Диксон Г.

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Диксон, Гордон Р(уперт) (Dickson, Gordon R[upert]) (1 ноября 1923, Эдмонтон, Альберта, Канада [Edmonton, Alberta, Canada] - 31 января 2001, Ричфилд, Миннесота [Richfield, MN]) - американский писатель-фантаст.

Лауреат премий "Небьюла" (1966) за рассказ "Зовите его господином" и "Хьюго" за рассказ "Плащ и посох" и повесть "Потерянный дорсай" (1981).

Произведения Д. переведены на болгарский, венгерский, грузинский, китайский, корейский, монгольский, немецкий, польский, румынский, сербско-хорватский, словацкий, французский, чешский, японский.



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Вставить палку в колеса: Ф рассказ /Пер. с англ. И. Почиталина; Илл. А. Макарова //Искатель, 1967. № 2. С. 54-65.

Дружелюбный человек /Пер. с англ. В. Бука //Гея: Сб. научно-худож. Ф. [Альманах НФ] - М.: Мысль, 1990. С. 374-383.

Лалангамена /Сокр. пер. с англ. В. Баканова //ЗС, 1982. № 3. С. 31-32.

Машины не спорят //ЛГ, 1967. № 25. С. 13-15. [==Перфокарты не обсуждают]

Незваный гость /Пер. с англ. М. Гилинского //Дело рук компьютера: Сб. зарубежной НФ. - М.: Известия, 1988. С. 50-61.

Перфокарты не обсуждают /Пер. с англ. М. Беленького //Искатель, 1972. № 5. С. 91-99. [==Машины не спорят]

Ярбро Ч.К.] Сошествие на планету обреченных /Пер. с англ. В. Задорожного //Если, 1998. № 9. С. 115-230.

Спасательная операция //Иные миры, иные времена: Сб. Ф /Пер. с англ. - Л.: СП "Смарт", 1991. С. 47-67. [Пер. М. Гилинского]

Человек: Рассказ /Пер. с англ. А. Кривченко; Илл. Н. Востриковой //Ровесник, 1966. № 12. С. 20-22.

Человек /Пер. с англ. А. Кривченко //Вирус бессмертия: НФ США и Англии /Пер. с англ. - Минск: Изд.-просветительское агентство "Паблисити", 1992. С. 144-147. [Илл. Н. Черкасова]

Человек по почте /Пер. с англ. М. Левина //Пришельцы с небес: Старая добрая фантастика /Пер. с англ. - М.: ООО "Изд-во АСТ", 2002. С. 374-407.

Др. соч.:







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Act of Creation (ss) // Satellite, April 1957

Across the River (ss) // Asimov's SF, Summer 1977

The Adventure of the Misplaced Hound (w Poul Anderson) (nv) // Universe, Dec 1953

After the Funeral (ss) // Fantastic, April 1959

Amanda Morgan (na) // The Spirit of Dorsai, Ace, 1979

The Amulet (ss) // F&SF, April 1959

Ancient, My Enemy (nv) // IF, Dec 1969

And Then There Was Peace (ss) // IF, Sept, 1962

Armageddon, (verse), The Final Encyclopedia, Tor, 1984

Babes in the Wood (ss) // Other Worlds, May 1953

Ballad of the Shoshonu (song) //Sixth Year's Best SF, J. Merril ed, Dell, 1961

Battle Hymn of the Friendly Soldiers, (verse), Galaxy, Oct 1964

Beyond the Dar al-Harb (na) // Beyond the Dar Al-Harb, Tor, 1985

Black Charlie (ss) // Galaxy, April 1954

The Bleak and Barren Land (nv) // Space Stories, Feb 1953

The Breaking of Jerry McCloud (ss) // Universe, Sept 1953

Breakthrough Gang (ss) // F&SF, Dec 1965

Brother Charlie (nv) // F&SF, July 1958

Brothers (na) // Astounding, H. Harrison ed, Random, 1973

The Brown Man, (verse), The Final Encyclopedia, Tor, 1984

Building on the Line (nv) // Galaxy, Nov 1968

Button, Button (ss) // F&SF, Sept 1960

By New Hearth Fires (ss) // Astounding, Jan 1959

Call Him Lord (ss) // Analog, May 1966 Nebula Award

Carry Me Home (nv) // IF, Nov 1954

A Case History (ss) // F&SF, Dec 1954

The Catch (ss) // Astounding, April 1959

Catch a Tartar (nv) // Worlds of Tomorrow, Sept 1965

The Christmas Present (ss) // F&SF, Jan 1958

Cloak and Stagger (nv) // Future, Fall 1957

The Cloak and the Staff (nv) // Analog, Aug 1980 Hugo Award

Computers Don't Argue (ss) // Analog, Sept 1965

Counter-Irritant (ss) // Future, Nov 1953

Danger! Human! (ss) // Astounding Dec 1957

Dolphin's Way (ss) // Analog, June 1964

Don Jones (w Poul Anderson) (nv) // Earthman's Burden, Gnome, 1957

The Dreamsman (ss) // Star SF Stories #6, F. Pohl ed, Ballantine, 1959

E Gubling Dow (ss) // Satellite, May 1959

Enter a Pilgrim (ss) // Analog, Aug 1974

The Error of Their Ways (ss) // Astounding, July 1951

The Faithful Wilf (ss) // Galaxy, June 1963

Fellow of the Bees (nv) // Orbit #3, 1954

Fido (ss) // F&SF, Nov 1957

Flat Tiger (ss) // Galaxy, Mar 1956

Fleegl of Fleegl (ss) // Venture, May 1958

Friend for Life (ss) // Venture, Mar 1957

The Friendly Man (ss) // Astounding, Feb 1951

Full Pack {Hokas Wild} (w Poul Anderson) (nv) // F&SF, Oct 1957

The Game of Five (nv) // F&SF, Sept 1957 (& Apr 1960)

The General and the Axe (nv) // Infinity, Nov 1957

Gifts (ss) // Astounding, Nov 1958

The Girl Who Played Wolf (ss) // Fantastic, Aug 1958

God Bless Them (nv) // The Best of Omni SF No. 3, B. Bova & D, Myrus eds, Omni, 1982

Graveyard (nv) // Future, July 1953

The Green Building (ss) // Satellite, Dec 1956

Guided Tour, (verse), F&SF, Oct 1959

The Hard Way (nv) // Analog, Jan 1963

The Haunted Village (nv) // F&SF, Aug 1961

Heroes Are Made (w Poul Anderson)(aka The Sheriff of Canyon Gulch) (ss) // Other Worlds, May 1951

Hilifter (ss) // Analog, Feb 1963

Home from the Shore (nv) // Galaxy, Feb 1963

Homecoming (ss) // IF, Sept 1959

An Honorable Death (ss) // Galaxy, Feb 1961

The Hours Are Good (ss) // Galaxy, Oct 1960

House of Weapons (na) // Far Frontiers Vol. II, J. Pournelle & J. Baen eds, Baen, 1985

Idiot Solvant (ss) // Analog, Jan 1962

The Immortal (nv) // F&SF, Aug 1965

In Hoka Signo Vinces (w Poul Anderson) (ss) // Other Worlds, June 1953

In Iron Years (nv) // F&SF, Oct 1974

In the Bone (ss) // IF, Oct 1966

The Invaders (na) // Space Stories, Oct 1952

It Hardly Seems Fair (ss) // Amazing, April 1960

IT, Out of Darkest Jungle, (play), Fantastic, Dec 1964

Itco's Strong Right Arm (nv) // Cosmos SF&F, July 1954

I've Been Trying to Tell You (ss) // Fantastic Universe, Nov 1959

Jackal's Meal (nv) // Analog, June 1969

James (ss) // F&SF, May 1955

Jean Dupres (nv) // Nova 1, H. Harrison ed, Delacorte, 1970

Joy in Mudville (w Poul Anderson) (nv) // F&SF, Nov 1955

The Last Dream (ss) // F&SF, July 1960

Last Voyage (ss) // Science Fiction Stories, July 1958

The Law-Twister Shorty (nv) // The Many Worlds of Science Fiction, B. Bova ed, Dutton, 1971

Listen (ss) // F&SF, Aug 1952

Lost Dorsai (na) // Destinies, Feb 1980 Hugo Award

Love Me True (ss) // Analog, Oct 1961

Love Song, (?), The Last Dangerous Visions, H. Ellison ed, (hasn't appeared as yet)

Lulungomeena (ss) // Galaxy, Jan 1954

The Man from Earth (ss) // Galaxy, June 1964

The Man in the Mailbag (nv) // Galaxy, April 1959

The Man the Worlds Rejected (nv) // Planet Stories, July 1953

A Matter of Technique (ss) // F&SF, May 1958

Maverick (aka Walker Between the Planes) (na) // Worlds of Fantasy #2, 1970

Minotaur (ss) // IF, Mar 1961

Miss Prinks (ss) // F&SF, June 1954

The Monkey Wrench (ss) // Astounding, Aug 1951

The Monster and the Maiden (aka The Mortal and the Monster) (na) // Stellar Short Novels, J-L del Rey ed, Ballantine, 1976

Moon, June, Spoon, Croon (ss) // Startling Stories, Summer 1955

The Mortal and the Monster (aka The Monster and the Maiden) (na) // Stellar Short Novels, J-L del Rey ed, Ballantine, 1976

The Mousetrap (ss) // Galaxy, Sept 1952

MX Knows Best (nv) // Saturn, July 1957

The Napoleon Crime (w Poul Anderson) (nv) // Analog, Mar 1983

Napoleon's Skullcap (nv) // F&SF, May 1962

No Shield from the Dead (ss) // IF, Jan 1953

The Odd Ones (ss) // IF, Feb, 1955

Of the People (ss) // F&SF, Dec 1955

Of War and Codes and Honor (w Chelsea Quinn Yarbro) (na) // The Harriers, Baen, 1991

On Messenger Mountain (na) // Worlds of Tomorrow, June 1964

One on Trial (ss) // F&SF, May 1960

Operation P-Button (vi) //Infinity, R. Hoskins ed, Lancer, 1970

An Ounce of Emotion (nv) // IF, Oct 1965

Our First Death (nv) // F&SF, Aug 1955

Out of the Darkness (ss) // Ellery Queen, Feb 1961

A Outrance, (verse), The Final Encyclopedia, Tor, 1984

Perfectly Adjusted (na) // Science Fiction Stories, July 1955

Powerway Emergency (ss) // Northern States Power Company, 1972

Pro (nv) // Analog, Sept 1975

The Quarry (ss) // Astounding, Sept 1958

The Queer Critter (ss) // Orbit #5, 1954

The Question (ss) // Astounding, May 1958

The R of A (ss) // F&SF, Jan 1959

The Rebels (ss) // Fantastic Story Magazine, Winter 1954

Rehabilitated (ss) // F&SF, Jan 1961

Rescue (ss) // Future, June 1954

Rescue Mission (ss) // F&SF, Jan 1957

Rex and Mr. Rejilla (ss) // Galaxy, Jan 1958

Ricochet on Miza (ss) // Planet Stories, Mar 1952

Robots are Nice? (ss) // Galaxy, Oct 1957

Roofs of Silver (nv) // F&SF, Dec 1962

St. Dragon and the George (nv) // F&SF, Sept 1957

Salmanazar (ss) // F&SF, Aug 1962

Seats of Hell (na) // Fantastic, Oct 1960

See Now, a Pilgrim (na) // Analog, Sept 1985

The Sheriff of Canyon Gulch (w Poul Anderson) (aka Heroes Are Made) (ss) // Other Worlds, May 1951

Show Me the Way to Go Home (ss) // Startling Stories, Dec 1952

Sleight of Wit (nv) // Analog, Dec 1961

Soldier, Ask Not (na) // Galaxy, Oct 1964 Hugo Award

Soupstone (nv) // Analog, July 1965

The Star Fool (ss) // Planet Stories, Sept 1951

Steel Brother (nv) // Astounding, Feb 1952

The Stranger (ss) // Imagination, May 1952

Strictly Confidential (ss) // Fantastic Universe, Dec 1956

The Summer Visitors (ss) // Fantastic, April 1960

A Taste of Tenure (nv) // IF, July 1961

Tempus Non Fugit (nv) // Science Fiction Stories, Mar 1957

Things Which Are Caesar's (na) // The Day the Sun Stood Still, R. Silverberg ed, T. Nelson, 1972

The Three (ss) // Startling Stories, May 1953

Three-Part Puzzle (ss) // Analog, June 1962

The Tiddlywink Warriors (w Poul Anderson) (nv) // F&SF, Aug 1955

Tiger Green (nv) // IF, Nov 1965

Time Grabber (ss) // Imagination, Dec 1952

Trespass! (w Poul Anderson) (ss) // Fantastic Story Quarterly, Spring 1950

Turnabout (nv) // IF, Jan 1955

Twig (nv) // Stellar #1, Judy-Lynn del Rey ed, Ballantine, 1974

The Underground (nv) // Imagination, Dec 1955

Undiplomatic Immunity (w Poul Anderson) (nv) // F&SF, May 1957

Walker Between the Planes (aka Maverick) (na) // Worlds of Fantasy #2, 1970

Warrior (nv) // Analog, Dec 1965

Whatever Gods There Be (ss) // Amazing, July 1961

Who Dares a Bulbur Eat? (ss) //Galaxy, Oct 1962

With Butter and Mustard (ss) // F&SF, Dec 1957

A Wobble in Wockii Futures (nv) // Galaxy, April 1965

Ye Prentice and Ye Dragon (ver) //Analog, Jan 1975

Yo Ho Hoka! (w Poul Anderson) (nv) // F&SF, Mar 1955

Zeepsday (ss) // F&SF, Nov 1956
















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[Интервью, беседы]





[Б.а.] Dickson, Gordon Rupert //Библиография фантастики. - М.: Келвори, 1996. С. 133-135.

Гаков Вл. 200 биографий. Диксон Гордон Р(уперт) //Фантастика века /Сост. Вл. Гаков. - Минск-Москва: Полифакт, 1995. С. 583. [Портрет]

Вл.Г. Диксон Гордон Р(уперт) //Энциклопедия фантастики: Кто есть кто /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - Минск: ИКО "Галаксиас", 1995. С. 210-212. [Портрет]

Вл.Г. Диксон, Гордон Р(уперт) //Энциклопедия фантастики /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - М.: ООО "Международный центр фантастики", 1997. CD-ROM (HTML).

Дозуа Г. Об авторе: [Гордон Р. Диксон] /Пер. с англ. М. Левина //Пришельцы с небес: Старая добрая фантастика /Пер. с англ. - М.: ООО "Изд-во АСТ ", 2002. С. 372-373.


[Б.а.] Dickson, Gordon R(upert) //Tuck D.H., compl. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Through 1968. Vol. 1. - Chicago: Advent, 1974. P. 143.

Ash B. Gordon R. Dickson //Ash B. Who Is Who in Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Elm Tree Books, 1976. P. 85-86.

[JC] Dickson, Gordon R(upert) //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Granada, 1981. P. 169-170. [Foto Fred Haskell]

[JC] Dickson, Gordon R(upert) //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - N.Y.: St.Martin's Press, 1993. P. 331-333.

[JC] Dickson, Gordon R(upert) //The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Ver. 1.0. - Danbury, CT: Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc., 1995.

[DRL] Dickson, Gordon R(upert) //The Encyclopedia of Fantasy. - N.Y.: St. Martin's Griffin, 1999. P. 270.


[Б.а.] Dickson, Gordon R(upert) //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1980. S. 279-280. [Foto]

[Б.а.] Dickson, Gordon R(upert) //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1988. S. 382-384. [Foto]

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