Библиография фантастики: 1887
Alexander Sigmund. 10 of Us: Original Stories and Sketches. – Laughton MacDonald & Co., 1887.
Alexander Sigmund. The Veiled Beyond, 1887.
Baker George. Mrs. Hephaestus and Other Short Stories. – White Stokes & Allen, 1887.
Haggard H. Allan Quatermain, 1887.
Haggard H. Allan the Hunter: A Tale of Three Lions, 1887.
Haggard H. Jess, 1887.
Haggard H. She: A History of Adventure, 1887.
Hudson W. A Crystal Age, 1887.
Pyle Howard. The Wonder Clock: or Four and Twenty Marvellous Tales. – A.C.McClurg & Co., 1887. (Fantasy).
Russell W. The Frozen Pirate, 1887.
Westall William. A Queer Race, 1887.