Лафферти Р.

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Лафферти, Р(афаэль) А(лойзиус) (Lafferty, R[aphael] A[loysius]) (р. 7 ноября [11 июля?] 1914, Неола, Айова [Neola, Iowa] - 18 марта 2002, Брокен Арроу, Оклахома [Broken Arrow, Oklahoma]) - американский писатель-фантаст. Семья ирландского происхождения. Отец - Хью Дэвид (Hugh David Lafferty), нефтяной брокер, мать - Джулия Мэри Бэрк (Julia Mary Burke), школьная учительница. Младший из пяти детей - старшие Эдвард (умер в детстве, до рождения Л.), Джозеф, Фрэнк, Анна. Должен был родиться в день Святого Рафаэля, но родился на две недели позже. В 1918 переехал с семьей в Перри (Perry), а в 1920 - Талсу, штат Оклахома (Tulsa, Oklahoma), где и прожил всю жизнь. Учился в 1932-33 в Университете Талсы (University of Tulsa). По некоторым сведениям, работал в газете. Работал с 1936 в Clark Electrical Supply Co. Инженер-электрик (получил образование заочно, по почте, в International Correspondence School в 1939-42, по другим сведениям - после войны, используя военное пособие на образование). В 1942-46 служил в армии, старший сержант (или штаб-сержант). Награжден Звездой за Новогвинейскую кампанию. Работал электриком в строительных фирмах. Начал писать лишь в 45 лет. Вышел на пенсию в 1970.

В возрасте десяти лет прочитал и запомнил "Мировую историю" издательства Грольер, которую мог цитировать наизусть кусками десятилетия спустя.

Католик, что сказалось на стиле его произведений, вызвав сравнения с Г.К. Честертоном.

Холостяк. Жил вместе с сестрой. Не умел водить машину. Пил. Говорят, что писательство отвлекало его от алкоголя,

Особую роль в его произведениях играют индейцы и змеи.

Первое опубликованное произведение - рассказ "Телеги" ("Wagons", 1959).

Первое НФ произведение - рассказ "День ледника" ("The Day of the Glacier", 1960).

Перестал писать в 1984, видимо, в результате инсульта, перенесенного в 1980. Второй тяжелый инсульт в 1994, после которого он провел остаток жизни в доме для больных, требующих постоянного ухода, в Брокен Арроу.

Был постоянным участником и активистом Оклахомских конвентов любителей фантастики (Oklahoma Science Fiction Convention) начиная с первого в 1977.

Премии: Феникс (Phoenix) (1971), Invisible Little Man Award (1972), Хьюго (1973), Smith Award (1973), Артура Кларка (1988), World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement Award (1990), Arrell Gibson Lifetime Achievement Award (1995).

Рукописи Л. хранятся в Университете Айовы (получены в 1979) и Университете Талсы (McFarlin Library, Special Collections).

Произведения Л. переведены на болгарский, венгерский, грузинский, китайский, корейский, монгольский, немецкий, польский, сербско-хорватский, словацкий, французский, чешский, японский.


См. также: ХЬЮГО

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7 страшных дней: Юмористический рассказ /Пер. с англ. И. Бернштейн; Илл. О. Добролюбовой //ЮТ, 1965. № 8. С. 51-54. [Как Р.А. Лэфферти] [Seven-Day Terror]

И никаких известняковых островов /Перевод Александра Грузберга //Сборник научной фантастики. В. 52. – Липецк: Крот, 2012. С. 116-125.

Прожорливая красотка /Пер. с англ. Р. Нудельмана; Илл. Н. Кошкина //ЗС, 1974. № 2. С. 56-58. [Hog-Belly Honey]

Семь страшных дней /Пер. с англ. И. Бернштейн; Илл. О. Теслера //Сельская молодежь, 1965. № 9. С. 21-22. [Как Р. Лефферти] [Seven-Day Terror]

Др. соч.:






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Nine Hundred Grandmothers. - Ace, 1970. pb

[All the People (ss); Frog on the Mountain (nv); Ginny Wrapped in the Sun (ss); Guesting Time (ss); Hog-Belly Honey (ss); The Hole on the Corner (ss); In Our Block (ss); Land of the Great Horses (ss); Name of the Snake (ss); Narrow Valley (ss); Nine Hundred Grandmothers (ss); One at a Time (ss); Polity and Custom of the Camiroi (ss); Primary Education of the Camiroi (ss); Seven-Day Terror (ss); The Six Fingers of Time (nv); Slow Tuesday Night (ss); Snuffles (nv); Through Other Eyes (ss); Thus We Frustrate Charlemagne (ss) ; What's the Name of That Town? (ss)]

Does Anyone Else Have Something Further to Add? - Scribner's, 1972. hc

[About a Secret Crocodile (ss); Adam Had Three Brothers (ss); Boomer Flats (ss); Golden Trabant (ss); Groaning Hinges of the World (ss); How They Gave It Back (ss); In the Garden (ss); Mad Man (ss); The Man Underneath (ss); Maybe Jones and the City (ss); Nor Limestone Islands (ss); Pig in a Pokey (ss); Seven Story Dream (ss); This Grand Carcass (ss); The Ultimate Creature (ss); The Weirdest World (nv)]

Strange Doings. - Scribner's, 1972. hc (DAW pb)

[All But the Words (ss); Aloys (ss); Camels and Dromedaries, Clem (ss); Cliffs That Laughed (ss); Continued on Next Rock (nv); Dream (ss); Encased in Ancient Rind (nv); Entire and Perfect Chrysolite (ss); The Man with the Speckled Eyes (ss); Once on Aranea (ss); Rainbird (ss); Ride a Tin Can (ss); Sodom and Gomorrah, Texas (ss); The Transcendent Tigers (ss); The Ugly Sea (ss); World Abounding (nv)]

Strange Doings. - DAW , 1972. pb

[All But the Words (ss); Aloys (ss); Camels and Dromedaries, Clem (ss); Cliffs That Laughed (ss); Continued on Next Rock (nv); Dream (ss); Encased in Ancient Rind (nv); Entire and Perfect Chrysolite (ss); The Man with the Speckled Eyes (ss); Once on Aranea (ss); Rainbird (ss); Ride a Tin Can (ss); Sodom and Gomorrah, Texas (ss); The Transcendent Tigers (ss); The Ugly Sea (ss); World Abounding (nv)]

Apocalypses. - Pinnacle, 1977.

[The Three Armageddons of Enniscorthy Sweeney (nv); Where Have You Been, Sandaliotis? (nv)]

Golden Gate and Other Stories. - Corroboree, 1982. hc

[Bequest of Wings (ss); The Boding Itch (ss); The Cliff Climbers (ss); Condillac's Statue (ss); Days of Grass, Days of Straw (ss); Eurema's Dam (ss); Fall of Pebble-Stones (ss); Golden Gate (ss); Ishmael Into the Barrens (nv); Make Sure the Eyes Are Big Enough (ss); Marsilia V (ss); McGruder's Marvels (ss); Mr. Hamadryad (nv); One-Eyed Mocking-Bird (ss); Sky, (ss); Tongues of the Matagorda (ss)]

Through Elegant Eyes. - Corroboree, 1983. hc

[The All-At-Once Man (ss); And All the Skies Are Full of Fish (ss); And Read the Flesh Between the Lines (ss); Animal Fair (nv); Barnaby's Clock (ss); Brain Fever Season (ss); The Hellaceous Rocket of Harry O'Donovan (ss); Mud Violet (nv); Old Halloweens on the Guna Slopes (ss); Rivers of Damascus (nv); St. Poleander's Eve (nv); The Two-Headed Lion of Cris Benedetti (ss); The Ungodly Mice of Doctor Drakos (ss); The Wooly World of Barnaby Sheen (ss); What Big Tears the Dinosaur's (ss)]

Ringing Changes. - Ace, 1984. pb (retitle of Days of Grass..., European ed),

[Among the Hairy Earthmen (ss); And Name My Name (ss); And Read the Flesh Between the Lines (ss); And Some in Velvet Gowns (ss); Been a Long, Long Time (ss); Brain Fever Season (ss); Days of Grass, Days of Straw (ss); The Doggone Highly Scientific Door (ss); Dorg (ss); For All Poor Folks at Picketwire (ss); In Outraged Stone (ss); Interurban Queen (ss); Oh Whatta You Do When the Well Runs Dry? (ss); Old Foot Forgot (ss); Old Halloweens on the Guna Slopes (ss); Parthen, (ss); Rivers of Damascus (nv); Sky (ss); The Ungodly Mice of Doctor Drakos (ss); The Wooly World of Barnaby Sheen (ss)]

Lafferty in Orbit. - Broken Mirrors, 1991. hc

[All Pieces of a River Shore (ss); And Name My Name (ss); Bright Coins in Never-Ending Stream (ss); Configuration of the North Shore (ss); Continued on Next Rock (nv); Dorg (ss); Entire and Perfect Chrysolite (ss); Fall of Pebble-Stones (ss); Flaming Ducks and Giant Bread (ss); Great Day in the Morning (ss); The Hand with One Hundred Fingers (ss); The Hole on the Corner (ss); Interurban Queen (ss); Old Foot Forgot (ss); One at a Time (ss); The Only Tune That He Could Play (ss); Royal Licorice (ss); The Skinny People of Leptophlebo Street (ss); When All the Lands Pour Out Again (ss)]

Iron Tears. - Edgewood Press, 1992.

[Berryhill (ss); By the Seashore (ss); Cabrito (ss); Funnyfingers (ss); Gray Ghost: A Reminiscence (ss); Horns on Their Heads (ss); Ifrit (ss); Le Hot Sport (ss); Lord Torpedo Lord Gyroscope (ss); Magazine Section (ss); Or Little Ducks Each Day (nv); Selenium Ghosts of the Eighteen Seventies (nv); Thieving Bear Planet (ss); The World as Will and Wallpaper (ss); You Can't Go Back (ss)]


About a Secret Crocodile (ss) //Galaxy, 1970. Aug

Adam Had Three Brothers (ss) //New Mexico Quarterly Review, 1960. Fall

All But the Words (ss) //Galaxy, 1971. July

All Hollow Though You Be (ss) //Lafferty R. Slippery and Other Stories. - Chris Drumm, 1985.

All Pieces of a River Shore (ss) //Orbit 8 /Ed. by D. Knight. - G.P. Putnam's, 1970.

All the People (ss) //Galaxy, April 1961

The All-At-Once Man (ss) //Galaxy, July 1970

Almost Perfect (ss) //Who Done It? /Ed. by A. Laurance & I. Asimov. - Houghton Mifflin, 1980.

Along the San Pennatus Fault (ss) //Amazing, 1986. July

Aloys, (ss) //Galaxy, Aug 1961

Among the Hairy Earthmen (ss) //Galaxy, Aug 1966

Ancient Sorceries (pm) //Four Stories, Chris Drumm, 1983

And All the Skies Are Full of Fish (ss) //Universe 10 /Ed. by T. Carr. - Doubleday, 1980.

And Mad Undancing Bears (ss) //The Berserkers /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Trident, 1974.

And Name My Name (ss) //Orbit 13 /Ed. by D. Knight. - G. P. Putnam's, 1974.

And Read the Flesh Between the Lines (ss) //Universe 4 /Ed. by T. Carr. - Random House, 1974.

And Some in Velvet Gowns (ss) //Lafferty R. Ringing Changes. - Ace, 1984.

And Walk Now Gently Through the Fire (nv) //And Walk Now Gently Through the Fire /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Chilton, 1972.

And You Did Not Wail (ss) Heart of Stone, Dear et al, Chris Drumm, 1983

Animal Fair (nv) //New Dimensions IV /Ed. by R. Silverberg. - Signet, 1974.

Apocryphal Passage of the Last Night Of Count Finnegan On Galveston Island (ss) Episodes of the Argo, United Mythologies Press, 1990

Assault on Fat Mountain (ss) //Beyond Time /Ed. by S. Ley. - Pocket, 1976.

Bank and Shoal of Time (nv) //A Spadeful of Spacetime /Ed. by F. Saberhagen. - Ace, 1981.

Barnaby's Clock (ss) //Showcase /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Harper & Row, 1973.

Beautiful Dreamer (ss) //Shock Magazine, 1960. Sept

Been a Long, Long Time (ss) //Fantastic, 1970. Dec

Bequest of Wings (ss) //Rooms of Paradise /Ed. by L. Harding. - Quartet Books (Aus), 1978.

Berryhill (ss) //Whispers, 1976. Dec

Bird-Master (ss) Four Stories, Chris Drumm, 1983

The Boding Itch (ss) Golden Gate and Other Stories, Corroboree, 1982

Boomer Flats (ss) //If, 1971. Aug

Brain Fever Season (ss) //Universe 7 /Ed. by T. Carr. - Doubleday, 1977.

Bright Coins in Never-Ending Stream (ss) //Orbit 20 /Ed. by D. Knight. - Harper & Row, 1978.

Bright Flightways (ss) //Chrysalis 3 /Ed. by R. Torgeson. - Zebra, 1978.

Bubbles When They Burst, (ss) //Galaxy, 1971. Nov/Dec

Buckets Full of Brains (ss) Mischief Malicious And Murder Most Strange, United Mythologies Press, 1991

By the Seashore, (ss) //Galaxy, 1973. Nov

Cabrito (ss) Pendragon Press, 1976

Camels and Dromedaries, Clem (ss) //F&SF, 1967. Oct

The Casey Machine (ss) //Episodes of the Argo, United Mythologies Press, 1990

The Cliff Climbers (ss) //Quark #1 /Ed. by S. R. Delany & M. Hacker. - Paperback Library, 1970.

Cliffs That Laughed (ss) //Magazine of Horror, 1969. Mar

Company in the Wings (ss) Heart of Stone, Dear and Other Stories, Chris Drumm, 1983

Condillac's Statue, (ss) //Alchemy & Academe /Ed. by A. McCaffrey. - Doubleday, 1970.

Configuration of the North Shore (ss) //Orbit 5 /Ed. by D. Knight. - G.P. Putnam's, 1969.

Continued on Next Rock (nv) //Orbit 7 /Ed. by D. Knight. - G.P. Putnam's, 1970.

Crocodile (ss) //Chrysalis 8 /Ed. by R. Torgeson. - Doubleday, 1980.

Day of the Glacier (ss) //Science Fiction Stories, 1960. Jan [First sf story by L.]

Days of Grass, Days of Straw (ss) //New Dimensions 3 /Ed. by R. Silverberg. - Doubleday, 1973.

The Doggone Highly Scientific Door (ss) //Lafferty R. Ringing Changes. - Ace, 1984.

Dorg (ss) //Orbit 10 /Ed. by D. Knight. - G.P. Putnam's, 1972.

Dotty (na) United Mythologies Press, 1990

Dream (ss) //Galaxy, 1962. June [==Dreamworld]

Dreamworld (ss) //Galaxy, June 1962 [==Dream]

The Effigy Histories (ss) The Man Who Made Models etc, Chris Drumm, 1984

The Elliptical Grave (na) United Mythologies Press, 1989

The Emperor's Shoestrings (nv) //Destination Unknown /Ed. by P. Crowther. - White Wolf, 1997.

Encased in Ancient Rind (nv) //Quark #3 /Ed. by S. R. Delany & M. Hacker. - Paperback Library, 1971.

Endangered Species, (ss) //Galaxy, 1974. May

Enfant Terrible (ss) //Ellery Queen, 1971. June

The End of Outward (ss) //Heart of Stone, Dear and Other Stories, Chris Drumm, 1983

Entire and Perfect Chrysolite (ss) //Orbit 6 /Ed. by D. Knight. - G.P. Putnam's, 1970.

Episodes of the Argo (nv) Episodes of the Argo, United Mythologies Press, 1990

Eurema's Dam (ss) //New Dimensions II /Ed. by R. Silverberg. - Doubleday, 1972. [Hugo Award]

Ewe Lamb (ss) //Lafferty R. Slippery and Other Stories. - Chris Drumm, 1985.

Faith Sufficient (ss) Four Stories, Chris Drumm, 1983

Fall of Pebble-Stones (ss) //Orbit 19 /Ed. by D. Knight. - Harper & Row, 1977.

Flaming Ducks and Giant Bread (ss) //Orbit 15 /Ed. by D. Knight. - Harper & Row, 1974.

Flaming-Arrow (nv) //Magic in Ithkar #2 /Ed. by A. Norton & R. Adams. - Tor, 1985.

Fog in My Throat (ss) //Superhorror /Ed. by R. Campbell. - W.H. Allen, 1976.

For All Poor Folks at Picketwire (ss) //Epoch /Ed. by R. Elwood & R. Silverberg. - Berkley, 1975.

The Forty-Seventh Island (nv) //Basilisk /Ed. by E. Kushner. - Ace, 1980.

Four Sides of Infinity (ss) //Frontiers 2 /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Collier, 1973.

Frog on the Mountain (nv) Nine Hundred Grandmothers, Ace, 1970

From the Thunder Colt's Mouth (na) //In the Wake of Man /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Bobbs-Merril, 1975.

The Funny Face Murders (nv) //New Terrors #2 /Ed. by R. Campbell. - Pan UK, 1980.

Funnyfingers (ss) Pendragon Press, 1976

Ghost in the Corn Crib (ss) //The Haunt of Horror, 1973. June

Ginny Wrapped in the Sun (ss) //Galaxy, 1967. Aug

Goldfish (ss) //Crank!, 1996. #7

Golden Gate (ss) Golden Gate and Other Stories, Corroboree, 1982

Golden Trabant (ss) //If, 1966. May

Gray Ghost: A Reminiscence (ss) Serpent's Egg, Morrigan, 1987

Great Day in the Morning (ss) //Orbit 17 /Ed. by D. Knight. - Harper & Row, 1975.

Great Tom Fool (ss) //Speculations /Ed by I. Asimov & A. Laurance. - Houghton Mifflin, 1982.

Groaning Hinges of the World (ss) //The Ruins of Earth /Ed. by T. M. Disch. - Putnam, 1971.

Guesting Time (ss) //If, 1965. May.

The Hand with One Hundred Fingers (ss) //Orbit 18 /Ed. by D. Knight. - Harper & Row, 1976.

Hands of the Man, (ss) //Infinity #1 /Ed. by R. Hoskins. - Lancer, 1970.

Happening in Chosky Bottoms (nv) //Amazing Stories: The Anthology /Ed. by K. Mohan. - Tor, 1995.

Haruspex (ss) Heart of Stone, Dear and Other Stories, Chris Drumm, 1983

Heart Grow Fonder (nv) //Future Corruption /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Warner, 1975.

Heart of Stone, Dear (ss) Heart of Stone, Dear and Other Stories, Drumm, 1983

The Hellaceous Rocket of Harry O'Donovan (ss) //The New Mind, Frontiers 2 /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Macmillan, 1973.

Hog-Belly Honey (ss) //F&SF, 1965. Sept

The Hole on the Corner (ss) //Orbit 2 /Ed. by D. Knight. - Berkley Medallion, 1967.

Holy Woman (ss) Dotty, United Mythologies Press, 1990

Horns on Their Heads (ss) Pendragon Press, 1976

Hound Dog's Ear (nv) //Strange Plasma, 1991. #4

How Many Miles to Babylon (ss) United Mythologies Press, April 1989

How They Gave It Back, (ss) //Galaxy, 1968. Feb

I Don't Care Who Keeps the Cows (ss) //Crank!, 1994. #4

I'll See It Done and Then I'll Die (ss) The Man Who Made Models, Chris Drumm, 1984

Ifrit (ss) //Perpetual Light /Ed. by A. Ryan. - Warner Books, 1982.

In Deepest Glass (ss) //The Berkley Showcase Vol. 4 /Ed. by V. Schochet & J. W. Silbersack. - Berkley, 1981.

In Our Block (ss) //If, 1965. July

In Outraged Stone (ss) //Frontiers /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Macmillan U.S., 1973.

In the Garden (ss) //If, 1961. Mar

In the Turpentine Trees (ss) Four Stories, Chris Drumm, 1983

Interurban Queen (ss) //Orbit 8 /Ed. by D. Knight. - G.P. Putnam's, 1970.

Inventions Bright and New (ss) //IASFM, 1986. May

Ishmael Into the Barrens (nv) //Four Futures /Ed. by R. Silverberg. - Hawthorn, 1971.

Jack Bang's Eyes (ss) Snake in His Bosom and Other Stories, Chris Drumm, 1983

John Salt (ss) Slippery and Other Stories, Chris Drumm, 1985

Junekyard Thoughts (ss) //IASFM, 1986. Feb

Land of the Great Horses (ss) //Dangerous Visions /Ed. by H. Ellison. - Doubleday, 1967.

The Last Astronomer (ss) Four Stories, Chris Drumm, 1983

Le Hot Sport (ss) //Terry's Universe /Ed. by B. Meacham. - Tor, 1988.

Long Teeth (ss) //Keyhole Mystery Magazine, 1960. Aug

Lord Torpedo Lord Gyroscope (ss) //The Berkley Showcase V. 2 /Ed. by V. Schochet & J. W. Silbersack. - Berkley, 1980.

Mad Man (ss) //If, 1964. Oct

Magazine Section (ss) //Amazing, 1985. July

Make Sure the Eyes Are Big Enough (ss) Golden Gate and Other Stories, Corroboree, 1982

Maleficent Morning (April 1960) (ss) The Early Lafferty II, United Mythologies Press, 1990

The Man Underneath (ss) //If, 1971. Jan

The Man Who Lost His Magic (ss) The Elliptical Grave, R. A. Lafferty, United Mythologies Press, 1989

The Man Who Made Models (ss) The Man Who Made Models and Other Stories, Chris Drumm, 1984

The Man Who Never Was (ss) //Magazine of Horror, 1967. Summer

The Man Who Walked Through Cracks (nv) //Chrysalis 3 /Ed. by R. Torgeson. - Zebra, 1978.

The Man with the Aura (ss) //Witchcraft & Sorcery, 1974. #10

The Man with the Speckled Eyes (ss) //F&SF, 1964. Dec

Marsilia V (ss) Golden Gate and Other Stories, Corroboree, 1982

Maybe Jones and the City (ss) //The Third Foundation, 1968. #80

McGonigal's Worm (ss) //If, 1960. Nov

McGruder's Marvels, (ss) //Galaxy, 1968. July

The Most Forgettable Story in the World (ss) //The Long Night of Waiting /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Aurora, 1974.

Mr. Hamadryad (nv) //Stellar #1 /Ed. by Judy-Lynn del Rey. - Ballantine, 1974.

Mud Violet (nv) //Demon Kind /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Avon, 1973.

Name of the Snake (ss) //Worlds of Tomorrow, 1964. April

Narrow Valley (ss) //F&SF, 1966. Sept

New People (ss) //IASFM, 1981. Mar

Nine Hundred Grandmothers (ss) //If, 1966. Feb

The Ninety-Ninth Cubicle (ss) //Weird Tales, 1984. Fall

Nor Limestone Islands (ss) //Universe 1 /Ed. by T. Carr. - Ace, 1971.

Of Laughter and the Love of Friends (ss) The Man Who Made Models and Other Stories, Chris Drumm, 1984

Oh Whatta You Do When the Well Runs Dry? (ss) //Lafferty R. Ringing Changes. - Ace, 1984.

Oh, Those Trepidatious Eyes! (ss) //Algol, 1977. #28

Oh Tell Me Will It Freeze Tonight (ss) //Frights /Ed. by K. McCauley. - St. Martins, 1976.

Old Foot Forgot (ss) //Orbit 7 /Ed. by D. Knight. - G.P. Putnam's, 1970.

Old Halloweens on the Guna Slopes (ss) //Fantastic, 1975. Aug

Once on Aranea (ss) Strange Doings, Scribners, 1972

One at a Time (ss) //Orbit 4 /Ed. by D. Knight. - G.P. Putnam's, 1968.

One-Eyed Mocking-Bird (ss) Golden Gate and Other Stories, Corroboree, 1982

The Only Tune That He Could Play (ss) //Orbit 21 /Ed. by D. Knight. - Harper & Row, 1980.

Or Little Ducks Each Day (nv) //Dystopian Visions /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Prentice-Hall, 1975.

Other Side of the Moon (vi) //Husk Magazine, 1960. Mar

The Pani Planet (nv) //Worlds of Tomorrow, 1965. Jan

Parthen (ss) //Galaxy, 1973. May

Pig in a Pokey (ss) //If, 1964. Dec

Pine Castle (vi) //Amazing, 1983. Sept

Pleasures and Palaces (ss) Snake in His Bosom and Other Stories, Chris Drumm, 1983

The Polite People of Pudibundia (ss) //If, 1961. Jan

Polity and Custom of the Camiroi (ss) //Galaxy, 1967. June

Posterior Analytics (ss) Snake in His Bosom and Other Stories, Chris Drumm, 1983

Primary Education of the Camiroi (ss) //Galaxy, 1966. Dec

Puddle on the Floor (ss) //New Constellations /Ed. by T. Disch & Ch. Naylor. - Harper, 1976.

Quiz Ship Loose (nv) //Chrysalis 2 /Ed. by R. Torgeson. - Zebra, 1978.

Rain Mountain (ss) The Early Lafferty, United Mythologies Press, 1988

Rainbird (ss) //Galaxy, 1961. Dec

Rainy Day in Halicarnassus (ss) The Back Door of History, United Mythologies Press, 1988

Rang Dang Kaloof (ss) //Playboy, 1972. Feb

Ride a Tin Can (ss) //If, 1970. Apr

Rivers of Damascus (nv) //Galaxy, 1974. Feb

Royal Licorice (ss) //Orbit 14 /Ed. by D. Knight. - Harper & Row, 1974.

St. Poleander's Eve (nv) //Chrysalis 4 /Ed. by R. Torgeson. - Zebra, 1979.

Saturday You Die (ss) //Artesian Magazine, 1960. Spring

Scorner's Seat (nv) //Saving Worlds /Ed. by R. Elwood & V. Kidd. - Doubleday, 1973.

Selenium Ghosts of the Eighteen Seventies (nv) //Universe 8 /Ed. by T. Carr. - Doubleday, 1978.

Seven Story Dream (ss) //Alfred Hitchcock, 1973. July

Seven-Day Terror (ss) //If, 1962. Mar

The Six Fingers of Time (nv) //If, 1960. Sept

The Skinny People of Leptophlebo Street (ss) //Orbit 16 /Ed. by D. Knight. - Harper & Row, 1975.

Sky (ss) //New Dimensions /Ed. by R. Silverberg. - Doubleday, 1971.

Slippery (ss) //Lafferty R. Slippery and Other Stories. - Chris Drumm, 1985.

Slow Tuesday Night (ss) //Galaxy, 1965. Apr

Smoe and the Implicit Clay (nv) //Future Power /Ed. by J. Dann & G. Dozois. - Random, 1976.

Snake in His Bosom (ss) Snake in His Bosom and Other Stories, Chris Drumm, 1983

Snuffles (nv) //Galaxy, 1960. Dec

Sodom and Gomorrah, Texas, (ss) //Galaxy, 1962. Dec

Something Rich and Strange (ss) //IASFM, 1986. July

A Special Condition in Summit City (ss) //Universe 2 /Ed. by T. Carr. - Ace, 1972.

Splinters (ss) //Shadows #1 /Ed. by C. L. Grant. - Doubleday, 1978.

Square and Above Board (ss) //F&SF, 1982. Oct

The Story of Little Briar-Rose (ss) East of Laughter, R. A. Lafferty, Morrigan, 1988

Symposium (ss) //Omega /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Walker, 1973.

Task Force Fifty-Eight and One Half (ss) The Early Lafferty, United Mythologies Press, 1988

Thieving Bear Planet (ss) //Universe 12 /Ed. by T. Carr. - Doubleday, 1982.

This Grand Carcass (ss) //Amazing, 1968. Nov

Thou Whited Wall (ss) //F&SF, 1977. Jan

The Three Armageddons of Enniscorthy Sweeney (nv) //Lafferty R. Apocalypses. - Pinnacle, 1977.

Three Shadows of the Wolf (nv) //F&SF, 1975. Mar

Through Other Eyes (ss) //Future, 1960. Feb

Thus We Frustrate Charlemagne (ss) //Galaxy, 1967. Feb

Tom O'Shanty's Aura (ss) //Witchcraft & Sorcery, 1974. #10

Tongues of the Matagorda (ss) Golden Gate and Other Stories, Corroboree, 1982

The Transcendent Tigers (ss) //Worlds of Tomorrow, 1964. Feb

Try to Remember (ss) //Collage, 1960. Dec

Two for Four Ninety-Nine (ss) The Man Who Made Models and Other Stories, Chris Drumm,1984

The Two-Headed Lion of Cris Benedetti (ss) //The New Mind, Frontiers 2 /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Macmillan, 1973.

The Ugly Sea (ss) //The Literary Review, 1960. Fall

The Ultimate Creature (ss) //Magazine of Horror, 1967. Nov

The Ungodly Mice of Doctor Drakos (ss) //The New Mind, Frontiers 2 /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Macmillan, 1973.

Unique Adventure Gone (ss) Snake in His Bosom and Other Stories, Chris Drumm, 1983

The Wagons (ss) //New Mexico Quarterly Review, 1959. Spring

The Weirdest World (nv) //Galaxy, 1961. June

What Big Tears the Dinosaur's (ss) Through Elegant Eyes, Corroboree, 1983

What's the Name of That Town? (ss) //Galaxy, Oct 1964

When All the Lands Pour Out Again (ss) //Orbit 9 /Ed. by D. Knight. - G.P. Putnam's, 1971.

Where Have You Been, Sandaliotis? (nv) //Lafferty R. Apocalypses. - Pinnacle, 1977.

The Wooly World of Barnaby Sheen (ss) //The New Mind, Frontiers 2 /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Macmillan, 1973.

World Abounding (nv) //F&SF, 1971. Dec

The World as Will and Wallpaper (ss) //Future City /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Trident, 1973.

You Can't Go Back (ss) //IASFM, 1981. Sept 28















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Lafferty, Raphael Aloysius //Библиография фантастики. - М.: Келвори, 1996. С. 268-269.

Гаков Вл. 200 биографий. Лафферти Р(афаэль) А(лоизиус) //Фантастика века /Сост. Вл. Гаков. - Минск-Москва: Полифакт, 1995. С. 590. [Портрет]

Вл.Г. Лафферти Р(афаэль) А(лоизиус) //Энциклопедия фантастики: Кто есть кто /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - Минск: ИКО "Галаксиас", 1995. С. 324-325. [Портрет]

Вл.Г. Лафферти, Р(афаэль) А(лоизиус) //Энциклопедия фантастики /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - М.: ООО "Международный центр фантастики", 1997. CD-ROM (HTML).


[Б.а.] Lafferty, R(aphael) A(loysius) //Tuck D.H., compl. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Through 1968. Vol. 1. - Chicago: Advent, 1974. P. 263.

Ash B. R.A. Lafferty //Ash B. Who Is Who in Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Elm Tree Books, 1976. P. 131.

[JC] Lafferty, R(aphael) A(loysius) //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Granada, 1981. P. 339-340.

[JC] Lafferty, R(aphael) A(loysius) //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - N.Y.: St.Martin's Press, 1993. P. 684-686.

[JC] Lafferty, R(aphael) A(loysius) //The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Ver. 1.0. - Danbury, CT: Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc., 1995.

[NG/JC] Lafferty, R(aphael) A(loysius) //The Encyclopedia of Fantasy. - N.Y.: St. Martin's Griffin, 1999. P. 555-556.


[Б.а.] Lafferty, R(aphael) A(loysius) //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1980. S. 414-415. [Foto]

[Б.а.] Lafferty, R(aphael) A(loysius) //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1988. S. 637-638. [Foto]

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