Библиография фантастики: 1892
Barr Robert. In a Steamer Chair and Other Shipboard Stories, 1892.
Besant Walter. The Ivory Gate, 1892.
Black William. The Magic Ink and Other Stories. – Harper, 1892.
Blavatsky H. Nightmare Tales. – Theosophical Pub. Soc., 1892.
Bradshaw William. The Goddess of Atvatabar. – J.F.Douthitt, 1892.
Donnelly Ignatius. The Golden Bottle, 1892.
Doyle Arthur. Lot No. 249: Novelette // Harper's. – 1892. – Sep.
Granville Austyn. The Fallen Race, 1892.
Haggard H. Nada the Lily, 1892.
Hume Fergus. Chronicles of Fairy Land, 1892.
Hyne C. The New Eden, 1892.
Laurie Andre. The Secret of the Magian, 1892.
Potter Robert. The Germ Growers, 1892.
Traill Henry. Number Twenty, fables and fantasies. – A.C.McClurg & Co., 1892. (Fantasy).
Wallace King. The Next War, 1892.