Хауэлл И.

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Хауэлл, Ивонн (Howell, Yvonne Helen) (р. ) - американская исследовательница фантастики..



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Др. соч.:


Апокалиптический реализм: Научная фантастика Аркадия и Бориса Стругацких /Пер. с англ. Е. Нестеровой. - Бостон (США): Academic Studies Press; СПб.: БиблиоРоссика, 2021. 192 с. 500 экз. ISBN 978-1-6446945-2-7; ISBN 978-5-6044709-2-3 (Современная западная русистика / Contemporary Western Rusistika) [Сер. оформл. И. Граве; В оформл. обл. исп. картина А. Граве; Директор изд-ва И. Немировский; Зав. ред. К. Тверьянович; Отв. ред. И. Знаешева; Дизайн И. Граве; Ред. Р. Рудницкий] [Yvonne Howell. Apocalyptic Realism]





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Apocalyptic Realism: The Science Fiction of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. - New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 1994. X+174 pp. ISBN 212-764-1471 (Russian and East European Studies in Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture 1)


From ‘sots-romanticism’ to rom-com: the Strugatskii’s ‘Monday Begins on Saturday’ as a film comedy //Science Fiction Film and Television 8.2 (2015), P. 127-143.

The Genetics of Genius: Biosocial mechanisms of higher intellectual activity: V.P. Efroimson and the Biosocial Mechanisms of Heightened Intellectual Activity //Madness and the Mad in Russian Culture /Ed. by A. Brintlinger and I.Vinitsky. - University of Toronto Press, 2007. P. 208-225.

The Genetics of Morality: Policing Science in Dudintsev’s ‘White Robes’” //Policing Literary Theory /Ed. by Michailescu and Takayuki. - Leiden, London: Brill, 2017.

Genrikh Altshuller and TRIZ (Theory of Innovative Problem-Solving) //A Convenient Territory: Essays in Honor of Barry Scherr /Ed. by John Kopper and Michael Wachtel. - Bloomington, IN: Slavica, 2015. P. 355-366.

The Science Fictionality of Russian Culture: Literature by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky //Lingua Cosmica: Science Fiction from Around The World /Ed. by Dale Knickerbocker. - Urbana-Champagne: U of Illinois Press, 2017. P. 201-220.

When ‘Boy Meets Tractor’ Became ‘Scientist Meets Cybernetics’: Post-War Scientific Paradigms and the Socialist Realist Plot //Neohelicon 41.2 (2014) P. 391-399.

Baring the Brain As Well As The Soul: Milan Kundera’s The Joke //Philosophy and Literature, 2010. # 34. P. 201-217.

The Liberal Gene: Sociobiology as Emancipatory Discourse in the late Soviet Union //Slavic Review, 2010. # 69, Summer. P. 356-376.

Eugenics, Rejuvenation, and Bulgakov’s Journey into the Heart of Dogness //Slavic Review, 2006. Fall. P. 544-562.



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