897
Bangs John. The Pursuit of the House-Boat. – Harper, 1897.
Beale Charles. The Ghost of Guir House, 1897.
Bellamy Edward. Equality, 1897.
Bright Mary. Fantasias. – J.Lane, 1897.
Chambers Robert. The Mystery of Choice, 1897.
Corelli Marie. Ziska, the Problems of a Wicked Soul, 1897.
Dawson Emma. An Itinerant House and Other Stories, 1897.
French Alice. The Missionary Sheriff, 1897.
Griffith George. Briton or Boer?, 1897.
Hepworth George. The Queerest Man Alive and Other Stories, 1897.
Hichens Robert. Bye-Ways, 1897.
Marsh Richard. The Beetle. – A.C.McClurg & Co., 1897. (Horror).
Morrow William. The Ape, The Idiot and Other People. – A.C.McClurg & Co., 1897. (Horror).
Munro John. A Trip to Venus, 1897.
Pemberton Max. The Iron Pirate, 1897.
Pemberton Max. Queen of the Jesters, 1897.
Russell W. A Tale of Two Tunnels, 1897.
Stockton Frank. The Great Stone of Sardis. – Harper & Brothers, 1897.
Stoker Bram. Dracula, 1897.
Waterloo Stanley. The Story of Ab. – Way and Williams, 1897.
Wells H. The Invisible Man, 1897.
Wells H. The Plattner Story and Others, 1897.